Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe Wiki

Season 1[]

 Great! This is just perfect!

—"Jail Break"

 Steven: Uh, do you need any help?
No! I mean— Don't look at me! Just... go away.

—"Jail Break"

Sapphire. Let me out of here! Please! I need to find Sapphire!

—"Jail Break"

 Quiet! Ugh! I can't see!

—"Jail Break"

 Agh! I don't have time for this!

—"Jail Break"

Did they hurt you?
Sapphire: No, no, I'm okay. Did they hurt you?
Who cares!?

—"Jail Break"

Season 2[]

This is where they've been! All the ones we couldn't find, they've been here the whole time!

—"Keeping It Together"

This is punishment for The Rebellion!

—"Keeping It Together"

It's fusion, Sapphire! What's more personal to us than fusion!?

—"Keystone Motel"

 You're not, as above this as you think you are! *groans angrily*

—"Keystone Motel"

Sapphire: You can't stay mad at Pearl forever.
Wanna bet?

—"Keystone Motel"

 It's fusion, Steven! It's like Sapphire doesn't even care! And we're supposed to be the bigger Gem about this! We're ALLLLLLWAYS the bigger Gem! Well not this time! Not—about—this!

—"Keystone Motel"

I don't need to "cool down".

—"Keystone Motel"

 Why does she always act like I'm being ridiculous? Just because she *mumbles underwater*

—"Keystone Motel"

Well, Garnet's not here!

—"Keystone Motel"

 Hah! I'm kinda surprised you felt anything at all to be honest!
Sapphire: I didn't need to feel. I saw.
Eeeverything is just so... CRYSTAL. CLEAR. TO. YOU. ISN'T IT?!?!

—"Keystone Motel"


—"Keystone Motel"

You don't know me!

—"Keystone Motel"

You don't even know yourself! Hah!

—"Keystone Motel"

Steven: I don't understand! Is it- is it me?
No! Steven, it's all us!

—"Keystone Motel"

Sapphire... -- No, no no no no no no no! This is all my fault! I-I didn't want to look for a solution, I-I just wanted to be mad! Y-You're right! You're always right! I was being stupid!

—"Keystone Motel"

You know what's nice about being split up?
Sapphire: What?
I get to look at you.

—"Keystone Motel"

There's my Laughy Sapphy!

—"Keystone Motel"

Oh, come on. We'll punch 'em together when we fuse. That's why they sent, uh, three of us.

—"The Answer"

Sapphire: They were gonna break you!
Who cares?! There's tons of me!

—"The Answer"

Ah! We have to get you... out of here!

—"The Answer"

What kind of Ruby am I supposed to be? Look at this! It's my fault you're stranded here. How am I gonna save you?

—"The Answer"

It's never like that! Whenever I've fused, it's always just been me, but bigger, I... I've never had a third eye before.

—"The Answer"

 ♫ And now you're here forever! ♫

—"The Answer"

Season 3[]

I don't wanna go alone...

—"Hit the Diamond"

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

—"Hit the Diamond"

Now, what you want to do is lead with your hips. Yeah. That's pretty good. Let me show you again.

—"Hit the Diamond"

Don't worry, you can look at me when you're running for home.

—"Hit the Diamond"

Season 4[]

Okay, everybody. Hear her out.

—"Gem Heist"

Holly Blue Agate: Pardon me?
Uhh, I just remembered I left the gravity engine idling, Sorry, my Sapphire. I'm so forgetful and disposable.

—"Gem Heist"

I can't believe all that stuff about Blue Diamond being merciful! She's a shatterer! She yelled at Sapphire! She hates fusion a-and love!

—"Gem Heist"

We don't have time for this! Steven, help me open the door. And Pearl, hack faster.

—"Gem Heist"

Season 5[]

Please...We can just stay calm and talk about this, right? Let's just, talk.

—"Now We're Only Falling Apart"

Yeah. Sapphire was kinda right about everything. We really did stay Garnet because Rose told us to be her... Uh...'answer'. It's my first time thinking about it... It's my first time really thinking!

—"The Question"

Back when I emerged, the first thing I did was get crammed together with a bunch of other Rubies! Then... I was with Sapphire all the time. I was always checking in on someone. But now... I can go wherever the wind takes me!

—"The Question"

I'm up here, eating pizza, reading comics! I don't know if Sapphire wants to read comics! I don't have to know! The rest of my life could be like this! I don't have to be Garnet... I can be on my own!

—"The Question"

I'm not fussed about what Sapphire wants! I've seen my own future now... And it's nothin' but Ruby!

—"The Question"

I wanna! One with the wilderness! Facing danger in every turn... Not leaving nothin' or nobody to get me by, just like this guy!

—"The Question"

I already am lost. That's why I came out here; to find myself.

—"The Question"

What's behind this bush... I dunno! Sapphire ain't here to predict for me. It's my chance to find out for myself!

—"The Question"

I almost fell down there. And, it was all my choice! Yee-haw!! Independence!

—"The Question"

♫ This ol'
Ruby rider
Is Ruby ridin' alone... ♫

—"The Question"

I mean, I did have a lot of fun today. I loved it! But...the whole time, I... I kept thinkin' about how much more fun I'd have if I were with her. Sapphire was always there with me. I feel her smile just like it was mine. It's so lonely now...gaaah!

—"The Question"

Well, if I'm making my own decisions...then, I'll decide I wanna be with Sapphire. I mean, I've gotta ask her first. I just don't want it to feel like we're going back to how things used to be. Back when someone else told us to be together. I want it to feel different...

—"The Question"

Someone else told us we were the answer. But...I don't believe that anymore. At least, not 'til I hear it from you. Sapphire... Will you marry me?

—"The Question"

It's like they say; if you wanna drink the cow, you gotta put a ring on it.

—"Made of Honor"

This is gonna be the best wedding ever!

—"Made of Honor"

Time to sign! Here you go, Peri.

—"Made of Honor"

Maybe we could bring the bubbles up here-?

—"Made of Honor"

Okay, Sapphire. I gotta get dressed for a big day now, so no peeking. And no future vision either!


I used to feel like I wasn't much good, just one of me on my own, but when we're together, it feels like it's okay to just be me. So I wanna be me, with you, and, and, not even the Diamonds will come between us. And if they try, we'll beat em up!


Steven Universe: The Movie[]

Aah! Who are you? You're not my assignment.

Steven Universe: The Movie

My Sapphire. As my sworn duty and sole purpose, I will protect you with my life.
Sapphire: I know you will. That's why I predict you won't last more than a day.

Steven Universe: The Movie

She's not going anywhere with you.
Sapphire: I do see us following him to the countryside.
Never mind! We're going.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Permission to dispatch the curly-haired one, my Sapphire?

Steven Universe: The Movie

My Sapphire, you were right! What do you predict will happen next?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Sapphire: The curly-haired one's power is fading. Ruby, I'm sorry! I told you you wouldn't last the day.
Well, I'm glad fate allowed me to meet... you.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Steven Universe Future[]

Sapphire, you did it! You're the best!

—"Snow Day"

Hey, Sapphire's got her thing, but you can still talk to old Ruby! Walk and talk, scout! I got things to do.

—"Together Forever"

I'm gonna ask you to feel the beauty of everything that surrounds you. Draw it with your heart! And then, you'll have the honor of receiving this "Nature Sketching Badge"! Let's go! No time to waste!

—"Together Forever"

Ah! Steven! Propose!

—"Together Forever"

Do it! Do it!! DO IT!!!

—"Together Forever"

Buddy! It worked for me! And if you do it, you'll have the honor of receiving this... "Proposal Badge"!

—"Together Forever"
ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
