Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

Season 1[]

Isn't it remarkable, Steven? This world is full of so many possibilities. Each living thing has an entirely unique experience. The sights they see, the sounds they hear. The lives they live are so complicated... and so simple. I can't wait for you to join them.

—"Lion 3: Straight to Video"

Steven, we can't both exist. I'm going to become half of you. And I need you to know that every moment you love being yourself, that's me, loving you and loving being you. Because you're going to be something extraordinary. You're going to be a human being.

—"Lion 3: Straight to Video"

Take care of them, Steven.

—"Lion 3: Straight to Video"

Pearl, I'm going to stay and fight for this planet. You don't have to do this with me.

—"Rose's Scabbard"

I know you do. Please, please understand if we lose, we'll be killed, and if we win, we can never go home.

—"Rose's Scabbard"

My Pearl.

—"Rose's Scabbard"

Space Train to the Cosmos...
Greg: Yeah! One way ticket and I'm ready to ri~ide!
How will you get back?
Greg: Back?
Back to Earth?
Greg: I'm NEVER coming back.
Oh! That's awful! *giggles* This is your home.

—"Story for Steven"

His gimmick is space!

—"Story for Steven"

Well, you better hurry. You don't wanna miss your space train to the cosmos.

—"Story for Steven"

You're awfully cute, and I'd really like to play with you, but your life is short and I don't want you to give up on everything you want.

—"Story for Steven"

Season 2[]

♫ Human man
You are so much fun
I hadn't planned
On finding you quite this entertaining
I like your band
And I like your song
I like the way
Human beings play
I like playing along... ♫

—"We Need to Talk"

That was Rainbow Quartz. Pearl thought a fusion might give your video a little... something extra. Pretty cool, right?

—"We Need to Talk"

...What!? *laughing hysterically* You can't fuse! You're a human!

—"We Need to Talk"

That's not a problem! I love humans! You're all so funny!

—"We Need to Talk"

Greg: Look... these last few months have been great-
Oh yes.

—"We Need to Talk"

Greg: I'm getting a bit worried about the future.
Oh, just ask Garnet.

—"We Need to Talk"

I'm... not a real person. I thought... haven't we... is this not how it works?

—"We Need to Talk"

Greg: I barely know you.
That's a good thing.

—"We Need to Talk"

Everything on Earth seems fast to me.

—"We Need to Talk"

Greg: How'd you end up with, uh, Harpo, Groucho, and Chico?
Huh? Oh, them? Those are three long stories.

—"We Need to Talk"

Blue Diamond, leave this planet! This colony will not be completed!

—"The Answer"

No, no, please... I'm glad to see you again.

—"The Answer"

Who cares about how I feel? How you feel is bound to be much more interesting.

—"The Answer"

Welcome to Earth!

—"The Answer"

No more questions. Don't ever question this. You already are the answer.

—"The Answer"

Season 3[]

Gre-eg! Where did you get this mini human from?

—"Greg the Babysitter"

You wouldn't believe how long it took me to figure out that this and you are the same thing.

—"Greg the Babysitter"

You're both human. You have to admit, it's a little confusing. You're big and can talk, and he's small and can only make noises. How was I supposed to know you were the same species?

—"Greg the Babysitter"

When a Gem is made, it's for a reason. They burst out of the ground already knowing what they're supposed to be, and then... that's what they are. Forever. But you, you're supposed to change. You're never the same even moment to moment -- you're allowed and expected to invent who you are. What an incredible power -- the ability to "grow up."

—"Greg the Babysitter"

Isn't this exciting? This'll be a formative experience for him.

—"Greg the Babysitter"

Season 4[]

Now, now, that's not true at all. Sure, all these places have been explored before, but they haven't been recorded so intimately as they have been in this journal. It makes them new and special all over again for any reader to experience. Have you ever considered becoming an author?

—"Buddy's Book"

Steven. All sports are beautiful. Each sport is a unique experience. The adrenaline, the glory. The sheer feats of athleticism, each one of them so complicated. And yet, exactly the same.

—"Storm in the Room"

But Steven, don't you realize? We've been together this whole time.

—"Storm in the Room"

Steven, you know that isn't true. In the tape I left you, I told you I how much I wanted to have you and let you exist. Do you think what I said to you in the tape was a lie?

—"Storm in the Room"

Nora, we can't both exist. But I won't be gone. I'm going to become half of you. And every moment you enjoy being yourself, that will be me, loving being you.

—"Lion 4: Alternate Ending"

Because you're going to become something extraordinary. You're going to be a human being. That's my favorite part. A human being. A human is an action. I wonder who, how you'll be, what you'll think, what you'll want. Oh, I'm so happy for everyone who's going to know you. I'm rambling. If they look to you, trust yourself. Take care of them, Nora.

—"Lion 4: Alternate Ending"

Season 5[]

Is this what you want -- to inject, to build? I've seen the life that exists for itself, and it lives here. Will you destroy it, or will you join it?

—"Your Mother and Mine"

And then we'll be done. It's going to be easy!

—"A Single Pale Rose"

Blue and Yellow don't care. They never have. This is Pink Diamond's colony. We can end it all right here, right now.

—"A Single Pale Rose"

I know! Isn't it exciting?

—"A Single Pale Rose"

We can leave our old lives behind. If this is really my world, I want to give it to the Crystal Gems. I want to live here with human beings! I wanna live here with you! We'll both finally be free!

—"A Single Pale Rose"


—"A Single Pale Rose"

I can't exactly shatter myself.

—"A Single Pale Rose"

Pearl, look! This is...incredible! We have to go down there and check it out. Pearl, this is so-

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

Hey fellow Amethyst guards, what are we all up to?

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

Oh, woah, look at you. Welcome to Earth!
Amethyst 3: That is the first and nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

We're actually here and I'm fitting right in! None of that dumb salute- Thank you so much for talking me into this. I couldn't have done this on my own.
Pearl:'re welcome, my Diamond-
Shhh, Pearl, you're gonna get us in trouble.
Pearl: Sorry, my...Quartz.

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

Pearl: My Diamond? Please? Let's not draw any more attention to ourselves than we already have.
You're right. But things were getting really fun.
Pearl: What if we took some time to explore some of Earth's other features?
Pearl! You're so smart.

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

So, this is Earth.
Pearl: And this is just a small portion of the resources available for making Gems on this planet.
I have to see it all.

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

Pearl: Is everything alright, my Diamond? You seem troubled.
All this life that's been growing wild here on Earth...none of it will survive my invasion. We're not creating life from nothing. We're taking life, and leaving nothing behind.
Pearl: Forgive me, my Diamond. I shouldn't have brought you to such a place.
No. I needed to see this.

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

I still can't believe it. Only on Earth, don't you think? Only on Earth where anything can happen. A fusion of two completely different Gems! Can all Gems do that? How have I never heard of this? I've only ever heard that it's unheard of. Can you imagine what that must feel li-

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

Pearl: But I've been imagining things. Even when you haven't asked me to, I imagine that I ran away and met you here on Earth, a Rose Quartz. And I'm not yours, but I make you so happy anyway! Isn't that ridiculous? Tell me to stop!
Please don't ever stop!

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

That fusion! We never should've left her there with Blue, who knows what sort of horrible punishment-

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"


Fight for life on the planet Earth. Defend all human beings, even the ones you don't understand. Believe in love that is out of anyone's control. And then risk everything for it!

—Manifesto of Rose Quartz, Guide to the Crystal Gems (Steven Universe)
ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
