Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

Welcome to a Steven Universe Community Activity Blog! We did this back in May-June, but I've had requests for us to do it again. Let's see how it goes-

This is how the Avatar Switch works: If you, in the comments, volunteer, your name will go on this list

Then once we have a sufficient number of volunteers I will randomly assign you a person who will choose an avatar for you and someone who you get to choose for, you must wear that avatar for 24 hours or else.... I'm not sure or else, but it is a community thing. It is fun, give it a shot

The Random List Once Generated[]

You will provide an avatar for the person below you. More will be explained later.

Also, don't be afraid to give your fellow wikian an embarrassing avatar.

After Assignments are Done[]

Please provide the link to the photo in a comment once you see who you are assigning an avatar for. Keep the avatars PG.


Comment your name below if you want to participate in a fun Steven Universe Community Activity (sorta like not-so-secret Santa).
