"The Cool Kids" is a moniker for a group of teenagers that reside in Beach City, consisting of Buck Dewey, Jenny Pizza, and Sour Cream. Along with Sadie Miller, they formed the band Sadie Killer and the Suspects.
They are seen in the background.
"Lars and the Cool Kids"[]
The three of them are shown together, with Lars constantly trying to impress them. They’re later seen being attack by the magic moss, being saved by Steven and Lars.
"Joking Victim"[]
Lars spends time with them jumping on his trampoline while blowing off plans with Sadie.
"On the Run"[]
The Cool Kids give Steven and Amethyst a ride to the Prime Kindergarten.
"Alone Together"[]
They’re seen dancing at Kevin's party, being interrupted by Stevonnie.
"The Return"[]
The Cool Kids are seen walking around Beach City on the boardwalk.
"Joy Ride"[]
As Steven is looking for Peridot and her Escape Pod, the Cool Kids join him and convince him to loosen up and have fun.
"Sadie's Song"[]
The Cool Kids and Lars are shown watching Beach-a-Palooza.
"Drop Beat Dad"[]
They accompany Sour Cream as he attempts to be a DJ.
"The New Lars"[]
Lars, while being controlled by Steven, is shown talking with the Cool Kids, leaving the, to talk to Sadie.
"Beach City Drift"[]
The Cool Kids are seen hanging out with Kevin as he races cars.
"The New Crystal Gems"[]
Buck’s car is attempted to be washed by an arguing group of the Crystal Temps.
"The Good Lars"[]
The Cool Kids hang out with Sadie and Steven for the day, learning more about and bonding with her.
"Letters to Lars"[]
Lars, while captaining the Sun Incinerator, sees a picture of the band and becomes jealous and starts to cry, later realizing that he’s happy they and Sadie are happy.
"Sadie Killer"[]
The Cool kids yet again spend the day with Sadie, playing music and founding their band Sadie Killer and the Suspects together.
"The Big Show"[]
Once again Sadie Killer and the Suspects is seen playing many songs, this time having Greg as their manager.
"Can't Go Back"[]
When Lapis looks and watches earth, the Cool Kids can be seen waking down the boardwalk.
"What's Your Problem?"[]
They’re seen walking in the background.
The Cool Kids go to Garnet’s wedding, fleeing once the Diamonds invade.
"Change Your Mind"[]
As the Crystal Gems and the Diamond come back to earth, a concert of Sadie Killer and the Suspects is going on.
"Little Graduation"[]
The three of them attend the Off Colors’ graduation, admitting they’re splitting up as a band.
- Each of the Cool Kids resembles one of the Crystal Gems.
- The Cool Kids' personalities match certain aspects of each of the Crystal Gems'.
- Jenny is fun, carefree, tomboyish and counter-dependent, like Amethyst.
- Buck is stoic, quiet, level-headed and independent, with more going on inside his head than he shows on the outside, much like Garnet.
- Sour Cream is artistic and cares about rules such as seat belt safety, similar to Pearl who cares about road safety to the point of not playing a racing game correctly. At the same time, he's also a rebel against what he's "supposed" to be (a fisherman) and both are partly uptight.
- Sour Cream has the most appearances of all the Cool Kids.
- Jenny is the only Cool Kid to not have a solo focus episode.