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Steven Universe Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of "Little Homeschool". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: Steven Universe: The Movie Next: "Guidance"
Speaker Dialogue
[Open Int. Steven's Bathroom]
(Steven is seen filling his bathtub full of warm water. He retrieves three Diamond Aura Bottles from the mirror cabinet, winking at himself in the mirror, and drips a drop from each bottle into the bathtub.)
Steven Mwah!
(Steven kisses his finger, coating it in his healing spit, and dips it into the water, turning it into rainbow-colored healing water. He then reaches for a bubbled gem next to him.)
Steven Happy welcome-back day~
(Steven places the bubble in the bathtub and it pops, dunking the gem into the water. The formerly-corrupted Gem begins to reform, revealing to be a Cherry Quartz. Startled by her own return, the Quartz stumbles in the bathtub.)
Steven Hello!
Cherry Quartz Where am I? Who are you?
Steven That used to be a loaded question, but now I can say with confidence that I'm Steven Universe! And you're in my bathroom.
Cherry Quartz *looks at herself in the mirror* What happened to me? *gasps and grabs the plunger* What is this?! *points it at Steven in rage*
Steven You were corrupted in a Diamond blast, but you've just been healed! And that is a plunger... *lowers the plunger down*
[Trans. Int. Beach House]
(Steven and Cherry Quartz walk out of the bathroom into his house.)
Steven Let me fill you in on everything you've missed.
Cherry Quartz Missed?
Steven We have some reading material, available in both English and Gem Glyph.
(Steven hands a pair of brochures to Cherry Quartz, titled "You & Your New Horns" and "Era 3 & Me!".)
Steven Spanish translation forthcoming.
[Trans. Ext. Crystal Temple]
(Outside on the beach, the Dondai Supremo is parked on the sands, as Steven twirls the car keys on his finger. He proceeds to take the driver seat.)
Steven Watch your head.
(The big-sized Cherry Quartz curls on the passenger seat. Steven inserts a cassette tape into the music player and begins driving the car.)
Steven (Narrating) Life is a little different these days. The Diamonds have ended their reign of terror. The intergalactic war is over, and Earth is officially an independent planet. We're all safe to explore our dreams. Lars opened up his own pastry shop, and it's got a real cute space gimmick goin' on.
(Lars is seen sweeping the ground outside of his bakery, and he waves at Steven as he drives by.)
Steven (Narrating) Sadie's been touring with The Suspects, promoting their new album, and Connie has been getting a head start on college prep. She's two years away from applying, but she says it doesn't hurt to start early.
(Sadie Killer and the Suspects are seen rocking out, and Connie is seen studying in her room.)
Steven And speaking of higher education, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and I have been cooking up a dream of our own!
Cherry Quartz I have no idea who you're talking about.
Steven *chuckling* Don't worry about it. You'll learn all that, and more, right here at Little Homeschool.
(Steven drives into the Gem town, as a Roaming Eye is seen flying off from it.)
[Trans. Int. Little Homeworld]
(Steven begins touring Cherry Quartz around, as various Gems are seen enjoying themselves in their own activities.)
Steven Here at Little Homeschool, you have a chance to rediscover yourself and learn to live on Earth if you like. You can forge a new identity.
(Bismuth is seen teaching a blacksmith class while the Heaven and Earth Beetle watch on.)
Steven Grow your own ideas.
(Peridot is seen teaching a gardening class to Blue Lace Agate.)
Steven And even find your inner Morp!
(Vidalia is seen teaching an art class. Yellow Pearl is posing elegantly, while Crazy Lace Agate, Bixbite, a Nephrite and Blue Pearl draw her.)
Cherry Quartz Wait, what's a "Morp"?
Steven That's exactly the kind of question we love to hear!
(Steven brings Cherry Quartz to Garnet, who is seen teaching what looks like a yoga class to various Gems, such as Topaz, Zebra Jasper and a Ruby.)
Garnet Find your center, your very core. Remember - your body isn't just a projection of light, but also a reflection of your inner soul.
Steven *standing upside-down* Garnet teaches, uhh... All sorts of stuff!
(Pearl is seen teaching some Gems too, such as Snowflake Obsidian, Larimar and Orange Spodumene, as she speaks on her cellphone.)
Pearl Hello? Pearl speaking.
Holo-Pearl *speaking on another cellphone* This is Holo-Pearl.
Pearl Oh hi, Holo-Pearl. To what do I owe the pleasure of your calling?
Holo-Pearl Just calling to see how you are.
(Holo-Pearl then instantly disappears, and its phone drops onto the ground.)
Pearl That's an example of the use of the human short-range telecommunications device, called a phone.
Steven Pearl will teach you all about human technology.
Cherry Quartz Whose Pearl is that?
Steven Mm, that- that's not how things work here; nobody belongs to anybody. On Earth, you can decide for yourself what you want to do.
Cherry Quartz Really? How?
(Lastly, Steven brings Cherry Quartz to attend Amethyst's class, where Ocean Jasper, Biggs Jasper and Onion are gathered.)
Amethyst Hello. I'm Professor Amethyst. Go on, take a seat wherever. I'll be teaching "How to Decide Stuff for Yourself 101". Today's lesson is: there is no lesson. *casts aside her glasses* Just do whatever you want for an hour. *turns to Steven* Hey, Steven, you wanna grab some lunch?
Steven Sure!
(Steven and Amethyst begin to walk off, leaving a confused Cherry Quartz behind with the class.)
[Trans. Beach City Boardwalk]
(Steven and Amethyst are seen sitting on a bench, eating fry bits and drinking soda.)
Amethyst *sighs* This school thing's such a cool idea. I love being a teacher. No one's ever looked up to me before, you know? Except for, uh, widdle baby Steven!
(Amethyst playfully rubs Steven's belly, causing the latter to laugh.)
Amethyst Seriously, dude, it's been going great! Everyone wants to come and learn how to be an Earthling.
Steven Uhh... not everyone.
Amethyst Pfff! Man, forget her!
Steven I don't know, I'm worried. We healed all these Gems, and built that town and the school, because I wanted to fix some of the bad things the Diamonds did. Knowing there's someone out there still hurting because of the Diamonds, because of... my mom... Uh- I mean, I know it's not my fault, but if there's a chance I could make it better, shouldn't I try?
(Amethyst slurps loudly at her soda, unimpressed by Steven's remark.)
Amethyst I think you... should stop trying to fix everyone.
Steven Yeah. You're right...
[Trans. Int. Beach City Woods]
(Some time later, Steven walks up into the woods at the outskirts of Beach City alone. He then comes across a clearing in the woods, with a rock cave with a drapery entrance, devoid of trees, plants and animals in its surroundings. Steven attempts to take a step forward, when someone yells out to him.)
??? Hold it!
(Steven looks around and notices a cloaked figure on top of the cave. The figure takes off the cloak, revealing to be Jasper, and she glares down at Steven.)
Jasper Ugh! What do you want now?!
Steven Jasper... I just want to talk!
(Jasper scoffs and jumps down, landing in front of Steven.)
Steven So, umm... how's it going? I know it's been a while since we last, uh, talked...
(Jasper glares to the side, as Steven notices a beetle entering the clearing.)
Steven Aww, it's a cute little-
(Without hesitation, Jasper stomps her foot on the bug, to Steven's horror.)
Steven Why did you do that?!
Jasper Any Earthling that invades my space gets crushed. Took forever to yank those puny green Earthlings out of the ground.
Steven You mean grass?
Jasper I don't know their names!
Steven So what's with the rocks?
Jasper Training.
(Jasper grabs a giant boulder in one hand and hurls it on top of a pile of rocks in front of the cave.)
Steven Oh, I thought maybe- Uh!
(Jasper walks past Steven, intentionally bumping into him.)
Steven -Maybe you were getting into art? That pile really complements the decor.
(Unamused, Jasper kicks the rock pile, causing a rock to roll towards Steven, who inches aside to dodge it.)
Steven Okay. What are you even training for? There's no one left to fight.
Jasper There's always someone to fight! There's just no one left worth fighting.
Steven In that case, maybe you could come join us at Little Homeschool?
Jasper No.
Steven Come on. We're all learning and growing together.
(Jasper snorts in disinterest.)
Steven An-And you could be a part of that.
Jasper Sounds dumb.
Steven You know, half those Gems are soldiers who fought by your side before they were corrupted and turned into monsters. They're lost and confused and still a little messed up, but they're getting the help they need.
Jasper So? Who cares?
Steven *getting angry* I do! And if I didn't care, you'd still be a monster too!
Jasper And what? Now I owe you?
Steven No!
Jasper You think because you did something I never asked for, I'm going to obey you?
Steven No! That's not-
Jasper Like all the other Gems you used.
Steven *frustrated* Arrggghhh!!! I only came here because I felt bad for you, but all of this is your own fault! All the other Gems were corrupted by the Diamonds, but- but you corrupted yourself just to win a fight, which you lost, to me! No one's making you stay here all alone in the middle of nowhere ready to fight a war that's been over for years! Are you just gonna sit here for centuries waiting for someone to give you a purpose?! Because I'm TRYING to give you one!
Jasper Listen, weakling! You might have Pink Diamond's gem, but you are not my Diamond! *presses her finger on Steven's forehead* And I am not going to take orders from some weak, sappy, useless piece of dirt! If you think you're hard enough to tell me what to do, then fight me and prove it. *walks off*
Steven Fine!
Jasper *pauses, and turns around excitedly* ...Really?!
(Steven takes on a fighting stance.)
Jasper Huh, well then! Why don't you throw the first punch?
(Jasper beckons tauntingly at Steven, and he punches her in her arm, knocking her back a short distance. All revved up, Jasper laughs menacingly and charges at Steven.)
Steven I... guess we're doing this.
(Steven quickly summons his bubble shield and Jasper punches him away, sending him rolling into the woods. Steven begins rolling away from Jasper, who chases after and attempts to punch him. She then deliver a kick, knocking Steven into a tree, which causes a bird nest to fall off a branch.)
Steven No, no, no, no! Babies!
(Steven catches the bird nest and uses it to catch the falling baby birds. He then bubbles the nest and throws it into the bush, putting it out of harm's way.)
Steven Touchdown!
(Jasper quickly approaches, and Steven summons his shield to block her attacks, which knocks him off his feet.)
Jasper Stop trying to help those tiny flapping Earthlings, and fight me!
Steven I'll never stop trying to help them! Or you!
(Jasper kicks Steven's shield away, causing it to dissipate as it hits a tree.)
Jasper I don't need your help! *stomps on Steven* You're the one that needs help. You think you've beaten me, but you've never beaten me on your own. You've always been a fusion! You've always had your FRIENDS! Because you're nothing without them! You think everyone needs help!
Steven *tears up* I- I just...
Jasper But it's only you. No one is as pitiful as you!
(Shaken by Jasper's words, a pink glow suddenly envelops Steven. Manifesting this new power, Steven pushes back against Jasper's stomp with great strength, knocking her into the air.)
Steven Whoa. *examining his pink state* What?
(Steven summons a bubble glove on his hand and charges at Jasper.)
Steven I'm... not... pitiful!
(Steven punches Jasper hard enough to send her flying through the woods, felling many trees in her path with unprecedented strength. Despite that, Jasper chuckles in amusement, as Steven approaches.)
Jasper Ha, not bad.
(Jasper and Steven continue their brawl, with Steven in the upper hand. Jasper charges at Steven with a spin-dash, and he catches her easily in his hand.)
Jasper Nice catch.
Steven You should see my throw!
(Steven throws Jasper up in the sky and jumps after her, unleashing a flurry of air lunge attacks at her, while she continues to laugh in amusement.)
(Steven punches Jasper downwards, slamming her into the ground and causing a humanoid-shaped crater. Steven gasps in shock as he slowly descends down to the ground, and his pink power slowly fades away, returning him back to normal.)
Steven ...Jasper!
(Jasper, seemingly unharmed, easily picks herself off the ground and shakes the dust off of her.)
Jasper Hmph. I didn't think you had it in you.
Steven I don't- I-I don't know what that was. I'm sorry.
Jasper Ugh... Don't apologize. *rolls her eyes*
Steven I... think I had you all wrong. Maybe, you don't have something to learn from me. Maybe, I have something to learn from you.
(Confused, Jasper raises an eyebrow.)
Steven Would you ever be interested in teaching?
Jasper Tssh! At your crummy little school?
Steven No, just me. You brought something out of me I didn't know I had.
(Jasper walks up to Steven, places her hand on his shoulder, and kneels down to him.)
Jasper Consider that fight back there your first, and only, lesson. *begins walking off*
Steven Well, can I come back to see you sometime?
Jasper Do what you want. *walks away*
(Finally coming to a form of reconciliation with Jasper, a happy Steven begins walking back to town.)
Steven (Narrating) There are fundamental things about ourselves that we know to be true. It's important to remember those things when you find yourself in a tough situation, or you need to make decision from the heart.
(As Steven strolls through the woods, he comes across a damaged tree from the brawl earlier, and he heals it with his spit. He then puts the bird nest from earlier back in the tree where it belongs.)
Steven (Narrating) But it's equally important to know that you can surprise yourself too. I thought I'd finally figured myself out, but it looks like I still have more to learn. Man, life is a wonderful mystery.
(Steven avoids stepping on another beetle, as he eventually makes his way back to Little Homeworld.)
Steven Am I right?
Cherry Quartz Yeah... So, uh... Can you sign off on my class schedule?
Steven Oh, uh, right. Let me help you with that.
(Steven signs his name on Cherry Quartz's class schedule, finishing it off with a star.)

ve Transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 A: Gem GlowLaser Light CannonCheeseburger BackpackTogether BreakfastFryboCat FingersBubble BuddiesSerious StevenTiger MillionaireSteven's LionArcade ManiaGiant WomanSo Many BirthdaysLars and the Cool KidsOnion TradeSteven the Sword FighterLion 2: The MovieBeach PartyRose's RoomCoach StevenJoking VictimSteven and the StevensMonster BuddiesAn Indirect KissMirror Gem/Ocean Gem

B: House GuestSpace RaceSecret TeamIsland AdventureKeep Beach City WeirdFusion CuisineGarnet's UniverseWatermelon StevenLion 3: Straight to VideoWarp TourAlone TogetherThe TestFuture VisionOn the RunHorror ClubWinter ForecastMaximum CapacityMarble MadnessRose's ScabbardOpen BookShirt ClubStory for StevenThe MessagePolitical PowerThe Return/Jail Break

Season 2 Full DisclosureJoy RideSay UncleLove LettersReformedSworn to the SwordRising Tides, Crashing SkiesKeeping It TogetherWe Need to TalkChille TidCry for HelpKeystone MotelOnion FriendHistorical FrictionFriend ShipNightmare HospitalSadie's SongCatch and ReleaseWhen It RainsBack to the BarnToo FarThe AnswerSteven's BirthdayIt Could've Been GreatMessage ReceivedLog Date 7 15 2
Season 3 Super Watermelon Island/Gem DrillSame Old WorldBarn MatesHit the DiamondSteven FloatsDrop Beat DadMr. GregToo Short to RideThe New LarsBeach City DriftRestaurant WarsKiki's Pizza Delivery ServiceMonster ReunionAlone at SeaGreg the BabysitterGem HuntCrack the WhipSteven vs. AmethystBismuthBetaEarthlingsBack to the MoonBubbled
Season 4 The Kindergarten KidKnow Your FusionBuddy's BookMindful EducationFuture Boy ZoltronLast One Out of Beach CityOnion GangGem HarvestThree Gems and a BabySteven's DreamAdventures in Light DistortionGem HeistThe ZooThat Will Be AllThe New Crystal GemsStorm in the RoomRocknaldoTiger PhilanthropistRoom for RubyLion 4: Alternate EndingDoug OutThe Good LarsAre You My Dad?I Am My Mom
Season 5 Stuck TogetherThe TrialOff ColorsLars' HeadDewey WinsGemcationRaising the BarnBack to the KindergartenSadie KillerKevin PartyLars of the StarsJungle MoonYour Mother and MineThe Big ShowPool HoppingLetters to LarsCan't Go BackA Single Pale RoseNow We're Only Falling ApartWhat's Your Problem?The QuestionMade of HonorReunitedLegs From Here to HomeworldFamiliarTogether AloneEscapismChange Your Mind
Film Steven Universe: The Movie
Future Little HomeschoolGuidanceRose BudsVolleyballBluebirdA Very Special EpisodeSnow DayWhy So Blue?Little GraduationPrickly PairIn DreamsBismuth CasualTogether ForeverGrowing PainsMr. UniverseFragmentsHomeworld BoundEverything's FineI Am My MonsterThe Future
Shorts Lion Loves to Fit in a BoxThe Classroom Gems: What Are Gems?We Are the Crystal GemsThe Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made?UnboxingThe Classroom Gems: FusionCooking with LionGem KaraokeSteven ReactsVideo ChatSteven's Song Time
Other We Deserve to ShineAppearance Related Teasing and BullyingCompeting and Comparing LooksCrossover Nexus