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Steven Universe Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of "It Could've Been Great". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Steven's Birthday" Next: "Message Received"
Speaker Dialogue
[Open Ext. The Barn]
(It is the late evening. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are seen sitting on a hill and watching the sunset over Beach City. Steven is lying nearby against Lion, strumming his ukulele, when Peridot walks up to him.)
Peridot Steven.
Steven Hi!
Peridot Why did we stop working on the drill?! Why are they just sitting there looking at nothing?!
Steven We worked hard and we deserve to take it easy for a little bit. I mean just look at that view. It's beautiful.
Peridot It's going to be blown to oblivion by the Cluster if we don't get back to work!
Steven Working hard is important, but feeling good is important too.
(Peridot accidentally turns on the power drill in her hand in her frustration, and it makes a buzzing sound.)
Steven Hey! *imitates the drill buzzing* What is that, a C? *plays the note on his ukulele*
Peridot The drill? *makes the drill buzz again*
Steven Yeah! (Peridot makes the drill buzz in a higher pitch.) Oh my gosh, now it's music!
Peridot Music?
Steven Yeah! It's music! Like this, do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do. *strums his ukulele*
Peridot Do-mi-so-do...
Steven ♫ Isn't it pretty? ♫
Peridot That's exceedingly simple. (Steven strums his ukulele again.) Do-mi-so-ti...
Steven ♫ We're making music. ♫
Peridot What is the point? You're not making anything.
Steven Well, if it isn't anything, then why does it sound so good?
Peridot I suppose it's just interest... Do-mi-so-do. Devoid of substance or purpose, a hypothetical pattern... Do-mi-so-ti. For the satisfaction of bringing it to completion.
Steven Sure.
Peridot Do-mi-so-ti. Interest without meaning? Solutions without problems?
Steven And then you just add words. Here's what I have been working on.
(Steven begins to sing "Peace and Love on the Planet Earth".)
Steven ♫ Life and death and love and birth, / And peace and war on the planet Earth. / Is there anything that's worth more, / Than peace and love on the planet Earth? / Oh-whooah, come on and sing it with me~ ♫
Peridot Sing?
Steven ♫ The words relate to the key~ ♫
Peridot *holds up a key* Key?
Steven ♫ If it's a pattern, if it's a pattern, / Then just repeat after me~ / Life and death and love and birth- ♫
Peridot ♫ Life and death and love and birth- ♫
Steven ♫ Now you sing mi-fa-mi-mi-fa-mi-ti-la! ♫
Steven & Peridot ♫ And peace and war on the planet Earth! ♫
Steven Yes, yes! That's it!
Peridot That's so easy.
Steven Yeah, but that's what's fun about it. You should write something, you should write a song!
Peridot About what?
Steven Whatever you're thinking!
(Night falls. Peridot begins to sing her part of the song in front of a bonfire, while the Crystal Gems watch on.)
Peridot ♫ I guess we're already here, / I guess we already know. / We've all got something to fear, / We've all got nowhere to go. / I think you're all INSANE! / But I guess I am too... / Anybody would be if they were stuck on Earth with you. ♫
Steven Hahaha, yes!
(Time goes on as Steven and the Gems continue working together on the drill, as everyone joins in the song.)
Steven ♫ Life and death and love and birth and- ♫
Amethyst ♫ Life and death and love and birth and- ♫
Pearl ♫ Life and death and love and birth and, / Peace and war on the planet Earth. ♫
Garnet ♫ Is there anything that's worth more? ♫
Steven ♫ Is there anything that's worth more? ♫
Peridot ♫ Is there anything that's worth more? / Than peace and love on the planet Earth... ♫
[Trans. Ext. The Barn, Night-time]
(Steven and the Gems all gaze at the drill in awe.)
Garnet Nice work.
(Garnet pats Peridot on the back, but Peridot jumps in fear. The Gems then laugh and Steven hugs Peridot from behind.)
Peridot We really did it, huh?
Steven *gasps* We?
Peridot Oh wait. I need to check something! *runs to the drill*
Steven She's come so far. It feels like yesterday she was trying to kill us.
Pearl No no, that was several weeks ago.
Peridot Coordinates! We still need the Cluster's exact coordinates in order to drill!
Pearl There's a Diamond Base that may hold that information, but getting there is going to be difficult.
Steven How come?
Pearl Because it's not accessible by warp pad. And it's on...! *gazes upwards*
Steven *gasps* The mooooooon!
Pearl Yes, Steven, the moon.
Steven Lion! Can you make us a special super warp to the moon?
(Lion grunts and stretches his limbs, ignoring Steven and continues napping.)
Steven Come on, Lion, we gotta do this to stop the Cluster! If we don't there's gonna be no more Earth! No more fun times with your pals, no more Lion Lickers... no more naps?
(On that remark, Lion gets up and roars, glaring at Steven with glowing white eyes.)
Steven *turns to the Gems* Guess it was naps.
(Lion carries the Gems on his back, with Steven and Peridot in his mane, and runs down a hill. He then creates a portal and runs through it. Lion and the Crystal Gems begin warping through the portal.)
Steven Pretty cool, right?
(Peridot starts screaming. Lion then creates more portals, increasing his speed with each transmission.)
Steven Go, Lion! Goooo!
[Trans. Int. Moon Base]
(Lion emerges from a portal with a rough landing, sliding across the floor and hitting against a wall, with the Gems still on his back.)
Steven *gasps* Lion! *leaps out of Lion's mane* Are you okay, bud?
Peridot *climbs out of Lion's mane* Erghh, get me out of this furry freak- *slips* Whoa!
(Lion pants heavily in exhaustion.)
Steven Oh, Lion. You've earned your naps for the week. *hugs Lion*
(Garnet, Pearl and Peridot begin shining their gems like flashlights.)
Pearl We made it.
Steven It doesn't... look like the moon.
Amethyst Hey, look over here! I think it's a door.
(Amethyst places her hand on a panel and the door opens, revealing the surface of the moon with the view of Earth in the distance. Air instantly begins getting sucked out through the open door, forcing Amethyst to shut the door quickly.)
Amethyst Uhhh, yup! We on the moon!
Pearl Amethyst, please! Don't blow us into space!
(Steven chuckles as he begins jumping and floating around in the air.)
Steven *laughs* Whoa, look at me! I'm a- *jumps high* -moon boy!
Amethyst *runs over to Steven* Haha, alright moon boy! *tries to jump and float in the air like Steven, but instead falls to the floor, and grunts*
Steven Moon boy quadruple back flip!
Amethyst Hey! Why can't I be a moon boy?
Peridot We're Gems? We're a space-faring race designed to conquer other worlds. Our physical forms adjust automatically to the gravity of any planetoid.
Amethyst Ahhh, lame.
Steven ♫ I was bouncing on the moon one day! ♫ *slam against a wall with a mural on it* Umph! Huh? Hey Peridot, who is this supposed to be?
Peridot *gasps* It's Blue Diamond! Wait! Are they all here? *looks around* Ahh yes! There she is!
Steven Who?
Peridot *runs over to another mural* Behold! Yellow Diamond! Isn't she magnificent?!
Steven Wow... so who are the Diamonds anyway? They seem like a big deal.
Peridot Are you joking me?! The Diamonds are the Gem matriarchs! Together they make up the Great Diamond Authority that governs Homeworld and all the outlying colonies! We live to serve them!
(Garnet walks up behind Peridot, clearing her throat in annoyance, and glares down at Peridot.)
Peridot *laughs nervously* I mean, we were all made to serve them, even though some of us... don't anymore... *pauses* Hey, I think that's a control service over there! *points across the room* Let's take a look. *heads over*
Steven *follows Peridot* Yeah!
(Garnet and Amethyst walk over to Peridot, who is inspecting a panel on the floor.)
Peridot I think this is right. The material is different from the surrounding stone. I think if I just do this...
(Peridot moves her hands across the panel and it lights up. It and several others panels begin to rise around the room to create a set of stairs, knocking Lion over in the process. Peridot then giggles excitedly in the discovery, and everyone begin climbing the stairs.)
Peridot This is so incredible. Only the most elite of the elite can enter these sanctums. We are literally walking in the footsteps of the Diamonds!
Steven They must really like stairs.
(The group enter a room upstairs with only a single mysterious object in the middle of it.)
Steven Hey, what's this room?
Garnet It's not what we came here for.
Amethyst Can we hurry it up? This place gives me the creeps.
(Everyone ignore the mysterious object and continue up the stairs. They eventually make it to the top of the towering base.)
Steven We really are on the moon.
Peridot *goes over to a control panel* Oh my goodness! This looks like it could be brand new! I mean it's a relic by today's standards, but, golly! It's so elegant, so simple, so perfect!
Amethyst So how do you turn it on?
Peridot ... I have no idea.
(The panel then suddenly activates.)
Steven *Hey, it's got one of those glowy hand dealies.
Steven Why not? It's really cool.
Peridot That chair is only for the most elite Gems, you can't go around sitting where an elite would sit.
Steven Well they aren't here now, right?
(Peridot glances around, sits on the chair next to Steven, and snickers to herself. Steven then pulls out a small, white, octahedral prism from the chair.)
Steven Hey, what's this doodad for?
Peridot Put that back! Hm, okay, let's see here...
(Peridot maneuvers the chair closer to the control panel.)
Peridot There we go. This is a really old system.
(Peridot puts on a screen on the control panel, displaying seven files represented by diamond shapes.)
Peridot Gotta find the right file... aha! Cluster, Cluster where are you, Cluster? Aha! There's the insertion point. Looks like the Beta Kindergarten in Facet Nine. It's the smaller of the two, not nearly as impressive as yours, Amethyst.
Amethyst Uhh... thanks?
Pearl But where is the Cluster now?
Peridot Hang on... there it is! It's embedded deep into the mantle, relative to the barn its roughly two thousand five hundred units down. All we need to do is feed this data to the drill and we should be all set.
Pearl That's it then, mission accomplished!
Steven Yeah, team!
Amethyst Great. Let's get the heck out of here. *walks off with Garnet and Pearl*
Steven Wait! Hold on, does this thing have any games on it?
Peridot No no no no, this wasn't used for "games".
Steven Aw.
Peridot It was used for planning a colony. Here, look.
(Peridot pulls on a map of Earth on the screen, and the Gems pause to look back at it.)
Peridot So here is a map of all structures that were originally built on Earth. All told, this probably only accounts for maybe, five percent of what was originally planned.
Steven What was the plan?
Peridot Well, let's take a look.
(A hologram of Earth is projected. The Crystal Gems watch in horror as the Earth hologram hollows out, forming rings around it and Gem structures all over it.)
Peridot Ta-da! A finished Earth colony. Wow, look at this! Eighty-nine kindergartens, sixty-seven spires, a Galaxy Warp in each facet, efficient use of all available materials. What were you thinking, shutting this operation down? It could've been great!
Garnet No! You're wrong!
Peridot What do you mean? It's perfect, look at it.
Pearl We are looking at it.
Amethyst Yeah, this plan stinks!
Garnet Completing this colony would have meant the extinction of all life on Earth!
Peridot But think of the good it would have done. The Gems that would have been made, our Empire expanded.
Pearl Rose Quartz believed all life was precious, and worth protecting.
Peridot Well if she wanted to protect it, she did a lousy job! There'd be no Cluster if the Earth had stayed a colony. Now there's no colony, and there's gonna be no Earth, so thank you, Rose Quartz! You doomed the planet!
(Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl each look at Peridot furiously.)
Steven *laughs nervously* ♫ Is there anything that's worth more th-
(Garnet grabs and lifts Peridot up by her tunic.)
Garnet You, listen to me, now. *summons her gauntlet* You are talking about things that you do not understand.
Steven Garnet, stop! Please! It's not worth it. We're done here, let's just... go home.
(Garnet drops Peridot on the chair and smashes the control panel with her gauntlet, dissipating the hologram. The Gems then walk off, irritated, and Steven sighs in dismay.)
Peridot What did I say? I'm just stating a fact. The Rebellion didn't really save Earth, it just delayed the inevitable.
Steven That's not the way they see it. They've spent thousand of years trying to protect the Earth. I thought maybe, you finally understood why.
(Steven walks down the steps, as Peridot begins looking around in caution.)
Steven Peridot!
Peridot What? I'm coming. *climbs down the steps*
(Steven glances at Peridot and notices she is holding the prism from the chair behind her back.)
Garnet Let's go, you two.
(Steven looks in the direction of Peridot and frowns.)

ve Transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 A: Gem GlowLaser Light CannonCheeseburger BackpackTogether BreakfastFryboCat FingersBubble BuddiesSerious StevenTiger MillionaireSteven's LionArcade ManiaGiant WomanSo Many BirthdaysLars and the Cool KidsOnion TradeSteven the Sword FighterLion 2: The MovieBeach PartyRose's RoomCoach StevenJoking VictimSteven and the StevensMonster BuddiesAn Indirect KissMirror Gem/Ocean Gem

B: House GuestSpace RaceSecret TeamIsland AdventureKeep Beach City WeirdFusion CuisineGarnet's UniverseWatermelon StevenLion 3: Straight to VideoWarp TourAlone TogetherThe TestFuture VisionOn the RunHorror ClubWinter ForecastMaximum CapacityMarble MadnessRose's ScabbardOpen BookShirt ClubStory for StevenThe MessagePolitical PowerThe Return/Jail Break

Season 2 Full DisclosureJoy RideSay UncleLove LettersReformedSworn to the SwordRising Tides, Crashing SkiesKeeping It TogetherWe Need to TalkChille TidCry for HelpKeystone MotelOnion FriendHistorical FrictionFriend ShipNightmare HospitalSadie's SongCatch and ReleaseWhen It RainsBack to the BarnToo FarThe AnswerSteven's BirthdayIt Could've Been GreatMessage ReceivedLog Date 7 15 2
Season 3 Super Watermelon Island/Gem DrillSame Old WorldBarn MatesHit the DiamondSteven FloatsDrop Beat DadMr. GregToo Short to RideThe New LarsBeach City DriftRestaurant WarsKiki's Pizza Delivery ServiceMonster ReunionAlone at SeaGreg the BabysitterGem HuntCrack the WhipSteven vs. AmethystBismuthBetaEarthlingsBack to the MoonBubbled
Season 4 The Kindergarten KidKnow Your FusionBuddy's BookMindful EducationFuture Boy ZoltronLast One Out of Beach CityOnion GangGem HarvestThree Gems and a BabySteven's DreamAdventures in Light DistortionGem HeistThe ZooThat Will Be AllThe New Crystal GemsStorm in the RoomRocknaldoTiger PhilanthropistRoom for RubyLion 4: Alternate EndingDoug OutThe Good LarsAre You My Dad?I Am My Mom
Season 5 Stuck TogetherThe TrialOff ColorsLars' HeadDewey WinsGemcationRaising the BarnBack to the KindergartenSadie KillerKevin PartyLars of the StarsJungle MoonYour Mother and MineThe Big ShowPool HoppingLetters to LarsCan't Go BackA Single Pale RoseNow We're Only Falling ApartWhat's Your Problem?The QuestionMade of HonorReunitedLegs From Here to HomeworldFamiliarTogether AloneEscapismChange Your Mind
Film Steven Universe: The Movie
Future Little HomeschoolGuidanceRose BudsVolleyballBluebirdA Very Special EpisodeSnow DayWhy So Blue?Little GraduationPrickly PairIn DreamsBismuth CasualTogether ForeverGrowing PainsMr. UniverseFragmentsHomeworld BoundEverything's FineI Am My MonsterThe Future
Shorts Lion Loves to Fit in a BoxThe Classroom Gems: What Are Gems?We Are the Crystal GemsThe Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made?UnboxingThe Classroom Gems: FusionCooking with LionGem KaraokeSteven ReactsVideo ChatSteven's Song Time
Other We Deserve to ShineAppearance Related Teasing and BullyingCompeting and Comparing LooksCrossover Nexus