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Aslan Kurabiyeler, ilk olarak "Taş Parıltısı" bölümünde Büyük Çörek'te gözükmüş çubuklu dondurmalardır.


In "Gem Glow", Lars explains to Steven that Cookie Cats were discontinued because they were not selling, so the Lion Lickers took over the market. Steven insists that nobody likes them and that they do not even look like lions. In "Lion 3: Straight to Video", Lion shows interest in the snack, possibly because he is also a lion. In "Nightmare Hospital", Steven is finally seen with one. He uses it to distract Lion from following him and Connieinto the Hospital. Lion shows great anticipation for the treat, even trying to consume it with the plastic wrapped on.

Appearance []

The popsicle is a light yellow color. It is shaped to look like a lion, such as its corn-yellow mane and its little eyes. However, the features are partially distorted from melting, causing Steven to say: "They don't even look like lions". It has a popsicle stick inside of it. It is sold in a plastic packaging with a stylized written form of "Lion Lickers" in the shape of a lion. The logo is a cartoon style lion head with the S in the logo shaped like a lion's tail. In the Big Donut, packages of it are in a display freezer.

Trivia []

  • Bu yiyeceğin dizaynı lisanslı karakterlerin üstüne basıldığı "ucuz" dondurmalardan esinlenilmiştir.
  • Ametist'in odasında kırılmış bir Aslan Kurabiye dondurucusu vardır.
  • "Kabus Hastanesi" bölümü için Christy Cohen gerçek hayatta Aslan Kurabiyeler yapmıştır.Onu yaptığında ekip "Bunu neden yaptığını bilmiyoruz. Kimse bunları sevmiyor. Aslana bile benzemiyorlar." diyerek "Taş Parıltısı" bölümündeki Steven'ın sözüyle şaka yapmışlardır.

