Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe Wiki

Season 1[]

This site may have been compromised.

—"Warp Tour"

Heh, this Gem tech is simply archaic.

—"Marble Madness"

There appears to be an infestation of "Stevens" in the Kindergarten.

—"Marble Madness"

Wait a minute... you're the ones that have been destroying my Plug Robonoids! Are you the reason the Homeworld Warp is down again!? Is this is your bizarre icon!? Arrggh! Why do you keep destroying my things?!

—"Marble Madness"

I'm reporting this!

—"Marble Madness"

Now do you believe I needed an escort?

—"The Return"

We can't leave yet! The whole point of coming here was to check on The Cluster!

—"Jail Break"

"Go to Earth," they said. "It'll be easy," they said.

—"Jail Break"

Don't touch that! You clods don't know what you're doing!

—"Jail Break"

Season 2[]

You Crystal Clods! Go ahead, wreck this place! See if I care, I already got what I needed!

—"Keeping It Together"

This is Peridot, transmitting on all frequencies from abandoned Crystal System colony planet Earth, to Yellow Diamond. My mission has been compromised. My escort and informant are gone, and I am now stranded. PLEASE SEND HELP!

—"Cry for Help"

Stupid broken warp... first the Communication Hub, ugh... now this is busted again... These Crystal Gems are a menace...

—"Friend Ship"

Don't you Gems have anything better to do than annoy me?

—"Friend Ship"

I don't have time for this! This planet has an expiration date and I'm not going to stick around to find out when!

—"Friend Ship"

Doesn't anything work on this cruddy planet!?

—"Friend Ship"

Wow. This is just sad. I almost feel sorry for you. NYEH! *makes face*

—"Friend Ship"

You Gems really are as dull as dirt.

—"Friend Ship"

What? Can you speak louder? Some of these communicators are gunked up.

—"Friend Ship"

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Fly? I'm not using this vessel to fly. I'm using it to TRAP YOU!

—"Friend Ship"


—"Friend Ship"

You really think this is the end? Hahahaha! This... This is only the beginning! ...Of my escape! Well, I'd love to stick around and watch another one of your pathetic attempts to capture me, but I guess I'm just too smart for the likes of you lumpy, clumpy, clods!

—"Friend Ship"

Get your touch-stumps off me, you Steven!

—"Friend Ship"

I want to get off this lousy Gem-forsaken planet!

—"Catch and Release"

You have to fix this!

—"Catch and Release"

I've got no flask robonoids. I've got no foot! I've got no response from Yellow Diamond!

—"Catch and Release"

I know you fixed Lazuli's gem. Whatever you did, you’ve got to do it to the Homeworld Warp! Or else!

—"Catch and Release"

What was that? It didn't do anything!

—"Catch and Release"

No. No, no, no, no, no! It has to work!

—"Catch and Release"

This was it. This was my last shot.

—"Catch and Release"

I'm gonna die here!

—"Catch and Release"

It doesn't matter what Earth is like, it's not going to be like anything soon!

—"Catch and Release"

Why can't you just leave me alone?!

—"Catch and Release"

Wait, wait! You-you need me. I'm the only one who knows about the Cluster, you insufferable, half-formed, traitor mega clods!

—"Catch and Release"

My limb enhancers! Where are my limb enhancers?!

—"Catch and Release"

I demand to know what this place is and where I- Oh my stars. You're going to harvest me?

—"Catch and Release"

Yes! Feel my unbridled rage!

—"Catch and Release"

What's a shirt?

—"Catch and Release"

You smashed me into a limbless cloud, you trapped me in your bubble dungeon, and you called me cute!

—"Catch and Release"

Why would you make such a miscalculation?

—"Catch and Release"

What do I know? Everything there is to know about the Cluster, you pebble!

—"Catch and Release"

My mission, the reason why I'm on this sad rock in the first place. I was to check progress on the Cluster. Just in-and-out before it hatches. I wasn't supposed to get stuck here! But now it's going to emerge and nothing can stop it, and we'll all be shattered!

—"Catch and Release"

What's your shirt?

—"Catch and Release"

Freedom is mine!

—"Catch and Release"

Look, over there! Another planet to betray!

—"Catch and Release"

You may have won the war, but the battle isn't over, Crystal Clods!

—"Catch and Release"

Hmm. Seems I've discovered some sort of archaic think chamber. Roomy, with a fresh hint of Earth citrus. A perfect crossroads for my escape.

—"Catch and Release"

That's right, you dirt bombs. You don't even know what's coming!

—"Catch and Release"

As if I'd negotiate with you, filthy war machine!

—"Catch and Release"

Yeah, destroy me again! And have fun trying to talk to me when I'm in a bubble!

—"Catch and Release"

Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

—"Catch and Release"


—"Catch and Release"

What a great souvenir of that other time you assaulted me.

—"Catch and Release"

No, it's too late! ...You wouldn't happen to have the rest?

—"Catch and Release"

Is that a weapon?

—"Catch and Release"

I doubt you can help me. But I… appreciate the offer.

—"Catch and Release"

Oh, sure! Why don't you just give me back my leg enhancements and my arm attachments with my screen and my log and all my information! Oh, wait—you destroyed them!! So, no, I don't think we can reach some sort of agreement!!

—"When It Rains"

I'll never crack for the likes of you, you... Crystal Clods!! *cackling*

—"When It Rains"

I'm not harmless!!!

—"When It Rains"

Negative. I wasn't lucky enough to be around for that. But I read over a few hundred years of reports. *chuckles*

—"When It Rains"

Victory is mine! Now I'm the one in charge! PRAISE ME! PRAISE ME!

—"Back to the Barn"

B-but I won! What about the rules?!

—"Back to the Barn"

The Pearl here has exhibited an aptitude for engineering that I begrudgingly respect, though that doesn't explain the spontaneous singing, crying, singing while crying.

—"Too Far"

Running out of ways to say clods.

—"Too Far"


—"Too Far"

I am not! That would violate our truce agreement.

—"Too Far"

Who cares about any of you!? You're all just rocks, ruddy muddy clumps beneath my gravity connectors!!

—"Too Far"

I'm still learning. I hope you understand. I want to understand. I'm sorry.

—"Too Far"

♫ I guess we're already here,
I guess we already know.
We've all got something to fear,
We've all got nowhere to go.
I think you're all insane!
But I guess I am too.
Anybody would be
If they were stuck on Earth with you! ♫

—"It Could've Been Great"

I figured it out. You simple clods keep trying to protect the earth, but you can't do anything right! I let myself get carried away, too... laughing, singing, building our little machine... but don't you see? None of that matters! All that matters is that I'm of use to Yellow Diamond! This planet can be of use to Yellow Diamond! I must contact her, to reveal what I've discovered!

—"Message Received"

Fools! Your invisible rotary shield was no match for me once I applied logic!

—"Message Received"

Wait! I-I wouldn't have called just to waste your time with a report.

—"Message Received"

No, I mean, the reason I called, the real reason is, I believe we should terminate the Cluster.

—"Message Received"

I can tell you with certainty that there are things on this planet worth protecting!

—"Message Received"

Apparently more than YOU! You... CLOD!

—"Message Received"

Steven:Uh, Peridot? Are you gonna be okay?

—"Log Date 7 15 2"

You don't understand! I'm protecting a planet I was once trying to destroy! I used to follow every order. Every rule. Now I'm a traitor, a rebel, a Crystal Gem!

—"Log Date 7 15 2"

Return madness to its source!

—"Log Date 7 15 2"

So am I gonna have to wear a star? Where am I gonna put the star?!

—"Log Date 7 15 2"

Picture? This isn't just a picture Steven! It's a complex chart cataloging the compatible characteristics between campers.

—"Log Date 7 15 2"

Season 3[]

Stage 1: Slight tremors every quarter hour. Stage 2: Full scale earthquakes. Stage 3: The Earth is destroyed!

—"Super Watermelon Island"

Just being on a ship with Jasper made me tired.

—"Super Watermelon Island"

Why don’t you just disobey them? Rebel. Isn't that like, your guys' thing?

—"Super Watermelon Island"

Wow. You're a real anarchist.

—"Super Watermelon Island"

If you're done just lying there, maybe it's about time we STOP THE WORLD FROM ENDING!!

—"Gem Drill"

Am I the only one who understands the meaning of teamwork?!

—"Gem Drill"

Okay, Steven, are you ready to drill down into the planet to depths never before reached by your species to stop the Cluster before it forms and save your world?!

—"Gem Drill"

We have a drill. We're going to drill.

—"Gem Drill"

I didn't exist. Then I did. I don't have memories of it, just feelings. I know I can never go back to Homeworld, but it's hard not to have some feelings for where you came from.

—"Gem Drill"

Pearl didn’t think it was necessary, but I never leave home without a blast cannon.

—"Gem Drill"

Then use the D-pad.

—"Gem Drill"

There is no helping them. They're too broken. The beings who used to be in those shards are so shattered, they don't know who they are, or what's happening around them. They just seek out other gems, looking for the missing pieces of themselves, trying to make themselves whole.

—"Gem Drill"

Steven, I'm sorry I couldn't save you or the billions of other lifeforms who matter far, far less to me.

—"Gem Drill"

It doesn't matter if it knows what it's doing, it's still going to do it.

—"Gem Drill"

Is the increased vibration causing damage to your head holes?

—"Gem Drill"

Bubble that?! There's no way!

—"Gem Drill"

It was so intense down there! We were already a few layers into the Earth's crust, WHEN SUDDENLY -- WA-PAMO! KA POWIE! All these gross Cluster limbs started clawing at the drill.

—"Same Old World"

Besides, I've grown accustomed to this place. And I should probably fix the hole that I made with my giant robot.

—"Same Old World"

Yes, "here here" everybody. What are we talking about?

—"Same Old World"

This is my new home away from Homeworld!

—"Same Old World"

And then I'll say, "Hey, as one refugee to another, it isn't so bad that we can't go back to Homeworld, am I right? Why don't we watch the sun come up and figure out what we're going to do with all this time, eh Lazuli?"

—"Barn Mates"

What's the problem? You're the one getting all the good stuff! You've got the propeller and paint cans on your side!

—"Barn Mates"

Hey, it wasn't my idea! I was headed to Earth and I needed an informant!

—"Barn Mates"

Show her my sweet?

—"Barn Mates"

The noses! One can only conclude that it was the lack of noses! It seems illogical to me that it would be any of the writing elements!

—"Barn Mates"

H-2-Oh my GOSH!

—"Barn Mates"

"Tomb," you say?

—"Barn Mates"

What a cloddy idea! Of course she wouldn't like that!

—"Barn Mates"

Log date -- whatever. Facet -- whatever! Ughh, WHATEVER!

—"Barn Mates"

I got yo number!

—"Barn Mates"

When I was stuck here, Steven gave me this tape recorder as a gift and I didn't really get it at first, but it made me feel better.

—"Barn Mates"

What? Were you trapped on a tape recorder too!?

—"Barn Mates"

This place, doesn't exactly feel like home yet. You're alone, no one could possibly know what that feels like! Oh wait, I do!

—"Barn Mates"

So tell me then, what you want from me! And whatever that is, I'll do it.

—"Barn Mates"

It's a Roaming Eye, a Homeworld tracking vessel! I told you, I'm public enemy number one!

—"Barn Mates"

They're going to wipe my precious grin off the face of this planet!

—"Barn Mates"

I disobeyed a direct order from Yellow Diamond, and I called her a clod... to her face!

—"Hit the Diamond"

I'm not gonna stand by and let my friends fight my battles!

—"Hit the Diamond"

Wait, I'm the one who betrayed the mission, who called Yellow Diamond a clod, the new leader of the Crystal Gems?

—"Hit the Diamond"

(sarcastically)You've brought me to a sign!

—"Too Short to Ride"

I demand entry, you clod!

—"Too Short to Ride"

I also do not steal Steven's clothes when he's not looking.
Steven: What?

—"Too Short to Ride"

Maybe they should call it shape-shift land because it's a land where you go to shape-shift.

—"Too Short to Ride"

Wait! Wait-wait-wait-w-w-w-wait. No! IT'S ALL THAT I AM!

—"Too Short to Ride

Oh, come on! We already know she's tall.




Ew, that's disgusting!


Jasper: Just look at this one! You've stripped her of everything! Her limb enhancers, her status, her dignity.
I still have one of those things.


It's not a shell. There's so much life, living here! That's what I'm doing, I'm living here! I've been learning new things about myself all the time! Like how I can make metal do my bidding! The point being, Earth can set you free.


Season 4[]

Yes, noted, Steven. But this plan is even more flawless!

—"Kindergarten Kid"

Go back? Let it be known that I, Peridot, refuse to move forward or back until I am victorious.

—"Kindergarten Kid"

Hello, corn. Maybe she can't hear me in there. I made you in my image! You will do as I say!

—"Gem Harvest"

Andy: You two, get the heck off my planet, out of my country, and out of my barn!
Reactivating attack drones.

—"Gem Harvest"

Didn't we save the earth? We should have access to everything on it by right!

—"Gem Harvest"

You know what else would be a reward...? A REWARD!

—"Gem Harvest"

What if I just came to this table and started colonizing it 'cause (mocking tone) I'm a Homeworld Gem?!
Amethyst: But you can't! This table has corn on it and it's beautiful and we'll defend it!
You're right. Now that I've spent time at the table, I can see the value of your corn!

—"Gem Harvest"

Thank you, Andy, for showing up! Because of you, everyone came out here to the barn and-and, now, we're all in one place together for the first time in a while. And it's actually pretty great. So, cheers!

—"Gem Harvest"

New Crystal Gems! Congregate! That means come over here and do a cool pose.

—"The New Crystal Gems"

I'm nothing like Pearl! She's so uptight and sensitive! How dare you! I'm leaving!

—"The New Crystal Gems"

Season 5[]

Well, that's a given. I'm a very precious Gem. Without me, you would have crumbled under the Cluster's obstructive force or have been smushed by Jasper.

—"Raising the Barn"

You know, I can probably still help you when I'm out in space. I'll just video chat from my tablet.
Steven: Uh, t-there's no Wi-Fi in space.
Well, maybe it's best if we can't reach you. If the Diamonds do show up and destroy the planet, we'll never know!

—"Raising the Barn"

The truth is... I think that we should stay, and if -- and if the time comes, if the Diamonds do come to wipe this planet off the star maps, I think we should fight for this life we've built instead of tearing it up out of the ground! I think we can win. I think you can win. Earth is our home now. Isn't it worth fighting for?

—"Raising the Barn"

Wait! No! You're supposed to reward me for my emotional honesty!

—"Raising the Barn"

Steven: Come on, Peridot! Take a look at the beautiful countryside.
No. Your efforts to entrance me with Earth's beauty are pointless. My sector of countryside was perfect. Now it's somewhere in space. Just let me know when we get there.

—"Back to the Kindergarten"

This used to make sense to me. I thought life was generated in a Kindergarten. Formless, aimless energy channeled into new, useful Gems. But life doesn't start in a Kindergarten. It ends here. I've gotten used to plants everywhere. Bugs and breeze and sunshine... all of that has been sucked out of this place. It's with the Amethysts that were produced here, and now this place is nothing but a miserable husk.

—"Back to the Kindergarten"

And good job with that! I feel just great now that I know that nothing's ever going to get better! Everything is just ruined forever! We can't get any of it back! Not my home! Not Lapis! And not this crummy planet, either! We might as well just throw it all in the garbage and toss ourselves in after because it's all just hopeless trash!

—"Back to the Kindergarten"

Pearl: Steven!
We do a scene about Steven every week.

—"Letters to Lars"

Hey Blue Diamond! Fight me!


Hey Yellow Clod! Remember ME?
Yellow Diamond: No.


You thought we wouldn't be here at a time like this?

—"Change Your Mind"

Uh... who needs thumbs?

—"Change Your Mind"

Set your eyes on me Homeworld, I Peridot, have returned not as your servant but as your savior! I rule the skies!

—"Change Your Mind"

Steven Universe: The Movie[]

Bismuth: Steven! You're just in time! We're about to install the new warp.
Which means Little Homeworld is 83.7% complete.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Oh, my stars, I touched it! I could have lost all my character development!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Steven: A giant pizza cutter?
That is one of its functions, yes.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Amethyst, get away from me. I can't stand to see you all vacant and bereft of personality.
Amethyst: Yo, I'm back, you dip.
Oh! Well, you're just in time for the end of the world!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Bio-poison, pure and uncut. *transfer the schematic to a bigger monitor* As of this moment, the ampule has drained 15.4% of its contents, meaning the poison is releasing at a destruction rate of 5 cubic meters per hour, giving us, hmm... 41 hours until the destruction of all organic life on Earth.
Steven: "All organic life"?
Yeah, like all the animals, the plants, the insects. You know... People.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Lapis: That sounds bad.
Bismuth: That looks bad.
That is bad! We're hitting critical mass.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Steven Universe Future[]

Steven, you smell good.
Steven: Uh, what?
It's written on your back.


You obviously wrote this yourself!


STEVEN, STEVEN, STEVEN, STEVEN, STEVEN!!! Today is the day! Did you tape it?

—"In Dreams"

Steven: You know, I'm so glad you're here. I've been having some weird dreams lately-
Shh! That's great, now press play you monster!

—"In Dreams"

GAHHHH! They've changed all the characters, and I don't care about any of them! How could you do this to me?! Camp Pining Hearts helped me escape when everything around me was in chaos!

—"In Dreams"

Look, Steven, you seem pretty agitated. Let's just call this whole thing off.
Steven: What?
There's no point if you're gonna get all worked up over it. *sighs* I should probably be getting back to Little Homeworld anyway.

—"In Dreams"

Steven, I saw everything! It's fine! We don't have to do this anymore. I don't care about the show, and I definitely don't care about Rodrigo! Ugh, I'm such a clod!

—"In Dreams"

Steven: But I really wanted to spend time with you! I just wanted an excuse to hang out.
We don't need an excuse to hang out.

—"In Dreams"

Jasmine, you just buried a body in the woods, and now you're mad that Rodrigo cheated at cards?

—"In Dreams"

Not so fast! Amethyst says you're on a strict "No Plant Friends" policy!

—"Everything's Fine"

Hmm... It is hard to see them in such sad shape. Mm, alright. Just a scientific smidge, though!

—"Everything's Fine"

Let's hurry up and clobber that thing!

—"I Am My Monster"

Steven! You never gave up on me for reasons I don't understand! I'll do the same for you!

—"I Am My Monster"

Where am I going to find another Steven as good as you, huh? I like this one so much!

—"The Future"


The connection is fast enough to stream "Camp Pining Hearts" in all 1,080 p's! It took me a while, but let me tell you how I did it. So, I had to go through-

—"Video Chat"

So, there I was, face to face with one of those big-

—"Video Chat"

...running for my life with nothing but a-

—"Video Chat"

And then it bit me!-

—"Video Chat"

And now the Wi-Fi works perfectly. What did you do today?

—"Video Chat"

Lapis, relax. It's just my communication pad.

—"Video Chat"

It's okay. Just take it easy with that bat.

—"Video Chat"
ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
