The colours are a little messed up from the camera, but this is Tanzanite, the fusion of Marina Sapphire and Champagne Pearl. Name idea from @-bubblegumcookie** aka willow, tysm! Tanzanite is based on an orchestra conductor and inspired by Sardonyx and Opal. With Sapphire's smarts and Pearl's snarks, Tanzanite is pretty sassy and won't hesitate to correct anyone, so be careful! Originally I had forgotten to mention that Pearls' weapon is a double Kusarigama, so Tanzanites' weapon is a Bo Lang Gu, or "pellet drum" made from Sapphires' ice with the Kusaris as the pellets. She will often create rhymes about the situation and will keep the beat with her drum as she recites them. I used the Prismacolor Technique fireworks set of coloured pencils!