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Steven Universe Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of "Arcade Mania". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Steven's Lion" Next: "Giant Woman"
Speaker Dialogue
[Open Int. Underground Cave]
(The Crystal Gems are treading through a crystal path. Garnet shushes the rest to be quiet.)
Garnet This way.
(Steven's jacket makes swishing noises as they walk together, which irritates Pearl.)
Pearl *whispering* Ugh! Steven! This is a stealth mission! You're making too much noise! Take off the jacket!
Steven Ugh, but, I don't wanna catch a cold. *holds his jacket tightly*
Pearl Then why are you still wearing sandals?
Steven *looks at his sandals* I can be quiet. See? Stealth. *sticks his arms out straight to avoid making the noise*
Garnet We're getting close.
Pearl C'mon then.
(The Gems walk along, and Amethyst starts making noises that Steven's jacket makes.)
Steven *turns around* Amethyst! (Amethyst keeps making the noise.)
Pearl *annoyed* Steven!
Steven It wasn't me. (Amethyst is seen smiling.) Amethyst, you're making me look ba- (The ledge Steven is standing on starts to crumble.) Aaaaahh! *flails arms around*
Pearl Steven!
Steven *straighten his arms* Stealth.
(Steven falls over the cliff and plunges into the darkness screaming, only to be caught by Garnet at the bottom. Garnet holds him close, when a Gem creature emerges a hole in the ceiling. It starts to shoot crystal spikes at them, which Garnet easily dodges.)
Pearl & Amethyst Steven! *jump down from the cliff*
Garnet Stay down. *sets Steven down on the ground*
Amethyst Come on poofy. *carries Steven up and runs off*
Steven What about Garnet?
(The Gem creature tries to hit Garnet with its outer arms but fails, as she somersaults and dodges the attacks.)
Steven Go, Garnet, go!
(Garnet reaches the Gem creature and parries every attack by its inner arms. She then summons one of her gauntlets and punches into the creature's mouth. It explodes into a blue cloud, leaving behind crystal spikes, and Garnet emerges from the cloud with a spiky Gem in a bubble.)
Steven Wow! She's so fast. Garnet, you're amazing! How'd you even do that?
Pearl *points to the ground* Look! The little ones didn't explode. (The crystal spikes burrow into the ground.) They're drilling away!
Amethyst *drops Steven* I got it! *dives into one of the holes, getting herself stuck*
Garnet Let them go. *sends the bubble away* They're just parasites. If they want to be a problem, they'll have to answer to me.
Steven *slowly stands up* So coool.
Amethyst *gets pulled out by Garnet* I swallowed a rock.
[Trans. Beach City Boardwalk]
Steven We all worked so hard, we deserve a reward.
Pearl Sounds like you have something in mind.
Steven *starts giggling and dancing* I'm taking you guys to the best place in Beach City! Funland Arcade!
Pearl Do we have anything else to do?
Garnet We don't.
Amethyst Um, don't you need money for that place?
Steven Oh, don't worry. This one's on... *opens his jacket to reveal pockets full of coins* Meeee! (The Gems shield their eyes from the glimmers of the coins.)
[Trans. Int. Funland Arcade]
Steven Welcome to a wonderland of funtronic gameventions! *laughs*
Pearl Humans find such fascinating ways to waste their time.
Steven Pearl! *grabs her hand* Pearl, come on, you'll love this game! *leads Pearl away*
Pearl If you say so. *sits down at a racing game* Road Killer?
Steven Yeah, pick the car you like and just go for it!
Pearl W-well, which one of these buttons is my turn signal?
Steven None of them. Have fun. *leaves*
Road Killer Vroom-vroom, kill the road!
Pearl Oh... kaaay...
(Steven finds Amethyst and teaches her to use the Skeeball machine.)
Steven *gives Amethyst a ball* This is Skee Ball. You roll the ball into the hole, and then you can even win tickets for prizes. *points towards the prize booth*
(Onion turns a pile of tickets in to Mr. Smiley, who gives him a small moped.)
Steven Woah, Onion's the ticket master!
Amethyst Cool.
Steven Alright, good luck. *leaves, and Amethyst smiles devilishly*
(Steven finds Garnet and attempts to introduce another game to her too.)
Teens of Rage Teens of Rage.
Steven Garnet, this game is perfect for you! You seem like a Joe Rock kinda gal. His special move is... Forward, forward, back, tap towards half circle, medium kick- Oh wait! Maybe that's an aerial move. Just punch and you'll be fine.
Teens of Rage Come on, chump!
Garnet *literally punches the screen of the game machine* I did it.
Steven *nervously* Uhh... Let's try something else. *leads her to Punch Buddy* Okay, this is a game you can actually punch.
Punch Buddy Come on, give it your best shot, kid.
Garnet *swats Punch Buddy with one hand, sending it flying off the machine*
Punch Buddy Tell my wife I'm sorry!
Garnet I win again.
Steven *searching frantically* Uh... uhm, how about that one? Meat Beat Mania. There's no violence in this game. Just shake the meat, to the beat. *hands Garnet the ham controllers*
(Garnet begins to play, as the game encourages her every move, and performs very well.)
Steven Awesome! Garnet, you're so good at this. *laughs and sighs in relief* I wonder how the others are doing.
(Steven walks back over to Pearl.)
Road Killer You're horrible!
Pearl Stop saying that!
Steven Having fun?
Pearl *annoyed* Why am I doing so badly? I haven't crashed into anything!
Steven You're supposed to crash into everything!
Pearl What?! That's horrible!
Road Killer You're horrible!
Steven *notices Amethyst cheating* Amethyst!
(Amethyst straddles the outer ring of the Skeeball machine, dropping skeeballs directly into the center hole, attaining a huge pile of tickets.)
Steven What are you doing?!
Amethyst Imma win an airplane!
Steven *stops Amethyst* That's cheating! You're gonna get us in so much troub-
Mr. Smiley *interrupts* Hey, you guys know what happened to Teens of Rage?
Steven ...Let's run! *drags Amethyst away*
Amethyst This place is fun!
Steven Pearl, we're leaving!
Pearl *still playing Road Killer* Ugh, good. *leaves, as the in-game car crashes*
Road Killer You're fantastic!
Steven Garnet, we're leaving! (Garnet is still playing Meat Beat Mania.)
Mr. Smiley *picks up the broken Punch Buddy* What happened to Punch Buddy? Who did this to you?! *looks around angrily*
Steven *panicked* Wah! Uh, see you at home! *leaves with Pearl and Amethyst*
[Time Skipā€”next day]
[Trans. Int. Crystal Temple]
(Steven eats breakfast, Amethyst lounges on the couch, and Pearl practices with her spear.)
Steven *eating cereal* So, what's today's mission? I hope it's... fighting, a giant... foot!
Pearl *twirls her spear around* If we're supposed to fight a "giant foot", Garnet would let us know.
Amethyst Yeah, Garnet's the boss.
Pearl Well, we're all a team. Garnet just has heightened perception that guides us towards our mission objective.
Amethyst Yeah, she's the boss.
Steven So where is she? *eats some cereal* Fighting the foot?
Pearl She's not "fighting the foot". You know, Garnet goes off on missions without us all the time. She's probably doing something very important.
Amethyst Oh wait, Steven! I just remembered, Garnet had a special mission for you!
Steven Really?!
Amethyst Yeah, she says um, you have to slam your face into that bowl of cereal.
Steven Okay. *dunks his face into his bowl of cereal*
Amethyst Good job Steven! You stopped the foot!
Pearl There is no foot!
Steven *face covered in milk and cereal* Not anymore.
Pearl Ugh!
Steven *wipes his face with his shirt* Welp, now that that's done, time to comb the beach for quarters with my... METAL MUTT! *gets out a metal detector*
[Trans. the Beach]
(Steven scours the beach for quarters with his Metal Mutt.)
Steven (The Metal Mutt starts barking, and Steven digs into the ground.) Aw, silver dollar? Useless! *tosses it away* Come on.
(The Metal Mutt barks once more further down the beach.)
Steven This better not be another cap. *digs up another Metal Mutt* Double dogs! (Both Metal Mutt bark together and Steven sees something in the sand.) Quarters!
(Steven attempts to pick up the quarter-shaped object, but a green creature attacks and clings to his hand.)
Steven Waaahhhh! *flails around in panic* Aaaaahhh! Help!
(The creature is flung upwards into the air by Steven's flailing. It then turns into a drill shape and dive downwards towards Steven. Steven manages to dodge out of the way, but several more similar creatures appear from the sand and attack Steven. He attempts to fend them off with a Metal Mutt, but it gets destroyed. The creatures attack again and Steven tries to flee. Pearl and Amethyst then appear around the corner of a nearby cliff and see Steven being attacked.)
Pearl Steven!
Amethyst It's the little guys! *dodges with Pearl*
(Pearl summons her spear to fight back, but unable to hit the small and fast targets. Countless more of the parasites appear and begin to rain down upon them, forcing Pearl and Amethyst to flee with Steven along the boardwalk.)
Pearl They're everywhere, why didn't we see this coming?!
Steven We need Garnet!
Pearl We don't know where she is!
Steven *gasps* Meat Beat Mania... *runs into the arcade, separating from Pearl and Amethyst*
Pearl Steven, where are you going?!
[Trans. Int. Funland Arcade]
(Steven enters the arcade and sees Garnet still playing Meat Beat Mania, entranced by its rhythm and unresponsive to Steven, while Onion is watching nearby with his moped.)
Steven Garnet! *breathless* You gotta come quick. Garnet! Those... little guys are back an-and they're a problem! *looks at the screen of the game machine* Whooaaa... I've never seen anyone get this far. B-but you gotta get back and help the others. (Garnet ignores him.) Uh, Garnet? Garnet, come on! *tries to push Garnet* Garnet, hey! *tries pulling instead* This is serious, Pearl and Amethyst are in trouble.
(Steven starts climbing atop Garnet's head,)
Steven Garnet! Why...are climb?! Garnet!? *removes Garnet's visor, revealing her third eye, fixated and moving rapidly to the game's movements* Oh my gosh! *drops the visor, which magically disappears, and falls off of Garnet* I'll save you Garnet! *unplugs the game*
(The game promptly shuts off. Garnet throws the controllers up in the air, uses her Gem powers to reactivate the game machine and continues playing. Steven sees Pearl fending off the parasites outside the arcade and gasps.)
Steven The rhythm has her. The only way to defeat...the with meat! *inserts two quarters into the machine and takes up the Player Two position to compete with Garnet* I have to win! (The game starts.)
Meat Beat Mania Let's meat it, prepare your meats! Shake it! Tenderize! (Steven loses.) Player One wins! You're toast, Player Two! (Steven competes again, but loses again.) Eat it up! A Player Two barbecue!
Steven Ugh, no! *takes out his last two quarters* My last shot! *inserts them into the machine*
Meat Beat Mania Let's meat it! Rack those ribs, spice it up! Thrill is in the grill! You're toasted!
(He strikes a pose but still loses, unable to beat Garnet's perfect rhythm)
Steven Aw, I can't do it. *starts tearing* Garnet, snap out of it! What's wrong with you?! You got to stop- *grabs onto the game console and starts prying it apart* -playing this... horrible game!
(Steven rips the console "grill" off the game machine and smashes it into the screen repeatedly, destroying the game machine. Garnet quickly comes to her senses and her third eye closes.)
Garnet *blinks* Steven!
Steven Garnet!
Garnet *summons her visor over her eyes* You won.
(Mr. Smiley stomps in angrily after witnessing Steven destroying Meat Beat Mania.)
Mr. Smiley Ah... It was you! You've been breaking my games!
Garnet *leaps outside of the arcade to fight the parasites* Pearl! Amethyst!
Steven I can help too! *tries to run outside*
Mr. Smiley Oh, no! No, no! *grabs Steven and lifts him up* Don't you go flippity flopping out of here.
[Time Skipā€”later in the day]
(Steven is sweeping the floor of the arcade while the Gems is fighting outside.)
Steven *sees Garnet destroys a parasite* Yeah! (Steven starts pretending to fight, when Mr. Smiley walks by, glancing at him.) I'm working! See? *sweeps and sees a quarter* Hmm, a quarter! *picks it up*
(The star iris zooms in on Steven, as the Meat Beat Mania narrator exclaims "Now you're cooking!", ending the episode.)

v ā€¢ e Transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 A: Gem Glow ā€¢ Laser Light Cannon ā€¢ Cheeseburger Backpack ā€¢ Together Breakfast ā€¢ Frybo ā€¢ Cat Fingers ā€¢ Bubble Buddies ā€¢ Serious Steven ā€¢ Tiger Millionaire ā€¢ Steven's Lion ā€¢ Arcade Mania ā€¢ Giant Woman ā€¢ So Many Birthdays ā€¢ Lars and the Cool Kids ā€¢ Onion Trade ā€¢ Steven the Sword Fighter ā€¢ Lion 2: The Movie ā€¢ Beach Party ā€¢ Rose's Room ā€¢ Coach Steven ā€¢ Joking Victim ā€¢ Steven and the Stevens ā€¢ Monster Buddies ā€¢ An Indirect Kiss ā€¢ Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem

B: House Guest ā€¢ Space Race ā€¢ Secret Team ā€¢ Island Adventure ā€¢ Keep Beach City Weird ā€¢ Fusion Cuisine ā€¢ Garnet's Universe ā€¢ Watermelon Steven ā€¢ Lion 3: Straight to Video ā€¢ Warp Tour ā€¢ Alone Together ā€¢ The Test ā€¢ Future Vision ā€¢ On the Run ā€¢ Horror Club ā€¢ Winter Forecast ā€¢ Maximum Capacity ā€¢ Marble Madness ā€¢ Rose's Scabbard ā€¢ Open Book ā€¢ Shirt Club ā€¢ Story for Steven ā€¢ The Message ā€¢ Political Power ā€¢ The Return/Jail Break

Season 2 Full Disclosure ā€¢ Joy Ride ā€¢ Say Uncle ā€¢ Love Letters ā€¢ Reformed ā€¢ Sworn to the Sword ā€¢ Rising Tides, Crashing Skies ā€¢ Keeping It Together ā€¢ We Need to Talk ā€¢ Chille Tid ā€¢ Cry for Help ā€¢ Keystone Motel ā€¢ Onion Friend ā€¢ Historical Friction ā€¢ Friend Ship ā€¢ Nightmare Hospital ā€¢ Sadie's Song ā€¢ Catch and Release ā€¢ When It Rains ā€¢ Back to the Barn ā€¢ Too Far ā€¢ The Answer ā€¢ Steven's Birthday ā€¢ It Could've Been Great ā€¢ Message Received ā€¢ Log Date 7 15 2
Season 3 Super Watermelon Island/Gem Drill ā€¢ Same Old World ā€¢ Barn Mates ā€¢ Hit the Diamond ā€¢ Steven Floats ā€¢ Drop Beat Dad ā€¢ Mr. Greg ā€¢ Too Short to Ride ā€¢ The New Lars ā€¢ Beach City Drift ā€¢ Restaurant Wars ā€¢ Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service ā€¢ Monster Reunion ā€¢ Alone at Sea ā€¢ Greg the Babysitter ā€¢ Gem Hunt ā€¢ Crack the Whip ā€¢ Steven vs. Amethyst ā€¢ Bismuth ā€¢ Beta ā€¢ Earthlings ā€¢ Back to the Moon ā€¢ Bubbled
Season 4 The Kindergarten Kid ā€¢ Know Your Fusion ā€¢ Buddy's Book ā€¢ Mindful Education ā€¢ Future Boy Zoltron ā€¢ Last One Out of Beach City ā€¢ Onion Gang ā€¢ Gem Harvest ā€¢ Three Gems and a Baby ā€¢ Steven's Dream ā€¢ Adventures in Light Distortion ā€¢ Gem Heist ā€¢ The Zoo ā€¢ That Will Be All ā€¢ The New Crystal Gems ā€¢ Storm in the Room ā€¢ Rocknaldo ā€¢ Tiger Philanthropist ā€¢ Room for Ruby ā€¢ Lion 4: Alternate Ending ā€¢ Doug Out ā€¢ The Good Lars ā€¢ Are You My Dad? ā€¢ I Am My Mom
Season 5 Stuck Together ā€¢ The Trial ā€¢ Off Colors ā€¢ Lars' Head ā€¢ Dewey Wins ā€¢ Gemcation ā€¢ Raising the Barn ā€¢ Back to the Kindergarten ā€¢ Sadie Killer ā€¢ Kevin Party ā€¢ Lars of the Stars ā€¢ Jungle Moon ā€¢ Your Mother and Mine ā€¢ The Big Show ā€¢ Pool Hopping ā€¢ Letters to Lars ā€¢ Can't Go Back ā€¢ A Single Pale Rose ā€¢ Now We're Only Falling Apart ā€¢ What's Your Problem? ā€¢ The Question ā€¢ Made of Honor ā€¢ Reunited ā€¢ Legs From Here to Homeworld ā€¢ Familiar ā€¢ Together Alone ā€¢ Escapism ā€¢ Change Your Mind
Film Steven Universe: The Movie
Future Little Homeschool ā€¢ Guidance ā€¢ Rose Buds ā€¢ Volleyball ā€¢ Bluebird ā€¢ A Very Special Episode ā€¢ Snow Day ā€¢ Why So Blue? ā€¢ Little Graduation ā€¢ Prickly Pair ā€¢ In Dreams ā€¢ Bismuth Casual ā€¢ Together Forever ā€¢ Growing Pains ā€¢ Mr. Universe ā€¢ Fragments ā€¢ Homeworld Bound ā€¢ Everything's Fine ā€¢ I Am My Monster ā€¢ The Future
Shorts Lion Loves to Fit in a Box ā€¢ The Classroom Gems: What Are Gems? ā€¢ We Are the Crystal Gems ā€¢ The Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made? ā€¢ Unboxing ā€¢ The Classroom Gems: Fusion ā€¢ Cooking with Lion ā€¢ Gem Karaoke ā€¢ Steven Reacts ā€¢ Video Chat ā€¢ Steven's Song Time
Other We Deserve to Shine ā€¢ Appearance Related Teasing and Bullying ā€¢ Competing and Comparing Looks ā€¢ Crossover Nexus