This page is an image gallery for Mindful Education. Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article's subject.
Official Artwork[]
Promotional Artwork[]
"Mindful Education" promotional image by
Jeff LiuJapanese promo by Takafumi Hori
"Mindful Education" promotional image by
Jane Bak"Mindful Education" promotional image by the
CN Twitter.
Model Sheets[]
Art Direction: Ricky Cometa
Lead Character Design: Danny Hynes
Character Design: Aleth Romanillos
Prop Design: Angie Wang
Art Direction: Ricky Cometa
Lead Background Design: Steven Sugar
Background Design: Emily Walus, Mary Nash
Background Paint: Amanda Winterstein, Jasmin Lai
Color Design: Efrain Farias, Hans Tseng
Behind the scenes art by Takafumi Hori
[PLOT] [02:07] When Stevonnie falters and unfuses, Garnet's sign displays "GO, Steven + Connie" despite having flipped it to the other side.
[DESIGN] [04:15] At the beginning of "Here Comes a Thought", Stevonnie's gemstone has six facets instead of five.
[DESIGN] [04:25] In multiple shots, Ruby and Sapphire's
gems are missing.
[DESIGN] [04:44] In multiple shots, Sapphire's plump lips are missing.
[DESIGN] [05:06] When Garnet is holding the butterflies in her hands, the tip of her left shoe is uncolored.
[ANIMATION] [04:54] As Ruby yells at the butterfly during "Here Comes a Thought", her gemstone is not colored in.