Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

Steven Universe has aired in numerous countries worldwide and has been translated into many different languages. This is a complete list of these adaptations.

Latin America

The Latin American Spanish version of Steven Universe aired on April 7, 2014. It is dubbed in Venezuela, by Etcétera Group. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: La Película) premiered on October 7, 2019; in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, the film was released theatrically from October 24 to October 30, 2019, in Cinemark Theatres.

Steven Universe Future (Steven Universe Futuro) aired on December 28, 2019.

The characters names translated into Latin American Spanish

  • Perla (Pearl)
  • Amatista (Amethyst)
  • Rubí (Ruby)
  • Zafiro (Sapphire)
  • Bismuto (Bismuth)
  • Lapislázuli (Lapis Lazuli)
  • Rose Cuarzo (Rose Quartz)
  • Diamante Rosa (Pink Diamond)
  • Diamante Blanco (White Diamond)
  • Diamante Azul (Blue Diamond)
  • Diamante Amarillo (Yellow Diamond)
  • Perla Blanca (White Pearl)
  • Perla Azul (Blue Pearl)
  • Perla Amarilla (Yellow Pearl)
  • Ágata Azul (Holly Blue Agate)
  • Cornalina (Carnelian)
  • Jaspe (Jasper)
  • Cuarzo Arcoíris (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Smoky Cuarzo (Smoky Quartz)
  • Aguamarina (Aquamarine)
  • Topacio (Topaz)
  • Esmeralda (Emerald)
  • Gemelas Rutilo (Rutile Twins)
  • Rodonita (Rhodonite)
  • Fluorita (Fluorite)
  • Ópalo (Opal)
  • Alejandrita (Alexandrite)
  • Obsidiana (Obsidian)
  • Espinela (Spinel)
  • Ágata Encaje Azul (Blue Lace Agate)
  • Bixbita (Bixbite)
  • Mega Perla (Mega Pearl)
  • Azurita Azulejo (Bluebird Azurite)
  • Heliolita (Sunstone)
  • Lapis Buena ("Nice" Lapis)
  • Lapis Mala ("Mean" Lapis)
  • Steven Cactus (Cactus Steven)

Theme song

Main series

Somos las Gemas de Cristal
El mundo hay que salvar
Y aunque creas que no
La forma vamos a hallar
Por eso la gente de este mundo cree en
Garnet, Amatista y Perla ¡y Steven!

English translation:

"We Are the Crystal Gems / The world must be saved / And although you don't think that / We will find the way / That's why the people of this world believe in / Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future

[Garnet] Es...
[Amethyst] Es...
[Pearl] Es...
[Steven] Es...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Es..
[All] ...este es el futuro!
Este es el futuro y es genial
Llegar aquí fue un gran soñar
Steven Universe Futuro aquí esta!
[Peridot] Este es el futuro!

English translation:

"This-this-this-this-this-this is the future / This is the future and it's great / Getting here was a great dream / Steven Universe Future is here! / This is the future"


Leisha Medina Steven Cuarzo Universe

Amatista (singing; 40)
Cebolla (59)
Diamante Azul (118+)
Guijarros (singing)
Stevonnie (singing; 156)

Jorge Bringas Steven Cuarzo Universe (Movie+)

Steven Cactus

Marty (85)

Rocío Mallo Garnet


Stefani Villarroel Amatista


María José Estevez Perla

Perla Amarilla
Perla Azul
Perla Blanca / Perla Rosa
Mega Perla

Sofía Narváez Peridot
Andrea Navas

Amatista (singing) (149)

Henrique Palacios Greg Universe

León (gestures)

Yasmil López Connie Maheswaran
Abigaly Claro Connie (120)
Navid Cabrera Connie (151+)
Maythe Guedes Rose Cuarzo

Diamante Rosa
Cuarzos Rosa

Judith Noguera Rubí


Arelys González Zafiro


Ángel Lugo Lars
Karina Parra Sadie (1st voice)

Padparadscha (141)

Mariangny Álvarez Smoky Cuarzo

Sadie (84, 97+)
Peridot (115)

Luisana Petitt Sadie (singing) (142, Movie)


Ivette García Bismuto (1st voice)
Alix Ramírez Bismuto (2nd voice)
Catherine Reyes Bismuto (157+)
Juan Guzmán Sr. Fryman

Kofi Pizza (1st voice)

Fernando Márquez Ronaldo Fryman
Josnel Ríos Peedee Fryman
Gherald De Fonseca Bill Dewey

Kofi Pizza (26)

Georges Zalem Buck Dewey

Bill Dewey (6)

Ángel Mujica Crema Agria

León (some gestures)

Gabriela Belén Kiki Pizza

Jenny Pizza
Azurita Azulejo
Ágata Encaje Azul

José Durán Kofi Pizza (90+)
Lileana Chacón Nanefua Pizza


María Fernanda Febres Guijarros
Rolman Bastidas Harold Sonrisas (1st voice)
Reinaldo Rojas Harold Sonrisas (9, 11)
Ángel Balam Harold Sonrisas (21, 87+)
Steven Cuarzo Universe (Future; 13) (singing)

Marty (86)

Jesús Hernández Kevin
Lucía Bodas Dra. Priyanka Maheswaran (1st voice)
Sixnalie Villalba Dra. Priyanka Maheswaran (68+)

Gemelas Rutilo

María Salas Rodonita
Catalina González Fluorita
Randy Arias Doug Maheswaran
Jesús Rondón Jamie
Johnny Torres Marty (1st voice)
Mayela Pérez Ferrer Vidalia (1st voice)

Amatista (singing) (63)

David Silva Yellowtail
Carmen Suárez Barbara Miller

Rodonita (160)

Roger Eliud López Andy DeMayo
Valentina Toro Jaspe

Alejandrita (1st voice)
Jaspe Cebra
Jaspe Oceánica
Cuarzo Aura Ángel

Elena Díaz Toledo Diamante Amarillo
Yulika Krausz Circón (defensa)

Circón (proceso)
Diamante Amarillo (Movie+)

Rebeca Aponte Diamante Azul (1st voice)
Lucy Arellano Ágata Azul
Angie Mallo Aguamarina
Maite Bolívar Esmeralda
Aura Caamaño Ópalo

Diamante Blanco

Claudia Alvarez Sardonyx
Antonia Toro Alejandrita (79)
Yojeved Meyer Stevonnie

Diamante Azul (Movie+)

David D'Urso Cuarzo Arcoiris 2.0
Kevin García Steg
Dorisvell "Sheely" Costa Espinela
Marilyn Viloria Diamante Amarillo (singing) (Movie)

Diamante Azul (singing) (Movie)
Diamante Blanco (singing) (Movie)

Evelyn Benitez Cuarzo Cereza
Elsy Garcia Larimar
Heysemberd de la Rosa Copo de Obsidiana
Dubraska Olivero Ágata Azul (Future)
Oswaldo Gómez Shep

Cuarzo Arcoiris 2.0 (singing)


The Brazilian Portuguese version of Steven Universe (Steven Universo) aired on April 7, 2014. It is dubbed in Rio de Janeiro, by Delart. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universo: O Filme) premiered on October 7, 2019.

Steven Universe Future (Steven Universo Futuro) aired on December 28, 2019.

Some of the characters' names were translated into Brazilian Portuguese

  • Steven Quartzo Universo (Steven Quartz Universe)
  • Pérola (Pearl)
  • Ametista (Amethyst)
  • Rubi (Ruby)
  • Safira (Sapphire)
  • Ágata Louca Rendada (Crazy Lace Agate)
  • Obsidiana Floco de Neve (Snowflake Obsidian)
  • Lápis Lazúli (Lapis Lazuli)
  • Bismuto (Bismuth)
  • Malaquita (Malachite)
  • Creme Azedo (Sour Cream)
  • Calda Amarela (Yellowtail)
  • Cebola (Onion)
  • Leão (Lion)
  • Quartzo Rosa (Rose Quartz, but most of the time, they use 'Rose Quartz' instead of 'Quartzo Rosa')
  • Centípoda (Centipeetle)
  • Nefrita (Nephrite)
  • Grupo (Cluster, first name)
  • Drusa (Cluster, second name)
  • Diamante Amarelo (Yellow Diamond)
  • Diamante Azul (Blue Diamond)
  • Diamante Rosa (Pink Diamond)
  • Diamante Branco (White Diamond)
  • Zircônia (Zircon)
  • Ágata Azul (Holy Blue Agate)
  • Cornalina (Carnelian)
  • Água-marinha (Aquamarine)
  • Topázio (Topaz)
  • Gêmeas Rutilo (Rutile Twins)
  • Fluorita (Fluorite)
  • Rodonita (Rhodonite)
  • Esmeralda (Emerald)
  • Quartzo Fumê (Smoky Quartz)
  • Pedra do Sol (Sunstone)
  • Quartzo Arco-Íris (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Obsidiana (Obsidian)
  • Espinela (Spinel)
  • Azurita Bluebird (Bluebird Azurite)

Theme song

Main series

Nós somos as Crystal Gems
Nós sempre salvamos o dia
Não pense que não podemos
Abaixo à covardia
E é por isso que todo mundo sempre acredita
Na Garnet, na Ametista, na Pérola e no Steven!

English translation:

"We are the Crystal Gems / We always save the day / Don't think that we can't / Down with cowardice / And that's why everyone always believes / In Garnet, in Amethyst, in Pearl, and in Steven!"

Steven Universe Future

[Garnet] E...
[Amethyst] E...
[Pearl] E...
[Steven] E...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] E..
[All] ...chegou o futuro!
Eis aqui o futuro a brilhar
É bom demais tão longe vir
Steven Universo Futuro é aqui!
[Peridot] Steven Universo Futuro!

English translation:

"And-and-and-and-and the future arrived! / The future is here to shine/ It's too good to come so far / Steven Universe Future is here! / Steven Universe Future"


André Marcondes Steven Quartz Universo (speaking)
João Victor Granja Steven Quartz Universo (singing)

Pequeno Mordomo
Rainbow Quartz 2.0

Márcia Coutinho Garnet
Flávia Fontenelle Ametista (speaking)

Quartzo Fumê

Mariana Féo Ametista (singing)
Sylvia Salustti Pérola

Pérola Azul
Pérola Branca / Pérola Rosa

Milton Parisi Greg Universo
Christiane Monteiro Connie


Gabriela Medeiros Peridot
Marisa Leal

Ágata Azul

Luisa Palomanes Rubi
Aline Ghezzi Safira
Lina Rossana Rose Quartz (48)

Sra. Maheswaran
Diamante Amarelo (1st voice)

Rita Lopes Diamante Amarelo (2nd voice)
Thelma da Costa Rose Quartz (35, 61)

Diamante Azul (1st voice)

Isabela Quadros Diamante Azul (2nd voice)
Maíra Góes Diamante Branco (1st voice)
Priscila Amorim Diamante Branco (2nd voice)
Jéssica Marina Pérola Amarela
Vânia Alexandre Alexandrite


Marcia Morelli Lapis Lazuli


Fabiola Giardino Opal


Rita Lopes Sardonyx
Evie Sadie Sadie
Manolo Rey Lars
Charles Emmanuel Peedee

Barbara (1st voice)

Eduardo Drummond Jamie
Rodrigo Antas Ronaldo
Eduardo Borgerth Sr. Maheswaran (32)
Taryn Spilzman Diamante Amarelo (singing voice)
Victoria Brow Espinela


Steven Universe aired in Asia on January 6, 2014. The animation is unchanged from the English version of Steven Universe but with Chinese, Cantonese, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and Malay dubs.


Steven Universe aired in Malaysia on 6 January 2014, Monday with the support of Cartoon Network Southeast Asia. It stopped airing for a while in 2014 at the last of episode Season 1A, "Ocean Gem". It continued airing the episodes on July 6, 2015, with the episode "House Guest", the first episode of Season 1B.

There is an episode that was not dubbed into Malay, "So Many Birthdays". It was replaced with the Indonesian dub.

Steven Universe: The Movie premiered on December 21, 2019.

Some of the characters' names were translated into Malay

  • Mutiara as Pearl
  • Baiduri as Opal
  • Kuarza Mawar as Rose Quartz
  • Ametis as Amethyst
  • Singa as Lion
  • Bebola Rainbow (mistranslation: Rainbow Ball) as Rainbow Quartz
  • Lipan Kumbang as Centipeetle
  • Nilam as Sapphire
  • Akik as Agate

After Season 1B aired, Lion's name is left in English. After Season 2A aired, Pearl's name is left in English. In The Trial, the name Sapphire, Agate and Pearl were changed into Nilam, Akik and Mutiara respectively. However, this could be speculated as gem types since Zircon was actually referring to gems in common nouns and not proper names. They left the names in English after The Trial.

Theme Song

Main series
Oh, Permata Kristal
Penyelamat Dunia
Dan kami bersedia
Di mana pun jua
Seluruh dunia percaya akan
Garnet, Amethyst, Mutiara dan Steven

English translation:

"Oh, Crystal Gems / The savior of The World / And we are ready/ No matter where / The entire of the world believes in / Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] Ki...
[Amethyst] Ta...
[Pearl] Ta...
[Steven] Ta...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Ta...
[All] ...di masa depan
Kita di masa depan yang cerah
Tak percaya sejauh ini
Steven di masa depan akhirnya
[Peridot] Steven di masa depan~


[Note: The cast for the dub is very extremely small, and their names are not made known to the public due to their contracts]

Nurul Izzati Saad Steven Quartz Universe

Stevonnie (1st Voice)
Connie (58)
White Pearl

Noriah Abd Rahman Garnet

Rose Quartz
Pink Diamond
Yellow Diamond
Stevonnie (2nd voice)
Lapis Lazuli (25,26)
Holly Blue Agate
Yellow Zircon
The Cluster
Sunstone (160)
Peridot (44)
Kiki Pizza (10)
Jenny Pizza (14)
Ruby (Steven Universe: The Movie)
Connie (Steven Universe Future only)
Rose Quartz (Hippie Rose)
Rose Quartz (Superfan Rose)
Lapis Lazuli (Nice Lapis)
Cherry Quartz
Spinel (Steven Universe Future only)
Cherry Quartz

Nana Ismail Amethyst

Blue Diamond
Yellow Pearl
Smoky Quartz
Malachite (1st voice)
Sadie Miller
Barbara Miller
Rutile Twins
Lemon Jade
White Diamond (Steven Universe Future only]]
Rose Quartz (Shy Rose)
Lapis Lazuli (Mean Lapis)

unknown Pearl

Lapis Lazuli
Nanefua Pizza
Kiki Pizza
Malachite (2nd voice)
Barbara Miller (debut only)
Blue Pearl
Blue Zircon
Holly Blue Agate (Steven Universe Future only)
Rutile Twin
White Diamond
Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe Future only)

Ahmad Shahrizal Ahmad Roslan Greg Universe

Kofi Pizza
Lars Barriga
Jamie (1st voice)
Doug Maheswaran
Mr. Smiley (1st voice)
Snowflake Obsidian
Ronaldo Fryman

Mohd Azhar Kevin (37)
Firdaus Saleh Kevin (89, 138)

Andy DeMayo
Rainbow Quartz (2nd voice)
Mr. Smiley (2nd voice)
Buck Dewey (2nd voice)

Nurdianah Shamsuddin Garnet (singing 52 & Steven Universe: The Movie)

Pearl (singing Steven Universe: The Movie)

Yellow Diamond (singing 118)


Steven Universe (スティーブン・ユニバース) aired in Japan on June 1, 2014. In addition to the inclusion of on-screen lyrics during the theme song, the hard cuts that end the intro and begin the episode title in the English version are replaced with fades, and the end credits sequence is extended slightly to include credits for the Japanese dubbing cast and staff.

Currently the series has aired with dubbing only until season 4. The season 5, the Movie, and Future were broadcasted with subtitles first in Boomerang. Season 5 began airing on Cartoon Network on August 27, 2021 (subtitled version).

The series is dubbed in Tokio, by Broadmedia (ブロードメディア).

Steven Universe: The Movie (スティーブン・ユニバース : ザ・ムービー) premiered on December 24, 2020 (first scheduled for December 6) on Boomerang (subtitled version).

The names are unchanged. In the Japanese katakana script, they are written:

  • スティーブン (Sutiibun): Steven
  • ガーネット (Gaanetto): Garnet
  • アメジスト (Amejisuto): Amethyst
  • パール (Paaru): Pearl
  • ルービー (Ruubii): Ruby
  • サファイアー (Safaiaa): Sapphire
  • ペリドット (Peridotto): Peridot
  • ラピスラズリ (Rapisu Razuri): Lapis Lazuli
  • ローズクオーツ (Roosu Kuootsu): Rose Quartz
  • サンストーン (Sanstoon): Sunstone
  • オブシディアン (Obushidian): Obsidian
  • ネフライト (Nefuraito): Nephrite
  • ジェイド (Jieido): Jade
  • ホリーブルーアゲート (Horii Buruu Ageeto): Holly Blue Agate
  • アクアマリン (Akuamarin): Aquamarine
  • トパーズ (Topaazu): Topaz
  • ジャスパー (Jasupaa): Jasper
  • カーネリアン (Kaanerian): Carnelian
  • イエローダイヤモンド (Ieroo Daiyamondo): Yellow Diamond
  • ブルーダイヤモンド (Buruu Daiyamondo): Blue Diamond
  • ピンクダイヤモンド (Pinku Daiyamondo): Pink Diamond
  • ホワイトダイヤモンド (Howaito Daiyamondo): White Diamond

If the Gems' names were translated into the Japanese language, they would be:

  • 柘榴石 (Romaji: Zakuroishi): Garnet
  • 紫水晶 (Romaji: Murasakizuishou): Amethyst
  • 真珠 (Romaji: Shinju): Pearl
  • 紅玉 (Romaji: Kougyoku): Ruby
  • 青玉 (Romaji: Seigyoku): Sapphire
  • 蛋白石 (Romaji: Tanpakuseki): Opal
  • 杉石 (Romaji: Sugiseki): Sugilite
  • かんらん石 (Romaji: Kanranseki): Peridot
  • 瑠璃 (Romaji: Ruri): Lapis Lazuli
  • 蛍石 (Romaji: Hotaruishi): Fluorite
  • 薔薇石英 (Romaji: Bara Sekiei): Rose Quartz
  • 煙い石英 (Romaji: Kemui Sekiei): Smoky Quartz
  • 虹石英(二点零) (Romaji: Niji Sekiei (Nitenrei)): Rainbow Quartz (2.0)
  • 日長石 (Romaji: Hichouseki): Sunstone
  • 黒曜石 (Romaji: Kokuyouseki): Obsidian
  • 翡翠 (Romaji: Hisui): Jade
  • 軟玉 (Romaji: Nangyoku): Nephrite
  • ホリー青い瑪瑙 (Romaji: Horii Aoi Menou): Holly Blue Agate
  • 黄玉 (Romaji: Ougyoku): Topaz
  • 碧玉 (Romaji: Hekigyoku): Jasper
  • 孔雀石 (Romaji: Kujakuishi): Malachite
  • 青い金剛 (Romaji: Aoi Kongou): Blue Diamond
  • 黄色の金剛 (Romaji: Kiiro no Kongou): Yellow Diamond
  • 桃色の金剛 (Romaji: Momoiro no Kongou): Pink Diamond
  • 白い金剛 (Romaji: Shiroi Kongou): White Diamond

Lion's name in Japanese would be 獅子 (Romaji: Shishi), Onion's name would be 玉ねぎ(Romaji: Tamanegi).

Theme song

だから 何も。。。 心配ない。
ガーネット!アメジスト!パール そして。。。 僕 スティーブン!

Romaji version

Warera kurisutaru jemuzu!
Kono sekai wo mamoru!
Donna toki datte!
Kanarazu tasukeru!
Dakara nani mo... Shinpai nai.
Gānetto! Amejisuto! Pāru soshite... boku Sutībun!

English translation:

"Tada! / We are the Crystal Gems! / We protect this world! / No matter the time! / We'll definitely save you! / So... don't worry about anything!/ Leave it to.../ Garnet! Amethyst! Pearl... and me, Steven!"


Yū Hayashi Sutībun Ku~ōtsu Yunibāsu
Tōko Aoyama Amejisuto
Sachiko Kojima Pāru
Mitsuki Saiga Gānetto


Yohei Tadano Gureggu Yunibāsu
Ryosuke Kanemoto Furaiman


Ai Nonaka Konī
Miho Hino Peridotto
Risa Hayamizu Rapisurazuri
Yukari Nozawa Bisumasu
Akeno Watanabe Sutebonī
Tomoko Shiota Jasupā
Mariko Higashiuchi Rubī
Saeko Zogo Safaia
Rei Igarashi Rōzu Ku~ōtsu
Natsuhime Mori Hōrīburū Agēto
Masara Takashima Ierō Daiyamondo
Kikuko Inoue Burū Daiyamondo
Keiko Kurai Opāru
Kimiko Saito Sugiraito
Yurika Hino Arekisandoraito
Megumi Toyoguchi Sādonikusu
Kiriko Aoyama Sumōkī ku~ōtsu
Mika Kanai Akuamarin
Ryōsuke Kanemoto Raion


Yoneda Motohiro Onion



The Taiwanese Chinese version premiered on January 6, 2014 in Taiwan. The series name is 神臍小捲毛 (Magical Little Curly Hair) that is also the name of Steven (mostly abbreviated to 小捲毛 "Little Curly Hair"). Steven Universe: The Movie (神臍小捲毛:電影大劇場) premiered on December 21, 2019.

The series is dubbed in New Taipei City, by We Digital Media Co., Ltd. (偉憶數位科技股份有限公司)

Theme song

Main series
保護全人類超熱血,要相信... (保护全人类超热血,要相信...)

Pinyin version

Hēi! Yǔzhòu bǎo wèiduì!
Néng zhěngjiù quán shìjiè!
Suīrán ǒu'ěr huì tū chuí!
Dàn wǒmen yīdìng huì!
Bǎohù quán rénlèi chāo rèxuè, yào xiāngxìn...
Dàhóng bǎo! Chāo zǐ jīng! Zhēnzhū! Shén qǐ xiǎo juǎn máo!

English translation:

"Hey! Cosmic guard! / Can save the whole world! / Although occasionally we make mistakes! / But we certainly will! / Protecting humankind very passionately, need to believe / Big Ruby! Super Amethyst! Pearl! Magical Little Curly Hair!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] 未...
[Amethyst] 未...
[Pearl] 未...
[Steven] 未...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] 未...
[All] ...來這個時刻
走到這裡 多難得啊
神臍小捲毛超未來 已到達
[Peridot] 神臍小捲毛超未來~

Pinyin version

[Garnet] Wèi...
[Amethyst] Wèi...
[Pearl] Wèi...
[Steven] Wèi...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Wèi...
[All] ...lái zhège shíkè
Zhè yī kè mài xiàng cuǐcàn de wèilái
Zǒu dào zhèlǐ duō nàn dé a
Shén qí xiǎo juǎn máo chāo wèilái yǐ dàodá
[Peridot] Shén qí xiǎo juǎn máo chāo wèilái~

English translation:

"This-this-this-this-this time in the future! / This lesson is towards a bright future / It's so rare to be here / Magical Little Curly Hair: Beyond Future has arrived! / Magical Little Curly Hair: Beyond Future~"


穆宣名 (Mu Hsuan Ming) Steven Quartz Universe


孫世憶 (Sun Ruo-Yu) Garnet

Kiki Pizza
Nanefua Pizza
Peedee Fryman
Rose Quartz
Blue Diamond
Pink Diamond
Holly Blue Agate
Smoky Quartz

龍顯蕙 (Long Sian-Huei) Amethyst

Blue Pearl

林沛笭 (Lin Pei-Ling) Pearl

Mega Pearl
White Pearl

何吳雄 (He Wu-Xiong) Greg Universe


陳貞伃 (Chen Zhen-Yu) Connie Maheswaran

Sadie Miller
Jenny Pizza
Lapis Lazuli
Malachite (Lapis part)
Yellow Pearl

郭雨林 (Guo Yu-Lin) Lars

Buck Dewey

莊捷安 (Zhuang Jie-an) Sour Cream
姜瑰瑾 (Jiang Gui-Jin) Jasper

Malachite (Jasper part)

錢欣郁 (Qian Xin-Yu) Yellow Diamond

Bluebird Azurite

汪世玮 (Wang Shi-Wei) White Diamond
曾允凡 (Zeng Yun-Fan) Spinel
宋昱璁 (Song Ye-Cong) Rainbow Quartz 2.0
陈宗岳 (Chen Zong-Yue) Bill Dewey



Official Korean Logo

In Korean the series aired on February 14, 2014. The series' name remains the same as in English, only written in Korean (스티븐 유니버스). Most of the texts are translated and the songs have lyrics on screen.

The series in Korea had a hiatus of about 4 years, finished on July 8, 2021 with the airing of the first episodes of the third season.

Theme song

젬 우린 크리스탈 젬!
빛나는 마법힘
세상을 지키지!
갈 길 멀고 멀지만
신비한 젬파워로 싸우는
가넷, 에머시스트, 그리고 펄, 스티븐 유니버스

Romanized version

Jem urin keuriseutal jem!
binnaneun mabeophim
sesangeul jikiji
gal gil meolgo meoljiman
sinbihan jempawo-ro ssa~u~neun
Ganet, Emesist, geuligo Pearl, Steven Universe!


안헌서 스티븐 유니버스 (Seutibeun Yunibeoseu)
김믄아 가넷 (Ganes)

제니 (Jeni)

이계윤 애머시스트 (Aemeosiseuteu)
김정아 펄 (Peol)
최한 라스 (Laseu)

그렉 유니버스 (Geuleg Yunibeoseu)

최지훈 벅 (Beog)
안영미 세이디 (Seidi)


Steven Universe aired in Thailand in 2014. Steven Universe: The Movie (สตีเว่น ยูนิเวิร์ส: เดอะ มูฟวี่) premiered on December 21, 2019.

The characters names Thai transliteration

  • การ์เน็ต (Kār̒nĕt)
  • แอเมทิสต์ (Xæmethis̄t̒)
  • เพิร์ล (Pheir̒l)
  • สตีเว่น (S̄tīwèn)

Theme song

Main series
การ์เน็ต, แอเมทิสต์ และ เพิร์ล และ สตีเว่น!

Romanized version

Reā khụ̄x phwk khris̄tạl cæm
Kæ̂k̄hị s̄t̄hāna kārṇ̒
H̄āk phwk reā thả mị̀ h̄ịw
Ca h̄ā h̄nthāng ch̀wy kạn
H̄etup̄hl thī̀ khn cheụ̄̀xcı phwk reā
Pherāa mạ̀ncı
Kār̒ nĕt, xæmethis̄t̒ læa pheir̒l læa s̄tī wèn!

English translation:

"We are the Crystal Gem / If we can't do it / We'll help each other to find ways / The reason why people trust us in us is because they are confident / Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] เรา...
[Amethyst] เรา...
[Pearl] เรา...
[Steven] เรา...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] เรา...
[All] ...ถึงในอนาคต
Steven Universe Future ถึงนี้ไง
[Peridot] เราถึงในอนาคต~

Romanized version

[Garnet] Reā...
[Amethyst] Reā...
[Pearl] Reā...
[Steven] Reā...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Reā...
[All] ...t̄hụng nı xnākht
Reā mā t̄hụng nı xnākht thī̀ ngdngām
Mị̀ xyāk cheụ̄̀x ley reā mā s̄æn kịl
Steven Universe Future t̄hụng nī̂ ngị
[Peridot] Reā t̄hụng nı xnākht~

English translation:

"We-we-we-we-we arrived at the future! / We have arrived in a beautiful future / I can't believe we've come so far / Steven Universe Future here it is! / We arrived at the future~"


โสภิชา อุ่นสมัย

(Sopicha Aunsamai)

Steven Quartz Universe
นิรมล กิจภิญโญชัย

(Nirmol Kippyo Chai)

Garnet (speaking)
ธันวา ภักดีอำนาจ

(Thunwa Pakdeeumnat)

พนาวรรณ ศรีวะโลสกุล

(Panawan Sriwolakul)

Pearl (speaking) (singing: 20, 86)
วิทยา ผาสุข

(Withya Phasukh)

Sour Cream


Steven Universe airs in three languages in India without counting English. Currently confirmed are Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi.

Theme Song (Hindi)

हम सब हैं क्रिस्टल गेम्स!
दुनिया के रखवाले,
हमें बच्चा न समझो!
हम हैं हिमत वाले,
हम चार हैं लेकिन एक से बार कर एक हैं,
गार्नेट, एमिथिस्ट और पर्ल, और स्टीवन!

Romanized version

Ham sab hain crystal gems!
Duniya ke rakhwale,
Hamen bachcha na samjho!
Ham hain himat vaale,
Ham chaar hain lekin ek se baar kar ek hain,
Garnet, Amethyst aur Pearl, aur Steven!

Hindi Cast

Manasi Joshi Amethyst (speaking)


Steven Universe: The Movie premiered on December 21, 2019.

Characters Names translated into Indonesian

Some of the characters' names were translated (directly and/or badly and inconsistently) into Indonesian.

  • Safir as Sapphire
  • Bismut as Bismuth
  • Kuarsa Mawar as Rose Quartz
  • Belian Merah Muda/Permata Merah Muda as Pink Diamond
  • Berlian Putih as White Diamond
  • Berlian Biru as Blue Diamond
  • Akik Biru as Holly Blue Agate
  • Kuarsa Berasap as Smoky Quartz

Starting with the episode Change Your Mind, some of the character's names were translated to Indonesian.

  • Delima as Garnet
  • Kecubung as Amethyst
  • Mutiara as Pearl
  • Kuarsa Pelangi as Rainbow Quartz
  • Batu Matahari as Sunstone

Theme song

Main series (First and Second Version)
Kami dari Batu Kristal
Kami penyelamat dunia
Jika kami tak bisa
Kami temukan caranya
Itu sebab orang di dunia percaya...
Garnet, Amethyst dan Pearl, dan Steven!

English translation:

"We Are the Crystal Gems! / We are saviors of the world / If we can't! / We'll find a way / That's why the people believe [in]... / Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!"

Main series (Second Intro Revised Version)
Kami dari Batu Kristal
Kami penyelamat dunia
Jika kami tak bisa
Kami temukan caranya
Itu sebab orang di dunia percaya...
Delima, Kecubung, Mutiara, dan Steven!

English translation:

"We Are the Crystal Gems! / We are saviors of the world / If we can't! / We'll find a way / That's why the people believe [in]... / Pomegranate, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] Kita...
[Amethyst] Kita...
[Pearl] Kita...
[Steven] Kita...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Kita..
[All] ...di masa depan!
Kita di masa depan yang cerah
Jauh sudah kita tempuh
Steven Universe di masa depan!
[Peridot] Steven di masa depan!

English translation:

"We-we-we-we-we-we are in the future / We are in a bright future / We've come along way / Steven Universe in the future! / Steven in the future"


Nurul Ulfah

Steven Quartz Universe
Stevonnie (singing)
Opal (Movie)
Lapis Lazuli (singing)

Mirna Hayati Garnet

("Delima" only from 157)
Pearl (singing in We Are The Crystal Gems)
Jasper (51 and 52)
Spinel (singing in Drift Away)

Lis Kurniasih Garnet (77, speaking in We Are The Crystal Gems and singing in 107)

Rose Quartz
Jasper (96)
Yellow Diamond (77)

Hanimah Amethyst

("Kecubung" only from 157)
Smoky quartz

Yessy Milanti Pearl (speaking) ("Mutiara" from 157-onwards)

Yellow Pearl
Blue Pearl
Holly Blue Agate
Pearl (singing) (Movie)

Bonar Greg Universe
Nur Kamal Greg Universe (singing)

Bismuth (speaking) (Movie)

Merysha Chandra Connie Maheswaran

Yellow Diamond (118+)

Fatimah Az Zahra Pearl (singing in Strong in the Real Way and singing in 86)
Siti Balqis Sadie Miller (speaking)
Tio Prasetyo Steven Cuarzo Universe (Movie+)
Fleurishana Sadie Miller (singing in Let Me Drive My Van (into Your Heart))

Garnet (singing) (Movie)


In Vietnam, the show airs with a voice-over, exactly as Lithuania. The intro is not overdubbed. Steven Universe: The Movie premiered on December 21, 2019.

Characters Names translated into Vietnamese

Some of the characters' names were translated (directly and/or badly and inconsistently) into Vietnamese.

  • Thạch Anh Tím (Amethyst)
  • Ngọc Trai (Pearl)
  • Ngọc Hồng Lựu (Garnet)
  • Ngọc Bích / Sapphire (Sapphire)
  • Hồng Ngọc / Ruby (Ruby)
  • Thạch Anh Hồng (Rose Quartz)
  • Kim Cương Hồng (Pink Diamond)
  • Kim Cương Vàng (Yellow Diamond)
  • Kim Cương Xanh (Blue Diamond)
  • Kim Cương Trắng (White Diamond)

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, it aired first on ViuTV, then in Netflix Vietnam (via Cantonese Chinese audio track) and now the entire series is on HBO GO Hong Kong (season 1-5, Movie and Future). Like most of Asia, they skipped the episodes of the arc of "Heart of the Crystal Gems". And in Future they skipped the episodes 9, 12 and 13.

Theme song

鄰家各方各類人, 都相信
Garnet, Amethyst 和Pearl 仲有Steven

Pinyin version

Chéng bān bǎoshí zhànshì
Néng zhěngjiù shìjiè
Rúguǒ nǐ què wèi xìn
Wǒ diè kě zhǎodào bànfǎ
Lín jiā gè fāng gè lèi rén, dōu xiāngxìn
Garnet, Amethyst hé Pearl, zhòng yǒu Steven

English translation:



陳振聲 (Tsan Dzan Seng "Jason Chan")

Steven Universe


Rainbow Quartz 2.0 (Future)

潘芳芳 ("Lily Poon" Pun Fong Fong) Garnet
葉嘉敏 (Ye Jiamin) Pearl


Rainbow Quartz 2.0 (157-160)

White Diamond

李建良 (Lei Gin Loeng "Gilbert Lee Kin Leung") Greg
黎景全 (Lai Ging Tsyn "Kinson Lai") Bill Dewey

Netflix Official Logo

The names of the Crystal Gems and Steven remain the same as their English counterparts. This is likely due to Hong Kong's bilingual status, and controversy over renaming characters using Cantonese pronunciations of what were originally Mandarin names.

The series is known as 寶石戰士Steven (Gem Warrior Steven) in Cantonese.



The Spanish version of Steven Universe aired on May 31, 2014. It is dubbed in Barcelona, by Deluxe 103. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: La Película) premiered on September 18, 2020 on the streaming service, HBO Spain.

The characters names translated into Spain Spanish

  • Granate (Garnet)
  • Perla (Pearl)
  • Amatista (Amethyst)
  • Rubí (Ruby)
  • Zafiro (Sapphire)
  • Peridoto (Peridot)
  • Bismuto (Bismuth)
  • Lapislázuli (Lapis Lazuli)
  • Cuarzo Rosa (Rose Quartz)
  • Diamante Rosa (Pink Diamond)
  • Diamante Blanco (White Diamond)
  • Diamante Azul (Blue Diamond)
  • Diamante Amarillo (Yellow Diamond)
  • Perla Blanca (White Pearl)
  • Perla Azul (Blue Pearl)
  • Perla Amarilla (Yellow Pearl)
  • Ágata Azul (Holly Blue Agate)
  • Cornalina (Carnelian)
  • Jaspe (Jasper)
  • Cuarzo Arcoíris (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Cuarzo Ahumado (Smoky Quartz)
  • Aguamarina (Aquamarine)
  • Topacio (Topaz)
  • Esmeralda (Emerald)
  • Gemelas Rutilo (Rutile Twins)
  • Rodonita (Rhodonite)
  • Fluorita (Fluorite)
  • Esmeralda (Emerald)
  • Ópalo (Opal)
  • Sugilita (Sugilite)
  • Alejandrita (Alexandrite)
  • Malaquita (Malachite)
  • Sardónice (Sardonyx)
  • Espinela (Spinel)

Theme song

Las Gemas de Cristal
¡Te ayudan si estás mal!
¡Y no hay complicación
Que no tenga solución!
Por eso el mundo entero hoy, confía en
Granate, Amatista, Perla ¡y Steven!

English translation:

"The Crystal Gems / Help you if you're in trouble* / And there is no complication / That has no solution!/ That's why all the world, today, trusts in / Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven!"

*The closest to a literal translation is "Help you if you are bad", meaning "if you are in a bad situation", "if you are wrong" or "if you are feeling bad". The linking verb "estás" is translated as "to be", but relates to a current, recent and short term status, not the chronic status led by the translation.


Isabel Valls

Steven Cuarzo Universe
Stevonnie (1st voice)

Miguel Antelo Steven Cuarzo Universe (singing) (27+)
Anna Herebia Steven Cuarzo Universe (singing) (8-22)
Gemma Ibáñez Granate
Melisa González Granate (singing)
Meritxell Ané Amatista
Laura Pastor Amatista (singing)
Anna Romano

Perla Amarilla (1st voice)

María Caneda

Perla (singing)
Diamante Blanco (singing)
Nanefua Pizza (singing)

Lidia Camino Peridoto (2nd voice)
Elisabet Bargalló Peridoto (3rd voice)
Esther Escobar Peridoto (singing)
Carmen Ambrós

Peedee Fritangas
Jenny Pizza
Perla Azul (2nd voice)

Berta Cortés Lapislázuli (1st voice)
Nuria Trifol

Lapislázuli (2nd voice)

Laura Rivaya

Zafiro (singing)
Diamante Azul (singing)

Coki Diez Lapislázuli (singing)
Teresa Manresa

Nanefua Pizza
Perla Amarilla (3rd voice)

Gloria González

Cuarzo Rosa (2nd voice)
Diamante Rosa
Peridoto (1st voice)

Marta Barbará


Cuarzo Rosa (1st voice)
Diamante Amarillo (1st voice)
Diamante Blanco (2nd voice)

Sofía García Diamante Amarillo (2nd voice)


Margarita Ponce Diamante Amarillo (3rd voice)
Celia Vergara Diamante Amarillo (singing)
Noemí Bayarri Diamante Azul
Meritxell Mauri Diamante Blanco
Juan Carlos Gustems Greg Universe
Pablo Concejero Greg Universe (48-61, 94) (singing)
Santi Aguirre Greg Universe (27, 86, 113+) (singing)
Lars (singing)
Cristina Mauri

Connie Maheswaran
Stevonnie (2nd voice)

Claudia Caneda Connie Maheswaran
Melinda Álvarez Stevonnie (singing)
Carlos Lladó

Cuarzo Arcoíris 2.0

Marina García Guevara

Sadie Miller
Cuarzo Ahumado
Perla Azul (1st voice)
Perla Amarilla (2nd voice)

María Pérez Sadie Miller (singing)
Helen de Quiroga Bismuto (singing)
Virginia Mos Ópalo (singing)
Tony Menguiano Steg (singing)
Toni Avilés Ágata Azul
Marta Ullod Aguamarina
Carmen Calvell Espinela
Carmen López Pascual Espinela (singing)

There is a version with "cree en" (believe in) instead of "confía en" (trusts in). This intro only showed up in "Watermelon Steven" the first time the episode aired. The reason for this change is currently unknown.


The French version of Steven Universe airs on Cartoon Network France / Belgique / Suisse every Sunday with a rerun every Saturday since the 5th of May 2014. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe, le film) premiered on October 27, 2019. Steven Universe Future premiered on December 28, 2019.

Season 2 airs since February 2016. It is dubbed in Paris, by Chinkel S.A.

The characters names translated into French

  • Grenat (Garnet)
  • Perle (Pearl)
  • Améthyste (Amethyst)
  • Crème fraiche (Sour Cream)
  • Octave (Onion)
  • Patrick (Peedee)
  • Lavulite (Sugilite)
  • Quartz Arc-en-ciel (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Rubis (Ruby)
  • Saphir (Sapphire)
  • Diamant Jaune (Yellow Diamond)
  • Diamant Bleu (Blue Diamond)
  • Diamant Rose (Pink Diamond)
  • Diamant Blanc (White Diamond)
  • Jaspe (Jasper)
  • Quartz Fumé (Smoky Quartz)
  • Jambis (Leggy)
  • Épauline (Army)
  • Nombris (Navy)
  • Oeil de Rubis (Eyeball)
  • Agate Bleue (Holly Blue Agate)
  • Topaze (Topaz)
  • Aigue-marine (Aquamarine)
  • Zircon Bleu (Blue Zircon)
  • Zircon Jaune (Yellow Zircon)
  • Émeraude (Emerald)
  • Pierre de Soleil (Sunstone)
  • Obsidienne (Obsidian)
  • Obsidienne Flocon de Neige (Snowflake Obsidian)
  • Perle Bleue (Blue Pearl)
  • Perle Rose (Pink Pearl)
  • Perle Jaune (Yellow Pearl)
  • Spinelle (Spinel)
  • Jade Citron (Lemon Jade)
  • Azurite-Malachite (Bluebird Azurite)
  • L'Assemblage (The Cluster)

Theme song

Nous, les gemmes de cristal
On sauve le monde entier
Il faut nous faire confiance
On fera tout pour y arriver !
C'est pour ça qu'ici tout le monde croit en nous
Grenat, Améthyste, et Perle, et Steven !

English translation:

"We, the Crystal Gems / We save the entire world / You have to trust us / We'll do everything to succeed ! / That's why everybody here believes in us / Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and Steven!"

*Literally "all the world".


Marie Facundo

Steven Quartz Universe

Grenat (singing) (52, Extented Intro)

Rubis (singing) (149)

Marie Diot

Grenat (speaking)
Connie Maheswaran (speaking)
Barbara Miller
Priyanka Maheswaran
Jenny Pizza
Lily Pizza
Sadie (speaking)

Anaïs Delva


Lola Ces

Grenat (singing) (107)

Alice Taurand



Claire Baradat



Lapis Lazuli (singing)

Céline Legendre-Herda Jaspe


Olivier Cordina Greg Universe (speaking, singing season 1)

Crème Fraîche

Adeline Forlani Rubis (speaking)

Rubis (singing) (74)

Anouck Hautbois Péridot

Vidalia (1st voice)

Anne-Charlotte Piau Lapis Lazuli (speaking)



Benoît DuPac Jamie



Marc Bretonnière M. Friteman

M. Smiley

Romain Altché Ronaldo

Maire Dewey

Valérie Decobert Bismuth
Aurélie Konaté Diamant Jaune
Youna Noiret Diamant Bleu
Fanny Fourquez Diamant Blanc
Ludivine Maffren

Vidalia (2nd voice)

Alexis Tomassian Quartz Arc-en-Ciel 2.0
Fily Keita Rose Quartz (Superfan Rose)
Clara Soares Spinelle


Steven Universe aired on August 23, 2014. It is dubbed in Berlin, by SDI Media Germany. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: Der Film) premiered on May 4, 2020 via VOD and on May 30, 2020 via TV. Steven Universe Future premiered on September 20, 2021.

Here, the names are unchanged. But if the Gem's names were to be translated into German, they would be:

  • Granat: Garnet
  • Amethyst: Amethyst
  • Perle: Pearl
  • Bastardsmaragd:[1] Peridot
  • Lasurstein: Lapis Lazuli
  • Rubin: Ruby
  • Saphir: Sapphire
  • Rosenquarz: Rose Quartz
  • Rauchquarz: Smoky Quartz
  • Regenbogenquarz: Rainbow Quartz
  • Sonnenstein: Sunstone
  • Glaslava: Obsidian
  • Wismut/Bismut: Bismuth
  • Nephrit: Jade/Nephrite
  • Gelber Diamant: Yellow Diamond
  • Blauer Diamant: Blue Diamond
  • Pinker Diamant: Pink Diamond
  • Weißer Diamant: White Diamond
  • Aquamarin: Aquamarine
  • Topas: Topaz
  • Jaspis: Jasper
  • Malachit: Malachite
  • Blauer Zirkon: Blue Zircon
  • Gelber Zirkon: Yellow Zircon
  • Holly Blau Achat: Holly Blue Agate
  • Smaragd: Emerald

Lion's name in German is Löwe, Onion's name is Zwiebel and Sour Cream's name is Sauerrahm. Those names are the literal translations of what they mean in English.

Theme song

Main series
Wir sind die Crystal Gems,
Die Retter in der Not.
Auch wenn ihr uns nicht glaubt,
wir bringen es ins Lot.
Drum dürften alle auf der Welt uns lieben.
Garnet, Amethyst, und Pearl...
und Steven!

English translation:

We Are the Crystal Gems / the saviors in distress / Even if you don't believe us, / we bring it into balance / So everyone in the world might love us / Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] Dies...
[Amethyst] Dies...
[Pearl] Dies...
[Steven] Dies...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Dies~...
[All] unseren Zukunft!
Dies ist unseren Zukunft, sie ist schön!
Ich glaub es kaum, jetzt sind wir hier
Steven Universe Future, das sind wir!
[Peridot] Steven Universe Future!

English translation:

"This is our future! / This is our future, it is beautiful! / I hardly believe, we are here now / Steven Universe Future, this is us! / Steven Universe Future!"


Sebastian Fitzner Steven Quartz Universe
Lisa Braun Garnet
Julia Kaufmann Ruby
Amelie Plaas-Link Sapphire
Maximiliane Häcke Amethyst
Wicki Kalaitzi Pearl
Victoria Frenz Stevonnie
Anja Stadlober Lapis Lazuli
Peggy Sander Sadie Miller
Sarah Tkotsch Connie Maheswaran
Ilka Teichmüller Priyanka Maheswaran


Rainer Doering Greg Universe
Frank Muth Greg Universe (6)
Dirk Petrick Lars
Almut Zydra Bismuth
Silke Matthias Yellow Diamond
Friedel Morgenstern Spinel
Katy Karrenbauer Jasper
Judith Steinhäuser Jasper (93+)
Melanie Hinze Rose Quartz


The Swedish dub is currently on HBO Nordic. Done in SDI Media Sweden. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: Filmen) premiered on January 15, 2021.

Theme song

Season 1
Vi är de magiska väktarna
Vi räddar världen titt som tätt
Det är inte alltid lätt
Vi kommer på nåt sätt
Det är därför folket på vår jord tror på
Granat och Ametist och Pärlan och Steven!

English translation:

"We are the magical guardians / We save the world every now and then / It isn't always easy / We'll figure out a way / That's why the people on our Earth believe in / Garnet, and Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!"

Season 2
Vi är kristallerna!
Vi räddar alla jämt
Och tror du ej vi kan
Ser vi det som ett skämt!
Det är därför folket i vår värld, dem tror på
Granat, Ametist och Pärlan och Steven!

English translation:

"We are the crystals! / We save everyone all the time / and if you think we can't / we'll see it as a joke! / That's why the people in this world, they believe in / Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!"


Nick Atkinson Steven Quartz Universe
Emma Lewin Sundberg Pärlan
Anna Hedlund Ametist
Matilda Smedius Ametist (Movie)
Cecilia Skogholt Granat
Mattias Knave Greg
Emelie Clausen Connie

Rose Quartz

Frida Ohrn Bismuth
Emil Smedius Lars
Josefina Hylén Peridot

Lapis Lazuli


Annica Smedius Rose Quartz
Josefine Götestam Spinel


Steven Universe aired on May 12, 2014. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: Il Film) premiered on March 20, 2020. Steven Universe Future premiered the first 6 episodes on October 9, 2020.

The dubbing of the show is handled by Studio Emme (SDI Media Italy in the Movie) in Rome. Episodes 42 through 52 appear to have utilized a different translation team, as some terminology and names were changed before reverting by Season 2.

The names and terminology in the adaptation of the Italian dubbing

  • Perla (Pearl)
  • Ametista (Amethyst)
  • Quarzo Rosa (in season 1; it remains "Rose Quartz" since season 2) (Rose Quartz)
  • Scaramillo (Centepeetle)
  • Nefrite (Nephrite)
  • Cipollo (Onion)
  • Vidalia (Vidalia)
  • Panna acida (Sour cream)
  • Olo-perla (Holo-Pearl)
  • Lapislazzuli (Lapis Lazuli)
  • Rubino (Ruby)
  • Zaffiro (Sapphire)
  • Jasper (Jasper)
  • Bismuth (Bismuth)
  • Peridot (Peridot)
  • Quarzo Arcobaleno (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Quarzo Fumé (Smoky Quartz)
  • Sardonice (Sardonyx)
  • Alessandrite (Alexandrite)
  • Malachite (Malachite)
  • Sugilite (Sugilite)
  • Opale (Opal)
  • Spinel (Spinel)
  • Diamante Rosa (Pink Diamond)
  • Diamante Giallo (Yellow Diamond)
  • Diamante Blu (Blue Diamond)
  • Diamante Bianco (White Diamond)
  • Acquamarina (Aquamarine)
  • Topazio (Topaz)
  • 'Crystal Gems' remained the same as in english, but sometimes they are called Gemme di cristallo or Gemme cristalline (in Attack the light).

Theme song

Main series
Noi siam le Crystal Gems,
abbiam la soluzione
contro ogni avversità
con determinazione
difenderemo il mondo che già crede
in Garnet, Ametista, e Perla e Steven!

English translation:

"We Are the Crystal Gems, / We have the solution / Against every adversity, / With determination / We'll defend the world that, already believes / in Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] No...
[Amethyst] No...
[Pearl] No...
[Steven] No...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Noi~...
[All] ...qui nel futuro!
Siamo qui nel futuro, oramai!
Ed io non so se crederci
Steven Universe Future, siamo qui!
[Peridot] Steven Universe Future!

English translation:

"We, (are) here in the future! / We are here in the future, now! / And I don't know whether to believe it / Steven Universe Future, we are here! / Steven Universe Future!"


Riccardo Suarez Steven Quarzo Universe
Valentina Favazza Garnet
Monica Vulcano Rubino
Deborah Ciccorelli Zaffiro
Francesca Manicone Perla

Perla Gialla

Perla Blu

Perla Rosa

Mega Perla

Vanda Rapisardi Perla (singing) (58+)
Eva Padoan Ametista
Franco Mannella Greg Universe
Alessandra Chiari Rose Quartz (35-74)
Maura Cenciarelli Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond (94+)
Giulia Tarquini Connie

Stevonnie (89+)

Emanuele Ruzza Lars
Lidia Perrone Sadie Miller
Rachele Paolelli Peridot (36, 44)
Gilberta Crispino Peridot (51+)
Eleonora Reti Lapislazzuli
Anna Cugini Bismuth
Perla Liberatori Jenny Pizza

Kiki Pizza (10-47)

Claudia Scarpa Kiki Pizza (59+)
Ivan Andreani

Kofi Pizza

Vittorio Guerrieri Panna Acida
Cristina Poccardi Vidalia
Monica Bertolotti Diamante Bianco

Vidalia (48)

Acquamarina (127, 128)


Alexandrite (79)

Quarzo Fumé (101, 105)

Letizia Ciampa Quarzo Fumé (157-160+)
Monica Volpe Acquamarina (129+)
Elena Perino Zircone Blu

Zircone Giallo

Irene Di Valmo Alexandrite (32)
Emilia Costa Smeraldo
Veronica Puccio Stevonnie (37)
Chiara Oliviero Sardonice


Stevonnie (singing)

Alessio Nissolino Marty
Antonio Angrisano Mr. Fryman
Mattia Nissolino Peedee Fryman
Marco Bassetti Ronaldo Fryman
Gabriele Trentalance Bill Dewey
Gianluca Crisafi Buck Dewey
Antonella Alessandro Jasper
Germana Savo Diamante Giallo
Renata Fusco Diamante Giallo (singing)
Giò Giò Rapattoni Diamante Blu
Roberta Greganti Opale
Tiziana Avarista Sugilite
Margherita De Risi Spinel
Giorgio Paoni Steg


The Portuguese version of Steven Universe aired on June 1, 2014. The series is dubbed in the studio of Cinemágica Lda. located in Gaia, Porto. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: O Filme) premiered on July 3, 2020 via CN Premium and on August 29, 2020 via TV. Steven Universe Future (Steven Universe: Futuro) premiered all the episodes on September 17, 2021 via HBO Portugal.

Theme song

Main series
Somos as Joias de Cristal!
Viemos p'ra ajudar.
E se achares que não...
Tu vais-te espantar!
Os habitantes deste mundo, acreditam...
Na Granate, Ametista e Pérola, e no Steven!

English translation:

"We Are the Crystal Gems! / We're here to help. / And if you think we're not.../ You will be amazed! / The people of this world, believe.../ in Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and in Steven!"

A better literal translation is "surprised". Literally "the residents".

English translation:

"We are here in the future! / We are here in the future to enjoy! / And it was so good to get here / We are here in the future, we are here! / Steven Universe Future!"

The characters' names translated into European Portuguese:

  • Pérola (Pearl)
  • Ametista (Amethyst)
  • Granate (Garnet)
  • Rubi (Ruby)
  • Safira (Sapphire)
  • Leão (Lion)
  • Quartzo Arco-Íris (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Opala (Opal)
  • Quartzo Fumado (Smoky Quartz)
  • Pedra do Sol (Sunstone)
  • Obsidiana (Obsidian)
  • Rosa Quartzo (Rose Quartz)
  • Bismuto (Bismuth)
  • Lápis-Lázuli (Lapis Lazuli)
  • Jaspe (Jasper)
  • Malaquite (Malachite)
  • Diamante Azul (Blue Diamond)
  • Diamante Amarelo (Yellow Diamond)
  • Diamante Rosa (Pink Diamond)
  • Pérola Azul (Blue Pearl)
  • Pérola Amarela (Yellow Pearl)
  • Pérola Branca (White Pearl)
  • Holly Ágata Azul (Holly Blue Agate)
  • Cornalina (Carnelian)
  • Água-Marinha (Aquamarine)
  • Topázio (Topaz)
  • Esmerlda (Emerald)
  • Gémeas Rutilo (Rutile Twins)
  • Rodonite (Rhodonite)
  • Jade Limão (Lemon Jade)
  • Espinela (Spinel)
  • Aglomerado (Cluster)
  • Centípoda (Centipeedle)
  • Cãocoptero (Dogcopter)
  • Cauda Amarelha (Yellowtail)
  • Chantilli (Sour Cream)
  • Pirata (Eyeball)
  • Doutora (Doc)
  • Perninha (Leggy)
  • Braçinho (Army)
  • Barriga (Navy)


Sissi Martins Steven Quartzo Universe
Jade Limão
Opala (Movie, singing)
Isabel Queirós Pérola
Alexandrite (Only in 6th short)
Pérola Amarela
Pérola Rosa
Raquel Rosmaninho Granate
Peedee Fryman
Nanefua Pizza
Holly Blue Agate
Pequeno Mordomo
Marta Mota Ametista
Alexandrite (Only in 6th short)
Quartzo Fumado
Joana Carvalho Rosa Quartzo / Diamante Rosa
Connie Maheswaran
Opala (speaking)
Vânia "Blubird" Pereira Lápis-Lázuli (until 145)
Peridot (until 150)
Pérola (singing; 86)
Sadie Miller (singing until 137)
Zircónia (Promotora)
Teresa Queirós Diamante Branco
Lápis-Lázuli (Since 145)
Peridot (Since 150)
Sadie Miller (Singing since 137)
Jaspe Franzina
Pérola Azul
Zircónia (Defesa)
Gémeas Rutilo
Isabel Carvalho Espinela
Ângela Marques Diamante Amarelo (Speaking)
Martha Barriga
Alexandra Gabriel Diamante Azul (Until 157)
Sunshine Justice
Flora Miranda Diamante Azul (Since 157)
Rodrigo Santos Greg Universe
Bill Dewey
Rute Pimenta Sadie Miller (Speaking)
Kiki Pizza
Teresa Arcanjo Jaspe
Priyanka Maheswaran
Pedro Manana Lars Barriga
Buddy Buddwick
Clara Nogueira Bismuto
Manuel Tur Arco-Íris Quartzo 2.0
Edgard Fernandes Steg
Isabel Nunes Rodonite
Pedra do Sol
Jenny Pizza
Ivo Bastos Harold Smiley
Lâmina Solitária
Pedro Mendonça Sr. Fryman
Rui Oliveira Kofi Pizza
Dante Barriga
Luís Araújo Buck Dewey
Doug Maheswaran
Márcia Correia Gémeas Rutilo
Mário Santos Kevin
Rúben Madureira Ronaldo Fryman
Jorge Mota Quentin Frowney
Raúl Pereira Chunk Truck
Zélia Santos Barbara Miller


The Hungarian version of Steven Universe started airing on October 14, 2014. The series is dubbed by SDI Media Hungary located in Budapest, Porto. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: A Film) premiered on May 9, 2020. Steven Universe Future (Steven Universe Az új világ) started airing on September 6, 2021.

Theme song

Main series
Nézd! Az, ki el nem hagy
A nagy gyémánt csapat
Mi még nem vesztettünk
És mindig ott leszünk
Az emberek úgy hisznek mint, Úgy hisznek,
Gránátban, Ametisztben, Gyöngyben, és Stevenben!

English translation:

"Look! Those, who never leave you, / the big diamond team, / we didn't lose yet, / and we'll always be there, / The people believe in like, they believe so, in Garnet, in Amethyst, in Pearl, and in Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] Né...
[Amethyst] Né...
[Pearl] Né...
[Steven] Né...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Nézd~...
[All] ...E nap is eljött!
Végre e nap is eljött és oly szép
El sem hiszem, hát itt állunk
Steven Universe nagy lett, itt vagyunk!
[Peridot] Steven Universe nagy lett!

English translation:

"Look, this day has also come! / Finally this day has also come and it's so pretty / I can't believe it, we're standing here / Steven Universe became great, here we are! / Steven Universe became great!"


Gergő Bogdán Steven Kvarc Universe
Gereben Nagy Steven Kvarc Universe (singing) (49, 86+)
Nádasi Veronika Gránát
Viktória Vági Gyöngy
János Megyeri Greg Universe
Adrienn Pekár Ametiszt
Lilla Hermann Ametiszt (singing) (Movie)
Zsanett Andrádi Gyöngy (singing)

Rózsa Kvarc (2nd voice)

Peridot (1st voice)

Lapis Lazuli (singing)

Enikő Dobó Sadie Miller
Levente Juhász Steg
Eszter Sirkó Bizmut (singing)
Bognár Gyöngyvér Bizmut
Ilona Molnár Spinel
Zsazsa Réthy Spinel (singing)
Andor Potocsny Greg Universe (singing)
Bori Csuha Sadie Miller (singing) (157-160)

Stevonnie (singing) (156)


Steven Universe aired on August 17, 2014. It is dubbed by SDI Media. Steven Universe: The Movie premiered on May 31, 2020. Steven Universe Future (Steven Universe Toekomst) began airing on September 6, 2021.

The characters names translated into Dutch

  • Granaat (Garnet)
  • Amethist (Amethyst)
  • Parel (Pearl)
  • Sugiliet (Sugilite)
  • Leeuwtje (Lion)
  • Rozen Kwarts, Roos (Rose Quartz, Rose)
  • Fred (Greg)
  • Alexandriet (Alexandrite)
  • Opaal (Opal)
  • Peridoot (Peridot)
  • Jaspis, Jasper (Jasper)
  • Lazuur (Lapis)
  • Robijn (Ruby)
  • Saffier (Sapphire)
  • Malachiet, Malachite (Malachite)
  • Uiknul (Onion)
  • Zure Room (Sour Cream)
  • Maarten (Marty)
  • Meneer Lachebek, Meneer Smiley (Harold Smiley)
  • Bismut (Bismuth)
  • Roze Diamant, Roze (Pink Diamond)
  • Gele Diamant, Gele, Geel (Yellow Diamond)
  • Blauwe Diamant, Blauwe, Blauw (Blue Diamond)
  • Witte Diamant, Wit (White Diamond)
  • Nefriet, Centikever (Nephrite, Centipeedle)
  • Rook Kwarts (Smoky Quartz)
  • Regenboog Kwarts (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Zonnesteen (Sunstone)
  • Sneeuwvlok Obisidaan (Obsidian)

Theme song

Main series
Wij zijn van edelsteen,
gehard door avontuur,
en als dat nodig is
dan gaan wij door het vuur.
En daarom kan dus iedereen vertrouwen
op Granaat, Amethist, en Parel, en Steven!

English translation:

"We are made of gemstone / hardened by adventure / and if it's necessary / we go through the fire / And that's why everyone can trust / on Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] Wij...
[Amethyst] Wij...
[Pearl] Wij...
[Steven] Wij...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Wij~...
[All] ...zijn uw toekomst!
Kijk naar ons in de toekomst. Ga je mee?
Hier zijn wij, gekomen, van zover
Steven Universe Toekomst, hier zijn wij!
[Peridot] Steven Universe Toekomst!

English translation:

"We are your future! / Look to us in the future. Are you coming? / Here we have come so far / Steven Universe Future, here we are! / Steven Universe Future!"


Jary Beekhuizen Steven Kwarts Universe
Mitch Wolterink[2] Steven Kwarts Universe (singing) (Movie)
Meghna Kumar Granaat

Connie Maheswaran



Tineke Blok Parel
Cynthia de Graaff Amethist

Lapis Lazuli

Donna Vrijhof Peridoot

Jaspis (62+)

Witte Diamant

Anneke Beukman Robijn

Sadie Miller


Fred Meijer Lars (Season 4+)
Thijs van Aken Lars (Season 1-3)
Huup Dikstaal Fred Universe

Burgemeester Doepie

Hilde de Mildt Gele Diamant
Joanne Telesford Bismut


Tony Neef Steg
Kiki Koster Smaragd
Frans Limburg Andy DeMayo
Lizemijn Libgott Robijn (Navie)
Elaine Hakkaart Aquamarijn
Carré Albers Spinel


Steven Universe aired on August 16, 2014. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: Film) premiered on May 17, 2020. Steven Universe Future (Steven Universe: Przyszłość) premiered on September 20, 2021.

Episodes 1-42 were dubbed in Studio Sonica, while 43+ were dubbed in SDI Media Poland. The second studio changed some of the voices, for example Lapis Lazuli, Connie's parents, Sadie, Peridot, Rose and Mayor Dewey. They also changed Homeworld translation, which was "Macierzysty Świat", but now it is left in English.

The characters names translated into Polish

  • Granat (Garnet)
  • Perła (Pearl)
  • Ametyst (Amethyst)
  • Perydot (Peridot)
  • Jaspis (Jasper)
  • Rubin (Ruby)
  • Szafir (Sapphire)
  • Stonogożuk,Nefryt (Centipeetle,Neprithte)
  • Niebiański Żuk (Heaven Beetle)
  • Ziemski Żuk (Earth Beetle)
  • Sardonyks (Sardonyx)
  • Sugilit (Sugilite)
  • Aleksandryt (Alexandrite)
  • Lew/Lewek (Lion)
  • Kwaśna Śmietana (Sour Cream)
  • Rose Kwarc (Rose Quartz)
  • Malachit (Malachite)
  • Żółty/Żółta Diament, Żółta (Yellow Diamond)
  • Żółta Perła (Yellow Pearl)
  • Tęczokwarc (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Zlepek (Cluster)
  • Cebula (Onion)
  • Kwarc Dymny (Smoky Quartz)
  • Niebieski/Niebieska Diament, Niebieska (Blue Diamond)
  • Niebieska Perła (Blue Pearl)
  • Różowy/Różowa Diament, Różowa (Pink Diamond)
  • Różowa Perła (Pink Pearl)
  • Bizmut (Bismuth)
  • Niebieska Agat (Holly Blue Agate)
  • Karneol (Carnellian)
  • Akwamaryn (Aquamarine)
  • Niebieska Cykronia (Zircon Defense)
  • Żółta Cyrkonia (Zircon Prosecuting)
  • Defekty (Off Colors)
  • Rutylowe Bliźniaczki (Rutile Twins)
  • Fluoryt (Fluorite)
  • Rodonit (Rhodonite)
  • Padparadża (Padparascha)
  • Szmaragd (Emerald)
  • Biały / Biała Diament,Biała (White Diamond)
  • Biała Perła (White Pearl)
  • Tęczokwarc 2.0 (Rainbow Quatrz 2.0)
  • Skaleń Słoneczna (Sunstone)

Theme song

Main series
My, to klejnotów blask
Gdy walki przyjdzie czas
To choćbyś wątpił w nas,
My złu nie damy szans!
Dlatego właśnie cały świat uwierzy
W Granat, Ametyst, i Perłę i w Stevena!

English translation:

"We are the shine of gems / When the battle time comes / Then even if you doubt us / We won't give evil a chance / That's why the whole world will believe / In Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven!"

Extended version
Z nas każdy klejnot ma
Świat ratujemy ten
Kto nie docenia nas
Ten mocno zdziwi się
Dziś świat już wie, że bronią go gorliwie
Granat, Ametyst, Perła i Steven!

English translation:

"Each one of us has a gem / We are saving this world / Who doesn't appreciate / Will be very surprised / Today the world already knows that it's earnestly protected / (by) Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven!"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] Hej...
[Amethyst] Hej...
[Pearl] Hej...
[Steven] Hej...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Hej~...
[All] ...witaj nam jutro!
Witaj nam lepsze jutro, jasny czas!
To cud że znów jesteśmy tu
Steven Universe Przyszłość, jasny dniu!
[Peridot] Steven Universe Przyszłość!

English translation:

"Hey, welcome our future! / Welcome our better future, a bright time! / It's a miracle we're here again / Steven Universe Future, it's a bright day! / Steven Universe Future!"


Maciej Falana Steven Kwarc Universe (1-12,16)
Jan Rotowski Steven Kwarc Universe(14-15, 17+)


Arbuzowe Steveny (79, 156)

Brygida Turowska-Szymczak Ametyst


Sugilit (20)

Kwarc Dymny Aleksandryt

Katarzyna Łaska Perła

Mały Lokaj

Żółta Perła

Niebieska Perła

Biała Perła

Różówa Perła

Agnieszka Kudelska Granat


Julia Kołakowska-Bytner Lapis Lazuli (25-26)
Justyna Kowalska Lapis Lazuli (49+) (singing; Movie)

Jenny Pizza (speaking)


Paulina Łaba Lapis Lazuli (singing)

Jenny Pizza (singing)

Anna Ułas Jaspis


Agata Skórska Perydot (36+)
Bożena Furczyk Perydot (44+)

Nanefua (50+)

Anna Terpiłowska Sardonyks

Sugilit (105)

Andrzej Chudy Greg Universe

Lew (Season 1 only)

Dorota Furtak-Masica

Connie Maheswaran
Córka Mamona
Stevonnie (80+)

Magdalena Pawelec Rubin

Oczko (83, 102-103), Wielka Rubin

Ewa Lachowicz Szafir


Wiśniowa Kwarc

Ewa Serwa Żółta Diament
Monika Pikuła Niebieska Diament


Lidia Sadowa Rose Kwarc (35)

Stevonnie (37)
Priyanka Maheswaran (31)

Laura Breszka Rose Kwarc (48+; speaking)
Olga Szomańska Rose Kwarc (singing)
Monika Węgiel-Jarocińska Bizmut
Joanna Domańska Niebieska Agat
Karolina Bacia Akwamaryn
Izabela Dąbrowska Niebieska Cyrkonia

Żółta Cyrkonia

Ewa Prus Oczko (130)
Angelika Kurowska Padparadża
Milena Staszuk Rutylowe bliźniaczki
Anna Szymańczyk Rodonit
Joanna Sokołowska J-10


Laura Samojłowicz Miły głosik (The Little Voice)

Skiny Jaspis

Jakub Szydłowski

Doug Maheswaran (31)
Kwaśna Śmietana

Bartosz Martyna Doug Maheswaran (43)

Ronaldo Fryman (6-26, 47+)

Joanna Pach Kiki Pizza (18)


Kinga Tabor Priyanka Maheswaran (43+)
Maciej Kosmala Dyńka

Doug Maheswaran (125)
Morska osa

Krzysztof Szczerbiński Lars
Monika Ambroziak Sadie Miller (1-41)

Kiki Pizza (10)

Agata Paszkowska Sadie Miller (69+)
Agnieszka Fajlhauer Barbara Miller


Janusz Wituch Peedee Fryman
Bartłomiej Magdziarz Ronaldo Fryman (31-41)


Michał Malinowski Kevin (89)
Aleksander Sosiński Kevin (138)
Leszek Zduń Jamie (3)

Samotne Ostrze (102-103)
Billy, wilk z Wall Street
gra „Bokser”

Przemysław Stippa Jamie (56+)
Grzegorz Drojewski Ricky
Piotr Bąk Dante Barriga

Kofi Pizza (90)

Anna Wodzyńska Jane (90)
Grzegorz Pawlak Wujcio Dobra Rada
Mariusz Czajka Torba Borba
Paweł Ciołkosz Stefek Pizza
Krzysztof Cybiński

Paulina Komenda
Mateusz Kwiecień
Maksymilian Bogumił
Robert Jarociński
Marta Markowicz
Krzysztof Szczepaniak
Łukasz Talik

Additional voices


The Norwegian dubbing is done by SDI Media. Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: Filmen) premiered on January 15, 2021.

The characters names translated into Norwegian

  • Steven Univers (Steven Universe)
  • Granat (Garnet)
  • Perle (Pearl)
  • Ametyst (Amethyst)
  • Rubin (Ruby)
  • Safir (Sapphire)
  • Jaspis (Jasper)
  • Regnbuekvarts (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Rose Kvarts (Rose Quartz)
  • Løken (Onion)
  • Lapisstein (Lapis Lazuli)

The dub confuses the names of all characters, from the Norwegian "Steven Univers" to the English "Steven Universe" and calling the other main characters by their original names and sometimes their translated names. Norwegian dubs of cartoons normally don't translate all names and just pronounce them the English way, maybe explaining the inconsistency in the Norwegian Steven Universe dub.

Theme song

Vi, krystallsteinene,
kan alltid redde deg
og om du tviler vil
vi alltid finne vei
og derfor stoler verden på, å reddes
av Granat, Ametyst, og Perle, og Steven!

English translation:

"We, the crystal stones / Can always save you / And if you doubt will / We always find a way / And that's why the world trusts / To be saved by / Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven!"


Lucas Leon Svaet Holter Steven Universe
Renate Holm Granat
Johanna Dahl Brynne Ametyst

Rose Kvarts

Sarah MacDonald Berge Perle (season 1-3)
Emilie Christensen Perle (season 4+)
Mona Grenne Banterla Connie Maheswaran


Sadie Miller

unknown Greg Universe (season 1)
Preben Olram Greg Universe (season 2+)
Helene Wibrand Lapisstein

Ruby (Doc)

Øyvind B. Lise Bill Dewey

Mr. Fryman

Scott Maurstad Lars Barriga

Ronaldo Fryman

Jamie (3)

Katrine Blomstrand Bismuth


Gul Diamant

Sofie Bjerketvedt Spinel
Seda Witt Lapisstein (Movie)
Ida Lind Hvit Diamant


In Russian, the name of the show, Вселенная Стивена (Vselennaya Stivena), literally translates to Steven's Universe (as opposed to his name). In this version, all gem characters are given feminitive pronouns such as "she", despite their official names being masculine (like Розовый Алмаз and not Розовая Алмаз, this was likely done because all gemstone names appearing in the show have masculine grammatical gender). Some names may differ between official dub and fan translations, such as Cluster being still called Cluster in fan dubs, but Conglomerate in official version. All names given here are the official dub ones.

Names and terms in the Official Russian dub

Basic terms

  • Самоцвéт (Samotsvet - Gem)
  • Кристáльные Самоцвéты (Kristal'nye Samotsvety - Crystal Gems)


  • Сти́вен Квáрц Юнивёрс (Stiven Kvarts Yunivyors - Steven)
  • Жéмчуг (Zhemchug - Pearl)
  • Амети́ст (Ametist - Amethyst)
  • Пéридот (Péridot - Peridot, stressed the same as English despite the stress falling on o in Russian, the actual mineral name is перидóт)
  • Рóза Кварц (Roza Kvarts - Rose Quartz)
  • Я'шма (Yashma - Jasper)
  • Жёлтый Алмáз (Zhyoltyi Almaz - Yellow Diamond)
  • Си́ний Алмáз (Siniy Almaz - Blue Diamond)
  • Бéлый Алмáз (Belyi Almaz - White Diamond)
  • Рóзовый Алмáз (Rozovyi Almaz - Pink Diamond)
  • Ви́смут (Vismut - Bismuth)
  • Ля́пис Лазýрит (Lyapis Lazurit - Lapis Lazuli)
  • Руби́н (Rubin - Ruby)
  • Сапфи́р (Sapfir - Sapphire)
  • Гранáт (Granat - Garnet)


  • Кефи́р (Kefir - Sour Cream)
  • Мэр Дьюи (Mer Dyui - Mayor Dewey)
  • Ронáльдо Жáркинс (Ronaldo Zharkins, his last name is a literal translation with an English ending -ins added - Ronaldo Fryman)
  • Лýкус (Lukus, a portmanteau of Luk, Onion, and Lucas - Onion)
  • Кóнни Махешварáн or Кóнни Мáхешваран, the stress changes from episode to episode (Konni Makheshwaran - Connie Maheswaran)
  • Грег Юнивёрс (Greg Yunivyors - Greg Universe)
  • Видáлия (Vidaliya - Vidalia)
  • Желтохвóст (Zheltokhvost - Yellowtail)
  • Джéйми (Dzheymi, Jamie)
  • Бáдди Бáдвик (Baddi Badwik - Buddy Budwick)
  • Мáрти (Marti - Marty)


  • Сугили́т (Sugilit - Sugilite)
  • Малахи́т (Malakhit - Malachite)
  • Александри́т (Aleksandrit - Alexandrite)
  • Сардóникс (Sardoniks - Sardonyx)
  • Опáл (Opál - Opal)
  • Стивóнни (Stivonni - Stevonnie)

The fusion dance sequence has been edited out of "We Need To Talk" to be replaced with Greg's guitar solo, so Rainbow Quartz has never made an appearance in the Russian version, nor does she have an official Russian name. It would likely be Рáдужный Квáрц (Raduzhnyi Kvarts)

Alter egos and fiction characters

  • Сирéневый Барс (Sirenevyi Bars, literally Lilac Ounce - Purple Puma)
  • Тигр-миллионéр (Tigr-millioner - Tiger Millionaire)
  • Вертопёс (Vertopyos, a portmanteau of Vertolyot, helicopter, and Pyos, mutt - Dogcopter)
  • Крóшка-дворéцкий (Kroshka-dvoretskiy - Lil' butler)


  • Конгломерáт (Konglomerat, literally Conglomerate - Cluster)
  • Лев (Lev - Lion)


  • Роднóй Мир (Rodnoy Mir, literally Motherland World - Homeworld)
  • Прибрéжье (Pribrezhye, literally seashore place - Beach City)
  • Я'сли (Yasli, a Russian word for pre-kindergarten daycare for kids under 4, literally cradle - Kindergarten)

Theme song

Season 1
Мы, самоцветы мы!
Спасаем мир всегда.
Ты думаешь: мы нет,
А мы, конечно, да!
И люди верят в нас, нам страх противен.
Гранат и Аметист, Жемчуг и Стивен!

Romanized version

My, samotsvety my!
Spasayem mir vsegda.
Ty dumayesh' my net,
A my konechno da!
I lyudi veryat v nas, nam strakh protiven.
Granat i Ametist, Zhemchug i Stiven!

English translation:

"We, Gems we (are)! (We) always save the world. You think that we don't, But we, of course, do!(save the world) And people believe in us, we find fear disgusting. Garnet and Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven."

Season 2
Что значит самоцвет?
Зови, и мы придём.
И пусть не верит свет,
Но Землю мы спасём!
И мир поверит в нас, нам страх противен.
Гранат и Аметист, Жемчуг, и Стивен!

Romanized version

Chto znachit samotsvet?
Zovi, i my pridyom.
I pust' ne verit svet,
No Zemlyu my spasyom!
I mir poverit v nas, nam strakh protiven.
Granat i Ametist, Zhemchug, i Stiven!

English translation:

"What does ‘Gem’ mean? Call us and we will come. And even if the world doesn't believe, We'll still save Earth! And the world believes in us, we find fear disgusting. Garnet and Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven."


Natalia Tereshkova

(Наталья Терешкова)

Stiven Kvarts Yunivyors (1-68, 70-72)


Alyona Sozinova

(Алёна Созинова)

Stiven Kvarts Yunivyors (69, 73+)


Darya Frolova

(Дарья Фролова)



Olga Shorokhova

(Ольга Шорохова)


Konni Makhesvaren
Lyapis Lazurit (62)

Larisa Brokhman

(Лариса Брохман)


Sedi Miller
Lyapis Lazurit (25, 26)
Roza Kvarts (35, 61)
Yashma (62)
Malakhit (62)

Olga Kuznetsova

(Ольга Кузнецова)

Lyapis Lazurit (49+)

Yashma (51+)
Roza Kvarts (48+)
Malakhit (52)

Nikita Prozorovsky

(Никита Прозоровский)

Greg Yunivyors (2-35)
Denis Nekrasov

(Денис Некрасов)

Greg Yunivyors (42+)
Dmitry Filimonov

(Дмитрий Филимонов)

Ronaldo Zharkins

Bak Dyui (14)
Dzheymi (3)
Aleksandrit (79)

Prokhor Chekhovskoy

(Прохор Чеховской)

Bak Dyui (54+)

Dzheymi (56)


The Danish dubbing is done by SDI Media. The dub switches between referring to the series as "Steven Univers" and "Steven Universe". Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Universe: Filmen) premiered on January 15, 2021.

Theme song

Hey, krystal sten op med hagen
Vi redder altid dagen
Du tror måske det løgn
men vi løser altid sagen
Og derfor ved enhver, at de kan tro på
Granat, Ametyst, og Perle, og Steven!

English translation:

Hey, crystal gems chin up / We always save the day/ You may think it's a lie / But we always solve the case / That's why anyone knows that they can believe in / Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and Steven!


Alfred C. Schwarz Jacobsen Steven Universe
Thomas Meilstrup Steven Universe (Movie)
Mia Lerdam Granat
Julie Rosenstand Ølgaard Ametyst
Maria Carmen Lindegaard Ametyst
Natascha Jessen Connie Maheswaran
Sara Ekander Poulsen White Diamond
Julie Lund

Dr. Maheswaran
Gule Perle

Annevig Schelde Ebbe

Alexandrite (season 1)
Connie Maheswaran (season 4)
Jaspis (season 3)
Sadie Miller

Blue Diamond

Lars Thiesgaard

Aces far
Bill Dewey
Dante Barriga
Doug Maheswaran
Hr Skravlet
Hr Smiley
Kuffert Kim
Skolopender Mor

Sonny Lahey

Creme Fraiche
Ensomme Klinge
Hr M (season 1)
Lars Barriga

Daniel Vognstrup Jørgensen

Buck Dewey

Vibeke Dueholm Lapis Lazuli
Charlotte Guldberg Bismuth
Jasmin Gabay Yellow Diamond
Jeff Schjerlund Steg
Kristoffer Schnack Tellefsen

Buck Dewey

Maja Iven Ulstrup Spinel


Steven Universe in Bulgaria is called Стивън Вселенски (Stivŭn Vselenski). Episodes are dubbed in Alexandra Audio.

Theme song

Season 1
Лъч, ярка светлина
Спасяваме света!
И ето ни пред вас, във пълна красота!
И хората от този свят, ни вярват!
Гранат, Аметист, и Перла и Стивън!

Romanized version

Lŭch, yarka svetlina
Spasyavame sveta!
I eto ni pred vas, vŭv pŭlna krasota!
I khorata ot tozi svyat, ni vyarvat!
Granat, Ametist, i Perla i Stivŭn!

Season 2
Пред камъните си
Герои сме помни
Спасяваме света
във пълна красота
И хората от този свят ни вярват
Гранат, Аметист, И Перла, И СТИВЪН

Romanized version

Pred kamŭnite si
Geroi sme pomni
Spasyavame sveta
vŭv pŭlna krasota
I khorata ot tozi svyat ni vyarvat
Granat, Ametist, I Perla, I STIVŬN!

English translation:

You are in front of the gems. Remember we are heroes. We save the world in full beauty. And the people of this world believe us: Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and Steven!

The characters names translated into Bulgarian

  • Гранат/Granat (Garnet)
  • Аметист/Ametist (Amethyst)
  • Перла/Perla (Pearl)
  • Яспис/Yaspis (Jasper)
  • Малахит/Malahit (Malachite)
  • Киселяка/Kiselyaka [The sour one] (Sour Cream)
  • Лукчо/Lukcho (Onion)
  • Рубин/Rubin (Ruby)
  • Сапфир/Sapfir (Sapphire)
  • Лъвчо/Lŭvcho (Lion)
  • Роуз Кварц/Rouz Kvartz (Rose Quartz)
  • Жълт Диамант/Zhŭlt Diamant (Yellow Diamond)
  • Грозд/Grozd (Cluster)
  • Сугилит/Sugilit (Sugilite)
  • Александрит/Aleksandrit (Alexandrite)
  • Стоножкобръмбар/Stonozhkobrŭmbar (Centipeetle)
  • Дъга Кварц/Dŭga Kvartz (Rainbow Quartz)
  • Сардоникс/Sardoniks (Sardonyx)
  • Син Диамант/Sin Diamant (Blue Diamond)
  • Синя Перла/Sinya Perla (Blue Pearl)
  • Жълта Перла/Zhŭlta Perla (Yellow Pearl)


Ася Рачева

(Asya Racheva)

Stivŭn Kvartz Vselenski

Granat (singing) (76)

Dinenite Stivŭncheta

Михаела Тюлева

(Mihaela Tyuleva)

Ametist (speaking) (singing; 22-40)

Koni Mahesharan (7-17, 32-37)

Priyanka Maheswaran (42)

Iaspis (51-62)


Zhŭlta Perla (77)


Rubin (Legi)


Opushen Kvartz

Sardoniks (105)

Sin Tzirkon

Zhult Tzirkon


Татяна Етимова

(Tatyana Etimova)

Perla (speaking)


Aleksandrit (32)

Rubin (Dok)


Sinya Perla

Zhulta Perla (118)

Rubin (Oko) (130)

Lapis Lazuli (119-123)


Rutil (right one)

Надежда Панайотова

(Nadezhda Panayotova)

Peridot (36, 60, 73+)

Koni Mahesharan (42+) (speaking)

Seidi Miller (30+)

Priyanka Maheswaran (68)

Barbara Miller


Sardoniks (63)


Perla (singing)


Kiki Pitza (59+)

Dzheni Pitza (47+)

Lapis Lazuli (93-102)


Sin Diamant

Елена Грозданова

(Elena Grozdanova)

Granat (singing)

Ametist (singing) (63+ and the 2nd/extended intro)

Lapis Lazuli (25-26), (singing 145)

Венета Зюмбюлева

(Veneta Zyumbyuleva)

Lapis Lazuli (81-82, 111-112)

Zhŭlt Diamant (77-118)


Holi Sin Ahat

Момчил Степанов

(Momchil Stepanov)

Greg Vselenski (singing)
Мартин Герасков

(Martin Geraskov)

Greg Vselenski (speaking)


Ronaldo Pŭrzheniya Kartof



Kofi Pizza

Василка Сугарева

(Vasilka Sugareva)

Koni Mahesharan (24-26)

Peridot (45-52, 63-72)

Lapis Lazuli (49-62)

Seidi Miller (1-21)


Kiki Pitza (10)

Dzheni Pitza (14)

Iaspis (93+)

Надя Полякова

(Nadya Polyakova)

Granat (speaking)

Aleksandrit (32)


Rouz Kvartz


Priyanka Maheswaran (32)

Rubin (Armi)


Zhult Diamant (130+)

Zhulta Perla (130)


Rutil (Left one)


The Romanian version of Steven Universe (Steven Univers) was supposed to air in Romania on August 18, 2014, but it was moved on October 6, 2014. It is dubbed by BTI Studios Romania (1-41, 43) and Fast Production Film (42, 44+). Steven Universe: The Movie (Steven Univers: Filmul) premiered on May 9, 2020. Steven Universe Future (Steven Univers Viitor) premiered on September 6, 2021.

Theme song

Main series
Noi, Nestematele
Vom fi de partea ta
Şi chiar de nu ne crezi
Găsim soluția
De aceea lumea întreagă crede în
Granat, Ametist și Perlă, și Steven

English translation:

"We, the Gems / We'll be by your side / And even if you don't believe us / We'll find the solution / That's why the whole world trusts / Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven"

Steven Universe Future
[Garnet] No...
[Amethyst] No...
[Pearl] No...
[Steven] No...
[Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth] Noi~...
[All] ...în viitor!
Iată-ne în viitorul fericit
Nu pot să cred c-am reușit
Steven Univers Viitor, iată-ne!
[Peridot] Steven Univers Viitor!

English translation:

"We, (are) in the future! / Here we are in the happy future! / I can't believe we succeeded / Steven Universe Future, here we are! / Steven Universe Future!"


Răzvan Dinu Steven Cuarț Univers
Raul Stănulescu Steven Cuarț Univers (singing; Season 2+)
Anda Tămăşanu Granat
Carmen Lopăzan Granat (Season 2+)


Ana Maria Georgescu Ametist
Olimpia Mălai Ametist (Season 2+)
Ioana Dagău Perlă (1-26)
Mihaela Gherdan Perlă (27+)
Silvia Gâscă Perlă (Season 2+)

Perla Galbenă

Cătălina Chirțan Perlă (singing)

Sadie Miller (singing)

Lapis Lazuli (singing) (Movie)

Peridot (singing) (Movie)

Richard Balint Greg Univers
Ionuț Grama Greg Univers (Season 2+)
Iulia Tohotan Connie Maheswaran
Andreea Prossi Connie Maheswaran (Season 2+)
Andreea Gaica Granat (Movie)
Florian Silaghi Lars
Gabriela Codrea Sadie (1-26)




Anca Iliese Roz Quarț

Lapis Lazuli (Season 2+)




Verginia Rotaru Peridot
Sofia Ivan Bismuth
Gabriela Bobeș Bismuth (Movie)
Elias Ferkin Lars
Olimpia Botez Sadie Miller (Season 2+)
Alina Leonte Lapis Lazuli

Sadie Miller (30+)

Tamara Roman Diamant Galben

Cuarț Fumuriu

Alexandra Radu Jasper



Czech Republic

The Czech dub premiered on September 20, 2017 on Cartoon Network CEE. Steven Universe: The Movie premiered on May 9, 2020. Steven Universe Future premiered on September 6, 2021.


Josef Fečo Steven Universe
Petra Tišnovská Garnet
Irena Hrubá Amethyst
Kateřina Peřinová Pearl
Helena Dytrtová Peridot
Libor Terš Greg Universe
Helena Němcová Connie Maheswaran
Pavlína Kostková Dytrtová Sadie Miller

Lapis Lazuli

Pavel Dytrt Lars Barriga
Roman Hajlich Buck Dewey
Petr Gelnar Bill Dewey
Lucie Kožinová Jasper
Zuzana Hykyšová Bismuth
Vendula Příhodová Spinel


In Finland, the series airs on HBO Nordic, as part of the Toonix streaming service. The Finnish version is done in SDI Media Finland. In some episodes the second Theme Song has the track of the first intro instead of the second (In episode 80 happens). Steven Universe: The Movie was released on January 15, 2021 on HBO Nordic.

Theme song

Tää joukko Gemien,
on turva kaikkien
Läpi suurten vaarojen
käy tiemme loistaen
Sua auttamaan käy, luottaa voit sä siihen
Garnet, Amethyst ja Pearl
ja Steven.

English translation:

This group of Gems, is the security of all / Through the great hazards we are doing our best / Your help will help, trust you can do it / Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl and Steven.


Joonathan Kettunen Steven Universe
Anna Asunta Amethyst
Katja Aakkula Pearl


Sari Ann Stolt Garnet

White Diamond

Hanna Leino Garnet (singing) (Movie)
Markus Bäckman Greg Universe
Hanna Mönkäre Connie Maheswaran

Lapis Lazuli

Katja Sirkiä Rose Quartz

Sadie Miller


Marika Tuhkala Bismuth
Sinna Virtanen Ruby


Annituuli Kasurinen Spinel


In Lithuania, the series airs in TV1 with the name "Stivenas Visata". Exactly as Vietnam, it has a voice-over.

The characters' names were translated (or adapted):

  • Garnet - Granat
  • Amethyst - Ametiste
  • Pearl - Perle
  • Steven - Stivenas

Middle East


The Arabic version of Steven Universe started airing on August 4, 2014 on Cartoon Network Arabic.

The Arabic title ستيفن البطل ("Steven the Hero") was chosen by CN Arabic Studios. An Arabic subtitled version uses عالم ستيفن ("Steven Universe").

The episodes were dubbed by IPH (Image Production House), a Lebanese dub studio.

Theme song

Season 1

نحن فريق الكريستال جيمز
سنكون منتصرين
و إن شككتم فينا
فكونوا على يقين
إن كان في العالم شيء مخيف لديكم
غارنيت , أماثيست و بيرل و ستيفن

Romanized version

nahn fareeqo alkrystal jamz
sanakounou montaṣireen
wa in shakaktom feenạ
fa koono aala yaqeen
in kena fi alʿaalam shayon mokhyfon
ldykm garnet, amethyst, wa pearl, wa steven

English translation:

"We are the team Crystal Gems / We'll always be victorious / And if you doubt us, be with the knowledge that if there was something scary / you have Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and Steven!"

Season 2

نحن أبطال الكريستال جيمز
سنكون متحدين
و إن شككتم فينا
فكونوا على بقين
إن كان في العالم شيء مخيف لديكم
غارنت ،آماثست و بيرل و ستيفن

Romanized version

nahnou abtal alkrystal jamz
sanakounou motahydeen
wa in chakaktom feena
fakounou aala yakeen
in kena fel aalam chayonn moukhyfon
ladaykom Garnet, Amethyst wa Pearl wa Steven

English translation:

"We Are the Crystal Gems heroes / We'll always be united / and if you doubt us, be with the knowledge that if there was something scary / you have Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl, and Steven!"

The characters names translated into Arabic

"اسد" (Asad): Lion


Selina Chwayri Steven Quartz Universe (speaking)


Selina Salam Steven Quartz Universe (singing)


Rana Al Rifai Amethyst
Reem Saidi Pearl


Sylvana Felfleh Garnet

Sadie Miller
Malachite (Jasper half)

Kiki Pizza

Saad Hamdan Greg Universe

Ronaldo Fryman
Sour Cream

Fadi Rifai Mr. Fryman

Mr. Smiley
Buck Dewey
Bill Dewey
Mr. Maheswaran

Nada Al Hajj Connie Maheswaran

Lapis Lazuli
Rose Quartz
Malachite (Lapis half)
Jenny Pizza

Aline Sa'adah Vidalia

Dr. Maheswaran


Steven Universe started airing on June 2, 2014 and it stopped on October 2016 in the third season on Cartoon Network Turkey. The intro is undubbed. The CN Version is dubbed by Ak'la Kara Studios.

Steven Universe The Movie (Steven Universe Filmi) premiered for the first time on September 19, 2021 in Sinema TV[3].

The characters names translated into Turkish

  • Rose Kuvars (Rose Quartz)
  • Ametist (Amethyst)
  • İnci (Pearl)
  • Garnet (Garnet)
  • Yakut (Ruby)
  • Safir (Sapphire)
  • Malakit (Malachite)
  • Sardoniks (Sardonyx)
  • Aleksandrit (Alexandrite)
  • Mavi Elmas (Blue Diamond)
  • Sarı İnci (Yellow Pearl)
  • Sarı Elmas (Yellow Diamond)
  • Küme Taşı (Cluster)
  • Bay Kızartmacı (Mr. Fryman)
  • Ronaldo Kızartmacı (Ronaldo Fryman)
  • Bay Smiley (Mr. Smiley)
  • Karpuz Stevenlar (Watermelon Stevens)

Cast (CN Version)

Gülnur Badakal Steven Kuvars Universe

Karpuz Stevenlar

Ahmet Taşar Steven Kuvars Universe (Young; in "Steven's Birthday")
Esra Baycan Rose Kuvars
Figen Sümeli Garnet

Aleksandrit (Season 1)

Seda Özelsoy Ametist
Zeynep Devrim Ateşer İnci

Sarı İnci

Elif Acehan Safir
Ceren Gedikali Yakut
Taylan Atlıhan Greg Universe
Nurhan Törün Connie Maheswaran


Begüm Günceler Peridot (Season 1)
İlkgül Kaya Peridot
Berke Coşkun Lapis Lazuli (Season 1)

Malakit (Lapis Half)

Gizem Yönel Lapis Lazuli
Arzu Akın Jasper

Malakit (Jasper Half)

Yasemin Varyemişçi Sarı Elmas
Funda Köseoğlu Küme Taşı
Mert Aydın Lars Barriga
Işıl Kılıç Sadie Miller

Kiki Pizza
Vidalia (Young; in "Story for Steven")

Didem Atlıhan Jenny Pizza
Fatih Özacun Kofi Pizza
Bedia Ener Nanefua
Kutay Kırşehirlioğlu Bay Kızartmacı
Serkan Şen Ronaldo Kızartmacı


Berna Başer Priyanka Maheswaran
Burak Karaman Doug Maheswaran
Tugay Erverdi Buck Dewey
Serkan Şen Bill Dewey
Funda Köseoğlu Barbara Miller
Ali Hocaoğlu Marty
Kerem Aynalı Bay Smiley
Gökhan Akçakara Jamie
Fatih Özkul Kevin

Ceren Gedikali



Steven Universe used to air on the cable and satellite channel "The Kids' Channel" or Arutz HaYedalim (ערוץ הילדים) in Israel on the Cartoon Network Block.

The characters names in Hebrew

  • גארנט (Garnet)
  • אמטיסט (Amethyst)
  • פרל (Pearl)
  • סטיבן (Steven)

Note: Names are left in English

Theme song

אנחנו, אנחנו אבני קריסטל
את המצב כאן מצילים
,ואם תחשבו שלא נוכל
גם דרך תמיד מוצאים
לכן כל האנשים מאמינים
!גארנט, אמטיסט ופרל, וסטיבן

Romanized version

Anahnoo, anahnoo avney Crystal
et amatzav can matzilim
veim tahshevoo shelo nuhal,
et hadereh tamid motzim
lachen col hanashim ma'aminim
begarnet, ametyst vepearl, vesteven

English translation:

We, we're the Crystal Gems / We save the situation / And if you think we aren't able to / We always find the way / That's why all the people believe in / Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl, and Steven.

The fact that the intro was translated almost literally down to every word from the original is very unbearable for most Israelis or fluent Hebrew speakers, since it grammatically wrong to say it the way it is attributed here.

It can be assumed that Dubidub didn't have the rights to dub season 5, the movie or Future.


Omer Steinberg

Steven Quartz Universe
Hilly Israel Garnet
Lauren Savir


May Jacobson Pearl
Saar Badishi

Greg Universe
M. Smiley

Anat Slonim Connie

Lapis Lazuli

Guy Rushiniak Lars
Gilan Shahaf



An illegal Persian dub of Steven Universe: The Movie was released on February 2020. The title was translated as دنیای-استیون (Steven's World). The cast of this dub is unknown.


  • Greg Universe sings a part of the intro in several translations of Steven Universe . He sings "Believe in" in the Latin American Spanish version, "già crede" in the Italian version, "tror på" in the Swedish version, "kan tro på" in the Danish version, "Gorliwie" in Polish, ま か せ て .. "(" Makasete ... ") in the Japanese version and" مخيف "(" moukhyfon ") in the second Arabic version. This seems to have been reflected in We Are the Crystal Gems.
  • Some English texts are accompanied by subtitles in the Italian localization (e.g. "We're Closed" in "Laser Light Cannon"), or replaced with Italian ones altogether (The Lonely Blade IV subtitles in Steven the Sword Fighter).
  • Some English texts are replaced in Korea with Korean ones or they are just deleted altogether (Do or Do Nut text in Joking Victim is in Korean, Lonely Blade IV subtitles in Steven the Sword Fighter are deleted).
    • Same thing goes with the French version where they replace the English texts with the French texts.
  • Season 1, Episode 20, "Coach Steven", aired in Korea, Canada, Latin America and Brazil, before it aired in the U.S.
  • Cartoon Network Arabic is the first free to air channel to air Steven Universe, as well as 9Go! in Australia.
  • Beginning with Episode 27, "House Guest" (or Season 1B), all dubs handled by Turner EMEA in PAL territories began using pitch corrected M&E tracks to compensate for the change in framerate. Many dubs still used the 4% higher pitched intro for the remainder of Season 1B, then changed in Season 2, but some European countries are airing the show with the first intro.
  • In the Latin American version, Rose Quartz's name is translated as Rose Cuarzo, unlike the Spanish version where is called Cuarzo Rosa,because "Rose" was taken as a first name, while the translation "Cuarzo Rosa" is used for the rose quartz gems in general.
    • The same happens with Smoky Quartz which is translated as Smoky Cuarzo, while in Spain was translated as Cuarzo Ahumado.
  • Most, if not all, translations are not exact, as there can be variations, that is dialects, within each language that change the meaning and context of the sentence all together, and thus the translation.
  • Katarzyna Łaska (Polish voice of Pearl) played role of Kim in Polish version of "Miss Saigon", just like DeeDee Magno Hall did in English version.
  • In the French version, in the episode Mr. Greg, the songs were left in English with French subtitles. The same happened in the movie.
    • In Future they left only 3 songs in English: Dear Old Dad (but the final part was in French -instead of "you", Greg and Steven sang "toi"-), Can't Hold Me and the Theme Song. All the other songs are dubbed in French.
  • In some dubs, Steven is voiced by a woman, in the European Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, French, Korean, Taiwanese Mandarin, Castilian Spanish, Arabic, Bulgarian, Malay, Indonesian, and Russian dubs, while he is voiced by a male actor in the Cantonese, Japanese, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Dutch, Polish, Finnish, and Hebrew dubs.
    • Since the episode "House Guest", in the Castilian Spanish dub, Steven's singing voice is portrayed by a male actor.
    • Since Steven Universe: The Movie, he is voiced by a male actor in the Latin American Spanish and Indonesian dub.


Intro 1

Intro 2

Extended Intro



