i cant stop drawing their onesies bro its too cute
i cant stop drawing their onesies bro its too cute
In your opinion, why did White Diamond give the Pearl we knew from the beginning of the series to Pink Diamond while In your opinion, why did White Diamond give the Pearl we knew from the beginning of the series to Pink Diamond while this Pearl is clear about the location of her stone, her color, and even her personality and thinking, that she is conscious and flawless like her Diamond?
I saw Pearl as better than the others.
Here’s a drawing I made of Peridot eating a bucket of chicken.
24 Votes in Poll
The colours are a little messed up from the camera, but this is Tanzanite, the fusion of Marina Sapphire and Champagne Pearl. Name idea from @-bubblegumcookie** aka willow, tysm! Tanzanite is based on an orchestra conductor and inspired by Sardonyx and Opal. With Sapphire's smarts and Pearl's snarks, Tanzanite is pretty sassy and won't hesitate to correct anyone, so be careful! Originally I had forgotten to mention that Pearls' weapon is a double Kusarigama, so Tanzanites' weapon is a Bo Lang Gu, or "pellet drum" made from Sapphires' ice with the Kusaris as the pellets. She will often create rhymes about the situation and will keep the beat with her drum as she recites them. I used the Prismacolor Technique fireworks set of coloured pencils!
39 Votes in Poll
Sapphire's loyal Pearl. The two of them came from a colony owned by Yellow Diamond, but were made for Pink's court. A thousand years or so after being moved to Homeworld to be in a more useful position, they began to hear news of a strange colony owned by their Diamond. Most gems were apprehensive towards the odd looking Sapphire or straight up disrespectful towards her Pearl, and the both of them were fed up it and their boring, pointless (in their minds) jobs so Sapphire came up with an idea: travel the cosmos and visit places they've never seen, do something useful for someone new, see what a planet is like before being colonized, and first and foremost, see what the buzz on Earth is about.
Working on a small SU x Splatoon thing with Off the Hook and the Squid Sisters as gems! Will give further story later today when I have time to post Champagne Pearl. Whatcha think?
Do you think there could be other types of gems who serve the same/similar purpose of a Pearl? If so, what types? On other colonies?
20 Votes in Poll
What are your guys birthstones / zodiac signs?
For me I’m born on a Wensday on 1/20/2010
Im a Garnet (she would be proud of me rn)
And a Aquarius gal :D
Garnet when she found a out that she’s my birth/gem stone
Can Gems Be Corrupted, If You Said Yes The Diamonds Corrupted it before and It Can Be Rested Plus White Diamond Controlled Gems Before Like Blue Diamond And Etc. But, You're Wrong Well Half Wrong, Because Gems Are Made Out Of Light As We Know And If The Glitch From Pibby Glitch It Can If We Have The Cartoon Logic But If In Real Life Logic It Can't, I'm Not A Crazy Nerd Theorist But Maybe It Can't Corrupt The Light It Just Can Corrupt The Gems And When The Gem Is Corrupted It Will Distort The Light And Make The Gem Make The Projected Light Into A Different Shape Like The Diamond Corruption Where They Just Becomes Animals Like Centipedelle, And Etc.
Hey everybody! It's me: SamuelLouf! And I'm back with another theory.
I think that gems are all viruses. I have a few reasons to believe this :
They live off other organisms/things: They "steal" their energy from other planets/living beings instead of creating it, damaging/destroying their "host".
(Destroying planets / Or making living beings sick)
Ge(r)ms can fuse
The injector's shapes :
They look just like "bacteriophages": small viruses who inject their DNA in other cells/viruses to reproduce (to be precise, they will get into anther cell that can reproduce and inject their DNA as the model for new cells).
Now, let's debunk the "They were created by a now extinct species" theory.
Viruses exist here in real life. Why wouldn't there be, somewhere in the universe a form of life that resembles the gems?
Now let's get into deep science. Technically, if the universe is infinite, there is an infinity of planets that look just like our earth, on which all the exact same things happened except one. For example, this would mean that there is a planet on which Rebecca Sugar is president of the USA (infinite possibilitiiies).
This would mean that technically, there might be a galaxy ruled by three giant women randomly spawned into existence by stealing energy from a planet.
1. I have no neck, but a heart of gold,
Half human, half gem, a story to be told.
Though I may be small, my powers are grand,
Who am I, you ask? A hero in this land.
2.I am a gem of fiery passion,
Born from the love of two souls, a fusion of fashion.
One is red, the other blue,
Together they shine, a love story true.
Who am I?
3. I'm a gem, but not a diamond,
Pink's second, but rarely spoken.
My secret, I kept close,
Until the truth was broken.
Who am I?
4.I'm the only gem born in kindergarten,
But I'm the shortest, a little bit different.
My color's a deep and calming hue,
What am I? Tell me, it's up to you!
(Note: the answers may or may not be the tags!)
So I’ve been debating on if steven should have gotten roses sword instead of Connie. I could imagine how overpowered Steven could be with roses sword. Fighting enemy gems could have been much more easier. And he could’ve also taken Pearls sword-fighting training with Connie. There could’ve been so much potential with Steven having roses sword.
Do y’all think that the gems corrupted form is more damaged because they are gems?
Like for Steven,his corrupted form isn’t showing any damage to his gem like Biggs or Ocean Jasper. Even when he was uncorrupted he reverted back to his human form. While some gems reform with horns, their gems still having some corruption marks on their gem and for some still having corruption marks on their body in general. Steven is much more different because he is half human. At least that’s what I think.