What are your guys birthstones / zodiac signs?
For me I’m born on a Wensday on 1/20/2010
Im a Garnet (she would be proud of me rn)
And a Aquarius gal :D
Garnet when she found a out that she’s my birth/gem stone
I'm not sure what other characters I can make a themed loom band bracelet
I made cookies in our last cooking practical (when we cook/bake something in Food lessons) and I decided to add red, blue and purple smarties to one of the cookies to represent Ruby, Sapphire and Garnet!
Finally the image didn't flip 😃
Spessartite Garnet
Peridot + Garnet (Peridot + Sapphire + Ruby)
Yes, I know it looks horrible 💀
Also this wiki is dead as hell
Engine Block
Here’s the Engine sound of her car⬇️
I'm not good at drawing on a computer so its not good his name is Ruben he is a ruby with a gem in the shape of a flame and one of the only full blooded male gem his story ill post soon btw he is a off-color aswell
What SU character Do you think you would be friends with?
As a human or gem
Tbh i think Peridot and/or Ruby (As in Garnet ruby)
41 Votes in Poll
Apologies for my activity, I have been busy.
Steven, Ruby, and Sapphire with Sunstone’s colors
48 Votes in Poll