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This is a transcribed copy of "Jail Break". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "The Return" Next: "Full Disclosure"
Speaker Dialogue
[Open. Int. Gem Warship]
(Steven is abruptly woken up in a cell by someone singing and slowly sits up. He feels his face, finding he has a bruised eye now, and starts looking around.)
Steven Amethyst? Pearl?
(Steven then recalls Garnet being poofed into two gems.)
Steven *gasps* Garnet! Where are they?
(Steven tries running out of the cell, but is stopped by a yellow force field in front of him.)
Steven Woah...
(Angry screaming is then heard, startling Steven a bit. He then tries sticking his finger in the force field, and yellow currents starts running across his arm.)
Steven Eww... *chuckles* Cool!
(Steven pushes himself through the force field, yellow currents running all around his body, and passes through unscathed.)
Steven *shivers the currents away* I'm out. Woohoo! Okay, where is everybody? *start running along the hallway* Gotta find 'em. Gotta find 'em. Gotta find— Oh... *stops and notices Ruby crying in a cell* Uh... hello? Are... you okay?
(Ruby gets startled and pants heavily. She then bangs on the cell wall in frustration, causing Steven to lose his footing.)
Ruby Great! This is just perfect!
Steven Uh, do you need any help?
Ruby No! I mean— Don't look at me! Just... go away. *turns away and curls up*
(Steven begins to walk away until Ruby quickly stops him.)
Ruby Hey, wait! You're out! How did you get past the field?
Steven Oh, I just kinda— *reaches towards the force field*
Ruby Wait! No-no-no-no-no, wait!
(Steven's hand passes through the force field.)
Ruby It's... okay? *touches the force field and her hand gets deformed, forcing her to quickly retracts in pain* Ah! Nugh! *gets suspicious* What's going on?
(The singing is heard again, and Steven and the red Gem start looking around.)
Steven Somebody's singing...
Ruby *whispers* Sapphire. Let me out of here! Please! I need to find Sapphire!
Steven Is she your friend? I'm looking for my friends, too.
Ruby *panicking* She's all alone! I need to find her!
Steven Don't worry, we'll find our friends.
(Steven steps into the force field and holds out his arm, creating a hole through the force field.)
Steven *stuttering* And we'll do it together!
(Ruby slides under Steven's arm and runs off on her own.)
Steven Whoa! Wait for me! *chases after Ruby*
(Steven and the red Gem exit the hallway through a door.)
Steven Hey, my name's Steven, by the way, what's yours?
Ruby Quiet! *tries to focus* Ugh! I can't see! *looks around at where the singing can be coming from* This way! *runs off*
Steven Uaaahhhh!
(Steven and the red Gem run down a winding hallway.)
Steven *while running* How many more Gems are trapped here?
Ruby *running* Don't know. Don't care.
(The singing stops, and Steven and the red Gem stop running.)
Ruby She stopped singing... *yells* Sapphire!
(Steven looks out window and finds that he is inside the Gem Warship, floating outside of Earth. The pair keeps running and find a cell with a Gem in it.)
Ruby Ah! Oh, it's just you...
Steven Lapis!
(The Gem turns around, revealing to be Lapis Lazuli. Ruby starts pacing fervently.)
Steven Lapis, I can get you out. *reaches for the force field*
Lapis *backs away* Stop!
Steven It's okay. I can—
Lapis No! I don't want your help. Things are bad enough as it is. I've already made too much trouble. Once we get back to Homeworld, they're going to decide what to do with us.
Ruby *yelling* Ugghhh...!!! I don't have time for this! *runs away*
Steven Wait!
Lapis Steven, whatever you're doing, just stop. If we do everything they say, they might go easy on us.
Steven But they're... mean! They hurt my friends, they hurt my face! They've got you here in prison!
Lapis That's why we can't fight them.
Steven That's why we have to fight them.
(Lapis turns away and curls up.)
Steven I'll come back for you...
(Steven runs off, leaving Lapis behind. The singing starts again and Steven runs towards another part of the warship. He then hears a door opening and halts on his spot. He hides against a wall as Peridot and Jasper walk by.)
Peridot We can't leave yet!
(Steven peeks around the corner at Peridot and Jasper, standing in front of another cell.)
Peridot The whole point of coming here was to check on the Cluster!
(Jasper punches the wall beside the cell.)
Jasper Stop singing! *turns to Peridot* Rose Quartz takes priority. Get back to the bridge and set a course for Homeworld. *leaves*
Peridot *grumbling* "Go to earth," they said. "It'll be easy," they said.
(Peridot leaves as well and Steven peeks out of the corner. He then sees another Gem in a cell, looks around, ensuring it is safe, then starts singing again. Steven walks up to the cell.)
Steven *whispers to the Gem* Hey, I like your song. Are you Sapphire?
Sapphire You escaped... (Steven reaches his hand through the force field.) Of course...
(Steven creates a gap in the force field with his arms.)
Steven *shakily* Come on, it's safe.
Sapphire *steps through underneath Steven's arms* Thank you, Steven.
Steven You're... welcome! *steps away from the force field*
Ruby *distantly* Sapphire!
Sapphire Come on!
(Sapphire grabs Steven's hand and runs at incredible speed, pulling him along.)
Steven Whoa!
(Sapphire and Steven suddenly stop at a doorway, look through into a room, and spots Ruby on the other side. Ruby gasps in surprise.)
Sapphire Ruby!
(Sapphire and Ruby run towards each other, meeting in the center of the room, and embrace each other.)
Ruby Did they hurt you?
Sapphire No, no, I'm okay. Did they hurt you?
Ruby Who cares!? *starts tearing up*
Sapphire I do!
(Sapphire kisses Ruby's tears away. Ruby picks up Sapphire and starts spinning her around. The pair laughs and twirls around together in joy, as they start to fuse together. Steven watches as their laughter and bodies merge together into an amorphous white blob of light and emerges as... Garnet, who lands in front of him, happy to see him.)
Garnet Steven! Thank you!
Steven *gasps* Garnet! You're a fusion!?
Garnet Aw, I'm sorry. We didn't want you meeting us here like this.
Steven Well, did I make a good first impression?
Garnet Oh Steven. *places her hand on Steven's cheek* We already love you.
Jasper *distantly* Where is she!?
Garnet It's Jasper. Steven, find the others and get to the control bridge.
Steven But I don't know where they are.
(Garnet kisses Steven's forehead, and he can visualize where Amethyst and Pearl are in his head.)
Steven Future vision...! Wait, are you gonna be able to beat her on your own?
Garnet It's okay, Steven. I'm never alone.
(Steven nods and runs off. Jasper then enters and Garnet turns to face her.)
Jasper Oh great. You're both out? And you're fused again? Why? Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Gems stronger. Quit embarrassing yourselves! I've seen what you really are.
Garnet *chuckles* No, you haven't.
(Garnet starts to sing "Stronger Than You".)
Garnet ♫ This is Garnet. / Back together. / And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you because I'm so much better. / And every part of me is saying "Go get her!". ♫
(Garnet and Jasper start circling around the room. Jasper then pulls out a Gem Destabilizer.)
Garnet ♫ The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules. / Come at me without any of your fancy tools. / Let's go, just me and you. / Let's go, just one on two. ♫
(Garnet summons her visor as Jasper charges towards her.)
Garnet ♫ Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able. / Can't you see that my relationship is stable? / I can see you hate the way we intermingle. / But I think you're just mad 'cause you're single. ♫
(Garnet gracefully dodges all of Jasper's attacks as she tries to jab her with the Gem Destabilizer.)
Garnet ♫ And you're not gonna stop what we made together. / We are gonna stay like this forever. / If you break us apart, we'll just come back newer. / And we'll always be twice the gem that you are. ♫
(Garnet disarms Jasper and snaps the Gem Destabilizer in half. She and Jasper then summon their weapons and prepare to clash off.)
Garnet ♫ I am made, o-o-o-o-of, / Lo-o-o-o-ove. / O-o-o-o-of ♫
(In the meantime, Steven manages to Amethyst and Pearl, and they head for the control bridge. They find Peridot inside, she pulls a Gem Destabilizer from the console and prepares to attack. Steven quickly grapples the Gem Stabilizer, unable to be poofed, and it surprises Peridot.)
Garnet ♫ Lo-o-o-o-ove. / Lo-o-o-o-ove. / Lo-o-o-o-ove. ♫
(Garnet lands a few punches on Jasper's face, but Jasper grabs her and flails her onto the ground, sending her crashing on the floor and cracking it. Meanwhile, Steven, Amethyst and Pearl have overpowered Peridot and tied her up with Amethyst's whip.)
Peridot Don't touch that! You clods don't know what you're doing!
Amethyst You got this, Pearl!
Pearl Okay, ship. Turn us around!
(Pearl reaches into the ship's control panel and her eyes flash in awe with data. Steven glances at the ship surveillance and sees Garnet and Jasper still fighting. Garnet punches Jasper up to the ceiling, and Jasper quickly spin-dashes back at her, causing them to break through the floor and into the engine room. Garnet is visibly buffeted by Jasper's spin-dash, but she continues to sing.)
Garnet ♫ This is who we are. / This is who I am. / And if you think you can stop me, / Then you need to think again. ♫
(Jasper, seemingly not hurt at all, glares menacingly at the injured Garnet, kneeling on the ground.)
Garnet ♫ 'Cause I am a feeling, / And I will never end, / And I won't let you hurt my planet, / And I won't let you hurt my friends. ♫
(Garnet slowly gets up and resummons her gauntlets, ready to face off Jasper again.)
Garnet ♫ Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able. / Can't you see that my relationship is stable? / I know you think I'm not something you're afraid of, / 'Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of. ♫
(Garnet throws a few punches, but Jasper blocks all of it with her crash helmet and punches Garnet to the ground. Garnet quickly recovers and slams both her fists at Jasper's temples, shattering her helmet visor and physically hurting her.)
Garnet ♫ But I am even more than the two of them. / Everything they care about is what I am. / I am their fury. I am their patience. / I am a conversation. ♫
(Jasper, enraged, spin-dashes towards Garnet, who dodges out of the way. Jasper starts spin-dashing around the room and charges at Garnet in full force. Garnet, however, manages to catch her attack head-on.)
Garnet ♫ I am made, o-o-o-o-of, / Lo-o-o-o-ove. / O-o-o-o-of, / And it's stronger than you. ♫
(Garnet then hurls Jasper at the ship power source, overflowing it and causing it to explode. The explosion jerks the entire ship, causing Steven, Peridot, Amethyst, and Pearl to stumble and jostle. Garnet runs away through a hallway from the exploding engine room, still singing.)
Garnet ♫ L-o-o-o-ove. / O-o-o-o-of, / L-o-o-o-ove. / And it's stronger than you. ♫
(Peridot, still tied up, crawls away in the chaos and activates an Escape Pod that encases her. Amethyst tries to stop her, but fails as Peridot sinks into the floor. The rapidly-descending ship then flings the escape pad back onto Earth. Steven, Amethyst, and Pearl watch out the window as the ship continues its freefall when Garnet enters the control bridge.)
Steven, Amethyst, & Pearl Garnet!
Garnet This ship is going down!
Steven What about Lapis?
Garnet There's no time!
(Lapis is shown looking forlorn inside her cell, as the ship plunges back onto Earth. It crash-lands on the hill of the Crystal Temple and explodes, as Garnet's song concludes.)
[Trans Ext. Crystal Temple]
(Lion comes running down the beach as rubble shatter everywhere from the explosion. He then roars into a pile of rubble and unravels the Crystal Gems inside Steven's bubble shield.)
Garnet Nice one.
Steven Oh my gosh! I can't believe you're a fusion all the time!
Amethyst You met Ruby and Sapphire?!
Pearl Oh no! We were going to introduce you. Garnet, your plan!
Garnet We were waiting for your birthday.
Steven We can still do it! I'll just pretend I didn't know!
(Amethyst starts to chuckle, when a hand emerges from the rubble, breaking the moment. Jasper then bursts out from the burning wreckage of the ship, panting heavily and limbing.)
Jasper Ugh! Auh... *falls to her knees* Don't think you've won. You only beat me 'cause you're a fusion! If I had someone to fuse with I'd— Huh?
(Another pile of rubble starts to move, and Lapis emerges out of it, falling onto her knees. She then attempts to flee, but Jasper quickly grabs her leg.)
Jasper Come here, brat! Aw, don't fly off so soon.
Steven Lapis!
(Steven tries to run over to Lapis, but Pearl and Amethyst stop him.)
Jasper Lapis, listen, fuse with me!
Lapis What?!
Jasper How long did they keep you trapped here on this miserable hunk of rock? *drops Lapis*
Lapis Ugh!
Jasper These Gems, they're traitors to their Homeworld. They kept you prisoner. They used you. This is your chance to take revenge! Come on, just say yes.
Steven Lapis, don't do it!
(Lapis ponders for a moment on her own. She then turns and offers her hand to Jasper, who grins and grabs Lapis' hand.)
Steven Noooooo!
(Jasper and Lapis performs a fusion dance together and begin to fuse into a blob of white light. The blob enlarges and quickly forms into Malachite, a fusion of Lapis and Jasper.)
Crystal Gems Augh!
(Malachite starts cackling menacingly as she raises her arm, summoning an water arm from the ocean, ready to attack the Crystal Gems. The water arm then suddenly grabs Malachite's wrist and turns a shackle.)
Malachite Huh? What?
(Another water arm grabs Malachite's other arm, becoming another shackle, and water chains wraps around her torso and neck. Malachite groans in discomfort as she struggles to break free, while the Crystal Gems watch on.)
Malachite (Jasper) What are you doing?!
Malachite (Lapis) I'm done being everyone's prisoner. Now you're my prisoner! And I'm never letting you go!
(Two more water arms grabs Malachite's hide legs and start pulling her into the ocean. Malachite keeps groaning in distress as Jasper struggles to unfuse from Lapis, refusing to let her go.)
Steven Lapis! *runs to the shore*
Malachite (Lapis) Let's stay on this miserable planet... together!
(Malachite disappears into the ocean, as the Crystal Gems watch in shock.)
Garnet Yikes. They are really bad for each other.
(Steven's Phone starts to ring.)
Steven *picks up his phone* Uh... hello?
Connie *through phone* Steven, I got your message. Are you okay? What's going on? ... Steven?...
(The star iris then zooms in on Steven, speechless and not knowing what to say to Connie, ending the episode.)

ve Transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 A: Gem GlowLaser Light CannonCheeseburger BackpackTogether BreakfastFryboCat FingersBubble BuddiesSerious StevenTiger MillionaireSteven's LionArcade ManiaGiant WomanSo Many BirthdaysLars and the Cool KidsOnion TradeSteven the Sword FighterLion 2: The MovieBeach PartyRose's RoomCoach StevenJoking VictimSteven and the StevensMonster BuddiesAn Indirect KissMirror Gem/Ocean Gem

B: House GuestSpace RaceSecret TeamIsland AdventureKeep Beach City WeirdFusion CuisineGarnet's UniverseWatermelon StevenLion 3: Straight to VideoWarp TourAlone TogetherThe TestFuture VisionOn the RunHorror ClubWinter ForecastMaximum CapacityMarble MadnessRose's ScabbardOpen BookShirt ClubStory for StevenThe MessagePolitical PowerThe Return/Jail Break

Season 2 Full DisclosureJoy RideSay UncleLove LettersReformedSworn to the SwordRising Tides, Crashing SkiesKeeping It TogetherWe Need to TalkChille TidCry for HelpKeystone MotelOnion FriendHistorical FrictionFriend ShipNightmare HospitalSadie's SongCatch and ReleaseWhen It RainsBack to the BarnToo FarThe AnswerSteven's BirthdayIt Could've Been GreatMessage ReceivedLog Date 7 15 2
Season 3 Super Watermelon Island/Gem DrillSame Old WorldBarn MatesHit the DiamondSteven FloatsDrop Beat DadMr. GregToo Short to RideThe New LarsBeach City DriftRestaurant WarsKiki's Pizza Delivery ServiceMonster ReunionAlone at SeaGreg the BabysitterGem HuntCrack the WhipSteven vs. AmethystBismuthBetaEarthlingsBack to the MoonBubbled
Season 4 The Kindergarten KidKnow Your FusionBuddy's BookMindful EducationFuture Boy ZoltronLast One Out of Beach CityOnion GangGem HarvestThree Gems and a BabySteven's DreamAdventures in Light DistortionGem HeistThe ZooThat Will Be AllThe New Crystal GemsStorm in the RoomRocknaldoTiger PhilanthropistRoom for RubyLion 4: Alternate EndingDoug OutThe Good LarsAre You My Dad?I Am My Mom
Season 5 Stuck TogetherThe TrialOff ColorsLars' HeadDewey WinsGemcationRaising the BarnBack to the KindergartenSadie KillerKevin PartyLars of the StarsJungle MoonYour Mother and MineThe Big ShowPool HoppingLetters to LarsCan't Go BackA Single Pale RoseNow We're Only Falling ApartWhat's Your Problem?The QuestionMade of HonorReunitedLegs From Here to HomeworldFamiliarTogether AloneEscapismChange Your Mind
Film Steven Universe: The Movie
Future Little HomeschoolGuidanceRose BudsVolleyballBluebirdA Very Special EpisodeSnow DayWhy So Blue?Little GraduationPrickly PairIn DreamsBismuth CasualTogether ForeverGrowing PainsMr. UniverseFragmentsHomeworld BoundEverything's FineI Am My MonsterThe Future
Shorts Lion Loves to Fit in a BoxThe Classroom Gems: What Are Gems?We Are the Crystal GemsThe Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made?UnboxingThe Classroom Gems: FusionCooking with LionGem KaraokeSteven ReactsVideo ChatSteven's Song Time
Other We Deserve to ShineAppearance Related Teasing and BullyingCompeting and Comparing LooksCrossover Nexus