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This is a transcribed copy of Hit the Diamond. Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Barn Mates" Next: "Steven Floats"
Speaker Dialogue
[Episode starts with a view of the Roaming Eye, with the Crystal Gems watching nearby.]
(The hatch on the top of the vessel opens, and a one eyed Ruby climbs out of it.)
Crystal Gems (Gasp)
(Ruby (Eyeball) looks around.)
Steven Ruby? (Garnet picks him up and takes him away) Whoa-?
(Ruby (Eyeball) lands on the ground, growls, and walks away.)
Ruby (Army) (Jumps out of the vessel and begins making fighting poses, then picks up a flower and kicks it) Hi-ya! (She then cartwheels to the left side of the screen.)
Ruby (Navy) *Pops out from the vessel gasps with excitement* What a lovely planet! *Walks away happily*
Ruby (Leggy) *Sticks head out of the vessel nervously* Wait! So we just... get up and walk around? Whoa-!
(Ruby (Leggy) gets shoved out of the vessel by Ruby (Doc). In the background, Ruby (Army) can be seen kicking a twig.)
Ruby (Doc) Now, where's the Gem the scanners locked on to? *looks around* Let's fan out and search the area!
Steven *Sticks head out from behind the barn door* Whoa, look at 'em all!
Peridot (Plants hands on Steven's head) I knew it. They're after me! (Returning back inside the barn) This is the end of the line!
Lapis You really weren't kidding.
Peridot I disobeyed a direct order from Yellow Diamond, and I called her a clod... to her face.
Pearl Oh, honestly, you call everyone a clod.
Peridot Yes, but not everyone has command over all the armies of Homeworld waiting for the word to shatter me! (Hides under a box)
Steven Peridot, we won't let them get you. (Picks up the box)
Peridot But haven't I caused you enough trouble?
Garnet Don't worry, Peridot. It's our sworn duty to protect anything that calls this planet home. And that includes clods like you.
Peridot (Quietly) That's my word...
Garnet *Turns to the others* Listen up, everyone. I have a plan. Or should I say... *Holds up hands* We have a plan?
(Garnet, while giggling, unfuses into Ruby and Sapphire, both holding hands.)
Sapphire Hello everyone.
Pearl and Amethyst Ruby! Sapphire!
Steven HUUUGS! *Runs up to Ruby and Sapphire and hugs them.*
Sapphire Hello, Steven!
Amethyst So, what's the plan?
Sapphire (To Ruby) You got this. Just act casual. (Kisses Ruby on the cheek.)
Ruby Yeah. (Bumps fist against palm) Casual.
[Int. Outside the barn.]
(Ruby walks awkwardly towards the other Rubies, who are chattering amongst themselves. Ruby (Doc) is standing on top of the Roaming Eye.)
Ruby(Doc) Focus, Rubies! This is an important mission from Yellow Diamond, so we can't mess it up.
Ruby (Slides next to Ruby (Navy)) *Nervously* Eh, hey, hey! Uh... (Sweating) What are we all doing over here?
(All the Rubies look at her with suspicious facial expressions.)
Ruby (Leggy) (Raises hand) Yeah, what ARE we all doing here?
Ruby (Doc) We're here to retrieve the leader of the Earth mission! (Raises eyebrow) Hey, wait a second. It seems like there are more of us... than usual!
Ruby (Navy) There's supposed to be five of us.
Ruby (Army) (Clenches fist) Five Rubies!
(Ruby (Eyeball) and Ruby (Leggy) look at their hands. Ruby (Eyeball) nods.)
Ruby (Doc) (Begins counting and pointing) One, two, three, four, five. Tch, never mind.
Ruby (Sighs in relief.)
Ruby (Doc) The leader of the Earth mission must be around here somewhere.
Ruby *Nervously* Well, she's definitely not in that barn! (Forced poker face.)
Ruby (Doc) Whoa, I didn't see that before. Maybe we SHOULD look around in there.
Ruby *Nervously* (Raises hands) Uh, I'll go! By myself! (Runs away groaning.)
Ruby (Navy) Ba-Byee!
[Back at the barn]
Ruby They want to search the barn!
Steven We heard.
Pearl We saw.
Peridot *Fearfully* So I'm scared!
Amethyst (Holds up a baseball bat) Let's ambush them!
Sapphire No. No one needs to get hurt. Let's be sensible.
Ruby What do I do? (Bites fingers.)
Sapphire Just go out there and tell them this is a place where humans live.
Ruby (Sighs) I don't wanna go alone...
Steven Oh! I'll come. I'll be your backup.
Amethyst (Hands him baseball bat) And here's some backup for your backup.
[Int. Ruby gathering]
Ruby (Places Steven down) *Nervously/transparently* I checked the barn, and I just found a bunch of humans! Hah!
Steven (Nods) *Transparently* Yup! Nothing in there but us humans!
Ruby (Doc) *Somewhat skeptical* Really?
Ruby *Nervously* Looks like we failed...! Time to go back home! Hah...!
Ruby (Doc) I think we better double-check. You remember what happened last time.
Ruby *Confused* Last time?
(The Rubies, except for Doc and Leggy, begin laughing.)
Ruby (Navy) Oh, Ruby, you're so forgetful!
Ruby (Doc) Alright, let's search the barn!
All the other Rubies Yes, Ruby!
Ruby Wait! *Nervously* You can't, beca-because... uh... (Glances at Steven.)
Steven You have to... uh... play baseball!
(The Rubies look at each other.)
Steven Yeah! It's a human thing. I-If you win, you can go inside, and if you lose, you... gotta leave forever.
Ruby (Doc) (Eyes narrowed) Base... ball.
[Back at the barn]
Peridot, Amethyst, Pearl, and Sapphire Baseball?!
(Ruby facepalms.)
Sapphire I... saw that this was a possibility, though I am surprised that this is the path we're taking.
Steven (Blows a whistle) Alright. My human baseball knowledge will lead us to victory. Let's just go out there and pretend to be humans. Except Peridot. You stay here in the barn and hide.
Peridot O... kay.
Steven Everybody in? (Glances at Lapis) Lapis?
Lapis (Chuckles) This plan sucks.
[Ext. Outside]
(Steven, Pearl, Amethyst, Lapis, and Sapphire are lined up wearing baseball clothes against all of the Rubies, including the Crystal Gem Ruby.)
Steven We're the humans! Steven!
Pearl Earl!
Amethyst Amy!
Lapis Bob.
Sapphire (Blushing) And Sophie. (Ruby is also blushing and sweating.)
Ruby (Doc) Understood. Our team is the Rubies! Consisting of... Ruby!
Ruby Ruby!
Ruby (Navy) Ruby!
Ruby (Army) *quickly* Ruby!
Ruby (Eyeball) Ruby.
Ruby (Leggy) And Ruby!
Steven Here's the rules of the game. We take turns throwing the ball at each other. The batter tries to hit the ball with the bat, and then they run around the bases. Whoever gets the most runs wins.
(Transition to when the game is starting. Ruby is the batter, Steven is the pitcher, Amethyst is the catcher, Sapphire is at first base, Lapis is at second base, and Pearl is at third base. Ruby puts on a cap, readies her bat, and winks at Steven. Steven winks back and throws the ball.)
Steven (Narrating the rules) You get three tries to hit the ball. (Ruby misses the ball on purpose) If you miss...
Amethyst Striiiike one!
Ruby (Army) What?!
(Steven tosses the ball again.)
Amethyst Striiike two!
(Steven tosses the ball again, and Ruby misses again.)
Amethyst Strike three!
Steven (Narrating the rules) Three strikes, and you're out!
Ruby (Acting) Oh, darn! Guess I'm out.
(Sapphire waves at her, and Ruby blushes. Ruby (Army) punches her in the back.)
Ruby (Army) You swung too slow! (Picks up the bat) Do it like this.
(Steven throws the ball and Ruby (Army) hits it so hard that it flies across the fields.)
Steven And that's called a "home run."
Steven (Narrating the rules) If the ball gets caught (Pearl efficiently catches a ball hit by Ruby (Navy)), you're out. And if you get tagged (Steven catches the ball and tags Ruby (Eyeball) and she gets angry), you're out! Uhhhh, (Steven quickly says) and after three outs we switch sides!
(Amethyst is batting while chewing gum and Ruby (Doc) is pitching. Once her bubble pops, Amethyst hits the ball and it goes flying out of the field. She then spin dashes around the bases and slides into home plate in a pose.)
Pearl (Enthusiastically) Nice!
Ruby (Leggy) Wow! That purple human is really good!
Steven Hahahaha. Us humans, we're full of surprises. (Whispers while pushing Amethyst offscreen) Amethyst be careful.
(Sapphire runs into the field as the batter)
Sapphire Heeeeey Ruby (Giggles.)
(Ruby (Doc) pitches and Sapphire misses it.)
Ruby (Doc) Strike ONE!!
Ruby Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
Sapphire I don't know. I don't get off planet much. (Both Sapphire and Ruby start laughing.)
(The Gems look at Ruby and Sapphire as they pay more attention to each other than concentrating on the game.)
Ruby (Doc) Strike TWO!!
Steven What's going on? What are they doing?
(Lapis comes from the back.)
Lapis (Monotone) Flirting.
Pearl (Somewhat worried tone) Uh-oh...
Ruby (Doc) Strike THREE!!
Ruby and Sapphire Uhhhh... (Sapphire and Ruby look at the Gems with embarrassment and Lapis gives a thumbs up.)
(Ruby (Eyeball) is the batter now and hits the ball so that Lapis just moves a little to the left and catches it. Ruby (Doc) is at third base yelling at Ruby who is more distracted by Sapphire and ceases to concentrate on the plan. Sapphire cheers as Ruby accidently hits the ball allowing Ruby (Doc) to score.)
Steven (Whispers) What?
Ruby (Army) (Because of Ruby's hit, the Rubies gather around Ruby in excitement) YEAHH!! (Ruby (Army) flexes on the field showing her happiness.)
(Montage of Pearl, Steven, and Amethyst as batters begin. During Lapis' at-bat, she holds her bat over the plate, letting the pitch bounce off it. She walks to first base as the Rubies rush toward the home plate and dive on top of the ball. Another point is shown where Sapphire is at the Rubies' bench chatting with Ruby; Steven drags her away. The Gems continue playing while Ruby and Sapphire continue flirting with each other.)
Peridot (Steven runs to the Barn for another bat after one of the Rubies unintentionally shatters the last one) Hey, how's it going? Are we winning?
Steven Ummm.....(Steven looks at Ruby giving Sapphire instructions on how to hit the ball)
Ruby (Ruby says to Sapphire) Now, what you want to do is lead with your hips. (Sapphire swings the bat) Yeah. That's pretty good. Let me show you again.
Steven Well, haha... (Steven hesitates) We're doing just fine. Everything's gonna be A-Okay. (Steven walks to the field nervously.)
Peridot You're lying to me!
Steven To make you feel better!
Peridot Thank you!
(The scoreboard shows the Rubies have 7 as their score and the Humans have 6.)
Steven (Steven is with the Gems and discusses the issue) Alright, it's the bottom of the ninth. We've got Lapis on second, but one more out and the game's over for us. We need to hit a home run. (The Gems see Sapphire at bat.)
Steven Wait! I call a timeout! Listen, you two (Steven comes in between Sapphire and Ruby), I know it's hard being separated, but we have to keep them out of the barn or they're gonna find Peridot. Remember?! Ruby, stop being cute, and Sapphire, keep your eye on the ball!
Ruby Pun...intended?
Steven (Snaps fingers and points at Ruby) What did I just say?
Ruby (Doc) Hmmm, Ughh (Ruby (Doc) throws the ball at Sapphire.)
(Sapphire swings the bat but misses the hit.)
Ruby (Doc) Strike one!
(The Crystal Gems look worried as the Rubies stay confident.)
Ruby Come on, I know you can do it. (Ruby raises Sapphire's hopes and determination.)
Sapphire Hmmmm....
(Sapphire fails to hit the ball again.)
Ruby (Doc) Strike two!
Ruby Just look at the ball.
Sapphire I'm trying, but all I want to look at is you.
Ruby Don't worry, you can look at me when you're running for home. (Sapphire becomes happy and concentrates on the goal.)
(Sapphire and Ruby (Doc) get ready. Ruby (Doc) lights the ball on fire and throws it really fast towards Sapphire.
Sapphire URRR, UGHHHH!!! (Sapphire swings the bat with determination.)
(When the ball touches the bat, Sapphire stands her ground and freezes the bat, withstanding force from the ball and rebounding it to give a glorious home run. The Crystal Gems celebrate as Sapphire runs around the bases while Lapis walks casually.)
Steven YEAH!
(Ruby and Lapis high five, Ruby (Army) throws her mitt in fury. Sapphire continues to run towards Ruby.)
Ruby Come to ME! (Both laugh and Sapphire jumps towards Ruby.)
(Ruby and Sapphire accidently fuse.)
Garnet Hahaha...Ha...whoops....
Ruby (Doc) They're Gems!
Ruby (Army) We've been tricked!
Ruby (Navy) What a turn of events.
Ruby (Eyeball) (Growls)
Ruby (Leggy) Huh? W-what? (Ruby (Leggy) seems confused about the current situation.)
Garnet (Gets up and joins the Gems) Sorry, guys. Game is over.
Ruby (Doc) THAT'S IT! (All the Rubies join together) RUBIES...COMBINE!
(The Rubies fuse to form a giant, stronger Ruby.)
Ruby (quintuple fusion) RAAAAAAAH!
Peridot Wait!! Oooh, wait! Stop! Don't hurt them! (Peridot falls to her face and then falls again. She pants excessively as she runs in front of the Gems) Wait. Oh, please, please! It's me you're after right? I'm not gonna stand by and let my friends fight my battles!
Steven Awww, Peri loves us!
Ruby (quintuple fusion) Are you the Peridot assigned to the failed Earth mission?
Peridot Not sure if "failed" would be the right word to-
Ruby (quintuple fusion) Where is Jasper?
Peridot You're looking for...Jasper?
Ruby (quintuple fusion) Correct.
Peridot Wait, but I'm the one who betrayed the mission, who called Yellow Diamond a clod, the new leader of the Crystal Gems?
Pearl What?
Ruby (quintuple fusion) Tell us where Jasper is NOW!
Peridot Jasper-umm, we know where Jasper is.
(Peridot looks at Pearl who shakes her head.)
Ruby (quintuple fusion) WELL?!
Peridot Uhhhh....
Steven Neptune! She's on the planet Neptune!
(Everyone is silent.)
Ruby (quintuple fusion) Well, why didn't you say so?
(Steven exhales in relief. The Rubies unfuse.)
Ruby (Doc) We all here? One, two, three, four, and...ha! (Ruby (Doc) points to herself) Five. To the planet Neptune!
Ruby (Army) Let's move out, soldiers!
Ruby (Navy) What a lovely-sounding planet.
Ruby (Leggy) But we here.
(Ruby (Doc) drags Ruby (Leggy) to the ship.)
Ruby (Doc) Let's go, newbie!
Ruby (Eyeball) (In a strained voice) Thank you.
(The Rubies go inside their ship; a small black cloud appears above it, and the ship warps away.)
Amethyst Man, Rubies are dumb.
Garnet (Star iris closes in on Garnet's face and she smiles) Not all of them.
[Episode Ends]

ve Transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 A: Gem GlowLaser Light CannonCheeseburger BackpackTogether BreakfastFryboCat FingersBubble BuddiesSerious StevenTiger MillionaireSteven's LionArcade ManiaGiant WomanSo Many BirthdaysLars and the Cool KidsOnion TradeSteven the Sword FighterLion 2: The MovieBeach PartyRose's RoomCoach StevenJoking VictimSteven and the StevensMonster BuddiesAn Indirect KissMirror Gem/Ocean Gem

B: House GuestSpace RaceSecret TeamIsland AdventureKeep Beach City WeirdFusion CuisineGarnet's UniverseWatermelon StevenLion 3: Straight to VideoWarp TourAlone TogetherThe TestFuture VisionOn the RunHorror ClubWinter ForecastMaximum CapacityMarble MadnessRose's ScabbardOpen BookShirt ClubStory for StevenThe MessagePolitical PowerThe Return/Jail Break

Season 2 Full DisclosureJoy RideSay UncleLove LettersReformedSworn to the SwordRising Tides, Crashing SkiesKeeping It TogetherWe Need to TalkChille TidCry for HelpKeystone MotelOnion FriendHistorical FrictionFriend ShipNightmare HospitalSadie's SongCatch and ReleaseWhen It RainsBack to the BarnToo FarThe AnswerSteven's BirthdayIt Could've Been GreatMessage ReceivedLog Date 7 15 2
Season 3 Super Watermelon Island/Gem DrillSame Old WorldBarn MatesHit the DiamondSteven FloatsDrop Beat DadMr. GregToo Short to RideThe New LarsBeach City DriftRestaurant WarsKiki's Pizza Delivery ServiceMonster ReunionAlone at SeaGreg the BabysitterGem HuntCrack the WhipSteven vs. AmethystBismuthBetaEarthlingsBack to the MoonBubbled
Season 4 The Kindergarten KidKnow Your FusionBuddy's BookMindful EducationFuture Boy ZoltronLast One Out of Beach CityOnion GangGem HarvestThree Gems and a BabySteven's DreamAdventures in Light DistortionGem HeistThe ZooThat Will Be AllThe New Crystal GemsStorm in the RoomRocknaldoTiger PhilanthropistRoom for RubyLion 4: Alternate EndingDoug OutThe Good LarsAre You My Dad?I Am My Mom
Season 5 Stuck TogetherThe TrialOff ColorsLars' HeadDewey WinsGemcationRaising the BarnBack to the KindergartenSadie KillerKevin PartyLars of the StarsJungle MoonYour Mother and MineThe Big ShowPool HoppingLetters to LarsCan't Go BackA Single Pale RoseNow We're Only Falling ApartWhat's Your Problem?The QuestionMade of HonorReunitedLegs From Here to HomeworldFamiliarTogether AloneEscapismChange Your Mind
Film Steven Universe: The Movie
Future Little HomeschoolGuidanceRose BudsVolleyballBluebirdA Very Special EpisodeSnow DayWhy So Blue?Little GraduationPrickly PairIn DreamsBismuth CasualTogether ForeverGrowing PainsMr. UniverseFragmentsHomeworld BoundEverything's FineI Am My MonsterThe Future
Shorts Lion Loves to Fit in a BoxThe Classroom Gems: What Are Gems?We Are the Crystal GemsThe Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made?UnboxingThe Classroom Gems: FusionCooking with LionGem KaraokeSteven ReactsVideo ChatSteven's Song Time
Other We Deserve to ShineCrossover Nexus