The Spirit Morph Saga is a series of four books, introduced in "Marble Madness". The series is one of Connie's personal favorites, and, after she introduces it to Steven, she allows him to borrow her copies so that he can start reading the books as well.
The author of the series is unknown, as they have not been mentioned by name, nor is their name visible on any of the books.
A girl named Lisa, unaware she is a witch, discovers the truth and begins to explore her capabilities. Apparently, everyone in the Spirit Morph Saga universe has a familiar, or "spirit companion"; Lisa's is a talking falcon named Archimicarus. Throughout the saga, Lisa quests to find her father after he is kidnapped by a mysterious unknown one-eyed man. The series ends with Lisa and Archimicarus getting married, after Archimicarus transforms into a human.

Lisa and Archimicarus on the cover of The Unfamiliar Familiar
Lisa is the main protagonist of The Spirit Morph Saga who is known for her heroism and use of magic.
Originally, she is unaware that she is a witch. She gains a black eyepatch sometime during the series.
Plinkman is Lisa's father, who dies sometime before the fourth book.
Archimicarus is Lisa's talking falcon, her familiar (or "spirit companion"), who becomes human and marries Lisa in Destiny's End.
The Wind Lizard[]
The Wind Lizard is a character that appeared first in "Open Book" as one of the characters Steven imagines in Rose's Room.
The Wind Lizard, appearing in Destiny's End, is said to live in the mountains. Whenever it opens its mouth, it makes a muffled screaming sound.
The Wind Lizard has a heavy build, four slender limbs and two bird-like wings branching out from its camel-like back, it has two big red eyes with crimson red pupils, with several purple spots scattered on its body and head, along with scratches and a cross-shaped scar.
Unknown One-Eyed Man[]
The Unknown One-Eyed Man is a main antagonist in the series.
- 1st - The Unfamiliar Familiar
- 2nd - Welcome to the Wizard Wilds
- 3rd - Overneath the Underworld
- 4th - Destiny's End
Episode Appearances[]
- The Spirit Morph Saga bears similarities to many urban fantasy series, but seems especially similar to the series His Dark Materials. The main character in the series is a girl named Lyra, who has a familiar named Pantalaimon (also an Ancient Greek name), referred to as a Daemon, which everyone in the world also possesses. She, like Lisa, spends much of the series searching for her father, who has also gone missing. The series also has highly subversive and anti-authoritarian themes, like The Spirit Morph Saga. (The protagonists are literally rebelling against God, referred to in the books as "the Authority".)
- Additionally, the final book of the series, Destiny's End, appears to be an explicit reference to a line from chapter 18 from the first book of His Dark Materials, The Northern Lights, in which the witch Serafina Pekkala says of the protagonist Lyra, "There is a curious prophecy about this child: she is destined to bring about the end of destiny." (This prophecy is indeed subsequently fulfilled in the final book, The Amber Spyglass, the climax of which occurs in a chapter titled "Authority's End".)
- The fact that Connie dislikes the (happy) ending of The Spirit Morph Saga may also be a reference to the unpopular (and very sad) ending of His Dark Materials. Connie also complains about her theory that the final book was censored; the final book of His Dark Materials was, in fact, censored in the US edition, to remove important passages at the book's character climax.
- The last book in the series, Destiny's End, was 917 pages, revealed by Steven when asked by Connie how he felt about the ending in "Open Book".
- The final book contains a "50-page-long" (possibly exaggerated) description of their wedding cake, much to Steven's delight and Connie's dismay. This is somewhat reminiscent of the novel The Princess Bride, in which the book Mr. Goldman is reading contains an entire chapter (which he skims over) describing wedding preparation in extreme detail.
- According to Connie's costume and Steven's drawing, Lisa lost an eye (or got a patch) over the course of the books. Some people believe this may have been when she almost fell into a volcano, mentioned by Connie at the end of Open Book.
- On the covers of the first novel, Lisa is shown with blonde hair, yet the cover of the final novel and Steven's drawing of her and Archimicarus' wedding show her with brunette hair.
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