Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki


—"Hit the Diamond"

—"Hit the Diamond"

I'm not tellin' y'all nothin' about nothin'!

—"Back to the Moon"

Jasper! I'm Ruby-1F4 Cut-4ND. I fought in the war for Earth.

—"Back to the Moon"

I was on the ground in Facet 6 when I heard the tale of the Facet 9 Kindergarten Quartz that could. They said you popped out of the ground with your helmet on, and took out 80 Crystal Gems before the sun went down. When I found out this mission was to look for you, I nearly dissipated my form! It is an honor to finally meet you.

—"Back to the Moon"

Wait a minute! You look different than I thought you would.

—"Back to the Moon"

Stupid Earth sun! I hate this planet!

—"Back to the Moon"

Hey! This ain't no pleasure cruise.

—"Back to the Moon"

Yeah, haha! She talks a lot!

—"Back to the Moon"

Look at this place -- frozen in time. An era-one base. Her era-one base. It was a tragedy, what happened to her.

—"Back to the Moon"

Were you made yesterday? That is Pink Diamond. Jasper, maybe it's best if you explain.

—"Back to the Moon"

Earth was Pink Diamond's colony. Everything was going smoothly at first. Kindergartens were incubating their first soldiers; Big, warm pieces of quartz -- like this mountain over here -- were being created from its rich minerals with great success. Then -- bam! One of Pink Diamond's very own quartz soldiers started a rebellion and took it too far. Where were you when it happened?

—"Back to the Moon"

I was there. I saw it with my own eye. I watched the leader of the crystal gems -- Rose Quartz -- shatter Pink Diamond!

—"Back to the Moon"

See! They'll stoop to anything!

—"Back to the Moon"