Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

I from Ireland I do not think Ireland even has steven universe(If you Irish can tell me if are dumb RTE every buy steven universe ).In Ireland we has only 5 channel before it was 3 2 year ago.Ireland has it own Censorship and not the same as UK.But if you from Ireland you can buy sky and got the Cartoon Network UK Ireland do not has a Cartoon Network.So UK would buy the right for Cartoon Network UK and RTE(Irish network) would not buy it because the hate pay money for TV show and wait for them to be cheap RTE is super cheap network. So can you wait for Ireland to get steven universe and see if we use the US Steven Universe or UK Steven Universe what every is the cheap RTE would use it I say the US Steven Universe would be the cheap.

Now when you say United Kingdom and Ireland what you say is U.S man or women use the EU network and write US Censorship with EU network Censorship. If you has proof that Ireland do has steven universe I would like to see it.
