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Steven Universe Wiki
This article is about the group of Rubies. You may be looking for a singular Ruby.

The Ruby Squad is a group of five Rubies that were sent to Earth by Yellow Diamond to retrieve Jasper. The members of this group are "Eyeball", "Doc", "Navy", "Leggy", and "Army". The leader of this group is "Doc", and they arrived on a Roaming Eye. Since "Eyeball" is teamed up with Aquamarine in "Bluebird", it can be assumed that she left the Ruby Squad or they disbanded after Era 3.


The Ruby Squad was created likely by Yellow Diamond, and it is unknown how long they've existed.

"Barn Mates"[]

Their Roaming Eye lands down on Earth, only to have "Eyeball" peak out and give a haunting look to the Crystal Gems.

"Hit the Diamond"[]

Hit the Diamond HD 046

The Ruby Squad, now on Earth, demand to know where Jasper is, following the orders of Yellow Diamond. After being tricked by the Crystal Gems and the Crystal Gem Ruby, they decide to play in a game of competitive baseball. All the Rubies of the Ruby Squad team up and play, playing with the Crystal Gem Ruby as she pretends to be part of their group, something they believe. They're eventually batted out by Sapphire, who proceeds to jump into Ruby's arms and form Garnet, something that blows their cover. Enraged by this, the Ruby Squad fuses into a Giant Ruby, not fighting, but instead being tricked by the Crystal Gems to look for Jasper on the planet Neptune. They unfuse and decide to leave Earth and the Crystal Gems alone.

"Back to the Moon"[]

The Ruby Squad now landed on Earth, are held captive by Lapis Lazuli in bubbles while the Crystal Gems try to figure out why they've returned. They reveal they believed them and went to Neptune, proceeding to demand Jasper. Amethyst decided to shapeshift into Jasper, something they believe in, and decide to go to the Moon Base with them to take Amethyst (shapeshifted as Jasper), back to Homeworld. They believe all is well until Amethyst stops shapeshifting, causing them to fuse once again, only to be beaten by Sardonyx and thrown into space.


  • Pearl states in her rejuvenated form during Steven Universe: The Movie that Rubies tend to come in teams, in this case, teams of five.
  • As stated it is unknown how "Eyeball" and the rest of the Rubies came back from outer space, but the most likely answer is that "Navy" rescued them.
  • The Ruby Squad is most likely a reference to "Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs" where each dwarf is named after their main personality trait and ending the word with the letter 'y' (ex. Dopey, Grouchy). In this case, it's based off their gem placements. And there's one member in both groups named "Doc"


"Hit the Diamond"[]


"Back to the Moon"[]

veHomeworld Gems

WhiteDiamondNav by RylerGamerDBS
YellowDNavboxStereo Blue Diamond Nav
HessoniteNavbox Demantoid Navbox Pyrope Navbox
Emerald Infobox Stereo Aquamarine Nav FusionTemplateTopaz Holly Blue navbox
Nephrite Nav HeartGemNavbox LapisNiceNav LapisMeanNav JadesNavbox SquaridotNavbox
Blue Zircon navbox Yellow Zircon navbox
JasperNavbox3 Famethyst Gemstones 1532639914030 Skinny Jasper navbox Jasper (Eyeball) Navbox CherryNav
SuperfRoseNav HipRoseNav ShyRoseNav Chert Navbox Flint Navbox
Yellow Pearl navbox BlueP Navbox Stereo PPearl Navbox Stereo AuberginePearl Navbox LonelyPearl Navbox
DocNav EyeballNav ArmyNav NavyNav LeggyNav
PebblesNavbox 1546560069457


PinkD Infobox Stereo

ve Characters in Steven Universe
Crystal Gems Human-Gem Hybrids: Steven Universe

Unfused Gems: AmethystBiggs JasperBismuthLapis LazuliLarimarPearlPeridotRubySapphireSnowflake Obsidian
Fusion Gems: AlexandriteCrazy Lace AgateGarnetMega PearlObsidian (Rose Quartz Fusion)OpalRainbow QuartzSardonyxSugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Obsidian (Steven fusion)Rainbow Quartz 2.0Smoky QuartzStegStevonnieSunstone
Inactive Gems: Rose Quartz
Humans: Connie Maheswaran
Pets: LionPumpkinCat Steven

Homeworld Gems Unfused Gems: CombyEmeraldPebblesSapphiresSpinel

Fusion Gems: MalachiteTopazZebra Jasper (fusion)Giant RubyRuby (triple fusion)Lemon JadeBluebird Azurite
Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond

Off Colors Unfused Gems: PadparadschaRutile Twins

Fusion Gems: FluoriteRhodonite
Humans: Lars Barriga

Other Gems (Formerly) Corrupted Gems: AlbiteAngel Aura QuartzBig BirdBiggs JasperBixbiteBlue ChalcedonyBlue Lace AgateCherry QuartzChrysocollaDesert GlassEarth BeetleElectric SkullsGrossular DiopsideHeaven BeetleJasperLace AmethystLarimarMoonstoneNephriteOcean JasperOrange SpodumeneSnowflake ObsidianTongue MonsterUnknown Giant Gem MonsterWater BearWatermelon TourmalineWhite TopazZebra Jasper (singular)Minor Corrupted Gems

Corrupted Gem-produced monsters: CentipeetlesCrab Monsters

Other Gems: Smoke MonsterMinor GemsUnknown Gems (Morganite • Nephrite-XJ Cut-763 • Unknown Quartz Warrior • Blue Diamond's Court • Pink Diamond's EntourageUnknown Crystal Gems67 Elite CitrinesPyritesKyanites)

Forced Fusions: Cluster Gems (The Cluster)

Comic Gems: Ant Gem MonsterClock Tower GemFrozen FragmentGlass GhostInvisible Manta RayMole Gem MonsterMolluskMonster Lizard GemObeliskOld Book GemPlant MonsterPerils of PweepweeRainbow Cloud MonsterRed Bird Gem MonsterRed Eel MonsterScorching ShardSlime Gem MonsterSlug MonsterSnowbeastTentacle MonsterUnknown Giant BirdVine Monsters

Other Major Characters Humans: Greg UniverseSadie Miller
Recurring Characters Humans: Andy DeMayoBarbara MillerBill DeweyBuck DeweyBuddy BuddwickDante and Martha BarrigaDoug MaheswaranPriyanka MaheswaranHarold SmileyJamieJaneJenny PizzaKevinKiki PizzaKofi PizzaMartyMr. FrymanMystery GirlNanefua PizzaOnionPeedee FrymanQuentin FrowneyRonaldo FrymanShepSour CreamSuitcase SamVidaliaYellowtailZoomans (F-3Jay-TenU-12Wy-Six)

Others: Baby MelonBlue CrabsCactus StevenHolo-PearlMagic MossSteven Jr.Watermelon Stevens

Minor Characters Humans: The Best Diner in the World's WaitressEmpire City Wildlife Rehabilitation Center EmployeeGaryGreg's family (Aunt and Uncle • Aunt DebGrandfatherParentsGreat-aunt Gregargia) • Hospital Employees (Dr. GeroDr. StrombergDr. West) JeffKhajima, Jaime, and BrandishMarty's RoadiesMayoral BodyguardsMike KrolOnion's Friends (Garbanzo • Pinto • Soup • Squash) • Patricia and DanielRickySabinaSteven's BabysitterSunshine JusticeWilliam Buford BuchananWilliam DeweyMinor Human Characters

Animals: Butt LobsterCrystal BasiliskDogGiant BirdMask Island BirdsMask Island FishMask Island WormOnion's MouseOnion's SnakeParty GuyRaccoonSeagullsSnakeSteven The ThirdSusanMinor Animal Characters
Aliens: Beetle AliensBird Blob AliensUngulate AliensWorm AliensFlower-Like AliensMinor Alien Characters

Fictional Characters Cookie CatDogcopterMearlPizza JennyMinor Fictional Characters

Camp Pining Hearts: PaulettePercyPierre
"Garnet's Universe": FoxmanHopperHoppyRingo
Golf Quest Mini: AceAce's Father
Li'l Butler: Li'l ButlerMr. MoneyMrs. MoneyDaughter Money • Dirtbike Money
Lonely Blade: Evil JanitorLonely BladeLonely Blade's Brother
Rose's Room: Cloud ConnieTiny Floating Whale
The Spirit Morph Saga: ArchimicarusLisaPlinkmanWind Lizard

Non-Gem Antagonists Blood PolypCrystal ShrimpDrill ParasitesFableFryboHolo-ConnieShadow ConnieWater Clones
Alter Egos Billy Bank AssetsChunk TruckConcrete HeatDashing Danny DooberHandsome Hank HackleschmidtHowl JonesLoch Ness BloggsterPurple PumaSea WaspShark-O-ManiaTiger Millionaire
Attack the Light Blue LightGreen LightIndigo LightOrange LightRed LightViolet LightWhite LightYellow Light

Groups: Light ArmyBlue Monsters • Green Monsters • Indigo MonstersOrange MonstersRed Monsters

Groups The Cool Kids • Crystal GemsCrystal Temps • The "Famethyst" • The Great Diamond Authority • Homeworld Gems • Off ColorsSadie Killer and the SuspectsSecret Team • Steven and the Stevens • ZoomansSpecies
Gem Types Aquamarines • BismuthsDiamonds • GarnetsJades • Lapis Lazulis • Nephrites • Pearls • PebblesPeridots • Quartzes • Rubies • Sapphires • Topazes • Zircons