Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

[Open Ext. Steven's Room]

Steven: *peering through laundry* Where are you? Tsk, tsk, tsk. You’re a mess Steven.

Pearl: *to herself, holding seven Gem Shards in a bubble* I know I had eight...*to Steven* Hey, Steven, have you seen a gem shard anywhere? It’s “very” important.

Steven: No, have you seen my pants? They’re also, very important.

Pearl: I’m serious, Steven. These Shards have a powerful partial consciousness that has been harnessed by gems throughout history in order to create semi-sentient drone soldiers with the capacity to follow basic orders. Gems once created an army of these drones, but found their obedience waned as the shards over developed inside their uniforms and turned on their commanders. So any shard lost in any kind of container could become a monster. That’s why it’s very “very” important it’s kept away from any kind of garment...

Steven: *thinking at the exact same time, blocking out most of what Pearl has said after “in order”* They weren’t in the kitchen either...under the bed! No wait, I looked there too. And then Pearl walked in... *mind gasp* Pearl! Oh geez, she’s really explaining something, ugh, I can’t start listening now, I’d be lost. Just like my pants... *starts to listen at “could become a monster”*

Pearl: ...If you see it, bring it to me, right away. I’m going to check in town *leaves*.

Steven: For my pants? *to self* I guess I’ll keep looking here. *notices pants walking by themselves* That’s unusual! *chases after them* Come on, we used to be friends! We use to go everywhere together! *jumps on them* Gottcha now pants! *puts them on* I wear the pants in this relationship! *pants wriggling* What’s gotten into you? hmm? *Takes out gem shard, pants cease* It’s a...thingy? Is this Pearl’s shard thingy? *puts shard in sock* Ha, now who’s smart? *sock smacks him in the face* Ow,ow, Stop! *sock stops* Oh..thanks. I gotta get you to Pearl. *places sock in backpack*

[Fade, Trans. Ext. Beach Citywalk Fries- Peedee Fryman, Steven, Fryman ]

Steven: *yelling near the board walk* Hey, Pearl! Pearl! She must still be looking for my pants...

(PeeDee in the Frybo (character) costume rushes in and bumps Steven to the ground, whilst being attacked by a flock of seagull. Steven, terrified, cowers on the ground)

PeeDee: *panicking* Aah, please help me! Aah, No, get them away! Please! Aah! *takes off head of costume and swings it at the flock* I’m “not” fries!

(Steven sighs deeply that the conflict is over, and Fryman opens a side door to see what’s going on)

Fryman: Gah, where’s your face Frybo? Being part of the Fryman family means you “gotta” sell fries...and be my son, which you are. So, you’re already half way there. Keep at it, Frybo! *begins to close door*

PeeDee: I’m Pee... *Fryman closes door* Dee.

Steven: Hi PeeDee!

PeeDee: When I told my Dad I wanted to be part of the Fryman family business, I didn’t think it meant being stuck in a sweaty old costume. Things used to be different Steven, nothing to worry about back then except making my self dizzy on the old seahorse ride at Funland.

Steven: Oh Frybo, you’re hilarious.

PeeDee: *sighs* I wish there was a way for this costume to do its job without “me” in it.

Steven: Maybe it can PeeDee...maybe it can...

[Small time skip- Steven dawns Frybo suit]

Steven: *in Frybo suit* Oooooh! *suddenly attacked by Seagull* Aah! *Runs around frantically*

[Time skip- Frybo suit, empty, is in decrepit state, seagull peck at it on the ground]

Steven: *looking at suit* Wait! I have another idea.

(Steven takes out the shard, shoos the birds away and drops the shard in the costume which then automatically repairs itself and rolls around aimlessly)

PeeDee: Woah...*Frybo begins to roll off*

Steven: Stop! *Frybo stops*

PeeDee: Unbelievable! Get up! *Frybo positions itself upright*

Steven: Do a little dance!
(Frybo creates legs out of fries and dances, boys are disgusted, Fryman opens door again to witness and doesn’t know its not PeeDee, PeeDee hides behind Steven)

Fryman: *opens door* Woah-ho, all right! It’s about ti- I mean, good job buddy! That’s what I’m talking about Frybo, keep it up! *closes door, Frybo stops*

PeeDee: Free, I’m free! *to Frybo* You’ve got the job Frybo, let’s shake on it! *extends hand, Frybo picks him up and literally shakes him*

Steven: *laughing* He’s got jokes!

PeeDee: *nauseated* Ok, no more shaking. Put me down. Just, go make people eat fries. *Frybo runs off, PeeDee rejoices* Let’s go be kids! *takes Steven by arm and runs off*

[Trans. Funland Arcade- PeeDee and Steven]
(PeeDee and Steven ride on the Seahorse and Jellyfish rides respectively, to which PeeDee quickly becomes disappointed in)

PeeDee: This Seahorse used to make me so happy. Now it’s just giving me whiplash. *ride stops* I feel like there’s just no point to it, you know what I mean?

Steven: *shaking from ride* I just feel tingly!

PeeDee: *sighs* You’ll understand when you have a job.

Steven: *ride ends* I “do” have a job, I protect humanity from magic and monsters and stuff!

PeeDee: I mean a “real” job, that you get paid for.

Steven: I get paid in the smiles across the town’s faces.

PeeDee: I don’t see anyone smiling. You pick up a job to buy a house or raise kids or to...impress your Dad. You work away your life and what does it get you?

Steven: Smiles in faces?

PeeDee: No, you get cash, cash that can’t buy back, what the job takes, not if you rode every Seahorse in the world. *sighs*

Steven: Woah...want to ride the jellyfish? *distant scream*

PeeDee: That came from the fry shop! *both get off and run towards disturbance*

[Trans. Ext. Beach Citywalk Fries- Frybo, PeeDee, Steven and Fryman]
(Frybo attacking innocent residents, people running away in terror who Frybo then drags back w/ fry tendrils)

PeeDee: *panicking* We didn’t tell him to do that, did we tell him to do that?! *Table smashes through window, both duck*

[Ext. & Int. BC Fries- Frybo w/ several captured people and veins protruding all over face]

Mr. Smiley: Please, no more fries! *Frybo shoves mouth full*

Steven: Frybo, stop!
(Frybo turns, boys flinch, Lars is thrown at them, they duck)

Lars: I don’t even like fries! *runs off*

PeeDee: Why isn’t he listening?!

Steven: I don’t know!
(Fryman emerges from back of shop)

Fryman: PeeDee, where’s all this coming from?! *Frybo ensnares him* Ah, I get it, I pushed you too hard. I thought you wanted to be as good a Fryman as you could be, you’re a tough kid for putting up with it as long as you did! The truth is: You’re a valued member of Fryman Brothers Incorporate and “all” its affiliates! *Frybo picks him up and shoves fries in his mouth*

[Ext. BC Fries- PeeDee, Steven, Frybo, Fryman and Pearl

PeeDee: Dad! *lunges towards window*

Steven: No! *tackles him* He’ll mash your potatoes!

PeeDee: What are you going to do?

Steven: *proudly* My job!

(Frybo chucks Fryman who promptly lands onto the boys, immobilizing them and knocking Fryman unconscious, Pearl enters w/ other shards as Frybo leaves the shop)

Pearl: Steven! Did you put that missing shard inside of that Fry costume?

Steven: Yes!

Pearl: Didn’t you hear what I said about the living armor and infantries and many “many” deaths?!

Steven: No!

Pearl: Oh Steven. *summons weapon*

(Pearl spears Frybo in the head, whose eye then bursts w/ Ketchup and mustard, blinding Pearl who drops the other shards, PeeDee rolls Fryman off of them)

Steven: Pearl! *rushes towards her*

Pearl: Ugh, the ketchup! It’s everywhere, I can’t see!

Steven: *noticing dropped shards* Shards...Need! *runs off*

Pearl: *blind* Steven?

PeeDee: *tearing up* Dad!

(Frybo emerges, spear in eye, and approaches the Frymans, PeeDee grabs a broken plank and confronts it, Fryman regains consciousness)

PeeDee: *swinging at it* Go away! You are awful! I hate you, I’ve always hated you!

Fryman: Wait, you’ve always hated Frybo?

(Frybo disarms PeeDee, he falls back, and Fryman holds him. As Frybo approaches, Peedee turns around into Fryman's arms and cowers in fear, Steven’s pants then enter w/ shard in pocket, and kicks Frybo)

Frymans: Steven!

Pearl: Where?!

(Steven appears in just underwear w/ a shard in each of his garments, socks, shirt, pants, shoes, jacket who stand beside him)

Steven: *fry in mouth* Your move, Frybo. *eats fry, Frybo attacks* Attack!

(Steven’s garments each attack Frybo, besting it, but not entirely able to take it down, Steven is smacked to the ground)

Steven: I didn’t want to do this, but you leave me no choice. Underwear, go!

(underwear flies off and downs Frybo and a naked Steven rips the shard out of its mouth)

Pearl: *blind* Steven, are you alright? *touching Fryman’s face*

Fryman: Fine.

Steven: I’m okay. As soon as I bared my butt, I knew he’d crack.

[Trans. Beach- Fryman, Steven, PeeDee and Pearl]
(Steven’s Garmets prepare to send the Frybo suit out to sea on a makeshift raft while a naked Steven and others look on)

Fryman: You were great Frybo. The kids today just didn’t understand. Now, they never will.

Pearl: Weren’t people scared of it before it attacked them? *Steven shushes her*

Fryman: It’s time, to send him off. *takes out lighter and lights suit, Pearl pushes it off to sea, sigh* As greasy in death, as he was in life.

PeeDee: Erm, uh, Dad? Are you going to get another costume?

Fryman: I don’t need another Frybo, I got *puts arm around PeeDee* A fry “man”.

Steven: Pearl, I think our work here is done.

Pearl: Put your clothes on Steven.


