Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

Just thought that should repost this since the last ones comments are disabled.

Attention, my fellow Wikipedia editors! I have discovered a huge problem that must be addressed!

Did you know that most character pages on here don't have solid history like Rose, Lapis, Peridot and Jasper? Sure, they are important to the story of Steven Universe but that's just it. They are the only characters with properly explained history, even getting history pages because of the shear size of that kind of information. We, that is to say me, the admins and staff, and trusted editors, are planning on making history pages for Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven but each is a big project on it's own since they appear in the most of the episodes in the series. They deserve to have their history typed down just as much as the other characters that were named. Connie and Greg would benefit from history pages as well since they've both developed quite immensely, as we know. Other pages like Rose's scabbard, you know the object, not the episode, need updating too. But let us focus on characters for now. Unbelievably, most characters on this site don't have an up-to-date history of their known lives and past. Yes, the Crystal Gems, Greg and Connie, as well as any characters that already have them, are definitely characters that need history pages. Everyone else just needs more history added to their main page honestly until further notice. There are even characters that don't even have a history section on their page, like Cloud Connie! It's a problem we have to solve, by working together!

The users that have agreed with this project so far include myself, SnowySilver, Angry Hearts, Lenhi the bureaucrat, and Amethystkitten the administrator. Consult us on joining in if you would like. If you do so, make sure to update one of us on your progress please. Mostly me or one of the admins I have mentioned.

Status Update of the project: We have history pages for Greg, Connie and Garnet now, but all of them still need lots of work and we still need more fixed up. One of my biggest concerns is that each of them don't seem to focus on the characters they are supposed to focus on, Garnet's history especially. But don't feel too bad about it, I'm just glad those histories exist at all now! Still did a great job guys! 😊👍👌❤️ You can ask more about this problem in the comments if you are curious about what I mean.

P.S.: Amethyst's history and Pearl's history were also created even more recently. Feel free to help with those too.

Note: I know that the comments are probably dead on the other one, but to be honest, I did say this is a long term project. The comments should have stayed open honestly. I would have updated it sooner, but I was blocked too much to have time for that. Oh well, hopefully you guys see this soon!
