Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

What are you doing?

—"Gem Heist"

Why didn't you tell me there was a Sapphire here? What have you miscreants been saying to them?

—"Gem Heist"

Oh their incessant barking. What is it saying?

—"Gem Heist"

Right this way, your grand clarity.

—"Gem Heist"

Does your Pearl always walk next to you?... Hm, chatty.

—"Gem Heist"

But what a selfless act for Blue Diamond to step forward and spend her own time and energy, preserving this place in Pink Diamond's memory. It's a real testament to Blue Diamond's merciful and forgiving nature, don't you think?

—"Gem Heist"

My word! I don't know why anyone trusts Rubies with those ships. This is what happens.

—"Gem Heist"

You two, best behavior! Shoulders squared, minds cleared, backs straight!... Well don't just stand there you useless chunks of Quartz! Make yourselves useful, and escort that human to the assimilation bay!

—"Gem Heist"