Don't worry he got this
57 Votes in Poll
Do you wish Jasper got to play a bigger role in Steven Universe Future? It's a shame that she kept getting sidelined.
Did something happen in Season 2 or 3 that I missed (because I can't watch them without paying)
Steven rushed into the bathroom and immediately filled the tub. He threw the Diamond potions in. He ripped Jasper's shards out of his pocket and held them underwater. "Jasper... I'm sorry. Please, please come back." 1, 2, 3, 3, 5. Nothing "Please." Steven's tears seeped into the water. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 seconds. Nothing. Steven's grip on the shards loosened as they drifted further below. "No. No." Then the water began to glow. But the light was not from Jasper's Gem, but from the water itself. It began seeping through Steven's skin. "She's gone. She's really gone." He let the last shard drift out of his grip as he ripped his hands out out of the water and stumbled back. "I'm a monster!" Spikes and scales erupted from Steven's back and shot through the ceiling, as his hands swelled and turned to claws. He blinked and suddenly he was in a void, his own mind. Then the thoughts came. The butterflies like he saw as Stevonnie. All coming together, forming Jasper, but with chunks of her gem missing. "You... you did this to me!"
Do you think Jasper's gemstone should've made a cameo appearance in "Made of Honor"?
Do you dislike that Amethyst gave up on Jasper? When Steven sadly alluded to Jasper not wanting to attend Little Homeschool like almost everybody else, Amethyst coldly told Steven to forget about her.
Do you think that Quartz soldier with the helmet and the axe in Pearl's flashback in "Sworn to the Sword" was Jasper?
Cat Steven
Educated Pink Diamond
Pink Steven
White/Drone Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Pink Pearl, Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond
Depressed Blue Diamond
Force-Fused Garnet
Defective Amethyst
Breaking Point Bismuth and Steven
Mirror Lapis
Water Clones
Corrupted Jasper
Homeworld Peridot
Malachite and Sugilite
Zoo Connie and Greg
Cloud Connie
Abandoned Spinel
47 Votes in Poll
Jasper and Lapis Lazuli with Malachite’s colors
Jasper and Lapis Lazuli with Malachite’s colors
46 Votes in Poll
I hate making intros in writing- especially ones like this, so let's just go into it.
~Her pent-up anger and resentment toward Jasper.
Jasper has always bossed Peridot around for VARIOUS reasons. Most because Peridot is fumbly and impatient. This causes Jasper to become furious at her. In "Jail Break", Peridot is yelling at Jasper, telling her they shouldn't leave yet because the point of coming to Earth was to check on the Cluster. Jasper punches the wall due to the stress, causing Peridot to wince.
The sudden noise must've alarmed her because Peridot had no high anxiety levels before. Except for the fact that she was stressed out at Jasper for leaving so soon. She doesn't think too much about this because as soon as Jasper walks away, Peridot's body relaxes. Though, she is complaining about the incident by talking to herself.
Much later on, Peridot is seen once again, complaining to Jasper. Jasper ignores her and pushes Lapis around, causing Peridot to shoot Jasper a dirty look.
~Her fear toward Jasper based on what she can do to her (and possibly Lapis as well)
This could be because she's annoyed over the fact she's ignoring her, or that Jasper is pushing around Lapis.
Once Peridot is ordered by Jasper to shoot them, she does so reluctantly. After Jasper is stunned by the sight of Steven's shield, she orders Peridot to shoot once again. This time, she is way more aggressive and closer to Peridot. This causes Peridot to wince and frantically do so after fear.
Jasper pulls out the Gem Destabilizer, causing both Lapis and Peridot to back away in fear and/or shook. It would make some sort of sense why Peridot is afraid of it; she has probably been poofed multiple times by Jasper's short fuse. Peridot looks way more frightened by the weapon than Lapis is; Keep that in mind.
~The consequences of Jasper's abusement toward her, resulted in her panic attacks/meltdowns.
Days later, Peridot kidnaps Steven and threatens him into helping her fix the warp pad. (she could've got that from Jasper) Finding out that his spit does not fix everything, she repeats the word "No", And it grows into frustration. After Steven apologizes, she starts laughing, slowly falling to the ground into crying. (No tears were shown but her voice was cracking and she was audibly whimpering) She panics, saying she's going to die on earth and she puts her head to her knees. Steven attempts to comfort her; though, Peridot panics once again, telling him the world is going to be nothing momentarily.
While Steven is brushing his teeth, Peridot looks at him curiously. She seems to be rather jumpy today, asking if random objects are weapons. (this could be because of Jasper or her fear of The Crystal Gems.) When Steven declines once again, Peridot asks if a towel/rag is a weapon. Steven said that it could be, if rolled up. This frightens Peridot, who jumps and ducks her head to her knees and partially covers the right side of her head with her arm, in an attempt to defend oneself.
The very same day, just a few hours later, Steven is seen boiling a dish when he calls out to Peridot, telling her she is safe and that The Crystal Gems are gone. Peridot stammers, saying she likes it in here. As Steven continues to boil water, a crackle of thunder leaves Peridot barging from the room in fear she panics, running to Steven, informing him of The Cluster. As another sudden sound cracks, Peridot clings to Steven's arm, closing her eyes and screaming. She cries, tugging on his shirt, saying it's the end of the world. She begins to whimper before Steven informs her that it is not the Cluster.
When Garnet insists she helps her understand fusion better, she asks her to fuse with her. She has a quick reaction to this, falling over but quickly getting back up and cleaning herself off with her hands. She is blushing from embarrassment. When Garnet notices, she says it's fine, and that they could fuse at a different time. Peridot turned in the other direction and ignores her own feelings by telling herself (Garnet in this case) that she'll do it.
Peridot tells her that it will be fine and they attempt to dance with some music. However, due to Peridot's fear of fusing, she backs away, saying she can't do it and that she's sorry. When Garnet smiles and tells Peridot it's fine, Peridot gets confused and asks her why. (This reminds me of my own experiences. Jasper made Peridot feel like everything had to be fine and if, disobeyed, it would result in being poofed by Jasper. This taught Peridot to ignore her own strong emotions due to being afraid of the consequences of realizing how she actually feels.)
~Her protection, opening, supportment, and honest love toward Lapis Lazuil
She cares deeply for Lapis just like how she cares deeply for Steven and Amethyst. She loves her with everything she has. Being unable to express this verbally, she does this physically, and when this doesn't work out, she is very upset. She blames herself by calling her and her ideas "cloddy". Claiming that she knew she wouldn't like them. When she gets the idea by giving Lazuil her beloved Tape Recorder. She does so and proceeds to explain to her how it works, and when she hands the recorder over to her, Lapis talks into protesting that she doesn't want her "garbage". She breaks the thing with her bare hand and Peridot looks at it in a shocked manner, tightening her fists. She growls and furiously insults Lapis out of anger and confusion. (Which she tends to do a lot) She tells her she gets it, that she knows she's confused, and that she can never go back to Homeworld. She vents to her saying that Earth doesn't feel like home either, telling her she (Lapis) is alone. Peridot tells her ONCE AGAIN she understands what it feels like to be alone saying they're the same "Except, you don't have to be alone." Lapis furrows her eyebrows causing Peridot to speak again. "So tell me, whatever that is, I'll do it." She sighs.
Lapis demands her to leave, causing Peridot to- (omg why am I tearing up) causing Peridot to frown and accept her demand by walking away.