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Steven Universe Wiki

"Distort and Within Despair"

The episode starts with Steven watching Crying Breakfast Friends, then Amethyst came to his room and asked him why does he keep watching the cartoon, Steven told her that the cartoon has more seasons so he watches it, And Amethyst, kind of confused, leaves his room then groans in pain. Steven immediately got up and ran to her, asking her what is wrong, Amethyst shows her slightly broken gem and nearly cries, Pearl and Garnet came back, when they saw her, they were shocked.

Pearl worriedly asks Amethyst how did she crack her gem, Amethyst doesn't know how her gem got slightly cracked, Pearl gasps in horror, then Garnet says that The Distortion Tower can break gems instantly or sometimes, crack them. Steven asks Pearl what is the Distortion Tower, Pearl answers him by saying, "Steven.. The tower is an ancient structure used by Homeworld, and-", Peridot interrupted her by saying that The Distortion Tower is really dangerous and was used to break gems almost instantly and it has to be destroyed before it reaches them and crack their gems.

Peridot is scared then she cowers in fear, then Amethyst's gem gets cracked slightly again, She didn't glitch or anything, Pearl continues, "It can send powerful waves all over the planet! even Homeworld.". Amethyst speaks backwards and Steven doesn't understand her, Suddenly, they hear a loud noise and the Crystal gems gets their gems slightly cracked, even Steven. Garnet orders the gems to go there before it gets more worse, they agree and they go to the warp pad then warps there.

They successfully warp into the tower and Pearl sighs in relief then says, "Good thing it didn't interrupt the warp stream..", Steven is horrified at the sight of the Distortion Tower, Peridot says to him that she knows that feel.Pearl says that she has been inside the tower for more than 6000 years, Peridot, staring at the top of the tower says that they have to reach the top to get it disabled so their gems can get back to normal. They agree and they go inside, while they are inside, Steven is asking Pearl how did she know about the place. Pearl answers them that she was here, working for the Homeworld gems, When she was against them, she escaped the tower and never returned. She also says that she was with another Pearl, Steven asks her who sheis, Pearl replies by saying, ".. Pink Pearl.". Peridot, annoyed, motions them to come to the elevator that's shaped like a ball, Amethyst is covering her gem.

They follow Peridot then they get inside the elevator, Steven looks down and he sees the ground is full of crystallized trees. When the elevator reached the top of the tower, it opens for them to get out of it. They get out and see a large gem powering the machine, To get this gem out of the machine, they have to fuse. Amethyst can't fuse because her gem is cracked, the machine emits a powerful wave and Garnet immediately says, "DUCK!", they do so, but Amethyst didn't, thus breaking her gem instantly. They all stare at her broken gem, horrified, Pearl sobs and tells Garnet to fuse. Garnet is sobbing too, she nodded, and they fused into Sardonyx. Her tears are shown falling down her cheeks.

Peridot, sobbing a bit, says, "Good news.. If this machine is broken, Amethyst will be back! even the other gems will be too.". She wipes the tears, so does Sardonyx, then she smiles, She says, "Then let's get this lovely show started!", Sardonyx summons her warhammer and jumps at the machine then stops. Her warhammer turns into a drill then gets the gem out, the gem falls to the ground, it didn't break. Sardonyx starts to break the machine wildly, Peridot is surprised. The machine got broken then Sardonyx unfused. Pearl and Garnet are looking at each other, they blushed.

A minute passed, then Amethyst's gem got fixed and healed, she came back then the Crystal gems immediately hugged her, she said, "Hugging again!? fine..", she blushed and hugged them back. Pearl stops hugging Amethyst,and tells Peridot what does she mean about the other gems will be too, Peridot answers her by saying that thegems in Homeworld got broken too. Pearl blankly stares at her then nods slowly, Steven asks them if they can get back to Beach City, He would make hot dogs with Greg, then the Crystal gems left the tower with their gems healed, and they warped back to the Crystal Temple.

Fact! The Distortion Tower thing can fix and heal gems if the machine inside got broken, Thanks to Peridot.                         

If they didn't break the machine, they will be shattered.. You can guess what will happen to Steven if his gem got broken. Also.. Remember, this is a DREAMY episode.    
