“ |
Lay off! |
” |
—"Pilot" |
Season 1[]
“ |
Um, Steven, you wanna take the freezer with you? |
” |
—"Gem Glow" |
“ |
Oh Steven, that's adorable! |
” |
—"Cat Fingers" |
“ |
Lars, quit being a jerk and help! |
” |
—"Bubble Buddies" |
“ |
Lars, I'm really confused... |
” |
—"Tiger Millionaire" |
“ |
Yeah, you better run! |
” |
—"So Many Birthdays" |
“ |
*with Lars* Okay, we love you, Steven! Bye bye, now! |
” |
—"Rose's Room" |
“ |
We can't work out without your mad coaching skills! |
” |
—"Coach Steven" |
“ |
No way, it’s your turn. I cleaned the last five "Stevens". |
” |
—"Joking Victim" |
“ |
Steven, he's made a fool of me! |
” |
—"Joking Victim" |
“ |
That night we played video games, I don’t know what it meant to you... But ever since then, I can’t get the thought out of my head that you’re a good person. That night, I really thought... Player Two. Is that just your way of saying I could’ve been anyone? |
” |
—"Joking Victim" |
“ |
Uh, I think I'm as excited as I can get about setting up extra seating for the summer rush. |
” |
—"Mirror Gem" |
“ |
Why don't you ever let me help you?! |
” |
—"Island Adventure" |
“ |
How did you get such handsome watermelons? |
” |
—"Watermelon Steven" |
“ |
So, how much for one? |
” |
—"Watermelon Steven" |
“ |
Hey, mom? You know how I said you didn't have to make me those lunches anymore? |
” |
—"Lion 3: Straight to Video" |
“ |
No, no, it's on the house. |
” |
—"Alone Together" |
“ |
When stuff gets hairy, I just keep my eyes forward, you know? |
” |
—"Horror Club" |
“ |
I'm not ditching anyone. |
” |
—"Horror Club" |
“ |
What's that cute flyer for, Steven? |
” |
—"Shirt Club" |
“ |
Oh sorry, Buck. We only serve don- |
” |
—"Shirt Club" |
Season 2[]
“ |
Who saved us? Um, well, wasn't it Steven' I-I think they pretty much keep to themselves. Steven says that they protect the planet and the human race and that they have magic powers. It sounds hard to believe, but I've seen some pretty wild stuff. |
” |
—"Rising Tides, Crashing Skies" |
“ |
Yeah, you know what? Yeah! Who cares, right? What am I afraid of? This could be fun! |
” |
—"Sadie's Song" |
“ |
I just thought, for once, I'd get to do things my way, but you came in and took over everything like you always do! |
” |
—"Sadie's Song" |
“ |
I don't wanna do this! |
” |
—"Sadie's Song" |
Season 3[]
“ |
If you didn't know, we started baking our own donuts after that workplace safety lawsuit was thrown out. So if you get here tomorrow right when the shop opens, you can have the very first fresh donut of the day. |
” |
—"Steven Floats" |
“ |
My treat, a fresh baked frosted donut with sprinkles. |
” |
—"Steven Floats" |
“ |
Look, It's like yesterday I asked if you wanted to come over, but you made a big deal, saying "no" in front of Steven. And now, you're here...? It's just, it's getting to be kind of a roller coaster, isn't it? |
” |
—"The New Lars" |
“ |
NGH! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! All right, I get it. I see how it is. Some cute little heart gauges, some dumb, fluffy movie, "That's enough for Sadie!" Right, Lars? |
” |
—"The New Lars" |
“ |
Okay, maybe you are Steven. Lars would never apologize to me. Wait!... So does this mean Lars' mind is inside your body? |
” |
—"The New Lars" |
“ |
It's good to see the real you. |
” |
—"The New Lars" |
Season 4[]
“ |
Lars: Sadie, come on! It's like all you wanna do is work! Let's go watch a movie at your place or something! Nobody will even notice we're gone. |
” |
—"Future Boy Zoltron" |
“ |
Lars: Don't change the subject! |
” |
—"Future Boy Zoltron" |
“ |
...Is it weird that it knows our names? |
” |
—"Future Boy Zoltron" |
“ |
Lars: ... He left wrestling at the height of his career! *groaning* Why...? |
” |
—"Tiger Philanthropist" |
“ |
What?! You just got invited to a party with The Cool Kids! Isn't that what you've always wanted? If anyone shouldn't go, it's me. But they know you; they like you! |
” |
—"The Good Lars" |
“ |
Wow, I never thought anyone could get excited over paper plates. I guess they are biodegradable. |
” |
—"The Good Lars" |
“ |
Ughh. He wants to be in with them so much. Huh, it's funny. I never thought I'd be the one hanging out with them. You know, they really are cool. Like, not like he thinks, but, like- like, they're actually cool people. How's he going to realize that if he doesn't give them a chance? I wish I could just force him to be happy. Oh, no. I sound like my mother. Maybe I should be trying to fix my life instead of his. |
” |
—"The Good Lars" |
“ |
Lars... |
” |
—"I Am My Mom" |
Season 5[]
“ |
What? Lars! Lars Barriga?! Mr. and Mrs. Barriga's son! Did you even know he was still missing? Did you know he was still somewhere in space?! What kind of mayor doesn't know when his own people are lost in space?! |
” |
—"Dewey Wins" |
“ |
Well, I worry about Lars being in space, and I hope he's safe and all, but... Ughh... Working all these shifts by myself has been a huge drag. I'm totally used to doing his work, but I'm used to at least having him here to talk to. Now, I gotta do that myself, too. "Oh, come on, Sadie, you missed a spot!" Oh, no, sorry. *mops the floor* |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
Sour Cream: Whoa! Scary movies! Hey, Sadie, you've got a dark side. |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
I can't believe you like this one. Not everyone appreciates Bulgarian horror. |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
♫ We are the working dead |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
Really?! *chuckles* Wow, I... Uhh, wait, no, I can't. Ugh, I've got to work tomorrow. Actually, you guys should probably pack up. I got to get some rest before my shift. |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
Let's see. First, lose your youth to your boring job. Then, lose the only person you've ever felt truly close to. And then, lose your mind working all his shifts. |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
I'm the only employee at the shop. I can't just leave. Singing is fun, and-and being in the band would be really fun, like the most fun ever. Bu-But a lot of things could be a lot of things. This job is a drag, but at least I know it's a drag. It's normal. There's something nice about that, you know? Hanging out, singing and stuff, it feels so not normal. It's like- You ever feel so bad that you feel good? Like, when you get so cold that it burns. Sometimes, I just want to scream my guts out. Well, no, not my guts, but whatever thing is squirming in my guts. |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
Heh! I QUIT! |
” |
—"Sadie Killer" |
“ |
I think I could get a more guttural scream on the chorus if I rest my voice a little. |
” |
—"The Big Show" |
“ |
Mom! We've talked about this! |
” |
—"The Big Show" |
“ |
It's just... I went all out thinking my mom was at the show. I can't believe I kind of wanted her to be there. Well, not even kind of. I did. |
” |
—"The Big Show" |
“ |
And just as the chorus is finishing up, I'll grab this fake, but very realistic, chainsaw, and then Steven will hit me with the lights, and then we'll all scream! |
” |
—"Letters to Lars" |
“ |
Lars? It's really you! |
” |
—"Change Your Mind" |
“ |
Lars... Look at you! You're- You're a space pirate! |
” |
—"Change Your Mind" |
“ |
Hey, Beach City, we're not done yet! I'd like to welcome my friend and yours to the stage: Steven Universe! |
” |
—"Change Your Mind" |
Steven Universe: The Movie[]
“ |
Who's here for the show?! [...] Who's here 'cause it's the end of the world?! |
” |
—Steven Universe: The Movie |
“ |
♫ When I think about all the wasted time I spent |
” |
—Steven Universe: The Movie |
Steven Universe Future[]
“ |
Great. They're so cool. I can't believe we've been dating for almost two months, now. Everything just feels so, easy. |
” |
—"Little Graduation" |
“ |
♫ When I was younger and I hated fun |
” |
—"Little Graduation" |
“ |
Look, Steven. The two of us tried to reconnect a few times, but, we both just, grew apart. |
” |
—"Little Graduation" |
“ |
And Lars knows I'm really glad he found himself in space with his new Gem friends. |
” |
—"Little Graduation" |
“ |
Steven, you're great, but you need to let us live our own lives. |
” |
—"Little Graduation" |
“ |
We'll still be your friends. |
” |
—"Little Graduation" |