Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

That's me, the nice one.

—"Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service"
Click here to see more of Kiki Pizza's quotes.

Kiki Pizza is a resident of Beach City and an employee at her family's restaurant Fish Stew Pizza. She made a cameo appearance in "Frybo" and made her official debut in "Steven's Lion". She is the twin sister of Jenny Pizza and the daughter of Kofi Pizza, along with the granddaughter of Nanefua Pizza.


Kiki has dark eyes and curly, dark brown hair. While working at the restaurant, she wears a white apron, a light cyan shirt, dark gray leggings with lighter gray rolled-up cuffs, and black shoes. She keeps her hair worn back in a beige scarf to protect it. In "Beach Party", she wears her hair up with a pink ribbon and a flowy, white, and light green sundress.


Kiki is nice and comical with a sassy side. She likes to help her dad Kofi in the family business unlike her sister, Jenny. While playing volleyball in "Beach Party", she tries to stay clean. She appears to be more open to magic than her dad and sister. She also has a good work ethic as she works in the family business more than her twin sister. She also likes to spend her spare time running, as shown in "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service", in which she spent her day off jogging on the beach.



Kiki is among the crowd running away from Frybo.

"Steven's Lion"

Kiki initially tries to take Steven's order but runs outside when he says he has a magical lion.

"Lars and the Cool Kids

Kiki is briefly seen when Jenny and the Cool Kids walk out of Fish Stew Pizza.

"Beach Party"

She, along with her family, is invited to the beach by Steven. While she is there, she makes friends with Pearl.

"Rose's Room"

She is seen with other Beach City citizens in Rose's room.

"Steven and the Stevens"

She is in the crowd listening to the Crystal Gems playing the song, "Steven and the Stevens".

"Mirror Gem"

She is in the crowd being spoken to by Mayor Dewey.

"Ocean Gem"

She’s part of the crowd looking at the stolen ocean.

"Shirt Club"

Kiki is seen talking with her sister at the register of Fish Stew Pizza.

"Political Power"

She is seen yet again in a crowd listening to Mayor Dewey.

"Rising Tides, Crashing Skies"

Kiki is interviewed by Ronaldo for his blog Keep Beach City Weird.

"Historical Friction"

She watches the play with Nanefua and others.

"Sadie's Song"

Kiki performs with Nanefua in a ventriloquist act for Beach-a-Palooza. They are later seen in the crowd watching Steven perform.

"Drop Beat Dad"

Kiki along with many others are in the crowd waiting for Marty’s show.

"Restaurant Wars"

She and the rest of her family participate in the restraint wars against Beach Citywalk Fries.

"Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service"

Kiki starts delivering pizzas for her sister, with the situation escalating and them coming to an understanding.

"Crack the Whip"

She is seen walking around Beach City Funland with Jenny.

"Future Boy Zoltron"

Kiki goes up to see Steven with Jenny and Nanefua.

"Dewey Wins"

Her and her sister protest against Mayor Dewey along with the townspeople.

"Pool Hopping"

She is seen making a call at Fish Stew Pizza.

"Letters to Lars"

Kiki is seen sitting at a table hanging out with Pearl.

"What's Your Problem?"

Kiki serves an everything pizza to Steven and Amethyst.


Kiki attends Ruby and Sapphire's wedding.

"Change Your Mind"

She attends the concert of Sadie Killer and the Suspects.

Steven Universe: The Movie

She is seen with the other townspeople as Spinel's drill explodes. She is later saved by Alexandrite and the other Crystal Gems.


She is seen working with Bixbite within Fish Stew Pizza.

"The Future"

Kiki is seen waving goodbye to Steven with everyone else.


Jenny Pizza

Jenny is Kiki's twin sister. They seem to have a good relationship, with the two describing each other as their 'favorite twin'. Despite this, in "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" Jenny is somewhat manipulative, as she was shown to guilt Kiki into making her fill in for her job at Fish Stew Pizza. However, it was revealed later in the episode that Jenny had no idea her requests were taking a toll on her and gladly backed off because she loves her sister. Kiki can be seen as the "good daughter" whose upright work ethics clash with Jenny's more kickback "take-it-easy" attitude.

Kofi Pizza

Kiki's dad seems to be less pushy towards her than Jenny, as she is more willing to work for their family business, whereas Jenny shirks.

Nanefua Pizza

Nanefua is Kiki's grandmother. Their relationship has not been shown in depth, though Nanefua is comfortable enough with Kiki to be a living ventriloquist dummy for her in Beach-a-Palooza.

Steven Universe

She finds Steven to be a good kid and likes his friendly attitude. He is a popular customer at the pizzeria. Their friendship is more explored in "Kiki's Pizza Delivery Service" when Steven is willing to help Kiki find the source of all her recurring nightmares. The more times Steven helps out, the more physically exhausted he clearly becomes and the nightmares do not stop. Steven tells her that they shall go into her dreams one more time, but that he cannot help her anymore. Kiki understands and the last time they go, Steven notices her problem with saying no to her sister, pointing this out, telling her that her feelings matter. This helps Kiki finally say no to Jenny, and her nightmares finally stop.


While the two do not meet in the show, in Issue 2 of the comics, Kiki meets Stevonnie for the first time and the two go shopping for Kiki's prom dress. Stevonnie ends up finding an outfit they like and agrees to go to the prom with Kiki. At the dance, it is revealed that Kiki has romantic feelings for Stevonnie. After Steven and Connie take time to think, Kiki agrees to remain as friends with Stevonnie.


Though not very knowledgeable at all about the Crystal Gems, her personality and Pearl's are very much alike as they are both tidy and ladylike, which is shown as they play volleyball in "Beach Party". They’re later seen together in the episode "Letters To Lars".

Ronaldo Fryman

They seem to hang out together at the pizza shop. He tries to convince her to check out his blog. They are also seen dancing next to each other during the Beach-a-Palooza concert at the end of "Steven and the Stevens", but they do not interact with each other directly. In "Restaurant Wars", Kiki and Ronaldo pretend to fall in love in order for Fryman and Kofi to end the restaurant war due to love bringing the families together. This plan fails, however, when Ronaldo's girlfriend sees Kiki and Ronaldo together with flowers in their hands and Ronaldo explains that they were pretending to be in love, which Fryman and Kofi hear.

Episode Appearances



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Kiki Pizza.

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Kiki Pizza.

ve Characters in Steven Universe
Crystal Gems Human-Gem Hybrids: Steven Universe

Unfused Gems: AmethystBiggs JasperBismuthLapis LazuliLarimarPearlPeridotRubySapphireSnowflake Obsidian
Fusion Gems: AlexandriteCrazy Lace AgateGarnetMega PearlObsidian (Rose Quartz Fusion)OpalRainbow QuartzSardonyxSugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Obsidian (Steven fusion)Rainbow Quartz 2.0Smoky QuartzStegStevonnieSunstone
Inactive Gems: Rose Quartz
Humans: Connie Maheswaran
Pets: LionPumpkinCat Steven

Homeworld Gems Unfused Gems: CombyEmeraldPebblesSapphiresSpinel

Fusion Gems: MalachiteTopazZebra Jasper (fusion)Giant RubyRuby (triple fusion)Lemon JadeBluebird Azurite
Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond

Off Colors Unfused Gems: PadparadschaRutile Twins

Fusion Gems: FluoriteRhodonite
Humans: Lars Barriga

Other Gems (Formerly) Corrupted Gems: AlbiteAngel Aura QuartzBig BirdBiggs JasperBixbiteBlue ChalcedonyBlue Lace AgateCherry QuartzChrysocollaDesert GlassEarth BeetleElectric SkullsGrossular DiopsideHeaven BeetleJasperLace AmethystLarimarMoonstoneNephriteOcean JasperOrange SpodumeneSnowflake ObsidianTongue MonsterUnknown Giant Gem MonsterWater BearWatermelon TourmalineWhite TopazZebra Jasper (singular)Minor Corrupted Gems

Corrupted Gem-produced monsters: CentipeetlesCrab Monsters

Other Gems: Smoke MonsterMinor GemsUnknown Gems (Morganite • Nephrite-XJ Cut-763 • Unknown Quartz Warrior • Blue Diamond's Court • Pink Diamond's EntourageUnknown Crystal Gems67 Elite CitrinesPyritesKyanites)

Forced Fusions: Cluster Gems (The Cluster)

Comic Gems: Ant Gem MonsterClock Tower GemFrozen FragmentGlass GhostInvisible Manta RayMole Gem MonsterMolluskMonster Lizard GemObeliskOld Book GemPlant MonsterPerils of PweepweeRainbow Cloud MonsterRed Bird Gem MonsterRed Eel MonsterScorching ShardSlime Gem MonsterSlug MonsterSnowbeastTentacle MonsterUnknown Giant BirdVine Monsters

Other Major Characters Humans: Greg UniverseSadie Miller
Recurring Characters Humans: Andy DeMayoBarbara MillerBill DeweyBuck DeweyBuddy BuddwickDante and Martha BarrigaDoug MaheswaranPriyanka MaheswaranHarold SmileyJamieJaneJenny PizzaKevinKiki PizzaKofi PizzaMartyMr. FrymanMystery GirlNanefua PizzaOnionPeedee FrymanQuentin FrowneyRonaldo FrymanShepSour CreamSuitcase SamVidaliaYellowtailZoomans (F-3Jay-TenU-12Wy-Six)

Others: Baby MelonBlue CrabsCactus StevenHolo-PearlMagic MossSteven Jr.Watermelon Stevens

Minor Characters Humans: The Best Diner in the World's WaitressEmpire City Wildlife Rehabilitation Center EmployeeGaryGreg's family (Aunt and Uncle • Aunt DebGrandfatherParentsGreat-aunt Gregargia) • Hospital Employees (Dr. GeroDr. StrombergDr. West) JeffKhajima, Jaime, and BrandishMarty's RoadiesMayoral BodyguardsMike KrolOnion's Friends (Garbanzo • Pinto • Soup • Squash) • Patricia and DanielRickySabinaSteven's BabysitterSunshine JusticeWilliam Buford BuchananWilliam DeweyMinor Human Characters

Animals: Butt LobsterCrystal BasiliskDogGiant BirdMask Island BirdsMask Island FishMask Island WormOnion's MouseOnion's SnakeParty GuyRaccoonSeagullsSnakeSteven The ThirdSusanMinor Animal Characters
Aliens: Beetle AliensBird Blob AliensUngulate AliensWorm AliensFlower-Like AliensMinor Alien Characters

Fictional Characters Cookie CatDogcopterMearlPizza JennyMinor Fictional Characters

Camp Pining Hearts: PaulettePercyPierre
"Garnet's Universe": FoxmanHopperHoppyRingo
Golf Quest Mini: AceAce's Father
Li'l Butler: Li'l ButlerMr. MoneyMrs. MoneyDaughter Money • Dirtbike Money
Lonely Blade: Evil JanitorLonely BladeLonely Blade's Brother
Rose's Room: Cloud ConnieTiny Floating Whale
The Spirit Morph Saga: ArchimicarusLisaPlinkmanWind Lizard

Non-Gem Antagonists Blood PolypCrystal ShrimpDrill ParasitesFableFryboHolo-ConnieShadow ConnieWater Clones
Alter Egos Billy Bank AssetsChunk TruckConcrete HeatDashing Danny DooberHandsome Hank HackleschmidtHowl JonesLoch Ness BloggsterPurple PumaSea WaspShark-O-ManiaTiger Millionaire
Attack the Light Blue LightGreen LightIndigo LightOrange LightRed LightViolet LightWhite LightYellow Light

Groups: Light ArmyBlue Monsters • Green Monsters • Indigo MonstersOrange MonstersRed Monsters

Groups The Cool Kids • Crystal GemsCrystal Temps • The "Famethyst" • The Great Diamond Authority • Homeworld Gems • Off ColorsSadie Killer and the SuspectsSecret Team • Steven and the Stevens • ZoomansSpecies
Gem Types Aquamarines • BismuthsDiamonds • GarnetsJades • Lapis Lazulis • Nephrites • Pearls • PebblesPeridots • Quartzes • Rubies • Sapphires • Topazes • Zircons