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Steven Universe Wiki
This article is about the particular ship on Earth. You may be looking for Gem dropships used by Homeworld.

Homeworld Gems used these ships to travel across the cosmos and land here on Earth before the warp pads were built. But these ships landed here so long ago that there's no way they can be functional.

Pearl, "Friend Ship"

The Ancient Gem Colony Ship is an Era 1 Homeworld Dropship and one of the only colony spaceships still remaining on Earth. This particular ship debuted in the episode "Friend Ship". It is currently in a state of disrepair and is no longer fully functional.

These ships were used by Gems to reach new worlds before the establishment of Warp Pads. They have become obsolete due to the advent of more advanced spacecraft, such as the Gem Warship and the Roaming Eye.


The Ancient Gem Colony Ship looks similar to a flying saucer and is made of a dull gray, stone-like material with three legs (most likely deployed as landing struts to aid in landing the ship). On the exterior of the dropship, the pink paint has completely eroded away apart from a small amount on the rim of the far edges. The interior is mostly a dull, stony gray, with salmon-pink crystals and consoles that have become overgrown with mushrooms and other vegetation over thousands of years.

The ship appears to be made primarily of stone or a material with a composition similar to stone. The ship also has signs of being older technology, having devices such as metallic spikes and gears. There are many traps and weapons inside, such as the trap Pearl and Garnet were in, and the gem-lasers that Peridot attacked the Crystal Gems with.

According to Pearl, the ship's internal system is beyond repair as she couldn't activate it to fly to Homeworld.


  • Entrance Area: The entrance area is the first area of the ship with a large vaulted ceiling. There is a long communications center with several features to communicate with the control room. One salmon-pink, hexadecachoron gem projects a holographic screen and another salmon-pink, hexadecachoron gem accepts audio input that goes to the control room, with a slight time delay. There are seven salmon-pink hexadecachoron gems attached to cords that can shoot lasers. To the left is a triangular hallway.
  • Spike Hallway: This tiled hallway contains stone spikes that can extend from the floor and walls. At the end is a hologram projector that Peridot used to trick Pearl. Beneath that is an octagonal trapdoor leading to a pit trap. In the end, it opens up into an upside-down trapezoidal prism.
  • Pit Trap: This is a deep pit with two layers; the top layer contains gem-powered gears and a screen to the area below. Once someone/something falls in, teethed doors close them in. The lower level is a stone pit that, when powered by the gem gears, slowly contracts.
  • Control Room: The control room is located directly below the smallest circle on the roof of the spaceship. It contains several consoles that project holographic screens displaying the interior layout of the ship.


"Friend Ship"[]

The Crystal Gems track Peridot using her Escape Pod and follow her via Warp Pad to the Ancient Gem Colony Ship. Inside the derelict vessel, Peridot utilizes its security systems to impede the Crystal Gems' pursuit. Garnet and Pearl are eventually caught in a trap, confined within a pit whose walls gradually move inward.

As the two ensnared Gems struggle to free themselves, Steven and Amethyst attempt to hinder the mechanism contracting the pit on the floor above. During this time, Pearl apologizes to Garnet for her recent behavior, feeling particularly guilty for deceiving Garnet into fusing with her. They ultimately reconcile and fuse into Sardonyx to drill out of the pit.

The Crystal Gems continue through the ship, eventually finding Peridot inside the control room trying to operate the ship's dysfunctional systems. As Peridot begins her escape through a hole in the ceiling, the Crystal Gems manage to grab onto her foot. Peridot is then forced to detach the mechanical limb from the rest of her body before flying away.

"Monster Reunion"[]

The semi-Corrupted Nephrite reveals to Steven details about her past and the Rebellion, including her position as the captain of the Ancient Gem Colony Ship. The two later make their way to the ship as Nephrite gradually reverts to her Corrupted form.

Once inside the vessel, Nephrite is reunited with her former crew, who have also transformed into centipeetles. The other Crystal Gems arrive shortly after and head home after agreeing to allow the centipeetles to live within the ship.

"Lars' Head"[]

The ship is mentioned by Pearl towards the end of the episode. She is visibly upset and states that they will never get the ship to fly in order to rescue Steven from Homeworld.

"Legs From Here to Homeworld"[]

The ship is seen when Steven takes Yellow and Blue Diamond to see the corrupted Nephrite. It is just outside the ship that the three Diamonds temporary heal her.

"Change Your Mind"[]

The ship is once again seen when Steven, Yellow and Blue Diamond take White Diamond to see the corrupted Nephrites, previously convincing the latter to help uncorrupt the Gems on Earth. The Nephrites are then seen later at the edge of Rose's Fountain intending to uncorrupt all the affected Gems at once.

"Growing Pains"[]

Steven flashes back to being trapped by Peridot in the ship.


  • The ship's interior is reminiscent of ancient temples in popular culture.
  • In "Adventures in Light Distortion", Peridot makes a comment referring to "Era 1 light kites" that may suggest Ancient Gem Colony Ships are not capable of faster-than-light travel.
  • These ships predate the Warp Pads and the Earth's Gem Kindergartens. This makes them at least 6,000 years old.
  • The Ancient Gem Colony Ship shares few similarities with the Gem Warship seen in "The Return" and "Jail Break". This is not surprising, as the warship was made using technology that was developed after the war on Earth.
  • Underneath the view screen of the pit trap, the four-diamond Great Diamond Authority symbol can be seen.
    Friend Ship 096

    Pearl projecting the ship's location in "Friend Ship".

  • Pearl's projection of the ship's location concerning the Warp Pads indicates that it is located somewhere in or near the country of Colombia.
  • This is the first Gem ship seen that is not visually based on or named after a body part.

Cultural References[]


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ve Objects
Food & Beverages Bagel SandwichBeastChaaaapsCheese BallsColonel Kernel's Classic Creamed CornCookie CatDog-NutDrink UpDurian JuiceFantastic FriesFry BitsGuacolaHynes KetchupLion LickersMargarineNut-DogPizza BagelPop-PopPotato ChipsSadie's LunchesSpicy PretzelsSugar Shock Shut DownTogether BreakfastUbeWaflWhip It UpYummy Apple Juice
Magical Items Crystal HeartData StonesDiamond Aura BottlesEternity ChaliceEvil Spirit ScrollFire SaltGarnet's GogglesGem BubblesGem PedestalsGem ShardsGemstonesGeodeHarmony CoreThe HourglassLight PrismThe MirrorMoon Goddess StatueShooting StarVolatile GemsWailing StoneWarp Pad
Musical Instruments Amethyst's DrumsConnie's ViolinGarnet's KeytarGreg's GuitarPearl's ViolinSteven's UkuleleWarp Whistle
Weapons The Axes of AgesBreaking PointConnie's SwordGem DestabilizerGem RejuvenatorGem WeaponsLaser Light CannonPearl's SwordsQuartizine TrioRose's Sword
Holding Items Cheeseburger BackpackHot Dog Duffel BagRose's ScabbardRose's Treasure ChestTiger Millionaire's Suitcase
Vehicles Earth: Andy's PlaneDondai SupremoGreg's VanHandmade SpaceshipInflatable RaftJenny's CarHot 2 TotMach 2Mystery Girl's MotorcycleOnion's MopedPolice CruiserRonaldo's ScooterS.S. Misery/S.S. Li'l LappySoapbox Derby CarSteven's BikeSteven's ScooterThe Universe Mach 3Yellowtail's Boat

Homeworld: Aquamarine's ShipAttack PodDestiny DestroyerDiamond Palanquins (Blue Diamond's PalanquinPink Diamond's Palanquin) • Diamond Ships (Blue Diamond's ShipPink Diamond's ShipWhite Diamond's ShipYellow Diamond's Ship) • Emerald's Personal ShuttleEscape PodGem WarshipHessonite's WarshipHomeworld Dropship (Ancient Gem Colony Ship) • Roaming Eye
Crystal Gems: Gem DrillGem Sloop
Off Colors: Sun IncineratorStar Skipper

Rides The AppalachianHyper SpaceJelly JigglerThe TeacupsTsunami
Games Citchen CalamityGolf Quest Mini

Arcade Games: Chrono Panic 4Meat Beat ManiaPunch BuddyRace RushRoad KillerSkee BallTeens of RageVirtua Teens of RageWhacker ManWhacker Man Jr.

TV Shows Camp Pining HeartsCanine CourtCrying Breakfast Friends!I Can't Believe My Stepdad's My SwordKoala PrincessLi'l ButlerUnder the Knife
Books BrigandBuddy Buddwick's JournalCarrion Amongst The CloverFOINEHow to Talk to PeopleLonesome LassoNOICEThe No Home BoysPassions of XanxorPretty HairstylistThe Spirit Morph Saga (The Unfamiliar Familiar)
Movies Dogcopter 3Evil Bear 2: Bearly AliveLonely Blade (Lonely Blade IVLonely Blade V)
Toys Alien Finger PuppetBass Fish Toy • Water Gun

Plush Toys: Master of Ceremonies Bear Bear • M.C. Bear Bear • Mr. Queasy • Peridot's Alien • Playful KittySir Bearington
Action Figures: B.O.Y.S.G.A.L.S. (Explorer Gal) • G.U.Y.S. (Dave Guy • Ranger Guy)
Props: Cluster PuppetGiant Cellphone PropJungle BucksWall Street Jungle Newspaper Prop

Machines Crystal Gem Machines: Pearlbot
Homeworld Machines: Gem SatelliteRed EyeInjectors (Attack InjectorsSpinel's Injector) • Shattering RobonoidsShell
Peridot's Machines: Crystal Gems: Attack DronesPeribotVisor Robonoids
Homeworld: Robonoids (Flask RobonoidsHand RobonoidPlug Robonoids)
Other Machines: Harmony Core SentriesRobot Shooty Thing
Misc. Items Aquamarine's WandThe Armor of the FallenBeach City StageBlue Diamond's Personal EffectsConnie's Glow BraceletChalkboardCurrencyDiamond CommunicatorDuct TapeGiant PennyGreg and Rose's PictureGreg's Music CollectionG.U.Y.S. DispenserHarpoon GunThe Heretic's AnguishKerry MoonbeamLimb EnhancersLubitz Cardioid Condenser 680Metal MuttMr. Universe ShirtOld Gem PaintingOnion's Birthday TapePearl's TreePeridot's Voice RecorderThe Philosophy Majors - Nietzsche's BreakdownPink Diamond's Personal EffectsPink Pearl's Ribbon WandReplicator WandRonaldo's PhoneRose Quartz's Video TapeRose's Battle FlagRose's PaintingSea PalsSoul BlasterSpace Train to the CosmosSteven's Birthday SuitSteven's MugSteven's PhoneSteven's TVSteven's Video Game SystemsT-Shirt CannonTag Team BeltTelescopeTemple GateTubeTubeVIP(IZZA)Weirdstar.StreamYellow Diamond Signal Flare
ve Locations
Beach City Businesses: Aqua-MexicanBeach City Funland (Funland ArcadeWiener in Hand/Hot Dogs) • Beach Citywalk FriesBeach City WoodsBig DonutBuddwick Public LibraryClassic ThymeCrab ShackDanny'sFish Stew PizzaIt's a WashMini-Golf CourseSpacetriesSuitcase Sam'sT-Shirt ShopU-Stor

Residences: The BarnBarriga ResidenceCrystal Temple (Beach House) • Miller Residence (Sadie's Room) • Onion's House
Other: Abandoned WarehouseBeach City PierBeach City StageBeach City WoodsBrooding HillDead Man's MouthLighthouseMayor's OfficeUnderwater SwordWater Tower

Crystal Temple and the Beach House Amethyst's ChamberAmethyst's RoomBurning RoomCrystal HeartGarnet's ChamberPearl's ChamberPearl's RoomRose's RoomSteven's BathroomSteven's ConservatorySteven's RoomSardonyx's Room
Earth Locations Africa: Ghana (Sahara desert)

Asia: China • India • Japan • Korea • New Australia • New Zealand • Philippines
Europe: Albania • Bulgaria • Greece • Italy • Middle East • Spain • Scandinavian Peninsula (Norway) • Russia (Siberia (Tunguska Sea))
Americas: North America: (The Great North (Newfoundland) • Greenland)
USA: Arizona • California • Delmarva (Charm CityOcean Town • Wilmington) • Empire State (Empire City (Le Hotel)) • Idaho • Georgia • Florida Island • Jersey • Kansas (Hollywood • University of Jayhawk) • Keystone (Keystone MotelThe Best Diner in the World) • Nevada • West Keystone (Showne) • Utah
South America (Brazil)
Antarctica: South Pole
Other: Cram School • Cool RanchHospitalMaheswaran Residence • Space Camp • Starlight Roller Rink

Space Locations Earth • Gem HomeworldJungle MoonKlavius 7Kyanite ColonyPink Diamond's ZooUpsilon 9Unknown Ocean planetUnknown Beach planetUnknown City planetUnknown Jungle planet
Gem Locations Earth: Ancient Gem Colony ShipAncient Sky ArenaBeta KindergartenCloud ArenaCommunication HubDesert (Rose's Landfill) • Flower MeadowForgeGalaxy WarpGem BattlefieldGeodeGreat North • Harmony Core Temples (Harmony Core Temple • Two Harmony Core Temples near the small island • Antarctic Harmony Core Temple near the South Pole) • Ice CavernKindergartens (BetaPrime) • Little HomeworldLunar Sea SpireMask IslandPearl's ArenaPearl's TreePrime Kindergarten (Prime Kindergarten Control Room) • Pyramid TempleRose's FountainRose's Secret ArmorySand FortressSea ShrineSky Spire

Earth's Moon: Earth Moon Base
Jungle Moon: Jungle Moon Base
Gem Homeworld: Blue Diamond's OnsenKindergartenPink Diamond's PalacePrison TowerThrone RoomYellow Diamond's Extraction ChamberYellow Diamond's Bubble Room
Colonies: Klavius 7 • Kyanite Colony • Pink Diamond's Garden • Pink Diamond's Zoo • Unknown Ocean planet (The Reef) • Unknown Beach Planet • Unknown City planet • Upsilon 9 • Unknown Jungle Planet
Other: Garnet's RealmMalachite's RealmPearl's DimensionPink DimensionWarp Space

Attack the Light Locations Beach City (Beach House • Crystal Temple) • the Desert • Indigo CaveRed Temple • Strawberry Battlefield • Sunken Lunar Sea Spire
Save the Light Locations Ancient Sky Arena • Astral Plane • the Barn • Beach City (Beach City Woods • Beach House • Crystal Temple) • the Forge • Gem Battlefield • the Great North • Hessonite's Warship • Secret Temple of Secrets
The Phantom Fable Locations Abandoned Ward • Arcane Acropolis • the Barn • Beach City (Beach City Woods) • Buried Bastion • Delta Kindergarten • Forgotten Forest • Library 9
Unleash the Light Locations Crystal System Colony 215 (Kindergarten)Demantoid's WorldPyrope's World (Blue 4) (Palace of Light)Yellow 4
Comic Locations Antarctic Harmony Core Temple • Canary CoveClock TowerEmpire City Wildlife Rehabilitation Center • Harmony Core Temple • Moors of MarcoonUniverse Family Camping GroundTemple of the Frozen Fragment and Scorching Shard • Two Harmony Core Temples near the small island