Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe Wiki

Season 3[]

Hey, little friend!


No, don't go! I believe I'm lost. And there's no one here but us, so how about a little help?


Pearl... Garnet...


Woah! Hehehehe! The Pearl I know never jumps into my arms! Hey, did somebody lose a Pearl? Who do you belong to?


Oh, you're one to talk, oh, oh, excuse me, you're two to talk.


Hey, cool it, your Ruby is showing.


Shatter me? Pshh, Homeworld couldn't lay a scratch on this Gem.


Oh, hey! New recruits! Welcome aboard, we could always use more Amethysts. And who's this meatball?


Well, thanks for having me!


Wait, where is Rose?


Ohh... There she is. You... do you know me?


Rose really is something else. I mean... Look at this! She really is somethin' else!


Wow! Everythin's changin'! And we're buildin' bases out of wood now?! Hmph! Who's terrible idea was this? And where is everybody else?... Yeah, the rest of the Crystal Gems! Old Crazy Lace, Biggs, Snowflake?


*gasp* No! No way! We were just here! How long was I out?


I knew those Homeworld elites were twisted. How many of us did they shatter?! Crazy Lace, Biggs, Snowflake?! If I was there, I-I could've stopped it!


Garnet, remember when you and I took on a battalion of Quartz soldiers? We walked out with our stones shining brighter than when we walked in. And, Pearl, remember when we stopped that drop ship? I'll never forget the look on that Nephrite's face when you pulled her out of the cockpit!


We took a huge blow from Homeworld. But, now, we're back in Bismuth.


Homeworld used us Bismuths to erect spires and temples for the Gem elites to enjoy. But Rose taught me that my life was my own, that I could choose to do whatever I wanted. So I chose this.


That's right! I outfitted the entire Rebellion. Every material weapon used by the Crystal Gems was made right here in this forge.


Homeworld treats us like dirt because we don't shine like the elites. But the Crystal Gems are back and we'll give those Diamonds another taste of what's coming!


Rose Quartz changed my life. I came to Earth thinking this was just another colony. Build another arena for important fighters to fight in, build another spire for important thinkers to think in, and then, I met her. Just another Quartz soldier, made right here in the dirt, but she was different. And she was different because she decided to be. And she asked me what I wanted to build, and I'd never heard that before. And Gems never hear they can be anything other than what they are, but Rose opened our eyes.


Of course not! We'd be shattering them for the sake of our cause, to protect our allies, our friends, to free all Gems from Homeworld's tyranny!... Don't tell me what a Crystal Gem would do. Nobody's more Crystal Gem than I am.


Liar! Don't play games with me, Rose. We were right here. I offered you the secret to victory, and you refused. The Breaking Point would've changed everything. I didn't want to fight you, but you left me no choice! What type of leader doesn't give her army the best chance to win?! How could you value the gems of our enemies more than our own? And look what you've done without me, without the Breaking Point!


...You shoulda shattered me back then... At least if I were in pieces, I wouldn't have to know how little I mattered to you... You didn't even tell 'em.. You bubbled me away and didn't ever tell your friends... My friends...


Heheheheh... Then you really are better than her.


Season 5[]

Hm-? I'm back?

—"Made of Honor"

Rose. I mean, Steven!

—"Made of Honor"

Why would you let me out? I just tried to shatter you.

—"Made of Honor"

What's going on? Did Rose do this? Did she bubble everyone who disagreed with her?!

—"Made of Honor"

Tiger's Eye! Little Larimar... Beryl, Serpentine, and ohh... Biggs?! Biggs was beloved by everyone!

—"Made of Honor"

I gotcha, buddy.

—"Made of Honor"

C'mon, Biggs, help me free the other... Biggs?

—"Made of Honor"

Only a Diamond could do damage like this.

—"Made of Honor"

It was Pink, wasn't it? Why didn't Rose stop her?

—"Made of Honor"

Mmm. Yeah! Hang on a sec.

—"Made of Honor

Oh my gosh!! It all makes sense now!

—"Made of Honor"

Oh, that's nice. Steven, come here and join me, the lava's great.

—"Made of Honor"

Haha. I was so excited to show Rose the Breaking Point. Can you imagine? 'Hey Rose! Check out this cool weapon I made, I'm gonna shatter you with it!

—"Made of Honor"

I really thought all of our problems would disappear if we could just shatter a Diamond! Guess she ended up taking my advice.

—"Made of Honor"

Thanks. For talking to me.

—"Made of Honor"

What?! Nooo! They're my favorite couple!

—"Made of Honor"

Garnet's wedding, huh?

—"Made of Honor"

Yeah! Okay, I don't have any plans so I guess I can come.

—"Made of Honor"

Pfft! Oh, yeah. No question this is gonna be the best wedding ever! Pff, hahaha. So what's a wedding.

—"Made of Honor"

Probably should head out there and say hi.

—"Made of Honor"

They don't know I'm coming? Wait, I can't do this.

—"Made of Honor"

What? No, I mean- what am I gonna say to them?

—"Made of Honor"

If they wanted to see me so much, they coulda let me out themselves, but they didn't. Of course they didn't. I attacked their leader.

—"Made of Honor"

I'm not talking about Rose! I'm talking about you.

—"Made of Honor"

And where's Garnet?

—"Made of Honor"

You seriously think they're gonna want me around when the last thing I did was try to shatter you? You told them everything. And they made their choice. They want me in a bubble, and you out there.

—"Made of Honor"

You say they want me to be 'made' of honor? Well, I am. I'm made of the most solid, flexible, diamagnetic stuff there is and I'm not as dense as you might think.

—"Made of Honor"

I've got enough self-respect in this gem to accept that they don't want me on their team anymore. I blew it! Everything was different, and I didn't believe it.

—"Made of Honor"

Hm. Spoken like a leader.

—"Made of Honor"

Hey everyone. Did you guys...'Bismi-th' me?

—"Made of Honor"

Wha-Whoa, Sapphire!

—"Made of Honor"

Look. I'm right there with you, Steven filled me in.

—"Made of Honor"

Oh! Ruby, Sapphire. I heard you're supposed to bring gifts to these things.

—"Made of Honor"

These aren't weapons, but Steven seemed to think they'd come in handy.

—"Made of Honor"

Steven: Bismuth, is that what you're wearing to the wedding?
Bismuth: It's the nicest thing I own.
Steven: Looking sharp!


Save the hugs for after the fight! Look alive!


You got guts, tiny. Let me give you a hand.


I like you, Peridot. You don't quit.


She's not gonna hurt him. Look at her.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

She really thinks he's one of them.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

I'm not gonna join a Diamond entourage! I know what you're doing, I get why you gotta do it, but I'm not gonna lay my gem on their anvil…
[Steven] Anvil?
Okay! Let me put this in Earth terms for you. You're about to enter the "lions' den". Luckily, you're a "lion" too! You gotta roar at them in their language; you're the one that has to do it.
[Steven] Right.
Besides, you're gonna need me at the home base. Someone's gotta keep an eye on these two while you're gone. We'll be waiting for you when you get back.
[Steven] Hmm? Okay!

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

I always wanted to uppercut an upper crust! Hahaha!

—"Change Your Mind"

Heck yeah, we did.

—"Change Your Mind"

Of course.

—"Change Your Mind"

Right. But, first, I made you a little somethin'.

—"Change Your Mind"

Let's show White Diamond we mean BISMUTH.

—"Change Your Mind"

Listen up, you nail head! The Crystal Gems are here to -- huh?

—"Change Your Mind"

Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh, look at White. She's shakin' like a piece of chalk!

—"Change Your Mind"

Steven Universe: The Movie[]

Steven, you're just in time! We're about to install the new Warp.

Steven Universe: The Movie

I'm on it!

Steven Universe: The Movie

I thought you said she was just trying to kill you.

Steven Universe: The Movie

I say it took me a day, day and a half?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Be careful with that. It's a rejuvenator.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Homeworld used to use these things on Gems that started steppin' out of line. One hit with this... you're back to how they made you.

Steven Universe: The Movie

I'm sorry, Steven. [sigh] I don't know.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Will this work?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Maybe we should try --

Steven Universe: The Movie

Hey, we just built that!

Steven Universe: The Movie


Steven Universe: The Movie

Nice work, Perido- Oh shucks!

Steven Universe: The Movie


Steven Universe: The Movie

Yeah, sure. But it looks like she's doing a pretty good job watching herself.

Steven Universe: The Movie

No, Steven, wait!

Steven Universe: The Movie


Steven Universe: The Movie

Then you gotta change her back.

Steven Universe: The Movie

That looks bad.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Steven Universe Future[]

Wow! So you mean to tell me people pay to have wheels strapped to their feet for fun? That is really something else...

—"Bismuth Casual"

Wow, so that's Pearl's fan club, huh? They seem so... friendly and interesting.

—"Bismuth Casual"

I just don't want to take her away from what she's got. She's got her own thing going on. She's like the Pearl I remember, but a little different. She's happier. I just wanted to catch up.

—"Bismuth Casual"

Of course you're weird! You're a Crystal Gem!

—"Bismuth Casual"

Now, the detailing requires a light touch-

—"Everything's Fine"

Hold on there, boulder-brain. This is detail work! No need for a giant mallet when a humble hammer will do.

—"Everything's Fine"

Noooo! My anvil! My beautiful anvil!

—"Everything's Fine"

Reinforcements are- huh?

—"I Am My Monster"

We gotta keep him away from the town!

—"I Am My Monster"

How about I build you a nice vacation house just outside of Little Homeworld?

—"The Future"

If it wasn’t for you, none of us would be who we are today. You make me so proud to be a Crystal Gem.

—"The Future"
ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
