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♫ Tớ sẽ chiến đấu để trở thành mọi thứ mà mọi người muốn tớ trở thành khi tớ lớn lên! ♫ |
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—Steven Universe |
Steven Universe ( tên đầy đủ là Steven Quartz Universe hoặc Sử-đế-văn Thạch Anh Vũ Trụ) là nhân vật chính của chương trình cùng tên. Cậu là con trai của Greg Universe và Rose Quartz,và là thành viên đầu tiên, duy nhất có tính chất của con người và là con lai của nhóm Crystal Gems.
Là một đứa con lai của Đá Quý và con người bởi nguồn gốc của mình, Steven là một sinh vật độc đáo vượt trội với sức mạnh bẩm sinh vượt trên cả con người bình thường và một Đá Quý. Khi chỉ là một đứa trẻ, Steven đã dần dần lớn lên từ một đứa trẻ quanh quẩn với nhóm Crystal Gems trở thành một người đồng đội của họ nhờ vào bản chất tốt bụng và tháo vát của mình. Mặc dù cậu là một phần của một di sản hoành tráng, nhưng Steven đã hứa sẽ hoàn thành trách nhiệm của mình như là người bảo vệ của nhân loại, giống như mẹ cậu trước đây.
Ngoại hình[]
Theo Pearl và Vidalia, Steven giống cả cha lẫn mẹ, Rose và Greg. Dáng người tương đối thấp, hơi tròn, chắc nịch. Cậu có mái tóc xoăn màu nâu sẫm và tròng đen toàn bộ, đôi khi có thể biến thành hình ngôi sao khi cậu phấn khích hoặc lạc quan. Cậu mặc một chiếc áo phông màu hồng cá hồi với một ngôi sao vàng ở giữa. Cậu cũng mặc quần jean xanh và dép xỏ ngón màu hồng cá hồi. Gem của cậu là một viên kim cương màu hồng mà cậu được thừa hưởng từ mẹ mình, nằm ở rốn của cậu. Theo tiết lộ trong tập "Steven's Birthday", khi cậu mười bốn tuổi, Gem của cậu sẽ ảnh hưởng tới tiến độ lão hóa của cậu, và cậu trông trẻ hơn so với thực tế.
Tính cách[]
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Cậu ấy là một cậu bé mập mạp, tràn đầy sự phấn khích. |
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—Rebecca Sugar |
Steven là một cậu bé lạc quan, thân thiện, hướng ngoại, nhân hậu và không lo nghĩ với một thái độ vô tư lự được ưa thích bởi nhiều công dân của Thành phố Bãi Biển theo cách này hay cách khác. Cậu có thiên hướng về mặt âm nhạc, một đặc điểm cậu được thừa hưởng từ cha mình, với khuynh hướng hay đột ngột hát và thỉnh thoảng chơi đùa với chiếc ukulele. Steven cũng rất tốt bụng, tử tế, và từ bi, điều mà Pearl nhận thấy rằng cậu thừa hưởng từ mẹ mình, và cậu rất yêu quý bạn bè và gia đình của mình. Cậu thân thiện với hầu hết mọi người mà cậu gặp (thậm chí với cả những người gây thiệt hại cho cậu), ít khi có ác cảm, và không phân biệt đối xử, không bao giờ đối xử với bất cứ ai với ý gây hại, kể cả những kẻ thù của cậu. Bất kể tình huống là gì, Steven sẽ luôn sẵn sàng hỗ trợ những người thân của mình, ngay cả khi điều đó có nghĩa là cậu phải liều mạng và cậu sẽ tránh sử dụng bạo lực nếu có thể. Cậu thà tạo thỏa thuận và chọn lý luận hơn là chống trả.
Steven luôn hướng về những người chăm sóc mình - Garnet, Amythyst, và Pearl - và coi họ là gia đình. Cậu muốn trở thành một anh hùng vĩ đại giống như họ, và cậu luôn háo hức được đi phiêu lưu cùng bộ ba ấy, để chứng tỏ giá trị của bản thân và vui chơi khám phá những vùng đất xa lạ. Mặc dù có sức mạnh phép thuật kém phát triển và thiếu kinh nghiệm, cậu đã chứng tỏ bản thân có tiềm năng trở thành anh hùng thông qua sự tháo vát, lạc quan và tự tin.
Steven khá ngây thơ và hơi xa lánh xã hội do sự nuôi dưỡng cô lập của các Gem. Steven chưa bao giờ đến trường, và trước tập "Nightmare Hospital", cậu chưa bao giờ đến bệnh viện hoặc had his vitals taken. While Steven is often prepared to go on adventures at a moment's notice, he has a habit of biting off more than he can chew, requiring the Gems to intervene. Mặc dù ban đầu Steven vẫn giữ được sự ngây thơ như trẻ con và không biết gì về những nguy hiểm mà cậu thường gặp phải, nhưng cuộc gặp gỡ của cậu với Homeworld Gems khiến cậu nhận thức được mức độ nghiêm túc của việc trở thành một Crystal Gems.
Điều này khiến Steven nhận thức được sự non nớt của mình, và cậu ấy quyết tâm vượt qua nó, mặc dù nỗ lực của cậu chính là nguồn gốc gây ra việc phá vỡ tình bạn với Connie để cô bé không bị tổn hại. Chỉ có bản chất nhạy cảm của Connie mới ngăn cậu đi vào một con đường xấu và cân bằng quyết tâm của cậu ấy. Steven đã trưởng thành hơn và đã có thể xử lý những tình huống khó khăn tốt hơn, nhưng sự nhiệt tình của cậu vẫn như cũ.
Sự trưởng thành của cậu đã phát triển lên một tầm cao mới khi cậu giúp Lapis và Peridot thích nghi với Trái Đất và đào tạo để làm chủ được sức mạnh của mình. Bây giờ cậu ấy đã sẵn sàng chiến đấu hơn trước để giúp đỡ và bảo vệ bạn bè của mình mặc dù cậu vẫn cố gắng giúp đỡ bất cứ ai, được thấy khi cậu cố giúp kẻ thù Jasper khỏi bị biến chất trong tập "Earthlings".
Like his mother, he appears to be very charismatic; easing a raging crowd (in "Political Power"), motivating his friends and father in working out, and helping Pearl to find her strength to fight Sugilite (in "Coach Steven"). His genuine kindness, sincerity, and capacity for empathy lets him inspire friendship, trust and love from most of the people he meets which enables him to mend others' inner turmoil and reach others who are otherwise closed off, most noticeably in the cases of Peridot and Lapis Lazuli.
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Nhưng sự thật là, bọn chị dựa vào em. Giọng nói của em truyền cảm hứng cho bọn chị, liên kết bọn chị, nhắc nhở bọn chị lý do vì sao bọn chị nên bảo vệ hành tinh này. Giờ em phải là giọng nói đó, cho họ. |
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—Garnet nói với Steven trong "The Return" |
Steven is shown to have unique tastes in entertainment. He enjoys the Crying Breakfast Friends! show despite his dad and the Gems' inability to understand its appeal. Steven is a bit of a romantic and loves the ending of The Spirit Morph Saga even when Connie does not agree. Despite his naivety in some aspects, Steven still has a more grounded and practical outlook than his three caretakers, often correcting them on normal human interactions. Despite frequently going on many fantastic adventures, Steven retains a tendency to be easily impressed. He is quickly enamored with Mayor Dewey's play, until Jamie points out its flaws. He is also shocked to find that his Watermelon Stevens are alive and admits that it should not have surprise him as much as it does.
While Steven is typically friendly and kind-hearted by nature, Steven's enthusiasm and excitability can get out of hand, and he ends up doing more harm than good. When this happens, he can be anywhere betwixt obnoxious, overbearing, and simply rude. Steven tends to let his inhibitions go out the window when doing something theatrical, as seen in "Tiger Millionaire", "Steven and the Stevens", and "Sadie's Song". His alter-ego Tiger Millionaire is the best example of Steven letting his passionate side get the better of him. It should be noted that this was partly Amethyst's fault.
The one and only time he has shown true anger and prejudice toward someone is Kevin in Beach City Drift for the way he treats Stevonnie. His dislike and desire to best Kevin leads him to convince Connie to fuse with him, and the anger Stevonnie inherits is strong enough that she hallucinates and causes the fusion to fall apart. It is Connie's sensible nature that convinces him to let his anger go.
Deep down, Steven feels guilt over his mother not being around, and a feeling of inferiority over not being able to live up to her reputation. He is also unwilling to talk about this with the Gems due to thinking they blame him for Rose being gone. The only ones he has told this to are Amethyst, Bismuth, and the Cool Kids. He told Amethyst that the reason he's working so hard is because he isn't Rose Quartz, and told Bismuth that he doesn't think he can live up to his mother's standards in the Gems' eyes.
In the episode "Mindful Education", it is revealed that Steven harbors great guilt over what he did to Bismuth, letting Jasper get corrupted and throwing Eyeball out of his bubble into space. Like his guilt over Rose he kept it buried deep down, in his words "not thinking about it" until it emerged while he was fused into Stevonnie.
Khả năng[]
Là con lai của người và Đá quý, Steven có thể sử dụng phép thuật, nhưng vẫn chưa biết rằng Steven có thể sử dụng các khả năng của một Đá Quý thuần chủng, như rút về trong viên đá quý của mình khi bị thương nặng. As associated with his gemstone, Steven's powers are maternal in nature and the control of his gemstone is based on emotional clarity.
Steven has shown to have some abilities of a regular Gem, but sometimes has little control of them due to not receiving enough training. He can warp using the warp pads, and bubble objects and gemstones to be teleported to the temple with seemingly full control. He is not strictly oxygen dependent and is vacuum resistant as shown in "Ocean Gem" and "Space Race". He also shows that he is able to fuse, as he can fuse with Connie to form Stevonnie. While in the beginning, they tend to fuse spontaneously when they dance while thinking about each other by "Beach City Drift" they fuse and re-fuse into Stevonnie at will. Furthermore, he has also been shown to be able to fuse with other Gems as well, as he fused with Amethyst to form Smoky Quartz in "Earthlings". Steven is also capable of shape-shifting, but he has not yet learned to fully control it. His first attempt in "Cat Fingers" was disastrous, temporarily turning him into a cat monster. He hasn't been able to change his form entirely, but can freely shapeshift parts of his body as seen in "Too Short to Ride". His greatest feat in shapeshifting is seen in "Steven's Birthday", where he is able to to use shapeshifting to make himself appear older. Despite his happy-go-lucky and cheerful attitude, he shows himself to be a competent shield fighter and is able to hold his own in most situations with his skill consistently increasing due to practice.
Hợp thể[]
- Khi hợp thể với Connie, tạo thành Stevonnie.
- Khi hợp thể với Amethyst, tạo thành Smoky Quartz.
Khả năng tự nhiên[]
- Thay đổi tuổi tác: Trong "So Many Birthdays", Steven có thể điều khiển được tuổi tác của mình qua trạng thái tâm lí. Giống như các đá quý khác, Steven's age depends solely on how old he thinks he is. Như trong "Steven's Birthday", cậu có thể thay đổi tuổi tác khi không bị căng thẳng hay tức giận. Tuy nhiên, cũng giống như co giãn, Steven có thể bị tổn thương nếu cậu dùng khả năng này quá nhiều và gây nên tác dụng phụ làm rối loạn tuổi thật của Steven. Không kiểm soát được thay đổi tuổi tác cũng bị gây nên bởi cảm xúc của Steven cũng như các khả năng khác của cậu.
- Biến hình: Steven possesses the natural shape-shifting abilities of gems, which he first displayed in "Cat Fingers", when he shape-shifts his hands to have cats for fingers, but then lost control rather quickly. As of "Too Short to Ride", however, he is shown to be much better at using this ability, being able to stretch most any part of his body at will repeatedly.
- Siêu sức mạnh: Steven occasionally performs feats of strength that would be impossible for a human boy his age - or even a grown man. In "Together Breakfast", Steven is able to lift and force the Together Breakfast in its mutated state into the lava pool without the other Crystal Gem's assistance. He also displays a large amount of strength in "Arcade Mania" when he rips off the top of the Meat Beat Mania arcade game to break Garnet from her trance. He displays an even further amount of strength in "The Return" when he smashes Greg's van's dashboard with a single punch, apparently hard enough to both shatter it and activate the airbags. In "Joy Ride" he's able to move Jenny away from the Escape Pod with little effort. Later on in "Friend Ship", he is shown to be strong enough to throw his shield hard enough to stun Peridot. When Peridot is unable to open the lid to the power grid in "When It Rains", Steven is able to open it with little effort. He is able to rip off the control panel from the drill machine when it malfunctions in "Too Far". In "Drop Beat Dad" he easily lifts a crate of musical gear, a task that requires two adult humans to achieve. As Gems are much stronger and durable than their appearance would indicate, Steven's superhuman strength is most likely passed down to him from his mother. In even more recent episodes, his strength is even more evident, as he was able to throw a large stone statue back at Bismuth, hurl a large rock at Amethyst, and throw Peridot into the air like a ragdoll. As seen in "Future Boy Zoltron", Steven's strength is underestimated and unintentional in situations himself, as even tapping on the Zoltron robot made it fall over and shatter into pieces.
- Siêu tốc: As shown in "Greg the Babysitter" Steven has the power to travel faster than any normal human.
- Enhanced Durability: As shown in "Steven vs. Amethyst" and "Bismuth", Steven is more durable than what his human physiology and stature would lead to believe. Befitting his nature as a half quartz Gem, his body can take a great amount of punishment, as seen when Amethyst swings him down from the air and into the floor of the Ancient Sky Arena, he is able to stand up and continue fighting despite being seen with torn clothes, scratches, and bruises.
- Resistance to Anti-Gem Weaponry: Because Steven is half-human, he is resistant to anti-Gem weaponry. He can pass through the yellow destabilization fields used in the Gem Warship and can grab the live end of a Gem Destabilizer with only mild discomfort.
Năng lực riêng[]
Các năng lực của Steven đều giống Rose Quartz vì cậu thừa hưởng đá quý của cô.

Steven's shield on its own.
- Triệu hồi khiên: Due to possessing his mother's gemstone, Steven có thể triệu hồi khiên của Rose. Vì sức mạnh của Steven vốn là của mẹ mình nên cậu cần phải cảm nhận cảm giác muốn bảo vệ người khác thật mãnh liệt. Lúc đầu Steven không biết cách gọi được khiên mà chỉ có thể triệu hồi nó khi đang bị nguy hiểm thật sự. As of "Sworn to the Sword", Steven is now able to not only summon his shield with little effort but also increase its size at will. He appears to have become quite skilled in wielding it as he was able to use it in conjunction with his protective bubble and defend against Pearl's strikes. Unlike some other Gems, instead of "pulling" his shield out of his gemstone, it appears over his arms similar to Garnet's gauntlets appearing over her hands. As of "Friend Ship", he has become completely capable of summoning his shield at any moment he requires it, even being able to scale his shield large enough to defend the Crystal Gems. It should be noted, however, that overuse of his shield exhausts Steven (such as using it three times in one day). The shield is remarkably durable, the greatest testament of its durability is shown in "The Return" when it was able to withstand a charged shot from the Gem Warship. As of "Crack the Whip" Steven can summon his Shield as many times as he wants without tiring, even summoning more than one.This shows that his exhaustion was possibly due to inexperience.
- Projectile Shield: Steven, when in great excitement, can shoot his shield as a projectile with great speed and power. In "Friend Ship," he weaponizes it as a ranged attack against Peridot, hitting her in the head with enough accuracy to temporarily stun her. In "Crack the Whip" Steven throws two shields at once in a sparring match with Connie. As seen in "Steven vs. Amethyst", Steven can boomerang his shield off of several targets, causing it to return to his hand. His shield also has razor-sharp edges and can cut through substances as tough as solid rock before returning back to him, hitting Amethyst in the process, showing Steven's growing skill in this technique.
- Shield Vibration: On certain occasions that Steven's shield is hit, it emits an audible vibration that disables magical constructs. In "Ocean Gem," it destabilizes Lapis Lazuli's water clones when a ball of water hit Steven's shield. It also seems to play a brief role in "Sworn to the Sword," when a Holo-Pearl attacks his shield, and it promptly deactivates (the same sound in the former episode can be heard as it does).
- Tag-team Combat: Due to the close bond they share, Steven can coordinate his shield techniques perfectly with Connie's swordplay, such as fighting back-to-back to defend and attack simultaneously or catapulting Connie from his shield for a powerful lunge attack.
- Dual Wielding: As seen in "Crack the Whip", Steven is able to manifest more than one shield.
- Chữa lành: Nước bọt Steven có thể chữa lành được cho cả người lẫn Đá quý. Peridot asked Steven to fix the Homeworld Warp with his saliva in "Catch and Release". Steven's healing capabilities have not yet been seen to the full extent of his power, but he is shown to be capable of healing cracked gemstones as seen when he healed Lapis Lazuli in "Ocean Gem". He can also heal common human injuries and conditions, seen when he healed Connie's eyesight in "An Indirect Kiss" and Greg's broken leg in "House Guest". During the end of "House Guest," the duct tape used to fix the Geode has the same sparkle effect as his saliva, and it is speculated that the duct tape replaced his spit, although the shine could've been used as an effect. In "The Test", Pearl remarks to the other Crystal Gems that he has lost his healing ability and that their test should hopefully increase his confidence and therefore prevent him from losing any other abilities. His loss of healing abilities could be purely psychosomatic. In "Monster Reunion", Steven's healing abilities came back to heal MC Bear Bear and is able to partially heal the Centipeetle Mother. In "Earthlings" Steven attempted to heal Jasper of her creeping corruption but was thrown back. In "Bubbled" Steven successfully heals Eyeball's cracked gem.
- Phytoanimation: In "Watermelon Steven", Steven discovers he has the ability to grow sentient flora in the form of watermelons shaped like himself. They acted as his bodyguards, but they are not directly under his control, and the Watermelon Stevens ignore his orders and attack whoever they think is threatening him, suggesting that he doesn't have full mastery of this ability thus far.
- Khiên bong bóng: Trong "Bubble Buddies" có thể triệu hồi khiên bong bóng. In "Sworn to the Sword," it is shown that Steven có thể triệu hồi bong bóng do phản xạ. In "Nightmare Hospital", it is shown that Steven can expand his bubble to push away enemies. In "Bubble Buddies" and "Bubbled", it is implied that the bubble can generate its own internal atmosphere, as Steven and Connie could survive in the bubble for hours despite it being air-tight, and would even allow Steven to breath inside one he had just generated in the vacuum of space.
- Khiên bong bóng gai: As shown in "Steven vs. Amethyst", Steven có thể biến khiên bong bóng thành khiên gai.
- Bong bóng giãn: Steven có thể giãn một bên của bong bóng, tạo thành một đường thông nhỏ.
- Empathic Telepathy[1]: In "Horror Club", Steven is able to sense the Lighthouse Gem Monster's presence as well as its emotional state. In the episode "Chille Tid", it is shown that Steven can communicate with Gems through his dreams. Steven talks to Lapis Lazuli mentally as he was dreaming. He also saw Jasper and Malachite in the same dream at Malachite's Realm and they notice him as well. Steven was later shown in "Gem Drill" to be able to communicate with a distressed Cluster while it was struggling to form. In "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" he helps Kiki battle her inner demons in her dreams. This ability has primarily come to light while other beings are under emotional turmoil. "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" shows with Kiki Pizza that Steven can also enter the dreams of other humans, but also that repeated use of this power can physically exhaust him, as sleeping in this state seems to provide no restful benefit that would otherwise be gained from typical sleep.
- Mind Transfer: First shown in "Super Watermelon Island", when he is able to take control of a Watermelon Steven, Steven is able to transfer his consciousness into another living being he has a connection with while his own body is asleep. The true mind of the host body lays dormant while he is in control of it. The full extent of this ability is unknown. In the "The New Lars" Steven has shown to be able to possess someone (in this instance Lars) he thinks about while he sleeps.
- Speed of Descent Regulation: As shown in "Steven Floats" Steven, like Rose Quartz, can levitate his body and even manipulate its gravity based on his emotions. When he thinks happy thoughts, he floats slowly to the ground, while when he is sad or angry, he descents much quicker. While floating slowly, anything he touches will also float just as slow, no matter how large. This also allows him to jump higher than normal, having been able to jump up to the temple's face and even above the clouds. It was first seen in "Rose's Scabbard" as Steven leaps to a floating land island to reach Pearl, however, her turning to suddenly look at him causes him to break in concentration and fall to catch himself on the island's roots. Steven is shown to have some control over his powers in "Steven vs. Amethyst" and in "Monster Reunion" when he easily leaps up to get to Centipeetle's bubble and safely descend again.
Attack The Light[]
Steven acts as the support character in Attack the Light. He is unable to be damaged and carries the items for the team. He sports the most moves in the whole team. However, none of his moves cause damage, unless you count the counter for Bubble Shield.
- Encourage: A move Steven has from the start. Steven encourages one of the Crystal Gems, healing them by 10 Harmony. Upgrades to this move increase the healing amount by 5 each time, ending up as a maximum of 30 Harmony. This move takes 2 Star Points and is best used as a substitute in battle for items.
- Bubble Shield: Steven uses his bubble shield to encase a Gem in it, protecting them from 1 hit. When they counter in the bubble, the enemy that is attacking takes damage, provided that the strike was melee. Upgrades to this move decrease the Star Point cost from 2 to 1.
- Escape: The name says it all. This move costs 4 Star Points and gives the Gems a chance to escape. Upgrades to this move increase escape chances and reduces the cost to 3 Star Points. Use only in dire circumstances.
- Ukulele: Steven uses his ukulele to play a song that has a variety of effects depending on the song. Each one must be unlocked separately.
- Cure Song: Costs 3 Star Points and cures everyone's status conditions. Best used if everyone is afflicted with a status and you do not have a Feelgreat Tea.
- Defense Song: Boosts everyone's Defense. Costs 3 Star Points.
- Strong Song: Buffs everyone's Attack. Costs 5 Star Points. It is better to use the Get Beefy Song unless everyone is fully healed and you don't have enough Star Points.
- Lucky Song: Buffs everyone's Luck and costs 4 Star Points.
- Get Beefy Song: The best song. It boosts everyone's Attack and heals everyone fully. Costs 7 Star Points.
- Cheeseburger Backpack: Where Steven stores the items. Steven has this move from the start but it is unusable until you get an item. Steven uses an item that does an effect depending on which item it is. Certain items, like gemstones and Level Up Charms, cannot be used in battle. This move costs 0 Star Points but can only be used once per turn.
Các mối quan hệ[]
Rose Quartz[]
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Mỗi khi con thấy yêu bản thân mình, đó là mẹ yêu con. |
” |
—Rose Quartz, trong "Lion 3: Straight to Video" |

Rose là mẹ của Steven, cậu không gặp cô trực tiếp vì Rose đã từ bỏ cơ thể của mình để sinh ra Steven, và cậu chỉ nghe về cô. Sự vắng mặt của Rose đã để một khoảng trống trong cuộc đời Steven, vì cậu lớn lên mà không có mẹ. Steven is therefore unsure of what to feel about her despite wanting to, which is rather difficult for him as everyone else knows how to feel about her. As put by Steven himself in "Steven Floats", his feelings for his mother are complicated. Regardless, Steven is willing to defend Rose, like when he snapped back at Lars when he called her weird.
After Steven had got to see the video tape Rose had left him in "Lion 3: Straight to Video", he was moved to tears when she expresses her love for him and grows more curious about the person Rose was. When Steven is sometimes troubled by the burden of being a Crystal Gem, he takes solace in continuing Rose's legacy by protecting the world like she wanted him to. As revealed in "Steven vs. Amethyst" though, Steven has doubts that he cannot measure up to Rose's greatness, which is why he works diligently to become a worthy successor to her legacy. He has also developed a habit of clutching his gemstone when he has something on his mind, possibly to seek support from Rose.
Steven cũng cảm thấy có lỗi khi Rose đã từ bỏ cả "cuộc đời" của cô đã sinh ra cậu, và Steven thường giấu kín điều này trong lòng và ít khi biểu hiện ra. One notable exception is in "Joy Ride" where he confesses to the cool kids that he suspects that the Crystal Gems are blaming him for Rose not being around anymore, shocking the teenagers. Gần đây Steven cũng cảm thấy rằng cậu sẽ không thể trở nên tài giỏi như mẹ mình trong mắt các Đá quý khác, and is one of the reasons he is training harder to master his powers and combat skills. In "Earthlings", he tells Amethyst that it sucks not being like anybody expressing his frustration of not being as powerful or skilled as his mother.
"Back to the Moon" and "Bubbled" cause Steven to have even more doubt on what he thinks about Rose after learning about the fact she shattered Pink Diamond during the Rebellion, first mentioned by Eyeball, then confirmed by Garnet later on. In "Mindful Education", one of Stevonnie's hallucinations is the giant head of Rose Quartz staring down menacingly at them, further highlighting Steven's doubts on what he should think of his mother.
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Dù sao thì có chuyện gì thế? Chỉ muốn gặp ông già của con thôi à? Đi dạo xung quanh và học bài học về cuộc sống à? |
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—Greg trong "Laser Light Cannon" |

Greg Universe là bố của Steven và cả hai có mối quan hệ cha-con khá khăng khít, Greg cũng ủng hộ Steven. Dù Greg không sống cùng với Steven nhưng cả hai thường hay dành thời gian bên nhau. Trong "House Guest" cho thấy Steven và Greg đã từng sống chung với nhau, khi Steven lớn lên, cậu ở cùng với các Crystal Gems để học cách sử dụng phép thuật - điều mà ông không thể làm. Kể cả khi Greg biết Steven được các Crystal Gems chăm sóc, ông vẫn bi quan về việc Steven đi thực hiện nhiệm vụ hay liên quan đến "những công việc của Đá Quý", và ông hay né tránh mỗi khi Steven nhắc đến vấn đề đó, nhưng đôi lúc cùng Steven tham gia giải quyết các vấn đề cùng với các Crystal Gems.
Khác với các Crystal Gems, Greg không suy nghĩ nhiều về việc Rose từ bỏ cuộc đời cô để sinh ra Steven inheriting her "Gem identity" - other than the latter getting Steven into situations that Greg does not approve of. As such he treats him much more like his own person and Steven does not seem to be feeling any guilt towards Rose's "death" when he is with his father. This is probably because as a human, Greg is much more familiar and comfortable with the idea of offspring as well as death; concepts which are strange and unfamiliar to the asexual and nigh-immortal Gems.
As a result, Steven is very comfortable and relaxed whenever he is in the presence of his dad as he provides a link to the human world, away from "magical Gem stuff". He also looks to Greg for advice on life, Gem affairs, and the like.

Steven ôm Pearl.
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Em thấy chị rất tuyệt. |
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—Steven nói với Pearl, "Rose's Scabbard" |
Pearl cư xử như một người chị, người mẹ luôn quan tâm, bao bọc quá mức với Steven (vì cậu là con của Rose). Pearl harbors mixed feelings for Steven deep down; while she cares deeply for Steven she also misses his mother, Rose Quartz, very much, as they were very close to each other when she was still alive. However, she shows a deeper affection than most for Steven, admitting to watching Steven once he has fallen asleep. She sees much of his mother in him, as Steven becomes a constant reminder of Rose, which is a bittersweet sentiment to Pearl. These feelings come to the surface in "Rose's Scabbard" where the revelation that Rose had apparently kept secrets from Pearl, her closest friend, and confidant, causes Pearl to break down mentally and run away from Steven and the other Crystal Gems. When Steven pursues her, she shows inward signs of resentment towards him, and Lion, which culminates in her apparent inaction when Steven misses a jump and almost falls to his doom. The two reconcile at the end of the episode, but as revealed in "Joy Ride" Steven no longer feels comfortable talking about the subject of his mom with the other Crystal Gems as he has grown to feel that they blame him for Rose not being around anymore. Even despite recent events, Steven does still feel comfortable enough to talk to Pearl about his problems in "Historical Friction". He unknowingly comforts her in stating that flaws are important to everyone and asks her to tell the real story of William Dewey. During the play, he waves to her while she is encouraging him. When he learns that pearls are made liberally as servants on Homeworld, he declares that she is not common, but she is amazing and tries to be better than she already is as said in "Back to the Barn".
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"Đừng cố trờ thành giống như Jasper. Chị chẳng giống gì Jasper hết! Chị giống em! Vì hai ta không giống bất cứ ai hết. Và đúng vậy, điều đó thật tệ. Nhưng ít ra em vẫn có chị. Và chị còn có em! Nên chị không thể loại em ra khỏi chuyện này được." "Đá quý dở tệ như tụi mình đoàn kết với nhau, đúng không?" "Vậy nên chúng ta mới là tuyệt nhất." |
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—Steven và Amethyst trước khi hợp nhất trong "Earthlings" |

Amethyst cư xử như chị lớn đối với Steven, often joking around with him and joining him in his misadventures. Pearl often scolds Amethyst for being too reckless with Steven when she misleads him such as in "Cat Fingers", which Amethyst admits is probably accurate. Steven seems to acknowledge Amethyst's reckless nature, calling her out when she did not help him in "Joking Victim" and worrying about her safety in "An Indirect Kiss". However, Steven cares greatly about and loves her, Amethyst loves and cares about Steven as well but doesn't show it too much due to her tomboyish attitude. In "Reformed", Steven misses Amethyst once The Slinker poofs, and he also liked her new forms as he found them funny.

Amethyst also tries to impress Steven because she wants him to like her. Steven secretly feels Amethyst blames him for his mother not being around. Amethyst is becoming more motherly as time passes. An indicator of this is in "Onion Friend" when Amethyst and Vidalia joke about kids, and that Amethyst is becoming more protective of Steven, in dangerous situations (such as grabbing Steven with her whip in "Friend Ship"), and when she lectures/scolds him about the dangers of stretching out his body in "Steven's Birthday". In "Steven vs. Amethyst" Steven tries to convince Amethyst how great she is, and tells her he understand about not being who your supposed to be when he tells her he isn't Rose Quartz which shocks her. "Earthlings" highlights their bond as he explains that he's just like her, that they aren't like anybody else as they are both different from normal gems, and to stop shutting him out, which leads them to fuse into Smoky Quartz. After the battle Amethyst leans into Steven, showing their new found closeness.
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Nói dối nha. Tên đệm của em là Bánh Cưng. |
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—Garnet trong "Future Vision" |

Garnet acts like a lenient and kind mother, always encouraging him and setting a good example. It is shown that Steven respects her as he always listens whenever she speaks. Steven usually asks Garnet for permission before anyone else, as shown in "Monster Buddies". As shown in the aforementioned episode, Garnet is usually open to letting Steven attempt things that Pearl may not, indicating that she has more trust in him than Pearl. Despite her stoic and somewhat distant nature, the two share an occasionally close and emotional relationship. She becomes emotional as Steven aged rapidly in "So Many Birthdays"; in "Future Vision" she shares her "future vision" to him- which she only does because she thinks he'd understand and it would bring them closer. Immediately after Sapphire and Ruby's re-fusion in "Jailbreak" Garnet acts a lot more emotional and loving towards Steven, indicative of the deep, true love that she has for him that her pre-regeneration self wouldn't, or couldn't, express.
Ruby & Sapphire[]

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Ôi Steven. Bọn chị đã yêu em rồi. |
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—Garnet xác nhận tình cảm của Ruby và Sapphire đối với Steven trong "Jail Break" |
Little is known about the relationship between Sapphire, Ruby, and Steven, other than they all care for each other, between Steven and the two halves of Garnet, but since Garnet is a Fusion Gem of the two, it can be assumed that their individual feelings for Steven are similar to, if not the same as, Garnet's feelings for him. This is confirmed in "Keystone Motel", as they both apologize to Steven upon arguing in the diner, which had driven Steven to tears. Sapphire even goes so far as to cry herself, out of guilt. In "Hit the Diamond", Steven is quick to hug both the gems when Garnet un-fuses, but is distressed over the two ignoring the game to flirt with each other, leading him to give them a pep talk/scolding, which both of them listen to. This shows that both Ruby and Sapphire love and respect Steven enough to listen to him.

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Bỏ tay ngươi ra khỏi Connie của ta! |
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—Steven tới Cluster Gem trong "Nightmare Hospital" |
Connie là bạn thân của Steven. They first see each other at a parade the year before they met. Steven is on a float for the car wash, and Connie is in the crowd; Steven thấy cô đánh rơi vòng tay phát sáng và Steven đã giữ nó trong ngăn lạnh để giữ cho nó phát sáng lâu hơn và sau này có thể trả lại cho cô. In Connie's debut episode, "Bubble Buddies", he saves her from a falling rock by using his gemstone to summon his bubble. He is initially very awkward and nervous to talk to her, even more so once they are trapped in the bubble because he is trying to stay calm, but is able to relax more once he gives Connie her glow bracelet. After defeating the Gem monster that is attracted to the glow of Connie's bracelet, Connie appears to be amazed by Steven, saying "He was incredible!" in reaction to everything that had happened.
Their friendship has grown and presently, they appear to be close friends. In "Lion 2: The Movie", they are shown casually hanging out. In "An Indirect Kiss", Steven and Connie are shown not to care about things such as sharing the same straw. In this episode, Steven discovers his healing powers, along with fixing Connie's bad eyesight. He also genuinely cares about Connie's safety and well-being as seen in "Winter Forecast", as well as in "Full Disclosure".
In "Alone Together", after they have a dance, they accidentally fuse to form Stevonnie. They are overjoyed by their ability to be fused and enjoy being Stevonnie, although it appears that they cannot control when they fuse. It seems to happen when they dance together while thinking about their feelings for each other. Connie, however, is terrified of the thought of her parents knowing about this or any of the magical things she does with Steven. It is for this reason that she lies to her parents about Steven in "Fusion Cuisine", saying that he had a traditional nuclear family. When he found out she lied, Steven feels hurt, believing that she was embarrassed by him. Fortunately, after she explains that she was simply scared of her parents not letting her see Steven again, he forgives her.
In "Sworn to the Sword", it is shown that Steven and Connie function extremely well in combat as a team, with Steven defending Connie with his shield and protective bubble while Connie attacks using her sword-fighting skills. Together, they manage to defeat multiple versions of Holo-Pearl and their ability to work well as a team was enough to surprise Pearl initially. However, Pearl is able to defeat them after she overcame her initial surprise. Pearl later admits that they work well together after she calmed down.
In "Cry for Help", a picture of Connie can be seen in Steven's room. During "Steven's Birthday", he expresses the assumption that Connie will become president as an adult and worries that his stunted growth would make him the "First Boy" when that happens, implying that he wants to marry her. Steven still seems to become awkward whenever Connie is close to him as shown in "Steven's Birthday" when Connie laid her head on Steven's chest.
Along with their love for each other Steven and Connie share an equal partnership and friendship. "Beach City Drift" shows their partnership in that they can now fuse into Stevonnie at will and when they un-fuse Connie shows Steven they are obsessed with Kevin. In "Gem Hunt", Steven follows Connie's lead while they are tracking the Gem. Both instances show that he relies on her intelligence good sense.
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Nháy mắt nếu nghĩa là cậu yêu tớ! |
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—Steven trong "Lion 3: Straight to Video" |

Sư tử là "thú cưng" của Steven khi cậu gặp chú trong "Steven's Lion" khi các Crystal Gems đang cố lấy Desert Glass. He has some connection with him, as Steven is the only one who can enter his pocket dimension. Sư tử hầu như dành thời gian làm những điều mình thích và thường không nghe lời Steven. Lion is also seen to be caring towards Steven as well as being aware of Steven's needs, like when Lion kept lying on Steven's head to show Steven his pocket dimension where it contained, among other things, a video left by Rose Quartz for Steven, after he said he wanted to know more about her in "Lion 3: Straight to Video".

Sadie is one of Steven's friends who, unlike her co-worker Lars, is friendly, considerate and affectionate towards Steven. In "Joking Victim", Steven helps Sadie by working at the Big Donut. Steven also helps Sadie to strengthen her relationship with Lars in "Island Adventure". Steven also filled Sadie's place in Beach-A-Palooza in "Sadie's Song", after realizing how he and her mother ignore her feelings to singing, later he is shown playing his ukulele with her singing having a sad smile on. This could hint he really is sorry and is trying to be more respectful to her wants.
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Anh thì biết gì về mẹ em? Em còn chẳng có cơ hội để biết gì về mẹ! Nhưng em biết rằng, mẹ thấy vẻ đẹp trong mọi thứ. Kể cả trong những thứ như thế này, và kể cả những tên ngốc như anh! |
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—Steven với Lars trong Lars and the Cool Kids. |

Lars appears to be annoyed by Steven. He is always making fun of him, although this may only be because he is jealous of Steven for being a Crystal Gem. Steven may be ignorant of this, however, because in "Bubble Buddies", he refers to Lars as his "BFF". However, in "Lars and the Cool Kids", he became angry with Lars and called him a jerk for insulting his mother. As of "Lars and the Cool Kids", Lars and Steven find a way to connect and Lars is seemingly on better terms with Steven. In some ways, Steven looks up to Lars, and is excited at the chance of being able to receive a high-five from him in "Future Vision". However, Steven does not hesitate to call out Lars on his bad behavior at times.

Onion is Steven's friend whom he talks to in the episode "Bubble Buddies". Steven addresses Onion as if they are good friends. In "Onion Trade", Steven gives his favorite action figure to him as a gift, despite the fact that Onion had originally stolen it. When they are not together, Steven expresses some confusion as to who and what Onion is, being unsure if he is even human in "Marble Madness". In "Onion Friend", Steven and Amethyst stay at Onion's house for dinner. It is there that Onion shows Steven around his room, inviting him to feed his pet snake and show Steven his collection of G.U.Y.S. and G.A.L.S.; he later gives Explorer Gal to Steven as a token of their friendship.
Peedee Fryman[]
Peedee is Steven's friend whom he helped out in the episode "Frybo". Thanks to Steven, Peedee earned the respect of his father and did not have to wear the Frybo suit anymore. They have a generally professional relationship of customer and cook (despite him usually ordering off the menu) though still enjoy each other's conversation.
Lapis Lazuli[]

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Steven - là - người bạn mới! |
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—Lapis Lazuli giao tiếp qua chiếc gương trong "Mirror Gem" |
Steven trở thành bạn của Lapis trong "Mirror Gem" khi được Pearl cho chiếc gương giam cầm Lapis bên trong. Một lát sau khi Steven dạo chơi quanh thành phố Bãi Biển, Lapis bắt đầu nói chuyện với Steven qua chiếc gương và cả hai thân nhau.

She wants to get out of the mirror and "tells" Steven how to do so. After she is free, she warns Steven not to trust the Crystal Gems and walks away. In "Ocean Gem", Steven is the one who insists on speaking to her and gets angry when she refuses to do so and hurts him and his friends. However, he understands Lapis' desperation to go home and heals her cracked gemstone, which, as a result, restores her eyes and wings. She thanks Steven before departing back to her home planet. In "The Message", Steven defends her and sings a song all about her and the previous events. Steven is very concerned about her, as he was distraught by her unhappiness while she was delivering the message. Later, Lapis gives Steven a message; she addresses him specifically. In "Jail Break", Lapis fuses with Jasper, forming Malachite, as a way to save Steven. Later in "Chille Tid", while the Gems are searching for Malachite, Steven's motivation is to save her from her fate of being trapped with Jasper. He soon discovers he can communicate with her through his dreams. While talking to her, Lapis refuses his help, saying, "Just let me do this for you!" "Same Old World" expands on their relationship as Steven helps Lapis find a home on earth. She easily carries him on her back and plays around with him in the air. "Barn Mates" expands things further as Steven tries to help Lapis and Peridot get along. "Alone at Sea" shows that Steven cares enough about Lapis to bring her on a trip on Greg's rental boat in order to help her get over her trauma and fear of the ocean because of her experience as Malachite.

Steven becomes friends with Centipeetle in "Monster Buddies" when he accidentally pops a Gem bubble which the Centipeetle Mother's gem is in. At first, she is unwary of her surroundings, being scared by the presence of the rest of the Crystal Gems. By approaching her calmly and feeding her Chaaaaps, Steven managed to calm her down, and later train her. She is even willing to risk her life to save Steven from a falling icicle. Steven believes she is not a monster and that he can help heal her in the future.
In "Monster Reunion", Steven defended Centipeetle from the Gems because they believed she would still be unstable, despite Steven healing her, however, she shows a great deal of appreciation after Steven reunites her with her crew.

Steven did not really know how to feel about Peridot when they first meet, but he seems to want to befriend her in "Marble Madness", approaching her without fear and even trying to have a friendly conversation with her. Of course, this does not go as well as he hopes and almost gets crushed by her. Despite this, he still believes she can be good and even said that maybe if she sees how nice humans are she might not want to hurt anyone. In "Keeping it Together", Steven is the first to find her. He quietly waits for her to finish her report instead of alerting the others until she notices him. When Peridot asks if the others are with him, Steven tries to lie by shaking his head "no" until he nods "yes" with an apologetic shrug. During the chase, Steven seems to care about her when he asks if she is okay after falling off the wall. In "Friend Ship", Steven is kind to Peridot by wishing her a good morning and weekend. During the battle, instead of being cold and ruthless to her as she does to him and the rest of the Crystal Gems, he teases her instead.
In "Catch and Release", Steven is worried and wants to know what Peridot is trying to say at the Galaxy Warp, and chooses to pop her bubbled gemstone and release her. After he finds out she is short, he calls her cute and teases her, leading to Peridot slapping him in some playful way. After offering her the foot of her limb enhancer suit, Steven becomes the only person Peridot allows into the bathroom after she locks herself in. Peridot seems to take the gesture extremely well and is on much better terms with Steven by the end of the episode. In "When It Rains", Steven comforts Peridot and explains the process of rain and says it is harmless. After Peridot steps out in the rain, she claims she has made up her mind about telling information about the The Cluster, leading to Steven giving permission to go to the Kindergarten only if they hold hands the entire way, due to Steven having to watch over her. Their friendship has been getting stronger, and they are trusting each other more, although in "Too Far", he is visibly upset (or embarrassed) at her calling him a "hybrid abomination".
Returning from a mission to the Moon base, Steven notices a small object in Peridot's hand. Steven asks Peridot into a truck to discuss something. Tricking Peridot, he locks her in the truck to question her about the object. Peridot reveals that is a direct communication line to the Diamonds. Shocked at her apparent betrayal, Steven leaves her locked in the truck and tells the other Gems of what occurred, very upset at Peridot for having learned nothing. Peridot soon escapes and activates her robot to retrieve the communicator.

Once she obtains it after a fight with the Crystal Gems, she opens an interface to Yellow Diamond.
Peridot reports the progress of her mission to her, omitting the interactions of the Crystal Gems. She then pleads a case to Yellow Diamond to stop the Cluster and spare the Earth, which Yellow Diamond spitefully denies. She then orders Peridot to let the Cluster be and report for her next mission. Outraged, Peridot refuses to follow Yellow Diamond's commands and greatly insults Yellow Diamond, marking her a traitor. Steven exclaims that her actions against Homeworld have made her an official Crystal Gem.
When the Cluster was beginning to emerge Steven and Peridot go down in the drill to destroy it. During a brief moment when the possibility of death is very real, Steven expresses no qualms about dying in Peridot's company. During this time he also says his "last words", which are "I love you, Peridot" to her, showing his care for her.

Steven finds Sardonyx funny and articulated as in "Cry for Help". It is known that Sardonyx has taken a liking to Steven too.

Steven first meets Opal in "Giant Woman". He is very eager to meet the fusion when Amethyst and Pearl reveal the information and the concept of fusion to him. First meeting her after she rescues him and Steven Junior from the Bird Monster, he is somewhat intimidated. However, she shows her affection for him by singing her song back to him, which makes him delighted.

Steven first meets Sugilite when he and the Crystal Gems went on a mission to destroy the Communication Hub. Impressed by her immense size and strength, she inspires Steven to become stronger. Sugilite, in turn, enjoys having an audience to her show-off actions. Steven quickly realizes how destructive Sugilite is, but does not seem to have any real issues with her and even looks forward to seeing her destroy the Communication Hub again, despite her attempts to destroy Pearl for having left her behind.
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Jasper...Tôi- tôi đã cố để giúp cô. Cô không chịu nghe. Tôi..tôi đã bảo cô dừng lại! T- tôi không có sự lựa chọn! |
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—Steven, là Stevonnie, đang nhìn thấy Jasper trong ảo giác của họ trong "Mindful Education" |

When Jasper first arrives on Earth with Peridot and Lapis, Steven seems immediately aware that she could not be reasoned with or befriended. At first, he is unnerved by her violent talk and intimidating stature, and since then he has been terrified of her. Jasper thinks Steven is in fact just Rose Quartz hidden in a weak constitution, possibly after regeneration. In "Chille Tid", Steven is horrified of Jasper, and Jasper immediately attempts to attack him in an incoherent fury. Jasper is possibly one of the only characters in the show that Steven has not expressed some form of compassion with. In "Super Watermelon Island" however, Steven calls out to Jasper as she falls into a crack created by The Cluster, showing that he values her life despite their animosity. This is shown again as he attempted to heal Jasper when she became corrupted in "Earthlings". In "Mindful Education", it is revealed that Steven harbors intense emotional baggage for being unable to help her, Jasper mid-corruption manifesting in one of Stevonnie's hallucinations as a result.
In "Beach City Drift", it reveals that his negative experience with Kevin as Stevonnie carried over to Steven full-force, being one of the few characters in the series Steven possesses hostility towards. He expresses a strong, enraged demeanor alien to Steven during and after re-encountering him at his dad's carwash, and is in a sour mood for the rest of the day. He even fuses with Connie and races him in hopes of rubbing it in his face. After realizing his obsession, he and Connie manage to let go of their anger towards him.

First seen the episode by the same name, Steven is quick to respond warmly, showing admiration towards her tales of past battles and laughing indulgently at her jokes. He is also quick to open up to her about his feelings towards his mother and remarks that he's glad she's with them. Upon refusing to resort to the use of the Breaking Point, he continues his attempts to reason with her and upon being forced to destroy her physical form, shows his respect to her by promising to tell everyone what happened, giving her closure before poofing. In "Mindful Education", it is revealed that Steven harbors intense emotional baggage for defending himself against her and impaling her with Rose's sword, Bismuth manifesting in one of Stevonnie's hallucinations as a result.
Các tập xuất hiện[]
Tin bên lề[]
- Steven được dựa trên em trai của Rebecca Sugar's, Steven Sugar, cũng là họa sĩ phần nền cho bộ phim.
- Sinh nhật của Steven là 15 tháng 8, cũng là sinh nhật của Steven Sugar.[2]
- When viewed from the back, the bumps of Steven's hair form a rose shape. Though this is more visible on the funko pop figurines than in the show.[3]
- In the transition from the pilot to the series, Steven underwent only one significant change, it being the removal of the gold ring around his gemstone.
- Steven được giáo dục tại nhà bởi các Đá quý.[4][5]
Cửa phòng của Steven (trước khi thuộc về Rose Quartz).
- In "Together Breakfast", he had a phone that resembles an iPhone, but Garnet snatched it from him to destroy it after he took a picture of the Evil Scroll.
- However, in "House Guest", a new phone can be seen on his nightstand and again in "Full Disclosure" when he uses it.
- Steven có thể chơi được nhiều nhạc cụ như đàn ukelele, ghita, ghita bass, trống và gần đây nhất là piano.[6]
- Steven được Greg dạy học đàn ukulele khi cậu cậu vẫn đang ở tuổi tập đi, như được thấy trong Extended Intro.
- Steven cũng có khả năng perfect pitch .[6]
- This ability is shown explicitly on "It Could've Been Great".
- It was revealed in "Monster Buddies" that Steven keeps a framed picture of Pearl on the side of his fridge. However, it was destroyed by the Centipeetle Mother.
- Steven seemingly can breathe in space, as shown in "Ocean Gem" when Lapis Lazuli confronts him at the top of her water tower, even though he has to hold his breath in Lion's Dimension in "Lion 3: Straight to Video".
- Trong "Warp Tour", Steven bị dị ứng với phấn hoa.
- Steven đã thành công khi hợp thể với một con người ( Connie), tạo thành hợp thể lai đầu tiên Stevonnie.
- Điều này là do cấu tạo nửa người nửa đá quý của cậu.
- Trong "House Guest", một quyển manga Sailor Moon có thể thấy ở trên đầu giường của Steven.
- Steven's voice noticeably matures throughout the series, especially noticeable when compared to the earliest episodes to the latest.
- Trong "Joy Ride", Steven tiết lộ rằng cảm thấy không thoải mái khi nhắc tới mẹ mình trước Crystal Gems vì cậu cảm thấy họ trách mình vì Rose mất.
- Được nói bởi Ian Jones-Quartey rằng Rose biến hình ra tử cung để sinh ra Steven.[7]
- Steven có nhiều gấu bông như Master of Ceremonies Bear-Bear và Sir Bearington.
- Steven seems to like drawing, as is shown in the episodes "Tiger Millionaire" when he drew the poster of Purple Puma and Tiger Millionaire, "Shirt Club" when he drew Greg, "Open Book" when he drew a picture of Lisa and Archimicarus from The Spirit Morph Saga, when he drew the locations map in Attack the Light, and when he drew Lapis Lazuli and Peridot holding hands on an apology card in "Barn Mates".
- His style is considered crude by many characters and is a recurring running gag throughout the series.
- Được thấy trong tập "Lion 2: The Movie", Steven có máu buồn .
- Dựa theo lời Rebecca Sugar, Đá quý mà Steven biết ít nhất là Pearl.
- Steven owns what appears to be a Nintendo 64, a Nintendo Gamecube, and a Nintendo GameBoy (which he keeps in his bathroom). He also owns what appear to be copies of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Animal Crossing. He is also shown playing a fictional game "Golf Quest Mini" on his N64. Many times it is only visible in a few frames, and in the distance. The N64 has been shown in Cheeseburger Backpack, Steven the Sword Fighter, and Rose's Room. The Gamecube has been shown in Lion 3: Straight to Video, Warp Tour, Future Vision, Open Book, Shirt Club, The Message, Joy Ride, Reformed, Sworn to the Sword, Chille Tid, Cry for Help, Keystone Motel, Onion Friend, Historical Friction, Catch and Release, When It Rains, Back to the Barn, Steven Floats, and Steven vs. Amethyst. The GameBoy has been shown in Catch and Release.
- Steven is referenced in another Cartoon Network series, Uncle Grandpa twice, first in the episode "Haunted RV", as a kid has a costume that resembles Steven's outfit, and second in "Pizza Eve" where he and the other Crystal Gems had a cameo, Steven himself even having a short line.
- In "Friend Ship", it is revealed that if Steven summons his shield multiple times he'll become fatigued. This is possibly due to inexperience.
- Steven sometimes refers to himself in the third person. This is possibly a riff on the "Third Person Person" trope. This was most commonly used by young characters in media to sound cute or endearing.
- Joe Johnston tiết lộ trên Tumblr rằng Steven là nhân vật mà anh thích nhất trong loạt phim.[8]
- Since Steven's biological age can be controlled by his state of mind, it is possible that Steven could live forever just like the other Crystal Gems if he learned how to control this ability.
- Steven has been shown to be prone to motion sickness, particularly when quickly spinning.
- Trong "Say Uncle", Uncle Grandpa , Steven nói cậu đánh bóng viên đá quý của mình một năm hai lần.
- Xuyên suốt chương trình, Steven được thấy biết nấu ăn. He is shown to have cooked various complicated dishes like the "Bữa sáng cùng nhau" trong "Together Breakfast" sandwich cá hồi trong "Onion Friend", và thường thấy nấu ăn một mình. Steven còn biết làm khoai tây chiên và pizza bagels vượt qua cả sản phẩm của Kofi Pizza và Mr. Fryman's, khiến họ van xin cậu đóng cửa nhà hàng vì sợ kinh doanh của họ sẽ bị phá sản. Có lẽ là vì các Đá quý không cần phải ăn (nor does any of it have to actually be edible in Amethyst's case), Steven phải tự học nấu ăn cho mình.
- Steven is the only character who is present in every episode of the show, and every episode is entirely from his perspective.
- Steven has shown with both Connie and Amethyst that he does not need to dance to fuse, only requiring physical contact and an emotional connection to his partner.
- A common trait between his fusions is that they may fall apart under high amounts of stress or emotion.
- So far, all of his known fusions use "they/them" pronouns. This is due to the fact that Steven has only fused with either a Gem, whom uses "she/her" pronouns, or Connie, a human female.
Đá quý[]
Image | Description |
Đá quý của Steven nằm giữa bụng của cậu (lỗ rốn). Nó có mặt cắt hình ngũ giác . |
- ↑ http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Telempathy
- ↑ Steven Universe panel at San Diego Comic Con 2016
- ↑ http://65.media.tumblr.com/25dab01f7d4207eb6460e9d020e1de47/tumblr_nzixqpMiM41qgz34fo4_1280.jpg
- ↑ http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2e4gmx/i_am_rebecca_sugar_creator_of_steven_universe_and/cjw8qv6?context=3
- ↑ http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2e4gmx/i_am_rebecca_sugar_creator_of_steven_universe_and/cjw1wnp?context=3
- ↑ 6,0 6,1 http://twitter.com/mcburnett/status/630892497216999424
- ↑ http://ianjq.tumblr.com/post/113794156834/i-know-that-the-gems-are-sexless-agendered-etc
- ↑ http://joethejohnston.tumblr.com/post/113581403973/do-you-personally-have-a-favorite-character-in