Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe Wiki
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  Patates Adam, ilk olarak "Patates Adam" bölümünde görünmüş bir karakterdir. "Rose'un Odası" bölümünde odanın içinde kızartma servisi yaparken görünmüştür.



Originally a mascot costume representing Beach Citywalk Fries, Steven placed a Crystal shard into it to help Peedee, and the crystal's horrid past turned it into a fast food monster by seeking out people to make them eat fries as it was commanded to do by Peedee Fryman, even if it meant hurting people to do so. Frybo was finally defeated by a coalition of Steven's clothes, which were also brought to life by the remaining Crystal Shards. The Frybo suit was given a fiery funeral at sea by Mr. Fryman.

"Rose's Room"[]

While Frybo was seen in this episode, he did not have a role and was not real. He was created by the room when Steven wished to go back to Beach City while in Rose's Room. When he was seen, he was motionless aside from placing boxes of fry bits on the counter repetitively.


  • Frybo's "blood" is ketchup, despite appearing to have bulging veins and arteries. This is revealed when Pearl disgustedly cries out about being covered in said red substance.
    • As veins are blue in color, this gives the impression that Frybo has blood rather than ketchup and mustard, and may have possibly been alive.

Cultural References[]

  • He bears a resemblance to Robbie the Rabbit from the Silent Hill franchise. More specifically, Silent Hill 3.
  • His pupils look somewhat similar to the popular arcade game character, Pacman.