Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe Wiki


You're not exactly a hot girl, Steven.


Oh no-ho-ho-ho! Our shiiiiip!

—"Say Uncle"

Season 1[]

Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don’t you make some with your "magic belly button"?

—"Gem Glow"

I don’t even like fries!


Steven: You're right! And he doesn't have any friends.
Oh my gosh. It's just like you, Steven.

—"Cat Fingers"

Way to go, Steven! Is this your magical love bubble or something? Did you make it because you're in looove?

—"Bubble Buddies"

What? I'm helping Steven on his date.

—"Bubble Buddies"

That little guy's gonna get creamed.

—"Tiger Millionaire"

Aahahahaha! Classic! Tiger! Hey Tiger! Would you sign this? It would be so rad!

—"Tiger Millionaire"

He's awful because he hurt me specifically.

—"Tiger Millionaire"

Ha, you must be confused pal, I work here everyday and I've never seen your mug before.

—"So Many Birthdays"

I don't spend my whole life at work. I do... other things.

—"Lars and the Cool Kids"

Steven, you were blocking me with your... big hair! Aah!

—"Lars and the Cool Kids"

This is all your fault! I knew if something went wrong today it would be because of you! Now I'm never going to be friends with these guys. All because of your... weird mom!

—"Lars and the Cool Kids"

Toughen UP, Steven!

—"Coach Steven"

If I weren't so modest, I'd whip out my sweet six-pack and show you what... a real man... looks like!

—"Coach Steven"

We're not MARRIED!

—"Coach Steven"

We've been working out. You've just been singing some dumb song.

—"Coach Steven"

Ugh... What the heck just happened?

—"Coach Steven"

Ugh, Steven! Who do you think has to clean up this mess? Sadie, clean up this mess.

—"Joking Victim"

It’s no problem, cause I got the whole day off by faking a severe back injury!

—"Joking Victim"

Yo, Sadie, where you at? Are you slacking off?

—"Joking Victim"

You... did... this to me?!

—"Joking Victim"

Er, watch where you're going, you little... Ssssteven!

—"Mirror Gem"

You bet I do! All those out-of-town summer babes traveling away from home without their boyfriends, if you know what I mean.

—"Mirror Gem"

Yes! Babe city, here we com- Whoa!

—"Ocean Gem"

Wha--huh? Sadie! I like, just got to sleep! Now I have to start all over!

—"Island Adventure"

I'm sick of this place. I wanna go somewhere new.

—"Island Adventure"

If I'm going to be bored out of my mind, and possibly die, I'm gonna go to work, and get paid for it.

—"Island Adventure"

Sadie...? Do you ever get lonely... even when you're around people...?

—"Island Adventure"

Yeah... that was really great how you... uh, s-saved me....

—"Island Adventure"

Hey, Sadie, come on, we got to open up! What in the world did you guys watch?

—"Lion 3: Straight to Video"

Ha— ha— how can I— help... me?

—"Alone Together"

Criminey! Are you okay?! That coffee was really hot!

—"Future Vision"

More like comedy club.

—"Horror Club"

What? I've seen that. It's boring. And that stupid fake C.G. bear! Hardly looks like it's really killing anybody.

—"Horror Club"

We're all just hearing things and seeing things and feeling things that aren't real.

—"Horror Club"

Why does everything bad happen to me?

—"Horror Club"

Ahhh, whatever. It didn't matter. I don't care!

—"Horror Club"

Buck, Buck, Buuuuuuuuck! Haha! What's going on man?

—"Shirt Club"

What the—?! What is this garbage? Buck made this? This is hilarious! Thaaanks Buuuck.

—"Shirt Club"

It's a real pain in the- *sits on the boxes, accidentally staining his pants in melted ice cream* Gwahh! Ugh...

—"Political Power"

Season 3[]

Eating poop would be better than this.

—"The New Lars"

I was acting weird all day and you all just LIKED IT?!

—"The New Lars"

Every day in Beach City is weird. That's why I hate it here.

—"The New Lars"

Go annoy someone else. You little weirdo.

—"The New Lars"

Season 4[]

Ugh, look at its face!

—"Future Boy Zoltron"

Tiger... He left wrestling at the height of his career! *groaning* Why...?

—"Tiger Philanthropist"

You and your theory. Steven is not Tiger! Tiger's ripped and like seven feet tall!

—"Tiger Philanthropist"

Steven: What do you want him to do!? Just tell meeeee!
I don't know! I don't even know what I want for breakfast half the time! I'm a complex individual teenage boy. Now get out of here and stop taking such a personal interest in my habits and well-being!

—"Tiger Philanthropist"

Booooo! Philanthrophy is laaame!

—"Tiger Philanthropist"

How can this be happening! It was just getting good! You can't quit now! TIIIGEEERR!! *sobs*

—"Tiger Philanthropist"

Be honest, but not too honest.

—"The Good Lars"

Hahaha ha that is funny Buck, it sounds great! Super cool! can't wait, bingo bongo.

—"The Good Lars"

Because it's lame, Steven! If I show up to this party with my family's weird purple cake and with Sadie, everybody's gonna know I love baking and everybody's gonna know I love... This isn't gonna be an ironic potluck. It's gonna be, like, family, couple, neighbor, actual potluck, and I'm gonna be there being all 'bingo, bongo'.

—"The Good Lars"

Season 5[]

Steven: Well, everyone else managed to get off the ship. So, where were you?
I ran and hid, Steven, like any sensible person would... do, if they wanted to get trapped on a ship. Oh.

—"Stuck Together"

Sadie was in trouble, and I didn't do anything. Actually, wait. I did do something. I ran and hid just like I always do. Just like I ran from the potluck.
Steven: But you were abducted. That's not your fault.
No, I trashed my roll and ran away. Then I was abducted. Oh, why couldn't I just let people eat my food?!

—"Stuck Together"

You feeling cozy, you big banana?

—"Stuck Together"

Why do you think I'm capable of anything?! You think I can do all this stuff, but I can't! I can't because... I'm a wuss, Steven. I'm just... *sniffles* ...afraid. I've always just been stupid and afraid. *begins tearing up* Not like you. You're always helping people. You're never afraid. *sobs*

—"Stuck Together"

Steven, what's going on here?! Where are we? Who are those huge giant ladies!?

—"The Trial"

Hurry up and drive this thing! Those giant crazy chicks aren't going to be distracted forever!

—"The Trial"

Salt is a rock, right? Maybe we could season some dirt and make a meal.

—"Off Colors"

Wait! If we stand perfectly still it won't see us. I saw it in a movie once!

—"Off Colors"

You just don't get it. I hate being scared all the time! I was scared of everything except baking. Actually, I was scared of that too. I never even tried baking baklava because it looked so hard! I never had the guts to stick up for anybody. Not even me! And now I'm hiding again like a big, cowardly loser under some... space building!

—"Off Colors"

It's okay to be afraid.

—"Off Colors"

I think... that's the coolest thing I've done in my life.

—"Off Colors"


—"Off Colors"

Ugh... Whoa... What happened?

—"Off Colors"

Back to life? So I was... away from life? Aah! I'm pink!

—"Lars' Head"

So wait... am I a zombie now?!

—"Lars' Head"

You brought me back to life! Just let me be someone who deserves it.

—"Lars' Head"

You'll never take us alive, Emerald!

—"Lars of the Stars"

If this ship means so much to you, maybe you shouldn't have left it unguarded in the docking bay of Klavius 7.
Emerald: There were 67 elite Citrines guarding it!
Oh. I didn't see them. No, wait. I did. They didn't see us!

—"Lars of the Stars"

And now a few stolen ships and a couple of space crimes later, we're finally on a course toward Earth.

—"Lars of the Stars"

You don't get it, do you, Steven? *begins tearing up and sniffles* It should be me. *starts crying* I'm the one that should be hanging out with the Cool Kids! She's getting back at me for everything I've done!

—"Lars of the Stars"

No! I'm doing this because I have to. *tears up* I'd never do this to hurt Sadie because-

—"Lars of the Stars"

With a ship like that, Emerald could wipe us out in an instant, if she really wanted to.

—"Lars of the Stars"

I'd never surrender to you! Blow us into stardust like you've always dreamed of.

—"Lars of the Stars"

You're not going to hurt the ship! You love this ship! It's your... best friend. You'd much rather let it get away than destroy it.

—"Lars of the Stars"

Keep searching! We're not giving up on them, no matter what!

—"Jungle Moon"

Hah! Looks like we just saved your butts! Let's get you up here and back home through my head.

—"Jungle Moon"

Captain's Log: I think it's Friday. I've ordered Rhodonite to do a spectral scan of the system. Hopefully one of these asteroids has the flotanium deposits we need to get our warp engines back online.

—"Letters to Lars"

I appreciate the letter, but why'd you write this if you were just gonna tell me everything in person anyway?

—"Letters to Lars"

You realize I don't know who half of these people are right? Like, who the heck is Peridot?

—"Letters to Lars"

Huh. Thanks for the letter, Steven.

—"Letters to Lars"

Welcome home, guys.

—"Change Your Mind"

Steven Universe Future[]

Hey Sadie, I've got your moon cakes.
Sadie: Thanks.
Sure. So, how's stuff going with Shep?

—"Little Graduation"

Besides, I'm leaving anyway. Now that the Off Colors are done with school, we're going to head back into space.
Steven: *gasps* But what about the shop?
I asked Blue Lace to take over. I'm ready to move on. You get it, right? You're finished setting up the school. Don't you want to try something new?

—"Little Graduation"

Steven: H-hold on! A-are you okay?
Yeah. Are you okay?

—"Little Graduation"

I think I'm gonna bounce. I just wanted to be here for the crew. These big parties aren't really my thing.

—"Little Graduation"

Sadie knows I miss her, but she knows how happy I am that she found someone better for her.

—"Little Graduation"

I'm leaving because I like being in space. There are still adventures waiting for us out there. We can take what we've learned to other planets!

—"Little Graduation"

Steven: Look! If I don't figure out how to get rid of this dome, all my friends are gonna die!
Wouldn't be the first time.

—"Little Graduation"

Sadie: We'll still be your friends.
Even if we're light-years away.

—"Little Graduation"

ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
