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Steven Universe Wiki

Aptos Aptos 8 January 2016

Optimized Gems

This is my first blog, so I will just discuss the optimization of gems per their caste. I feel like this may give the homeworld gems more sympathy, despite keeping a caste system.

The major thing to note is that these castes homeworld keeps are not simply to hold gems in line. Gems are just optimized for their job. Quartzes of cours are set up as warriors, and pearls are set up custom, but these are very generic positions. What about an actuary?

They calculate risk of certain events to prevent loss. Sound familiar? Sapphires, while rare, are perfectly made for this. They have evasive and defensive measures to be safe, and future vision to calculate future events. Even unlikely or rare jobs are shown having gems.

Homeworld is not just forcing …

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