Obviously the question of whether Limb-Enhancers make the wearer taller in general is redundant, thats what they’re mainly for, but I wonder if maybe they also manipulate the physical form of the Gem who wears them to morph them to be taller too?
I say this cuz in the earlier episodes and in all the model sheets, official artwork, etc, theres a clear difference between anytime Peridot is drawn with the Limb-Enhancers on or off, with her legs being clearly longer when wearing them then when not. I could see this being dismissed as just another case of the shows off-model art style that often leads to inconsistent heights, but I feel this is different because it’s actually not inconsistent at all. Nearly every single instance of official artwork when Peridot wears them has her drawn differently then when she’s not. That can’t be a coincidence.
If that were all there was too it I could again see this being dismissed as just a thing they chose to make the distinction clearer or something, just another art-style quirk they kept up. But, its not just Peridot that this happens too. The other 2 characters we’ve seen wear Limb-Enhancers, Squaridot and Amethyst, have the exact same thing happen to them. Squaridot is also a case where she, like Peri, got poofed before being first seen in her smaller form, one could potentially rationalize this is just a reforming thing. Amethyst though, didn’t get poofed before she put them on, and as we see, her legs appear to be longer then they were in the prior scene.
Lastly, if we take into account the idea that the actual “enhancer” part of the LE’s are the darker parts that represent the hands and feet, meaning the Gems wearing them have their own hands and feet in them up to that point, seems like by that logic they’d be about equivilant to the paint cans Peridot put on in Log Date 7 15 2, except there her height was only slightly affected whereas with the enhancers she’s clearly at least on par with Pearl or Lapis.
Lastly LASTLY, a very small thing, the first time we see Peri curl up in a ball like she does many times throughout the show, she has her enhancers on, and that seems like that’d be very awkward to do with your feet elevated unless the legs were elevated to match, even with a foot missing, and given how often she ends up in a fetal position later on, seems like it’d be a weird habit to have if it were that awkward to do, so chances are, it’s not.
If you’ve read all the way through this weird tangent I’ve gone on, thanks and what do you think? Do you have a different interpretation or idea?