Its better than the sapphire one from last year right?
Its better than the sapphire one from last year right?
The colours are a little messed up from the camera, but this is Tanzanite, the fusion of Marina Sapphire and Champagne Pearl. Name idea from @-bubblegumcookie** aka willow, tysm! Tanzanite is based on an orchestra conductor and inspired by Sardonyx and Opal. With Sapphire's smarts and Pearl's snarks, Tanzanite is pretty sassy and won't hesitate to correct anyone, so be careful! Originally I had forgotten to mention that Pearls' weapon is a double Kusarigama, so Tanzanites' weapon is a Bo Lang Gu, or "pellet drum" made from Sapphires' ice with the Kusaris as the pellets. She will often create rhymes about the situation and will keep the beat with her drum as she recites them. I used the Prismacolor Technique fireworks set of coloured pencils!
Sapphire's loyal Pearl. The two of them came from a colony owned by Yellow Diamond, but were made for Pink's court. A thousand years or so after being moved to Homeworld to be in a more useful position, they began to hear news of a strange colony owned by their Diamond. Most gems were apprehensive towards the odd looking Sapphire or straight up disrespectful towards her Pearl, and the both of them were fed up it and their boring, pointless (in their minds) jobs so Sapphire came up with an idea: travel the cosmos and visit places they've never seen, do something useful for someone new, see what a planet is like before being colonized, and first and foremost, see what the buzz on Earth is about.
Working on a small SU x Splatoon thing with Off the Hook and the Squid Sisters as gems! Will give further story later today when I have time to post Champagne Pearl. Whatcha think?
What are your guys birthstones / zodiac signs?
For me I’m born on a Wensday on 1/20/2010
Im a Garnet (she would be proud of me rn)
And a Aquarius gal :D
Garnet when she found a out that she’s my birth/gem stone
I'm not sure what other characters I can make a themed loom band bracelet
I made cookies in our last cooking practical (when we cook/bake something in Food lessons) and I decided to add red, blue and purple smarties to one of the cookies to represent Ruby, Sapphire and Garnet!
Finally the image didn't flip 😃
Spessartite Garnet
Peridot + Garnet (Peridot + Sapphire + Ruby)
Yes, I know it looks horrible 💀
Also this wiki is dead as hell
group I have a question.
do you remember the part of steven universe future, where ruby and sapphire (as well as pearl, amethyst and spinel) lost their memories?
I realized that sapphire, when she said the future of ruby, had also said "that spinel".
So do diamonds have their own spinel?
Tell me what you think :3
Engine Block
Here’s the Engine sound of her car⬇️
Ones with text I dont have without
I don’t think Sapphires actually have future sight maybe they have like high iq that lets them predict the behavior of people
Steven, Ruby, and Sapphire with Sunstone’s colors