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Steven Universe Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of "Open Book". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Rose's Scabbard" Next: "Shirt Club"
Speaker Dialogue
(Steven is reading 'Destiny's End', the last book in the "Spirit Morph Saga", while an agitated Connie watches nearby. Steven finishes the book and let a deep sigh.)
Connie *clears her throat* So... what did you think of the ending?
Steven Uh, I thought it was on page 917?
Connie I thought it was a disaster!
Steven Uuuhhh...
Connie *stands up and begins pacing around* All the books leading up to this seemed to be taking on and subverting these "witch tropes" ... Really self-aware about being a pastiche, you know?
Steven Uhm-
Connie But in the end, none of that even mattered. Lisa and her talking falcon, rebels challenging the stifling traditions of the magical bureaucracy? I loved that. Then her falcon turns into a human and they get married?! It completely dropped all the anti-authoritarian stuff and described a wedding cake for fifty pages!
Steven *tries to play along* Yeah, that cake was worthy of twenty pages, tops. There weren't even strawberries on it.
Connie I bet since the books got so popular, the publisher put pressure on the author to water down the end for a larger audience appeal. (Steven grows increasingly uneasy.) Unlike art, the real world can't always win against the iron chains of authority. *lies down on the couch next to Steven, sighing deeply* That's my theory, anyway.
Steven Hmm...
Connie It's just disappointing, considering I invested extra money in the hard cover copies... *takes the book from Steven's hands and opens it, and colored maps fall out* ... with maps.
Steven I wish I could give you a new ending.
Steven and Connie smile at each other, when Steven's gem starts glowing, activating Rose's Room of the Crystal Temple.)
Steven The temple door! It opened for me! *gasps* I can make anything I want in there! I can make us a new ending!
Connie Really? Well, what are we waiting for?
(Connie grabs Steven's hand and they both run inside Rose's Room.)
Steven Uh... ta-da!
Connie Cool...
Steven This is my mom's room. I can control it, like this. *announces loudly* I want a Tiny Floating Whale to give me some fin!
(The Tiny Floating Whale appears, gives Steven a fin-five, makes a tiny whale noise, and poofs away.)
Connie *amused* Unbelievable! How does it work?
Steven The room can make stuff out of clouds. We can make anything.
Connie Anything? How about the Infinity Fair from Book Four? With merchants from a million lands, selling goods from cultures long gone and yet to be!
Steven We should probably keep it simple. We don't want to overload the room.
Connie How about half the Infinity Fair? ... No, that's still infinity. Simple. Okay, well, what really matters are the characters. You should be Archamicarus.
Steven Okay. Room, I want to be a falcon! (A falcon costume appears on him, and he poses in front of a background of a large falcon in flight.) Oh, yeah, gotta keep it simple. (The background poofs away.)
Connie *claps* Amazing! Okay, my turn. Room, I want to be Lisa. (Nothing happens.) Do I need to be more specific? You were pretty general with the falcon thing.
Steven Oh, sorry. I guess the room just makes things when I want it. Maybe this won't work after all...
Connie Why don't you just have it make a costume shop?
Steven Oh yeah, good idea. I want a costume shop!
(A costume shop appears before Steven, and Connie run inside the shop, while Steven waits outside.)
Connie Wow, this place has everything! Even the childhood tunic! Wait, you thought it was red?
Steven Yeah, the color of the setting sun.
Connie *matter-of-factly* The sun sets black over the mine, Steven.
Steven Are you going to be young Lisa?
Connie Well, if we're really reworking this thing, I'm gonna make the ultimate Lisa, with the best gear from every book! Like... what if she never lost her iron sword?
Steven Whoa!
Connie And the cloak and the clasp are too signature not to do.
Steven For sure!
Connie And I always liked the dragon whisker boots from the volcano stuff in Book Three.
Steven Are you almost done?
Connie Wait a minute!
Steven *blushes* Come out, I wanna see you!
(Connie then emerges out of costume shop, outfitted in a Robin Hood-esque outfit, complete with an eye patch.)
Steven Whoa, you look awesome.
Connie *blushes* Thanks.
Steven Okay, lets do this!
(Steven and Connie run off laughing to another area in the room.)
Steven So, at the end of the series, Lisa and her falcon familiar, Archamicarus, are at the altar... (A wedding canopy appears],) With a cleric... (A priest appears.) About to get married. (Connie's outfit becomes a wedding gown, and Steven is down on one knee.) But we don't want that ending. (The wedding scene and clothes poof away.) So instead, hmm... uhhh... I don't know. What do you think?
Connie Hmm, what do you think?
Steven *caught off-guard* Uhh, well, h-how about a different proposal, Lisa... a business proposal! We can start a business together and sell... uh, sell... turkey legs to make money to help out our fellow rebel comrades!
Connie Yeah, that's great!
(A food cart appears before Steven.)
Steven I want an umbrella with that, if you would, Room.
(An umbrella appears on the food cart.)
Steven Turkey Legs! Get your rebel turkey legs!
(Steven and Connie pushes the food cart along, various buildings appear and disappear as they walk by.)
Steven You think its okay for me to eat this if I'm a falcon?
Connie You are a bird of prey.
Steven So... what should our next move be as business partners?
Connie You tell me!
Steven Yeah? Oh, um... let's feed the Wind Lizard!
(The Wind Lizard appears.)
Steven *laughs* Look at this guy, he totally looks like a rebel!
Connie Wow, from Book Four!
(The Wind Lizard screeches.)
Steven Now, I know he lives in the mountains but he's just visiting because he heard about these turkey legs. Lisa, would you like to do the honors?
Connie Okay!
(Steven hands Connie a turkey leg and she feeds the Wind Lizard, who chomps and swallows it whole.)
Connie He ate the bones!
Steven Okay! *scratches head* I guess our business is a success!
Connie If you think so!
Steven So, what now? Didn't you have a bunch of ideas? That it needed to more anti-authority and stuff?
Connie Sure!
Steven ... Okaaaaaaay.
(The Wind Lizard poofs away.)
Steven So... We're- we're stopped by the authorities?
(Three knights appears before Steven.)
Steven Because... because we're selling without a permit!
(A "Laws" scroll reading lots of "blah" appears in a knight's hand.)
Steven And we're not old enough to drive a cart!
(Another "Laws" scroll, reading lots of "blah" and "They're pretty serious, guys", appears in another knight's hand.)
Steven But these are uh, free-range turkeys! And they didn't listen to anybody, and that's what we're gonna do... right?
Connie Whatever you think!
Steven Really? All right. And then, I think they... don't like that, and they attack us!
(The "Laws" scrolls transform into axes in the knights' hands and they start advancing.)
Steven You can't stop us! *throws a turkey leg at the knights*
(The knights starts hacking away at the food cart, and Steven and Connie hide behind it.)
Steven Jeez, these guys are corrupt! What should we do about 'em huh?
Connie What do you think we should do?
Steven *blushes* C-come on I'm really trying here! How do you want this story to end?
Connie How do you want this story to end?
Steven I don't know! I just wanted to do this for you. This isn't really like you I- *sigh* I don't want you to just do what I want.
Connie *startled* Uh, uhh... You want me to, not, d-do what you want?
Steven Connie, are you all right?
Connie I want what you want, what you want-want-want-want-
(Connie starts glitching out and keeps repeating "want", as Steven has a flashback.)
Steven I want a tiny floating whale to give me some fin! (Tiny Floating Whale appears.) I want a costume shop! (A costume shop appears.) I wanna see you! ("Connie" comes out of the shop.)
(The flashback ends and Steven suddenly realizes, staring at the glitching "Connie".)
Steven I-I created you! You're not Connie! I must've left the real Connie back at the costume shop. Sh-she could be anywhere! No, no, no, no, NO! I'm done, I'm done playing!
(Steven's falcon costume poofs away as Cloud Connie stares at him. He then proceeds to poof away everything else, including Cloud Connie. He sits down to catch his breath, when Cloud Connie reforms.)
Steven *sweating* Why didn't you disappear with everything else?
Cloud Connie You told me not to do what you wanted.
Steven Uh... URGGHHH! Where is Connie?
Connie *distantly* Steven? Steven?
Steven Connie? C-Connie, Is that you?
(Steven starts looking around, when Cloud Connie grabs Steven's hand.)
Steven *gasps* Please let me go, I want to find the real Connie!
Cloud Connie You told me you wanted-
Steven That doesn't matter!
(Steven starts running off and Cloud Connie chases after him.)
Steven *panting* Please don't follow me, I don't want you to follow me! Cart!
(Steven summons a food cart and Cloud Connie easily jumps over it.)
Steven Ah! Uhh... Wind Lizard!
(The Wind Lizard appears underneath Steven and it flies off with him riding it. Cloud Connie grabs onto its tail and climbs aboard as well. Steven keeps looking around the room from above to look for Connie.)
Steven Connie can you hear me?
Connie Steven? Steven!?
Steven *spots a silhouette in the distance* Connie, I'm almost there, just a little bit further! AH!
(Cloud Connie pushes Steven off of the Wind Lizard and they begin to fall.)
Cloud Connie Rrrr.
Steven Please, I don't want you, I want the REAL Connie!
(Steven lands face-first and tumbles on the ground and Cloud Connie lands behind him.)
Cloud Connie I know what you really want, I know how you REALLY feel! *approaches Steven, now wearing the wedding gown*
Connie Steven? *runs through the clouds towards Steven* Ah Steven, finally, there you... are?
(Connie sees Cloud Connie pinning a struggling Steven.)
Steven *tears up* Help!
(Connie quickly runs up to Cloud Connie and pushes her away from Steven. Cloud Connie grunts and charges back at the pair.)
Connie Keep away from him!
(Connie steps in and slashes her iron sword at Cloud Connie, slicing her in half and she poofs away. Cloud Connie reforms back shortly in front of Steven.)
Cloud Connie I know you like her!
(Connie steps in between Cloud Connie and Steven, and raises her iron sword in defend to defend Steven.)
Cloud Connie And I know you want her to like you too.
Steven No, don't listen! *tears up*
(Connie slashes at Cloud Connie again, causing her to poof away. Cloud Connie then reform back on top of Steven.)
Cloud Connie That's why you can't tell her the truth, but you WANT to! *pins Steven's head down* You wanna tell her!
Steven No!
Connie Get off of him! *charges towards Steven and Cloud Connie*
Cloud Connie Tell her Steven!
Steven I- Unggggh...
Cloud Connie TELL HER!
Steven Mmmmrng... I like the ending of the book!
(Connie stops charging forward.)
Connie What?
Steven I-I thought it was sweet that Lisa and Archimicarus got together in the end! They were always so thoughtful towards each other, and I was so happy when they found the spell to make him human, and I loved every page about the cake, I wanted to draw a picture of it! I'm... I'm sorry I pretended not to like it, I just didn't want you to think less of me.
Cloud Connie *sighs and releases Steven* That's better.
(Cloud Connie finally poofs away, and Connie walks towards Steven.)
Steven D-do you think I'm a bad person for liking the ending?
Connie Of course not I... Steven, it's just a book!
Steven But, you really care about it!
Connie I care about you more.
Steven Even though I liked the wedding?
Connie Oh, of course you liked the wedding...You're Steven, you love "schmaltz".
(Connie offers her hand and helps Steven up. The pair then exits Rose's room through the Temple Gate.)
Steven You make a good point, but don't you remember how Archimicarus cried in Book Three?
Connie I thought that was because they lost the sword!
Steven No, she almost fell into the volcano! He was worried about her!
Connie But she had access to frost spells.
Steven Yeah but Archimicarus didn't know that! Even birds can fall in love!
Connie I guess you could read it that way!
(The screen pans towards a crayon drawing in Steven's room, of Lisa and Archimicarus getting married. The star iris then zooms in on the drawing, ending the episode.

ve Transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 A: Gem GlowLaser Light CannonCheeseburger BackpackTogether BreakfastFryboCat FingersBubble BuddiesSerious StevenTiger MillionaireSteven's LionArcade ManiaGiant WomanSo Many BirthdaysLars and the Cool KidsOnion TradeSteven the Sword FighterLion 2: The MovieBeach PartyRose's RoomCoach StevenJoking VictimSteven and the StevensMonster BuddiesAn Indirect KissMirror Gem/Ocean Gem

B: House GuestSpace RaceSecret TeamIsland AdventureKeep Beach City WeirdFusion CuisineGarnet's UniverseWatermelon StevenLion 3: Straight to VideoWarp TourAlone TogetherThe TestFuture VisionOn the RunHorror ClubWinter ForecastMaximum CapacityMarble MadnessRose's ScabbardOpen BookShirt ClubStory for StevenThe MessagePolitical PowerThe Return/Jail Break

Season 2 Full DisclosureJoy RideSay UncleLove LettersReformedSworn to the SwordRising Tides, Crashing SkiesKeeping It TogetherWe Need to TalkChille TidCry for HelpKeystone MotelOnion FriendHistorical FrictionFriend ShipNightmare HospitalSadie's SongCatch and ReleaseWhen It RainsBack to the BarnToo FarThe AnswerSteven's BirthdayIt Could've Been GreatMessage ReceivedLog Date 7 15 2
Season 3 Super Watermelon Island/Gem DrillSame Old WorldBarn MatesHit the DiamondSteven FloatsDrop Beat DadMr. GregToo Short to RideThe New LarsBeach City DriftRestaurant WarsKiki's Pizza Delivery ServiceMonster ReunionAlone at SeaGreg the BabysitterGem HuntCrack the WhipSteven vs. AmethystBismuthBetaEarthlingsBack to the MoonBubbled
Season 4 The Kindergarten KidKnow Your FusionBuddy's BookMindful EducationFuture Boy ZoltronLast One Out of Beach CityOnion GangGem HarvestThree Gems and a BabySteven's DreamAdventures in Light DistortionGem HeistThe ZooThat Will Be AllThe New Crystal GemsStorm in the RoomRocknaldoTiger PhilanthropistRoom for RubyLion 4: Alternate EndingDoug OutThe Good LarsAre You My Dad?I Am My Mom
Season 5 Stuck TogetherThe TrialOff ColorsLars' HeadDewey WinsGemcationRaising the BarnBack to the KindergartenSadie KillerKevin PartyLars of the StarsJungle MoonYour Mother and MineThe Big ShowPool HoppingLetters to LarsCan't Go BackA Single Pale RoseNow We're Only Falling ApartWhat's Your Problem?The QuestionMade of HonorReunitedLegs From Here to HomeworldFamiliarTogether AloneEscapismChange Your Mind
Film Steven Universe: The Movie
Future Little HomeschoolGuidanceRose BudsVolleyballBluebirdA Very Special EpisodeSnow DayWhy So Blue?Little GraduationPrickly PairIn DreamsBismuth CasualTogether ForeverGrowing PainsMr. UniverseFragmentsHomeworld BoundEverything's FineI Am My MonsterThe Future
Shorts Lion Loves to Fit in a BoxThe Classroom Gems: What Are Gems?We Are the Crystal GemsThe Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made?UnboxingThe Classroom Gems: FusionCooking with LionGem KaraokeSteven ReactsVideo ChatSteven's Song Time
Other We Deserve to ShineCrossover Nexus