The world of Steven Universe is filled with many different and unique creatures. This is a list of known species.
Humans are described by Peridot as the dominant species on Earth. The humans in Beach City seem to be aware of the magical creatures and happenings around them and coexist with them.
- Andy DeMayo
- Barbara Miller
- Bill Dewey
- Buck Dewey
- Buddy Buddwick
- Chunk Truck
- Concrete Heat
- Connie Maheswaran
- Dashing Danny Doober
- Doug Maheswaran
- Greg Universe
- Greg's Aunt and Uncle
- Handsome Hank Hackleschmidt
- Harold Smiley
- Jamie
- Jane
- Jeff
- Jenny Pizza
- Kevin
- Kiki Pizza
- Kofi Pizza
- Lars Barriga (magically altered by Steven's resurrection power)
- Marty
- Mayor Dewey's Bodyguards
- Mr. Fryman
- Mystery Girl
- Mike Krol
- Nanefua Pizza
- Onion
- Peedee Fryman
- Priyanka Maheswaran
- Quentin Frowney
- Ronaldo Fryman
- Sadie Miller
- Sour Cream
- Steven Universe (Human/Gem hybrid)
- Suitcase Sam
- The Best Diner in the World's Waitress
- Vidalia
- William Dewey
- Yellowtail
- Zoomans
- Main article: Gems
Gems are a humanoid species of magical alien beings. They have many and varied abilities, but all share the trait of having a magic gemstone embedded somewhere on their body from which they can summon a special weapon. These also are the core of their being, as their bodies are just projections that have mass. Gems have the power to shapeshift and are genderless,[1] but use feminine pronouns. Steven is the first gendered Gem because he is half human. Gems also can have special abilities, such as Hydrokinesis, Phytokinesis, future vision, heat resistance, and many other abilities depending on the Gem.
Magical Creatures[]
Miscellaneous Magical Creatures[]
Sentient Plants[]
Non-Sentient Plants[]
Corrupted Gems' Minions[]
- Lion
- Electric Skulls (non-canon)
- Crystal Shrimp
- Crystal Basilisks
- Tiny Floating Whale (cloud creation)
Non-Magical Creatures[]
Miscellaneous Non-Magical Creatures[]
- Goats
- Steven Jr.
- Steven Jr.'s mate
- Steven Jr.'s kids
- Cows (mentioned in "Too Far")
Other Mammals[]
- Raccoons
- Mice ("Onion Friend")
- Lions ("Buddy's Book")
- Koalas (pictured in "The New Lars")
- Sloths (pictured in "The New Lars")
- Onion's Snake
- "Party Guy" (mentioned in "Gemcation")
- Unknown Giant Bird (mentioned in "Cheeseburger Backpack")
- Giant Bird Egg ("Cheeseburger Backpack")
- Seagulls
- Mask Island Birds ("Super Watermelon Island")
Aquatic Life[]
- Butt Lobster
- Blue Crabs
- Mask Island Fish
- Whales (partially seen in "Lion 2: The Movie")
- Octopi
- Ladybugs ("Log Date 7 15 2")
Other Invertebrates[]
- Blood Polyp (mentioned in "Tiger Millionaire")
- Mask Island Worms ("Island Adventure")
Organic Alien Life[]
Jungle Moon Inhabitants[]
- Arthropod Alien
- Round Alien
- Ungulate Alien
- Unnamed organic lifeforms of Jungle Moon's orbital planet
- Rainbow Caterpillar Creature (seen in Steven's dream at the beginning of "Change Your Mind")