So all of the Steven universe light games were delisted in December? bruh. I wanted those. please tell me that there's still a way to get them and it isn't too late bc I am very sad
So all of the Steven universe light games were delisted in December? bruh. I wanted those. please tell me that there's still a way to get them and it isn't too late bc I am very sad
If Steven is 15 in Attack of the Light and 16 in the movie does that mean that attack is after the original series ended? I mean I could not believe that steven was 16 cuz of that one episode where steven gets younger (i forgot the name)?
41 Votes in Poll
Lapis is a playable character now, and the Gems have their CYM forms!
Hello staff!
Recently, I noticed a minor inconsistency within the realm of Attack the Light pages. While I was able to "consistencize" Indigo, I noticed that the page name for "List of Orange Light Creatures" was the only inconsistent name in a group of "List of Orange Monsters" names. Like, it's now the only page with an inconsistent name.
Since normie scrub users like us can't rename this page, can someone please briefly fix this minor and solvable inconsistency (moving "List of Orange Light Creatures" to "List of Orange Monsters")?
However, I honestly somewhat agree that those aren't the best names. Maybe page names like "Orange Light Creatures" (with "Light Creatures" and no "List of") would be better for all of them. I dunno, you'd have to ask the people (maybe in the Voting Board) a bit later.
In the meantime, can we please fix this super minor issue?
I finally play Steven Universe's Attack The Light and I not sure whether or not should I continues playing the game
I loved the game so far but I find Gauntlet one which look like a treasure chest to be VERY HARD because not only your stuff suddenly disappeared for NO REASON but your enemies are very strong and i got 2 CGs Poofed themselves when they lose their health.
That's my only criticism of Attack the Light
I now understand how Nostalgia Critic and Angry Video Game Nerd playing a difficult game! It's HARD especially GAUNTLET! And no I didn't put on Diamond Mode which is essentially a Hard Mode for you guys!
So, at first they will make a new RPG, I am like "Oh it just you" by Ruby, I am fine, I like RPGs, but I am hoping for something related to ATL, and the next one just pump me up, so it just the sneak peek for a announcement, and more things will come in the future, get hype, guys!
I just beat Attack the Light last week, and I've been mulling some things over. There was another thread that brought up similar ideas, but it doesn't seem to have gotten very far, so this will be my attempt at it.
Now, to get the elephant out of the room first- Attack the Light is considered "second level canon", i.e. its own continuity, whereas the show is first level canon. That being said, at present, nothing in ATL's story directly contradicts anything in the show as yet (we can point to gameplay elements as doing so, e.g. Garnet poofing in battle and them immediately re-fusing without Ruby and Sapphire regenerating, but these are less concrete to deal with and will of necessity be ambiguous, so it seems reasonable to ignore these factors unless given reason otherwise), which means that inserting ATL's story into the show's overarching narrative wouldn't necessarily be impossible to do. Besides, the game's story is said to take place after "Fusion Cuisine", which means every event prior to that point would have also technically occurred in ATL's chronology, and by extension, the Light Prism logically existed beforehand as well in the show, off-screen. Bottom line: until something comes along to make ATL and the show irreconcilable, it makes sense to act as if they're all part of one continuity.
Now, with that out of the way, Gems are essentially holograms, but have mass and are semi-solid. The White Light and its offshoots are more or less the same, being equally tangible, and yet lack gemstones. Now, the other thread addressing this topic suggested that the Light Prism might in fact be or be similar to a gemstone for the Lights, citing the offspring of the Centipeedle Mother (which are solid, but lack gems of their own). This, however, doesn't seem entirely likely to me- the Prism was removed from the White Light's body and was in Steven's possession until the final battle, and we know a Gem's physical form can't be maintained if it's connection to its gem is severed. (If nothing else, Garnet was shown to tear out the gemstone of one of the Cluster Gems, with its body poofing immediately thereafter.)
Another idea thrown around is that the Light Prism creates projections similar to Holo-Pearl. However, this also seems unlikely, as Holo-Pearls and similar projections are shown to be rather fragile, while the Lights are highly durable; and these projections lack any minds of their own, at best having pre-programmed behaviors, while the Lights possess a fair degree of intelligence, even to the point of being able to have coherent conversations and (at the end) make their own decisions.
But then, it occurred to me- what if it's not the Prism that's similar to gemstones, but the other way around? What if the Light Prism is actually a (for want of a better term) ancestor of Gemkind? Instead of the source of the sentient holograms existing separately from them, it's instead incorporated directly into their bodies, providing an advantage in keeping them stable. The Diamonds could perhaps have been the first ones to undergo this metamorphosis (explaining Peridot's assertion that they're the Gem matriarchs), and then from there expanded the process, while also turning on and enslaving their own kind.
TL;DR- The Prism and Lights are "proto-Gems", and evolved or metamorphosed into the ones we know now.
There's virtually no evidence for this, I'll admit, but I thought it merited bringing up. Any other ideas?
Attack the Light is an amazing RPG, and although I haven't beaten it yet, I highly recommend it to anybody - even non-Steven Universe fans!
This price is most likely temporary, so get it before it goes back to $3.99!
Hey guys I want to talk about seeing more gems in attack the light. Like Peridot,Lapis,Jasper,Rose Quartz,Ruby,and Sapphire.We also need more fusions like Sugilite and Sardonyx and maybe being able to switch gems looks like 80's Pearl and pre-regeneration Garnet.
Like, Peridot, Jasper, and Lapis
There is a lot of stuff like those on the wiki that rarely serve any meaning such as Margarine and Jungle Bucks so, there should be pages for the Attack the light items.
I was thinking about Attack The Light this morning and I suddenly had a thought that I couldn't post then because church happened (and I was delayed even further when my dad somehow managed to leave me behind) but here it is:
We know that a Gem's form is a projection, like a hologram with mass. This projection comes directly from the gemstone which is the core of the Gem's being. Now, the light creatures are literally made of light, they have mass, and they are initially projected from the Light Prism. See where I'm going with this?
I think that the White Light might actually be a Gem, and the light creatures that scatter throughout the world after Garnet punches it are extensions of it, much in the same way that the centipeetles are extensions of the Centipeetle Mother. I know that they wanted to keep this all seperate from the whole corrupted gem thing in the show, but the way I see it, this does not contradict that at all because the individual light creatures aren't gems themselves, and White Light/the Prism doesn't look corrupted to me.
What do you guys think? Discuss!
(sorry if this post is awkward this is my first new thread since my introduction one)