Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki
Steven Universe Wiki

Season 1[]

Nice van. Really living the high life.

—"Story for Steven"

Season 2[]

Is that Steven? Look at him! He looks just like Greg. That's good, That's good, he used to be super-hot.

—"Onion Friend"

Now, tell me, Steven, aren't we just the spitting image of mischief?
Amethyst: You're wearing slippers!
You don't know what I've done in these shoes.

—"Onion Friend"

And Steven, he loves talking about you.

—"Onion Friend"

It's just a little dish I like to call, "Noodles and Butter".

—"Onion Friend"

It's just been me and Yellowtail for a while.

—"Onion Friend"

Next thing you know, I'm living with the fisherman.

—"Onion Friend"

What can you do? Kids gotta express themselves.

—"Onion Friend"

Oh, whenever Sour Cream starts DJ-ing he uses up all the electricity in the house. Good thing Yellowtail isn't here, it drives him nuts!

—"Onion Friend"

Hey, we don't always get along in this family. Yellowtail and Sour Cream are always at each other's throats. It makes me nuts.

—"Onion Friend"

Looks like he's ready for you Steven.

—"Onion Friend"

You know how much I wanted to be like you? I still think about it. To be honest, that's why I started painting you again. I'm... I'm inspired by you, Amethyst.

—"Onion Friend"

Thanks for breaking into my house.

—"Onion Friend"

Well, whatever you are, don't be a stranger.

—"Onion Friend"

Season 3[]

Thanks for leaving me all the cereal dust, Greg!

—"Greg the Babysitter"

Got to grow up sometime.

—"Greg the Babysitter"

Hello? Uh-huh. Wait, what do you mean you can't come? Death in the family? Wait, a hamster doesn't count! You can't do this to me! Look, I -- I really need - Hey! Hello? Aaaah! Lousy 12-year-old!

—"Greg the Babysitter"

And if anything bad happens to my kid, you better pray your space goddess' magic can bring people back from the dead, because I will destroy you.

—"Greg the Babysitter"

Okay? Your shirt's clean. You want it back, or are you just gonna go for a topless stroll?
Greg: Hey, we all got to grow up sometime, right?
That's not really relevant to my question.

—"Greg the Babysitter"

Season 5[]

Sure, I could use a break. I've been working on this still life of a step stool, but I just don't feel inspired.

—"Pool Hopping"

So you wanna be my muse, eh?

—"Pool Hopping"

Steven: Sorry, Vidalia! Maybe next time!
But wait! Your essence!

—"Pool Hopping"

ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
