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Steven Universe Wiki
This article is about Gemkind in general. You may be looking for
Crystal Gems, Homeworld Gems, Corrupted Gems, Fusion Gems, Minor Gems, Minor Corrupted Gems, Unknown Gems, or Gemstones.

Gems are an extraterrestrial species of "magical" beings that play a key role in Steven Universe. 5,750 years ago, the Gem Homeworld maintained several outposts on Earth, with plans to completely colonize the planet, but were driven off by Rose Quartz's rebellion, leaving the Crystal Gems (and various Corrupted Gems) the only Gems on the planet.

Gem Characters

Unfused Gems

Hybrid Gems

Fusion Gems

Minor Gem Characters

Main article: Minor Characters/Gems

Corrupted Gems

Unknown Gems

Main article: Unknown Gems


Steven tag

Garnet and Amethyst, shapeshifting to play "Steven Tag".

Gems are characterized by the gemstone embedded somewhere on their body, which is analogous to a brain.

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Garnet, altering her form.

Gems' physical forms are projections from their gemstone which can be changed at will, described as being "like a hologram, but with mass," with their only constant feature being their gemstone and color scheme (shapeshifting is not permanent, and Gems will return to their "default" form eventually).[2] Although Gems lack sexual dimorphism, Gems' physical forms typically have characteristics associated with human femininity. Because of this, all Gems are inherently sexless, with the sole exception being Steven.

There are a variety of gemstones, each of which imbues the Gem in question with specific abilities, and there are multiple Gems with the same gemstone. The gemstone can be located in many different parts of the body, regardless of Gem.

Both hydro and weapons

An example of both Lapis Lazuli's hydrokinesis and the Crystal Gems summoning their weapons.

Typical Gem abilities include extreme physical strength and durability, weapon-summoning, fusion, the power to 'store' material in their gemstones, the ability to use their gemstones like a flashlight, and bubble creation. Note that these are not ubiquitous, some Gems, such as Lapis Lazuli, are not able to summon a personal weapon,[3] and Gems created in sub-optimal conditions like second era peridots lack strength. All Gems with their own weapon have the ability to direct energy through their weapons, such as Garnet using her gauntlets to charge Greg's van, Pearl firing an energy blast from the tip of her spear, and Amethyst sending bursts of energy through her whips.

Pearl Regeneration

Pearl retreating to her gemstone.

Gems are engineered to adapt to a variety of conditions and cannot die by natural causes. Gems do not have to breath, eat, drink, and sleep to survive, and they do not age, making them effectively immortal. They can, however, still eat and sleep if they so desire. Their bodies will also automatically alter themselves to fit the conditions of whatever celestial body or spacecraft they are on, such as adjusting mass for gravity. The only way to permanently destroy or "kill" a Gem is to destroy their gemstone.[4] When the physical body of a Gem is seriously injured, they will retreat into their gemstone to regenerate. This is one of the only times Gems can make permanent changes to their physical form. The length of the regeneration process can range from minutes to weeks, but a "rushed" regeneration can suffer from physical deformities. Regeneration can be prevented if a gemstone is bubbled or otherwise constricted, such as within a mirror.[5]

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Amethyst, "glitching".

If a Gem's gemstone is damaged, their physical form will deteriorate and render them incoherent. A Gem's gemstone can be used as an energy source, even if damaged. Gem Shards, the remnants of a shattered gemstone, possess a "powerful partial consciousness" which can grant sentience to their containers and have been used to create drone soldiers.[6] Gem Shards have also been forced to fuse together over time to form Cluster Gems.

Because Gems are created to regenerate from bodily damage, but cannot heal their gemstone on their own, a Corrupted or damaged Gem will simply regenerate into a Gem Monster. Shattered Gems similarly will also attempt to regenerate but will only produce seemingly random appendages.


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Ancient Gems at the Lunar Sea Spire.


Examples of Gem language.

  • There are two known main groups of Gems: Homeworld Gems and the Crystal Gems.
    • Homeworld society is ruled by the autocratic Great Diamond Authority. Its members impose a strict caste system based on gemstone, and maintain their empire by terraforming worlds (and destroying them in the process) through facilities like the Kindergarten. Homeworld society heavily stigmatizes fusion between Gems of different gemstones, and fusion between Gems of the same gemstone is reserved solely for combat (and missions requiring the force of more than one Gem, in the case of Topaz).
    • The Crystal Gems are a rebellious group of Gems established by Rose Quartz who disagree with the customs and principles of Homeworld society, particularly on its perspective toward life. Five thousand years ago, Rose instigated the Rebellion against the Homeworld Gems to protect the Earth. The Crystal Gems were able to successfully drive the Homeworld Gems off planet. As they withdrew, the Diamonds activated a powerful weapon, corrupting the majority of the remaining Gems on Earth. Rose, Garnet, Pearl, and Bismuth were the only Crystal Gems to survive.
  • Gem culture is ancient, predating all known human civilizations.
Earth Colony Plans

What Earth was projected to look like if the Crystal Gems had lost the war.

  • Gems have their own written language, which is inscribed on many of their temples, as first seen in Steven's Room in the Pilot, despite every non-Corrupted Gem speaking "English". This may mean that they write in an English-esque script, or that written words are in a (moderately) traditional Gem language.
  • Remains of Gem architecture can be seen scattered across the Earth in the form of the structures, such as the Lunar Sea Spire, the Communication Hub, and the Galaxy Warp.
    Yellow diamond 2

    A mural of Yellow Diamond.

  • Gem civilization is incredibly advanced, capable of creating spaceships, pocket dimensions, and teleporters.
    • Slower than light travel is now considered outdated due to the advent of teleporters. Current Gem technology is described as incomprehensible by Lapis Lazuli.
  • Individuality is not highly valued among Gems. As implied in "Bismuth", this is in part a conviction the Gem elite has forced down upon lesser Gems to limit their potential. While each Gem may exhibit their own unique nuances in personality, they all primarily adhere to the fundamental behavior and preferences of their caste and types. Whatever the case might be, like organic beings, Gems are able to define their own identities and develop unique personalities of their own. The most prime examples of this are the members of the Crystal Gems.
    • Most Gems hold little value for the preciousness of life. Being part of a society where many individuals share the same traits, Gems have come to objectify any life form, organic or Gem. As such, they tend to treat each other and themselves as disposable commodities.
    • Ian and Rebecca state that this mindset comes from Homeworld propaganda where Gems like Peridot are proud because they knows their place as they think that Homeworld philosophy is the best for everyone, as part of a Gem's indoctrination, they don't question the system because they work within it, going to a bunch of different places and learning about them, and also unknowingly absorbing revised history created to edit out what made Homeworld look unsuccessful or imperfect.
  • While there has never been mention of Gems practicing any form of spiritualism, the existence of the Moon Goddess Statue, along with the Sea Shrine and the Pyramid Temple, implies some sort of belief system. According to Emerald, they engage in public ceremonies known as jubilees.
  • Gem culture does not have a gender binary or a concept of gender.[7][8][9]
    • Gems refer to each other using she/her pronouns but have no particular reason for doing so beyond arbitrary convenience.[10][11]
      • The gendered term "mother" is also applied often to the Gem named Rose Quartz (who gave up her physical form to create Steven Universe), by Gems, humans, and Steven Universe who is half-human and half-Gem.
      • Peridot uses the term "matriarch" when referring to the Great Diamond Authority in "It Could've Been Great".
      • Amethyst refers to Jasper as "sis".
  • It is initially difficult for Gems to comprehend human social customs such as marriage, parents, childhoods, birthdays, or funerals (as particularly evidenced in "Gem Harvest"). Given that Gems do not have a gender binary, and they reproduce by growing new Gems in Kindergartens, they apparently do not form romantic/social bonds comparable to marriage (Garnet's status as a "perma-fusion" is highly irregular and never occurs on Homeworld). Rose herself admitted that for a long time she did not understand that infant and adult humans are the same species: Gems are created fully formed and with adult-level knowledge, so they do not have a concept of a childhood stage of growing.


Most or all Gems share the following abilities and traits:

  • Enhanced Condition: Gems can have greater strength, speed, durability, and/or jumping ability than humans. The amount varies depending on the Gem type and production quality of the individual Gem - Peridot, a cheaply produced technician, is tough but physically weak, while Jasper, an "ultimate" soldier, can lift an Injector and survive a Gem Warship's explosion.
  • Non-Senescence: Gems do not age, and thus do not die of natural causes like humans. However, they can still be killed if their gemstone is shattered.
  • Bubbling: Gems have the ability to encase an object inside a bubble. The color of the bubble depends on the Gem. The bubbles can be sent to wherever the bubbler considers "home". If a Gem is inside, it is kept in a form of stasis. These bubbles are entirely independent of their creator's state, and seem to be able to exist indefinitely if undisturbed. (The Crystal Gems' various bubbled Corrupted Gems in the Temple are still stable regardless of them having been poofed many times, and bubbles created by Rose Quartz, such as the bubble which contaned Bismuth's gem, are still around even though she has since become a part of Steven)
  • Shapeshifting: Gems can temporarily alter their physical forms. The more mass the altered form has relative to the Gem's normal form, the harder it is to maintain. Sufficiently skilled Gems can shapeshift into forms with additional functions, such as Amethyst shapeshifting into a working helicopter in "Message Received". Gems produced with fewer resources during the Gem Homeworld's Era 2 appear to lack this ability. As revealed in "A Single Pale Rose", Gems are capable of altering their coloration and the rotation of their gemstone.
  • Regeneration: When a Gem suffers a fatal injury, they "poof," releasing their physical form and retreating into their gemstone in order to create a new, undamaged form. The amount of time this process takes depends on a number of factors, including whether or not they are changing the appearance of their form. As demonstrated by Amethyst in "Reformed", it is possible for a Gem to rush their regeneration process, but it may lead to a number of problems, such as deformed body parts. It is better to put more thought and spend a lot of time into regenerating, as demonstrated by Pearl in "Steven the Sword Fighter".
  • Gravity Shifting: As stated by Peridot in "It Could've Been Great", Gems' bodies will automatically adjust to different levels of gravity. This is further elaborated on in "Adventures in Light Distortion" where Pearl says that their forms are dependent on the local gravity and air pressure.
  • Weapon-Summoning: Most Gems can summon a tangible weapon from their gemstones. Gems can summon multiple weapons at once, but each non-fusion Gem has only one type of weapon that they can summon.
  • Fusion: Gems can combine bodies and minds to form a larger and more powerful Gem with all of their components' gemstones on their body. Fusion Gems can unfuse willingly or fall apart for a number of reasons, and they can fuse further without unfusing first. Fusions inherit all of their components' weapons, and may combine multiple weapons into new forms - for instance, Pearl's spear and Amethyst's whip together forming Opal's bow. Humans can also fuse with half-gems, as demonstrated in "Alone Together".
  • Unique Abilities: Gems have a wide range of abilities that are exclusive to certain Gem types or individual Gems. These range from Rubies ' pyrokinetic touch to Sapphires ' future vision to Pink Diamond/Rose's healing abilities.

Gemstone Types

The Gem Homeworld maintains a strict caste system based on gemstone, with each Gem belonging to a larger "type".

Main article: Caste System




Rebecca Sugar has confirmed that Gems do not naturally reproduce[12] and lack reproductive organs by default.

In the short "How Are Gems Made?", it is explained that Gems "aren't born, they are made when some Gems from outer space came here with these big machines! They put the machines on Earth and shot this junk into the ground, and then boom, you pop right out!" In addition, it is revealed that Gems are formed fully developed: "being a weak baby would be a pain, so, they suck up all the good stuff from the ground so we pop out all big and strong". However, this process is not entirely flawless; as put by Peridot in "Too Far", if a Gem is incubated for too long (referred as being "overcooked" by Jasper in "The Return"), it will result in the Gem's humanoid form being inherently abnormal, as in the case of Amethyst, who is much shorter than the typical Quartz. Also, as revealed in "Too Short to Ride", if not enough resources are present during the incubation process, the resulting Gems will be underdeveloped, as in the case of Era 2 Peridots, who are shorter and lack most standard Gem abilities.

In addition to being fully developed physically, they are also fully developed mentally. When they come out of the ground, they already know all that they need to know to do their job. Rose Quartz explains in "Greg the Babysitter" that when a Gem is made, it is for a reason. They burst out of the ground with the knowledge of what they are supposed to be, and that is what they generally believe they will be for life.

In "On the Run", it is revealed that the Homeworld Gems invaded Earth several thousand years ago and used the Kindergarten to create new Gems using the method described in "How Are Gems Made?"; and that Amethyst is one such Gem. This process is very harmful to the environment to the point where, if it were allowed to continue, it would lead to "the destruction of all life on Earth," according to Pearl in "Marble Madness". Amethyst refers to all the Gems created through the process, herself included, as "parasites".

While biological reproduction is an alien concept to Gems, it is not impossible for them; while Gems can not reproduce with each other, they can create Gem-hybrid offspring. Through shapeshifting, they can perfectly replicate reproductive organs of organic beings for their "human constructs" in order to reproduce.[13] Rose Quartz is the only known Gem to have done this, and her son, Steven, inherited her gemstone, without which she could not project a physical form and subsequently "died", although in "Guide to the Crystal Gems", it is implied that Gems are capable of reproducing without having to give up their physical forms.

Steven asks Peridot what is it like to be created on Homeworld in "Gem Drill". She says she does not remember anything and only had feelings. She describes it as not existing then suddenly existing.


  • The majority of Gem weapons are medieval: Steven and Rose Quartz's shield, Pearl's spear, Amethyst's whip, Ruby's gauntlet, Jasper's crash-helmet, Eyeball's chisel knife, and the Topazes' maces.
    • This includes fusion weapons: Garnet's gauntlets, Opal's longbow, Sugilite's flail, Sardonyx's war hammer, and Topaz's mace.
  • The process for each Gem to summon their weapons depends on a different state of mind for each of them.
    • Amethyst places little effort or concentration, claiming that it "just happens" when she needs to summon her weapon.
    • Pearl claims that her process is being perfect and calculated, using the science of a flower petal dancing in the wind to describe how hard work and dedication can help master the properties of one's own gemstone and "perform their own dance."
    • Garnet claims that she summons her gauntlets by linking her mind with the energy of all existing matter, channeling the collective power of the universe through her gem(s), matching her calm and meditative temperament.
    • Steven's means of summoning his shield is still unknown, though it is thought to be caused when he experiences pure joy, having first activated his gem after taking a bite of his favorite ice-cream sandwich, his ability to summon his weapon can also be attributed to the feelings of love and the desire to protect.
      • "Say Uncle" reveals that Steven's powers are maternal and that he summons his shield to protect the things he cares about. Though the episode is considered non-canon, the description of how Steven summons his shield seems to be accurate.
  • Ian Jones-Quartey has stated that Steven is the first Gem to use he/him pronouns.
    • Rebecca Sugar and Ian Jones-Quartey have stated that Gems use she/her pronouns by default.[14]
    • This is demonstrated by the Crystal Gems referring to Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Jasper, and Bismuth all as "she" before knowing them.
    • Although, when regenerating, Gems would be able to take on a "masculine" form and use he/him pronouns if they wish.[15][16]
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What appears to be gemstones powering a mechanism in an ancient Gem ship.

  • Gemstones can be used as a power source, even if damaged.
  • In "Chille Tid", Gems are shown to experience exhaustion and, if they choose to sleep, can dream.
  • In "Coach Steven", Gems are revealed to be able to produce bodily fluids and receive scrapes upon the "skin".
  • Pearl referred to Gems' bodies as "human construct(s)" in "Fusion Cuisine".
  • Ian Jones-Quartey has stated that Gems do possess DNA, and that Rose Quartz is able to pass her traits on to Steven.[17]
    • While this would somewhat contradict Pearl's implication that Gems are inorganic in "Alone Together", it is explained in the Guide to the Crystal Gems that the Gem equivalent to genetic information is stored in the gemstone, and Rose is able to integrate this information with Greg's DNA by giving up her physical form and passing her gem along to Steven.
  • Gems' skin tones are related to the color of their gemstones[18][19] (but do not always match precisely).
  • In the comic series, Pearl has been shown to absorb objects into her gemstone and has gotten sick when she absorbed too many objects into her gem. It is unclear whether other Gems can do this.
    • This ability may be inherent to Pearls specifically, as it would account for Peridot's comments about Pearls being made to hold things.
    • Although, in "Serious Steven", Garnet appears to be storing the temple key in her gemstones, since she has to summon it and was not carrying it with her prior to arriving at the Gem Battlefield.
    • It should also be noted that the comics are of debatable canon when it comes to their relation to the TV show.
  • In "Nightmare Hospital", it is confirmed that Gems do not have a heart or heartbeat.
  • It is implied in "Catch and Release" that Gems produce bodily waste after consuming food (presumably by shapeshifting a digestive system).
  • As revealed in "Message Received", Gems are differentiated from other Gems of their category by identification codes based on "Facet" and "Cut". For example, Peridot's specification is Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG.
  • Pearl mentioned in "Last One Out of Beach City" that she could not get a driver's license due to being an alien.
    • This is likely because Pearl is not a legal citizen and thus ineligible for government licensing.
  • According to Rebecca Sugar, blue Gems like Sapphire are created with diplomatic skills.[20] And later in the Ultimate Crossover Fundraiser that blue Gems can be introspective and a little judgmental.[21]
    • She also states that orange Gems are more lean on the active side as they take action.[22]
  • Gems typically have their gemstones exposed in plain view, despite their gemstone being their most vulnerable spot.
    • In "Three Gems and a Baby", Steven would become fussy and try to undo his clothes to expose his gemstone, suggesting there may be a reason why Gems leave their gemstones exposed.
  • In "Adventures in Light Distortion", it is revealed that if a Gem ship is traveling faster than the speed of light, a Gem's 'hard-light' body will fall behind and lose form.
  • Usually, Gems of the same type have identical looking gemstones with the same shape and facets. For example, Rose Quartzes have round pink gemstones with pentagonal facets. However, there are some Gems that deviate from this.
    • There have been Jaspers shown with round gemstones and kite-shaped gemstones.
    • Yellow Diamond and Blue Diamond's gemstones are both diamond-shaped but with slightly different dimensions, while Pink's more of a realistic typical earth-cut diamond.
    • The Crystal Gems' Pearl has an oval-shaped gemstone, while other Pearls shown have had perfectly round gemstone.
    • While most Amethysts shown have a circular purple gemstone with a hexagonal facet, some Amethysts' gemstones are slightly different shades of purple.
      • In "Gem Heist", one burgundy-colored Amethyst is shown to have a square-faceted gemstone (rather than hexagonal). However, whether or not this was an animation error is unclear.
    • The Rutile Twins' joint gemstone has two long segments conjoined together, implying that normal Rutiles' gemstones consist of just one elongated segment.
  • Gems bear some similarities to the Asari from the Mass Effect franchise: both are extremely long lived, monosexual species that happen to resemble discolored human women. Both also display a psychic union metaphorical for relationships, and can interbreed with other species, though only Rose Quartz has done such so far with fatal results.
  • Gem art and architecture seems to be heavily influenced by Middle-Eastern and Art Deco designs.
  • It is unclear whether or not Gems have human-like ears, as the same Gems have been drawn both with[23] and without[24] them. However, all known Gems have hair or visors that normally cover where their ears would be.
    • In the Pilot, the Gems consistently had ears. It is unknown why this was changed.
  • Gems share several similarities to the Magical Girls/Puellae Magi of Puella Magi Madoka Magica:
    • Gems are essentially their gemstone who use a projected body of light to interact with their surroundings; When a Magical Girl makes a contract, their souls are removed from their bodies and turned into Soul Gems, which control their bodies similar to puppets
    • Gems are extremely resilient and strong, capable of surviving even if their physical bodies experience heavy damage, but their gemstones are vulnerable; As a Magical Girl is essentially their Soul Gem, their bodies can survive extremely fatal injuries as long as their Soul Gem is safe, allowing themselves to heal, but their Soul Gems are also vulnerable
    • When a Gem is corrupted, their gemstone is warped and they transform into a seemingly mindless or near-mindless, hostile creature. It is speculated that negative emotions and memories may accelerate or exacerbate corruption; When the Soul Gem of a Magical Girl becomes completely black, either due to using up too much magic or succumbing to despair, the Soul Gem is shattered and is replaced by a Grief Seed, whereupon the Magical Girl transforms into a Witch, a hostile monstrosity bent on causing destruction
    • The Crystal Gems are a group of heroic Gems that protect humanity from other Gems, Homeworld or corrupted; Magical Girls hunt Witches, former Magical Girls, to protect humanity from their influence and destruction
    • Homeworld Gems see organic life as inferior and worthless compared to themselves, and in some cases are surprised by human emotions and capabilities. Additionally, Gems as a whole have had several influences over human culture; Incubators, the creators of Magical Girls, lack the emotions humans experience and use them with no regard to their values or feelings and are responsible for the evolution and development of the human species
    • Both shows feature a protagonist with a pink theme that starts out knowing very little, but acting very optimistic and innocently about their respective worlds, before the darker truths are eventually revealed.


  1. Tourmaline confirmation
  2. "What Are Gems?" - Pearl - "Our bodies are actually projections generated by our gemstone. Think of it like a hologram, but with mass."
  3. Ian Jones-Quartey on Twitter
    Q: "What are Lapis and Peridot's weapons?"
    A: "Lapis' weapon is water control! You'll just have to keep watching to find out more about Peridot."
  4. "What Are Gems?" - Pearl - "And if a Gem's gem is shattered completely, they'll cease to be."
  5. "What Are Gems?" - Pearl - "And when a Gem is reduced to its gemstone, it can be contained in a bubble or trapped in an object, making it impossible to reform."
  6. "Frybo" - Pearl - "These shards have a powerful partial consciousness that has been harnessed by Gems throughout history in order to create semi-sentient drone soldiers with the capacity to follow basic orders."
    "In the world of the show, Gems are an alien species that don’t have a gender binary. They are all the same. (This is very common in fiction. Think of alien species like the Namekians in Dragon Ball.)"
    "The real question is, were/ are there any female crystal gems! And the answer is NO. Gems are Gems!"
    "Technically, there are no female Gems! There are only Gems!"
    Ian Jones-Quartey: "In the world of the show, gems are an alien species that use feminine pronouns for each other"
    Rebecca Sugar: "For everyone wondering about Ruby: she is a Gem"
    Q: "I'm not trying to nitpick, because I am very happy with the gems and who they are, but is there any particular reason they use feminine pronouns if gender is irrelevant to them? I would understand if it were just more convenient."
    A: "There's a 50 50 chance to use some pronoun on Earth, so why not feminine ones-- it's as convenient as it is arbitrary!"
  12. Gem reproduction
  17. Gem DNA
    "in canon, a Gem’s skin color MUST be related to the color of their gemstone!"
    "Lapis’s skin is blue because the gemstone is blue. Amethyst is purple because the gemstone is purple! Pearl is cream because her Pearl is cream! Garnet is red because etc etc etc!"
    "You’re absolutely correct- for instance, if we had designed the character Pearl to have a yellow-colored pearl on her head, her skin would be a yellow shade! Or if we had chosen a green-colored Garnet she would have greenish skin! The main point was: in canon we don’t give Gems “human” skin colors. The skin is based on whatever gem that character has."
  20. 8 Fun Facts About "Steven Universe" That You Haven't Seen In The Show: "If Connie were a gem, I think she would be a gem that is teal...she has the diplomatic skills of blue gem, but she also is able to take action...she would be a gem that would be between blue and green."
  21. Ultimate Crossover Fundraiser: "Dipper would be a light blue because he’s “introspective” and “a little judgmental”."
  22. Ultimate Crossover Fundraiser: "Mabel would have to be on the pink side for sure. not just for her color scheme but also her attitude. it would probably be- it would be orange. cause it would be like she takes action. a pink orange because she takes action. she’s not like blue gems are all very meditative. lean on the active side."