26 Votes in Poll
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Sapphire's loyal Pearl. The two of them came from a colony owned by Yellow Diamond, but were made for Pink's court. A thousand years or so after being moved to Homeworld to be in a more useful position, they began to hear news of a strange colony owned by their Diamond. Most gems were apprehensive towards the odd looking Sapphire or straight up disrespectful towards her Pearl, and the both of them were fed up it and their boring, pointless (in their minds) jobs so Sapphire came up with an idea: travel the cosmos and visit places they've never seen, do something useful for someone new, see what a planet is like before being colonized, and first and foremost, see what the buzz on Earth is about.
I think that Blue Diamond is more powerful than Yellow Diamond.
I have a few reasons for this :
White has more colonies than blue who has more than Yellow who has more than Pink (This could imply that more power = more responsibilities)
In the episode "Your Mother and Mine" (S5E13), when the diamonds launch their attack at the rebellion(The Corrupting Light), we see Yellow's, Blue's, and finally White's hand (going from weakest to strongest?).
Most of the time, when the diamonds sing (like in "Let us adore you"), Yellow sings the lowest, Blue sings in a high voice, and White sings the main melody. There are also passages in which the diamonds will not sing at the same time ("Come on, come on, come on" : Yellow < Blue < White)
Also, in the nature, Blue Diamonds are way rarer than Yellow ones
57 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll
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49 Votes in Poll
She was banished at a young age on her planet called dromition age were there are dinosaurs and other creaters she was a theft but she was not realy her friend who she thought was a friend make her do bad stuff intile she was tricked and caught and was sent to earth were she learn to play instermants and she grow up there intell she mat steven she lived with him for 5 weeks and then the diamonds wanted to keep her for a playmate for spinel cause they can't leave spinel alone so now she lives with the diamons and spinel .Do you want to see her
P.S shes a saber tooth tiger but the saber tooth tiger from where she came from don't have sharp teeth and her gem is hiding under her hair and hat she also have her violin and walks on two legs and sometimes wears shoes if her paw are hot or cold she also fuses with spinel she is also insaine sometimes.her pet is a shapeshifting spinosaurus that can change into any dinosaur or a half humen half dinosaur.