Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe Wiki

Steven Universe: The Movie[]

Hey! Are you Steven Universe?

Steven Universe: The Movie


Steven Universe: The Movie

Well, well, well, well, well. Lemme get a look at the menagerie. You must be Amethyst, you must be Garnet, and Pink Diamond's Pearl! Wow, she took you with her. Isn't that just - [through gritted teeth] swell?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Hahahaha, oh, but it can be, and it is! I got a new style, and a few new toys that are gonna put an end to your 'happily ever after', once and for all!!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Yeah yeah yeah, I've heard. I've had your little message to the universe - on loop! Oh, I just looove that part, where Pink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this nowhere planet, with a bunch of nobodies!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Aw, what's the matter, Steven? Miss your friends already? Well, don't worry... you're right behind 'em!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Then I guess you won't mind... if I do it again!

Steven Universe: The Movie

You don't poof, do you...? Figured as much. Just wait! Your human half won't stand a chance against my injector... not after what I just did to your ge-em!

Steven Universe: The Movie

You weren't always a powerful hero, were you?

Steven Universe: The Movie

I'm so excited to meet you!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Mad? Why would I be mad at my best friend?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Now it's your turn!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Hey, look! There's more Gems! Let's ask 'em to play!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Steven: W-Wait a minute. You don't remember?
Remember what?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Wowee! That thing sure is big! You wanna climb it or somethin'?

Steven Universe: The Movie

I said what, now?

Steven Universe: The Movie


Steven Universe: The Movie

A pleasure to meet you all.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Hey! Don't be sad, your new best friend, your new best friend, your new best friend, YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND SPINEL IS HERE!

Steven Universe: The Movie

What if it's like a puzzle? If we give 'em all the pieces... eventually they'll get the picture!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Is it...over?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Don't forget your best friend, Spinel!
Steven: Oh, right. Spinel, you stay here with the others, and I'll be... right back.

Steven Universe: The Movie


Steven Universe: The Movie

What is this place?

Steven Universe: The Movie

A monster? Where is it? No, I don't see it...

Steven Universe: The Movie

Oh! Ready or not! Here I come! Boop! Oh, I forgot to say "you're it"! Okay, tag, you're it!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Hm, you guys don't know how to play tag?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Yeah! Lift with your legs!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Well, look what I reeled in.

Steven Universe: The Movie

I just... started getting these feelings... flooding back to me...

Steven Universe: The Movie

The garden...? [...] NO!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Back... to where I never left...

Steven Universe: The Movie

This was our garden. A special world, built just for Pink and I. On Homeworld, Pink was so lonely and sad, but not here. Here, we would play for hours. Every day was so much fun. At least, that's what I thought. Pink wanted a colony more than anything. One day, her wish came true! Blue and Yellow gave Pink her very own planet: Earth! I was so excited! A brand new place to play!

Steven Universe: The Movie

♫ And then she smiled, that's what I'm after,
The smile in her eyes, the sound of her laughter
Happy to listen,
Happy to play,
Happily watching her drift... away ♫

Steven Universe: The Movie

♫ Happily wondering, night after night,
Is this how it works?
Am I doing it right? ♫

Steven Universe: The Movie

♫ Isn't that lovely?
Isn't that cool?
And isn't that cruel?
And aren't I a fool to have,
Happily listened,
Happy to stay,
Happily watching her drift...
Away ♫

Steven Universe: The Movie

Rah! Yeah, you must know all about her life without me!, Rub it in, why don't ya?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Won't they all be...not exactly incredibly see me like this?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Are you kidding? Anything.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Aw, gee. What are friends for?

Steven Universe: The Movie

What about me? Is that all you needed me for? To turn off my injector?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Well, what now? I-I did what you wanted, That's it?

Steven Universe: The Movie

How you gonna forget with me around? I'm the source of all your problems! Don't pretend you want me here. What's your plan for me, huh? You gonna put me somewhere? You gonna leave me somewhere? You gonna leave me alone?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Why do you have that?

Steven Universe: The Movie

"We can just forget this ever happened"? You mean I can just forget this ever happened, hahahohohoho, hahahah. Wahahahahow. What a plan! I turn off the injector, and then the moment my back is turned --Bam! Presto! Change-o! Problem solved! Well, think again, you're not getting rid of me that easy.

Steven Universe: The Movie

I'm not letting you get one over on me, Steven Universe!

Steven Universe: The Movie

You expect me to believe that you want me LIKE THIS?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Looks like we've still got an audience. How about a front-row seat?

Steven Universe: The Movie

You know, this is pretty twisted, but I'm a little flattered that you liked the old me--innocent, loving, stupid. If that's your thing, why don't you leave her like this?

Steven Universe: The Movie

Oh you're so protective with your real friends, and you're so careless with your fake ones!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Then stop me! You wanna attack me. Just admit it. Or better yet, just try it!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Why not?

Steven Universe: The Movie

No. Stop! Don't you dare!

Steven Universe: The Movie

I don't wanna play anymore.

Steven Universe: The Movie

You know, I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers, but now that I know you, I wanna kill you even more.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Wow! I knew I was gonna set you back, but this is how you started? The legend, Steven Universe? Hahahaha. You gotta be kidding me. How did a powerless loser like you become savior of the galaxy?!

Steven Universe: The Movie

No. No! You don't understand. You can't change the way I feel!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Just can it, won't ya?! You can't just make everything better by singing SOME STUPID SONG!

Steven Universe: The Movie

All that stuff's easy for you to say. When you change, you change for the better; when I change, I change for the worse! I used to be just not good enough, just not good enough for Pink! But now -- now.. I'm not good at all!! That's funny right? A-At least you found me entertaining. You actually liked me, didn't you..? What am I doing? Why do I wanna hurt you so bad? I'm supposed to be a friend...I just wanna be a friend...

Steven Universe: The Movie

Oh, no, no, no, no, no. What did I do?! I've wrecked everything!

Steven Universe: The Movie

But what about the poison, what about the planet, what about your happily ever after?!

Steven Universe: The Movie

I'm sorry...

Steven Universe: The Movie

I've got work to do. Friendship isn't going to be easy for me. I'm gonna have to work at it. You make me wanna try but... I've already messed up bad with you. I wish I could just start from scratch with somebody.

Steven Universe: The Movie


Steven Universe: The Movie

My Diamon....ds!

Steven Universe: The Movie

Aw, it was only 6,000 years, I could do that standing on my head!

Steven Universe: The Movie

♫ Today, right here, right now
I'll love again
I've already found someone ♫

Steven Universe: The Movie

♫ Yes I know that you're not her, and I was hers
You know what it meant to love her, and you remind me so much of her ♫

Steven Universe: The Movie

Steven Universe Future[]

Since I tried to kill you? That was so embarrassing! I was just a wreck back then, but I am so much better now!

—"Homeworld Bound"

She can make my arms really tough and big!
Steven: This is cool but I-
And she can give me little, teeny feetsies!

—"Homeworld Bound"

Just hop onto one and you'll be feeling the cheer in no time!

—"Homeworld Bound"

Steven: Wait a second, you used to have vengeful thoughts.
Oh, yeah! But I don't get 'em anymore.
Steven: How did you make them stop?
I met a little someone named "Steven Universe"! And he told me ♫ IIIII- I CAN MAKE A CHANGE! ♫

—"Homeworld Bound"

Yoohoo! Steven!

—"I Am My Monster"

You forgot your foot-thong thingy!

—"I Am My Monster"

*crying* This is my fault! *sobs loudly*
White Diamond: Spinel! Don't be silly! Everyone knows that all of this is because of me!
No, it's because of me! I tried to wipe his friend's memories so he would die alone on a barren world!

—"I Am My Monster"
ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
