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This article is about Unknown Gems. You may be looking for Gems with identified Gem types but no recurring roles.

Unknown Gems are Gems who have been visually shown through holograms, drawings, naming or other methods but have not been identified by name and/or Gem type.

Season 1[]

"Cheeseburger Backpack"[]

Several Gems were shown through hologram at the Lunar Sea Spire. The Statue of an unknown Gem-like figure known as the Moon Goddess also appears.

"Serious Steven"[]

There are several murals depicting unknown Gems featured in the Pyramid Temple. In Steven Universe: End of an Era, the uncorrupted form of the Obelisk is named Albite, sharing a very similar design to the depictions seen in the murals.

"Steven the Sword Fighter"[]

Season 2[]

"Sworn to the Sword"[]

"Keeping It Together"[]

"Historical Friction"[]

In Steven and Jamie's play, Beach City or Bust, Obsidian fights with a Corrupted Gem resembling both the corrupted Nephrite and Big Bird.

"When It Rains"[]

There are holograms of many unknown Cluster Gems in the Prime Kindergarten Control Room in "When It Rains".

"The Answer"[]

There are many unknown Gems (represented in silhouettes during Garnet's flashback) in "The Answer". These Gems make up Blue Diamond's court.

Image Color Gemstone (Shape, Location) Other Info
The Answer - Unknown Gem 2
Dark burgundy Oval; right elbow She has a head shape and face similar to that of a Topaz, while her arms and gem resemble that of a Quartz. She physically resembles a Garnet otherwise. She has a couple different hairstyles from different angles. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 3
Teal Tear drop; chest She has pointy hair and a knee length dress. Her outfit and gem shape resemble Aquamarine's while her body type, especially her nose and slender stature, resembles that of a Pearl. She appears to be the same height as Lapis Lazuli. She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 5
Sky blue Tear drop; chest Her hair and dress resembles the "Cat Ear" variety of Jades, though she appears more slender and regal. She also resembles an unknown Gem that appeared in "Cheeseburger Backpack", though is a somewhat different color and has different hair. She calls Garnet "unheard of". She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond, though resembles a Gem that might serve Yellow.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 10
Deep blue Tear drop; back Her body, hair, outfit, gemstone, and gemstone placement are extremely similar to that of Lapis Lazuli. She is either, presumably, the same Gem type or Lapis herself. She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond.
Blue Unknown She has a broken knee length dress. Details about her body, hair, and gemstone are unknown. The Rubies walked past her in her only appearance. She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 9
Deep periwinkle Rectangle; collar She has poofy hair in a bun, and she is wearing a dress. She is very similar to another unknown Gem that appeared in "Cheeseburger Backpack". Her Gem resembles that of a Garnet or a Zircon, but thin like that of Rutile. Her hair resembles the fusion Fluorite, and she has a nose like that of Lapis Lazuli. She has exceptionally small eyes, and calls Garnet "unbelievable". She was later seen in Save the Light. She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 11
Deep tealish-gray Upside-Down Tear Drop; Chest Her hair is similar to that of Doctor Priyanka Maheswaran, and is also similar to an unknown Gem seen in "Cheeseburger Backpack" as well as in Lapis' flashback in "Same Old World". She was later seen in Save the Light. She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 13
Light pink Hexagon; navel Her hair is similar to that of Rainbow Quartz and she has a pointy nose; this unknown Gem is very similar to one seen in "Cheeseburger Backpack" as well as in Lapis' flashback in "Same Old World". She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 17
Pink Rectangle; navel Her hair resembles an upside-down comma, similar to that of the defending Zircon. She also has the a similar gemstone. Her body type and gem also resemble a Garnet, as well as the Crystal Gem Garnet. She was later seen in Save the Light. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 8
Burgundy Rhombus; right eye Her body, hair and gemstone shape are extremely similar to that of a Quartz, more specifically a Jasper. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond. She was shown guarding Blue Diamond's Palanquin.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 7
Pink Rhombus; right eye Her body, hair and gemstone shape are extremely similar to that of a Quartz, more specifically Jasper. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 15
Dark burgundy Circle; chest She is bald and very bulky, muscular, and large. She was poofed by Pearl. Her gemstone is rounded, and her shape and physique bear resemblance to an early design of Watermelon Tourmaline, and may be a normal Tourmaline. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 16
Hot pink Circle; chest She is bald and very bulky, muscular, and large. She was poofed by Pearl. Her gemstone is rounded, and her shape and physique bear resemblance to an early design of Watermelon Tourmaline, and may be a normal Tourmaline. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 14
Bubblegum pink Circle; chest Her hair is in a pointed "swoop", and she is wearing a robe. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
Unknow Gem (Maxixe) by SaulQuartzUniverse
Light indigo Unknown Her hair is similar to that of Padparadscha and is the only Gem whose silhouette does not contain defined hips and hands. Her gemstone's shape and location are currently unknown. She resembles an early design of Larimar, and calls Garnet "disgusting". She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 6
Mauve Circle; left elbow She has hair pointed to the left and a muscular build (somewhat similar to that of a Quartz). Her hair, however, is very short, and her features are rounded. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 1
Salmon Oval; chest She has hair in two buns. Her body shape is similar to that of Hessonite and Pyrope, though she also resembles a Pearl. She appears to mainly belong to Pink Diamond.
The Answer - Unknown Gem 12
Periwinkle Triangle; chest Her hair is similar to Holly Blue Agate and is wearing a floor length dress. This Gem bears an extreme resemblance, in both body shape, gem shape and gem position, with the "Twisted-Bun" variety of Jades seen at the Era 3 Ball in "Together Alone". Her gem changes briefly to an oval in one shot, and her hair seems to change with her mood. She was later seen in Save the Light. She appears to mainly belong to Blue Diamond.

"Message Received"[]

In "Message Received", Yellow Diamond states that Peridot has a manager.

Season 3[]

"Same Old World"[]

There is a group of unknown Gems featured in Lapis' flashback four are similar to a Ruby, a Jade Pixie-Cut, a Peridot and a Yellow Pearl.

Image Color Other Info
Unknown Salmon Gem 1
This unknown Gem is light salmon in color. This unknown Gem has hair that somewhat resembles White Diamond’s, with a much curvier and shorter body.
Unknown Purple Gem 1
This unknown Gem is dull purple in color. This unknown Gem has hair and a body type that very strongly resembles that of a Holly Blue Agate, with a singular eye similar to a Sapphire. The spikes on the side of her head resemble the spikes on Bixbite's helmet.
Unknown Coral Gem 1
This unknown Gem is Coral in color. This Unknown Gem has a bulky and thick body, having short hair.
Unknown Dull Purple Gem
This unknown Gem is dark purple in color. This unknown Gem has short hair that very slightly resembles an Agate’s, with wide but thin shoulders that somewhat resemble an Emerald.

"Monster Reunion"[]

There are a few unknown Gems featured in Nephrite's flashback.


Various unknown Gems were mentioned by Bismuth.

  • Other Amethysts - Former Crystal Gems mentioned by Bismuth.
  • Nephrite - A Homeworld ship pilot, mentioned by Bismuth to Pearl.

Additionally, Bismuth mentions "other Crystal Gems" who appear to be her close friends – "Biggs", "Snowflake", and "Crazy Lace". While unknown at the time, these were later confirmed to be Biggs Jasper, Snowflake Obsidian, and Crazy Lace Agate.


Many Corrupted Gems are seen trapped in cages in the Beta Kindergarten. Their bodies are hidden by shadows and only their glowing yellow eyes can be seen.


Another Corrupted Gem can be seen in a cage. Only her two eyes and large six-clawed hand can be seen.

Season 4[]

"Adventures in Light Distortion"[]

When Steven is adjusting the Roaming Eye's form calibration system for the Crystal Gems, a small type of Gem, possibly a Pebble, Aquamarine or gems of the Earth and Heaven Beetle type, can briefly be seen on the panel, which subsequently alters the Crystal Gems' forms to be small.

Also, a large type of Gem, presumably a Quartz, Topaz, Bismuth, Obsidian, or Tourmaline can be seen.

Season 5[]

"The Trial"[]

The defending Zircon states that Pink Diamond's entourage did not contain any Rose Quartzes and was instead composed of several Agates and Sapphires.

"Off Colors"[]

Various pieces of old statues can be seen at the beginning of the episode. One appears to be a fusion of two unknown Gems, with a large head of an unknown Gem statue can be seen in the distance behind it. Another head of a large statue has a gemstone with the same cut as a Rose Quartz's on its forehead.

Rhodonite's components are an unknown Ruby and Pearl, while Fluorite's components are six unknown Gems.

The Rutile Twins mention in that the moment they emerged, the other Rutiles who saw them ran away in fear because of how they looked.

Morganite, an unknown Gem, is mentioned by Rhodonite. She owned the two halves of Rhodonite before replacing them after they fled. Morganite was supposed to appear in a Steven Universe Future episode, where it would be revealed that Rhodonite's Ruby and Pearl had fallen in love and fused many times before, with Morganite rejuvenating them each time. After getting discovered for the 18th time, the Pearl and Ruby ran away/were exiled by Morganite and joined the Off Colors as Rhodonite. The story ended up shelved for being much too complex for a single episode. It is revealed in Steven Universe: End of an Era that the episode would've also revealed her role in Homeworld society, that being a designer for the Diamond Palanquins.


During Garnet's brief flashback of the Rebellion, two unknown Gem silhouettes appear fighting Pink Diamond alongside Garnet, Pearl and Bismuth.

  • On the left of the image there is a Gem with short hair around the same height of Pearl. She appears to have a thin build. Her hair is similar to the Rutile Twins' or the prosecuting Zircon's.
  • On the right of the image there is a short Gem. She resembles one of the unknown Gems in "The Answer".

"Lars of the Stars"[]

A group of sixty-seven elite Citrines is mentioned by Emerald to have guarded her fastest ship, the Sun Incinerator, on the docking bay of the planet Klavius 7. Lars Barriga and the Off Colors are able to successfully sneak past all of the guards in order to steal the ship. Emerald also mentions that one of the crimes Lars and the Off Colors are accused of is impersonating imperial officers in a cosmic jubilee. While pursuing the Off Colors in her Destiny Destroyer, Emerald commands her crew, who remain offscreen, to fire on the Sun Incinerator's nova thrusters.

"Jungle Moon"[]

In Stevonnie's dream, the name shown on Dr. Maheswaran (who represents Yellow Diamond in the dream)'s phone is Nephrite-XJ Cut-763. She seems to have been reluctant to begin colonizing the planet due to the presence of organic life, causing Yellow Diamond to demand her to do her job, threatening to shatter her and her crew herself otherwise. According to the silhouette on the phone, she has spiky hair.

Yellow Diamond also attempts to contact the leader of the fleet, however, Pink Diamond interrupts her, so the leader's name and appearance are never shown.

"Your Mother and Mine"[]

Unknown Crystal Gems also appeared in the flashback, standing alongside Rose and fighting unknown Homeworld Gems at the Ancient Sky Arena.

Near the end of the episode, Rhodonite said there will be Agates on one of Yellow Diamond's Asteroid Mines that they were heading towards.

"A Single Pale Rose"[]

While Steven is in Pearl's gemstone, he presumably discovered her memories of the abandoned Gem Battlefield the second Pearl sent him to. There when he fell, he saw gemstones of inactive Gems in the sand. Later in the scene when Steven comes back from Pearl's gemstone, there are many Gems that witnessed Pink Diamond's shattering. In a following scene, there is a flail-wielding white Gem that Garnet poofs, and a Gem with a sword that Pearl fights.

"The Question"[]

Ruby mentioned being surrounded by other Rubies before meeting Sapphire.

"Made of Honor"[]

After Bismuth is unbubbled in the Burning Room, she reveals the names of several bubbled (and presumably corrupted) former Crystal Gems that she recognized, including Larimar.

  • "Tiger's Eye" - A corrupted Crystal Gem mentioned by Bismuth, formerly bubbled in the Burning Room, and presumably uncorrupted as of "Change Your Mind ".
  • "Beryl" - A corrupted Crystal Gem mentioned by Bismuth, formerly bubbled in the Burning Room, and presumably uncorrupted as of "Change Your Mind".
  • "Serpentine" - A corrupted Crystal Gem mentioned by Bismuth, formerly bubbled in the Burning Room, and presumably uncorrupted as of "Change Your Mind".

"Legs From Here to Homeworld"[]

Upon the arrival of Pink Diamond's ship, many Gems are seen cheering for the Diamonds. Among the Gems seen in the close-up of the crowd are a group of tall green Gems (possibly Era-1 Peridots or a related type of Gem) a group of short pink Gems, a group of pale blue Gems, and a group of flying Aquamarines.

Image Gemstone Physical Information Other Info
Unknown Peridots
This unknown Gem's gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has deep green skin, unknown colored eyes, and dull yellow hair. She has an appearance that very strongly resembles a Peridot, with the exclusion being her wide and bulky shoulders.
Unknown Blue Crowd Gem
This unknown Gem's gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has dull periwinkle skin, unknown colored eyes, and light gray hair.
Unknown Pink Gem
This unknown Gem's gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has pink skin, unknown colored eyes, and magenta hair with light pink "horns" like Holly Blue Agate.


Yellow Diamond is mentioned to be checking up on Citrine production reports.

Blue Diamond mentions that Pink Diamond used to call a batch of Pyrite "Fool's Gold".

There are several polygonal yellow Sentient Walls, which appear to be powered by an unidentified yellow type of Gem that possesses rhomboidal gemstones. They make up the wall in the hallway leading to Yellow Diamond's Extraction Chamber. These gems have a golden yellow complexion, flattened slab-like arms, and a large, human-like face underneath in a thin, window-like pane of tinted "glass". They all have a rhombus-shaped yellow gemstone on their "foreheads". The opposite side of the hallway appears to contain no imprisoned Gems, as the gemstone slot is empty and the walls lack faces or arms. In "Homeworld Bound", one of these Gems appears to be moving around an in-wall form, the reason for this is unknown as "Familiar" implies that the walls are objects with Gems trapped inside. It is also possible that these gems are of a specific gem type made exclusively for this purpose, and require to be attached to these walls in order to function.

There are also several statues making up a part of the entryway to Blue Diamond's pool chamber. One statue appears to have the capability to blink, confirming the gemstone embedded in the statue's forehead to be that of a living Gem.

"Together Alone"[]

Various types of Garnets — Demantoids, Hessonites, and Pyropes — are mentioned by Blue Diamond when she taunts Garnet.

There are two green statue-like structures, appearing to be Gems imprisoned in objects, each with a disco ball inside of their cage-like bodies and two large outstretched hands. The gemstones powering these devices cannot be seen.

Next to these statues, other, possibly Gem powered, statues are seen playing what appear to be some sort of trumpet. Their Gems are on their foreheads, and they are also green.

"Change Your Mind"[]

In Steven's dream flashback, Blue Diamond mentions a Kyanite colony. The silhouettes of unknown Gems can be seen surrounding and staring at Steven during his dream. Inside Yellow Diamond's Bubble Chamber, there are a number of unknown bubbled Cluster Gems. There are also yellow Sentient Bridges seen leading to Yellow Diamond's Bubble Chamber and on the bridge Yellow and Blue Diamond land on during their fight.

An unknown brown haired Gem appears when the corrupted gems are healed, likely being a Quartz due to having thick and messy hair.

Steven Universe: The Movie[]

During the broadcast of Steven's message, many unidentified Gems are gathered in a crowd at the Diamond Palace. On an unknown beach planet, several unidentified Gems can be seen viewing the message on a beach including two gems resembling the Heaven and Earth Beetles and a Peridot.

On another unknown planet dominated by a large city, a group of Gems is watching from a balcony. This group includes two Zircons, a Holly Blue Agate, a presumed Lapis Lazuli, two Topazes, multiple Quartzes, a Ruby, a Pearl, and two Peridots.

Image Gemstone Physical Information Other Info
Unknown Purple-Lilac Gem from Movie by Kyrope
This unknown Gem’s gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has purple skin, unknown colored eyes, and lavender hair. She has hair that somewhat resembles a Pearl’s, while her body type appears to be much taller and more angular.
Unknown Claret Red Gem from Movie by Kyrope
This unknown Gem’s gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has light pink skin, unknown colored eyes, and bright plum hair. She has a nose that resembles a Pearl’s, however her body is much taller and curvier.
Unknown Green Gem from Movie by Kyrope
Unknown Green Gem Gemstone Final

This unknown Gem’s gemstone is located on her left temple.
This unknown Gem has light green skin, unknown colored eyes, and dull olive hair. She has a bulky body like a Quartz, with hair that resembles a Peridot’s.
Unknown Reddish-Pink Gem from Movie by Kyrope
This unknown Gem’s gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has warm pink skin, unknown colored eyes, and light pink hair. She wears shoulder pads and boots that are reminiscent of the ones worn by Yellow Diamond, however none of her other design elements are.
Unknown Yellow Gem
This unknown Gem’s gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has bright yellow-green skin, unknown colored eyes, and light chartreuse hair. She has a color scheme that strong resembles a Peridot, with a body type that somewhat resembles a Quartz.
Unknown Pink Gem 1
This unknown Gem’s gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has dull pink skin, unknown colored eyes, and dark green hair. She has a similar body type to a Garnet, with a color scheme reminiscent of a Watermelon Tourmaline.
Unknown Pink Gem 2
This unknown Gem’s gemstone is located in an unknown place. This unknown Gem has light coral skin, unknown colored eyes, and light yellow hair. She has hair that strongly resembles that of a Peridot, with a body that is wider and more angular than a Peridot however.

Other Media[]

Heap of Trouble[]

Multiple unknown Gems in Heap of Trouble.

Soundtrack Attack[]

The playable characters are chased by their superior, one for each Gem. The personality for each is roughly the same; she comes to Earth for her escaped underling and becomes increasingly frustrated over her repeated escapes, before finally giving up and leaving the planet with a threat that Homeworld will deal with them soon enough. Their Gem types and gemstone locations are unknown, but their body types are similar to the Gem under them.

Save the Light[]

During a flashback to Hessonite's past several unknown Gems are seen during the war.

Gems referred to as Citrines by Garnet can be heard guarding a door on Hessonite's Warship and believe they're hearing a Nephrite drill.

Unleash the Light[]

An item known as the Sun Goddess Statue appears as an item, said to be a sister relic to the Moon Goddess Statue. It appears to somewhat resemble White Diamond.

Steven Universe comics[]

Cover C for the third issue of the original Steven Universe comics features Steven, Connie Maheswaran and Onion riding a roller coaster with a ride based on a Fusion in the background; the forehead gemstone, ballerina-esque clothing and orange hair make it clear Pearl is one of the components, though who the other is and the identity of the Fusion herself is unknown.

On the fifth issue of the 2017 version, Garnet carries an unknown bubbled Gem. There are also many unknown gems in bubbles featured in the covers.

The Steven Universe: Warp Tour cover features several bubbled gems floating in a space.

In Steven Universe: Crystal Clean, four unnamed Homeward Gems appear during a flashback.


  • The gems depicted in the "Serious Steven" mural resemble concept art of Albite, the now uncorrupted Gem that powered the Pyramid Temple's obelisk.[1]
    • The third Gem depicted on the far right of the mural is colored with a yellow tint and pictured in front of the sun, that along with the shape of her hair gives her a striking resemblance to the Sun Goddess Statue seen in Unleash the Light,
      • With the mural depicting three gems of a similar shape and stature, it's possible they belong to the same gem class. Real life albite gems belong to the feldspar group, which includes also sunstone.
  • The unknown Quartz warrior pictured in "Sworn to the Sword" is voiced by Michaela Dietz, implying she might have been an Amethyst.
  • The mineral classification of the now uncorrupted Crystal Gems are as follows (as mentioned by Bismuth):
    • "Tiger's Eye" is a variety of quartz.
    • "Beryl" is a mineral type that includes various gems like aquamarine, emerald, morganite, and bixbite.
      • The only specific variant referred to simply as beryl is red beryl, formerly named bixbite. However, it's unknown whether Beryl would be of the same gem type as Bixbite.
    • "Serpentine" refers to different gems that come from the rock serpentinite.
  • Pink Diamond calling the Pyrites "Fool's Gold" is a tie to the nickname given to the real life rock.
  • During the Reddit Q and A , Rebecca Sugar explains the personality of a Lepidolite Gem, were one to ever to appear in the series.

See also[]


ve Characters in Steven Universe
Crystal Gems Human-Gem Hybrids: Steven Universe

Unfused Gems: AmethystBiggs JasperBismuthLapis LazuliLarimarPearlPeridotRubySapphireSnowflake Obsidian
Fusion Gems: AlexandriteCrazy Lace AgateGarnetMega PearlObsidian (Rose Quartz Fusion)OpalRainbow QuartzSardonyxSugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Obsidian (Steven fusion)Rainbow Quartz 2.0Smoky QuartzStegStevonnieSunstone
Inactive Gems: Rose Quartz
Humans: Connie Maheswaran
Pets: LionPumpkinCat Steven

Homeworld Gems Unfused Gems: CombyEmeraldPebblesSapphiresSpinel

Fusion Gems: MalachiteTopazZebra Jasper (fusion)Giant RubyRuby (triple fusion)Lemon JadeBluebird Azurite
Inactive Gems: Pink Diamond

Off Colors Unfused Gems: PadparadschaRutile Twins

Fusion Gems: FluoriteRhodonite
Humans: Lars Barriga

Other Gems (Formerly) Corrupted Gems: AlbiteAngel Aura QuartzBig BirdBiggs JasperBixbiteBlue ChalcedonyBlue Lace AgateCherry QuartzChrysocollaDesert GlassEarth BeetleElectric SkullsGrossular DiopsideHeaven BeetleJasperLace AmethystLarimarMoonstoneNephriteOcean JasperOrange SpodumeneSnowflake ObsidianTongue MonsterUnknown Giant Gem MonsterWater BearWatermelon TourmalineWhite TopazZebra Jasper (singular)Minor Corrupted Gems

Corrupted Gem-produced monsters: CentipeetlesCrab Monsters

Other Gems: Smoke MonsterMinor GemsUnknown Gems (Morganite • Nephrite-XJ Cut-763 • Unknown Quartz Warrior • Blue Diamond's Court • Pink Diamond's EntourageUnknown Crystal Gems67 Elite CitrinesPyritesKyanites)

Forced Fusions: Cluster Gems (The Cluster)

Comic Gems: Ant Gem MonsterClock Tower GemFrozen FragmentGlass GhostInvisible Manta RayMole Gem MonsterMolluskMonster Lizard GemObeliskOld Book GemPlant MonsterPerils of PweepweeRainbow Cloud MonsterRed Bird Gem MonsterRed Eel MonsterScorching ShardSlime Gem MonsterSlug MonsterSnowbeastTentacle MonsterUnknown Giant BirdVine Monsters

Other Major Characters Humans: Greg UniverseSadie Miller
Recurring Characters Humans: Andy DeMayoBarbara MillerBill DeweyBuck DeweyBuddy BuddwickDante and Martha BarrigaDoug MaheswaranPriyanka MaheswaranHarold SmileyJamieJaneJenny PizzaKevinKiki PizzaKofi PizzaMartyMr. FrymanMystery GirlNanefua PizzaOnionPeedee FrymanQuentin FrowneyRonaldo FrymanShepSour CreamSuitcase SamVidaliaYellowtailZoomans (F-3Jay-TenU-12Wy-Six)

Others: Baby MelonBlue CrabsCactus StevenHolo-PearlMagic MossSteven Jr.Watermelon Stevens

Minor Characters Humans: The Best Diner in the World's WaitressEmpire City Wildlife Rehabilitation Center EmployeeGaryGreg's family (Aunt and Uncle • Aunt DebGrandfatherParentsGreat-aunt Gregargia) • Hospital Employees (Dr. GeroDr. StrombergDr. West) JeffKhajima, Jaime, and BrandishMarty's RoadiesMayoral BodyguardsMike KrolOnion's Friends (Garbanzo • Pinto • Soup • Squash) • Patricia and DanielRickySabinaSteven's BabysitterSunshine JusticeWilliam Buford BuchananWilliam DeweyMinor Human Characters

Animals: Butt LobsterCrystal BasiliskDogGiant BirdMask Island BirdsMask Island FishMask Island WormOnion's MouseOnion's SnakeParty GuyRaccoonSeagullsSnakeSteven The ThirdSusanMinor Animal Characters
Aliens: Beetle AliensBird Blob AliensUngulate AliensWorm AliensFlower-Like AliensMinor Alien Characters

Fictional Characters Cookie CatDogcopterMearlPizza JennyMinor Fictional Characters

Camp Pining Hearts: PaulettePercyPierre
"Garnet's Universe": FoxmanHopperHoppyRingo
Golf Quest Mini: AceAce's Father
Li'l Butler: Li'l ButlerMr. MoneyMrs. MoneyDaughter Money • Dirtbike Money
Lonely Blade: Evil JanitorLonely BladeLonely Blade's Brother
Rose's Room: Cloud ConnieTiny Floating Whale
The Spirit Morph Saga: ArchimicarusLisaPlinkmanWind Lizard

Non-Gem Antagonists Blood PolypCrystal ShrimpDrill ParasitesFableFryboHolo-ConnieShadow ConnieWater Clones
Alter Egos Billy Bank AssetsChunk TruckConcrete HeatDashing Danny DooberHandsome Hank HackleschmidtHowl JonesLoch Ness BloggsterPurple PumaSea WaspShark-O-ManiaTiger Millionaire
Attack the Light Blue LightGreen LightIndigo LightOrange LightRed LightViolet LightWhite LightYellow Light

Groups: Light ArmyBlue Monsters • Green Monsters • Indigo MonstersOrange MonstersRed Monsters

Groups The Cool Kids • Crystal GemsCrystal Temps • The "Famethyst" • The Great Diamond Authority • Homeworld Gems • Off ColorsSadie Killer and the SuspectsSecret Team • Steven and the Stevens • ZoomansSpecies
Gem Types Aquamarines • BismuthsDiamonds • GarnetsJades • Lapis Lazulis • Nephrites • Pearls • PebblesPeridots • Quartzes • Rubies • Sapphires • Topazes • Zircons