Redoing cause something deleted
Hey I have an OC that is a half-gem (Moon Gem) and I need names for fusions with her.
Those are:
Moon + Pearl
Moon + Garnet
Moon + Amethyst
Moon + Steven + Amethyst
Moon + Steven
Moon + Peridot
Moon + Steven + Pearl + Garnet + Amethyst
Moon + Connie + Steven
Moon + Moon (don't ask, it's my fanmade ability, something like levelling up) + Steven + Connie
Any ideas? Sorry I'm not good at making names for fusions
55 Votes in Poll
The voices of Amethyst, Hoppy, Cluster, Obsidian, Blue Lace Agate and Ocean Jasper!
66 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll
52 Votes in Poll
44 Votes in Poll
58 Votes in Poll
22 Votes in Poll
I apologize for my activity. I haven't been getting any notifications from FANDOM, so I havent been on.
I have again another random SU photo from my chromebook gallery, and later I'm going to send my drawings of Sugilite.
81 Votes in Poll
Hope you like it
Name Sheen Obsidian
Gem type: fusion (lapis, peridot, lion (you can't really see that in the design but he's there), Lion, stevonnie, Bismuth) 80% Gem 20% human
Basic gem abilities
Enhanced physical ability
nier invulnerability
Resurrected Physiology (Lion and lars powers
Speed of descent manipulation
Empathic telepathy
Shapeshifting flying Surfboard shield
(since Stevonnie is part gem I decided to make them look less like obsidian and more like a normal gem fusion)
Extra info: due to the eyes on her cheek she doesn't blush. like steven and Connie their pupils change shape unlike them each set of eyes is something different (for stevonnie its a 4 point star, for lion its a star, for bismuth its a hammer, for lapis its peridot's gem and for peridot its lapis's gem)
@Youarebetterthanme these are fact about obsidian
If obsidian exposed to water they don't have enough mush time to form a glass so instead become a glass they become a stone
Obsidian is not crystal but they are glass stone
Obsidian is also used to be a weapon in the stone age
Obsidian is also reffered to as a mineraloids
a piece of obsidian can cost $2 or $100 depending on the quality and processing it has undergone
The most rare obsidian is fire obsidian
This are for today hope you