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Steven Universe Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of "Warp Tour". Feel free to edit or add to this page, as long as the information comes directly from the episode.
Previous: "Lion 3: Straight to Video" Next: "Alone Together"
Speaker Dialogue
[Open Ext. Flower Meadow]
(The Crystal Gems are returning to the Warp Pad in the middle of a flower meadow, discussing their latest Gem monster encounter.)
Pearl I can't believe that went so well!
Amethyst That was kinda great when you hit it with your spear and it went, like, "bing-bong!" *makes explosion sounds*
Pearl *blushes* And the way you were circling around it? Almost looked like strategy.
Amethyst *laughs and blushes* Well, you know, I can do that stuff, too.
(Garnet sends a bubbled gem, as Steven emerges from the meadow with runny eyes and nose.)
Steven Wait up!... *panting heavily* Sorry I couldn't help much, I think the flowers are making me— Ah... Aaah... *sneezes at Garnet's hip* Sorry, Garnet.
Garnet I'll live.
Pearl Oh, Steven, you're supposed to sneeze into your antecubital fossa.
Steven My what?
Pearl Your... This thing. *points to her inner elbow*
(Steven looks at his elbow as the Crystal Gems warp out. They travel through the warp stream when Steven feels the urge to sneeze again.)
Amethyst Do it at Pearl! *points at Pearl*
Pearl *panics* Steven, your fossa!
(Steven sneezes downwards, propelling himself upward in the warp stream.)
Pearl Oh!
Steven Whoa! Wha? *breathing heavily* Whoa.
(Steven's head pops out of the warp stream and Steven is able to see the Warp Space, cackling with lightnings everywhere. He then sees another warp stream, carrying a small object through it.)
Steven Huh? Whoa!
Pearl *pulls Steven back into the stream* Careful! It's dangerous to stick your head out of the stream!
Garnet There's not much air, and it's very cold. *flicks the frozen snot off Steven's nose*
Steven You guys, I saw something out there!
Pearl What?
Steven Something warping!
Pearl Steven, that's not possible. Is your vision blurry from the pollen?
Steven I can see perfectly... *squints his eyes* Pearl? I know there's something out there!
Garnet There's nothing out there, Steven. There hasn't been anything else for a long, long time.
[Trans. Int. Beach House]
(Steven is lying in bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to sleep for the night. He slowly drifts off to sleep, but then snaps himself back awake. He turns to look at the Temple Gate's warp pad, when the kitchen refrigerator suddenly opens, startling him.)
Steven Aaah! Amethyst!
Amethyst *munching on food from the refrigerator* Hey, Steven! Want some macaroni cheese? *continues munching*
Steven *sighs, as Amethyst returns back into the temple, and halts her* W-wait! I can't sleep.
Amethyst Why? Are you scared of that thing you saw warping right into the house and attacking you in your sleep?!
Steven ... No...?
Amethyst Oh, good! Good. Nighty night! Don't let the warp monster bite! *blows a raspberry and laughs loudly as she enters her room*
Steven *sighs, arms himself with a water gun and stands on guard at the front door* Looks like I'm not sleeping tonight.
[Time Skip — Next morning]
(Steven is fast asleep, leaning against the front door, water gun in hand.)
Pearl Steven~ *poking Steven on his forehead* We've got a surprise for you~
Steven Aah! Aghh! *abruptly wakes up and shoots the water gun at Pearl in panic*
Pearl Gah! *falls on the floor, drenched*
Steven Oh, Pearl.
Garnet *reveals a tray of cookies behind her back* Now you're not getting any cookies.
Amethyst Cookies?! I'll take 'em!
(Garnet whistles Amethyst over, and she grabs the tray of cookies and gobbles them all up.)
Garnet Slow down, Amethyst.
Steven I'm sorry, Pearl. I just, I guess I didn't...
Garnet Didn't sleep.
Steven *yawns with visible eye bags* Maybe.
Pearl Oh, Steven! *wipes her eyes* This isn't about the thing you think you saw outside the warp stream yesterday, is it?
(Amethyst tosses the cookie tray away, making a loud "clang" and startling the others.)
Steven But it was real! Something was warping somewhere in the warp!
Pearl *puts both hands on Steven's cheeks* Listen. Nothing on Earth can use the warps but us. Do you understand? (Steven looks away.) Steven, nod in agreement if you understand. Nod in agreement—
Garnet I'm confident Pearl is right. But if it'll make you feel better, we can just go check.
(Steven removes Pearl's hands off of his cheeks and nods, smiling gratefully. Steven first warp the Gems back to the flower meadow.)
Garnet Nothing unusual. (Steven sneezes.) Bless you.
(The Crystal Gems then warp to the Geode.)
Pearl Nothing here, either. And the geode is holding nicely.
(The Crystal Gems then warp to the Sky Spire.)
Amethyst Whoa! Now that's something! *points at Steven Jr. nearby, with a pair of kids* Heh. Steven Jr.'s been busy. *laughs* This makes you a grandpa!
Garnet *rubs Steven's head gently* Congratulations.
Steven Hey! We're getting off task here!
Pearl We've looked all over! There's nothing out here to find!
Steven *mumbles and rolls his eyes* But you're wrong.
Pearl Excuse me?!
Steven *looks at Pearl in suprise* I-I mean-
Pearl Nothing on Earth can use these warps but us!
Steven Well, what if it came from space?
Pearl I-... don't appreciate your tone.
(The Crystal Gems then warp to the Galaxy Warp.)
Pearl *walks towards to the Homeworld warp* These are the warps that once connected us to other planets. If something tried to come from space, it would be through here. But wait! This warp pad is broken'!' Marked inactive by the very "depressed" cartoon breakfast sticker you placed here yourself!
Amethyst *walks up to Steven and nuzzles against him* Look, Pearl's right, like usual. Ugh! You get used to it.
Garnet *places her hand on Steven's head, which he quickly grabs away* We're safe.
Steven Well, I guess so.
(Steven places his hand besides the Crying Breakfast Friends sticker, still unhappy, while the Gems sigh in relief.)
Amethyst Oh, man! Finally! That took all day.
Garnet It was important to make Steven feel secure.
Pearl Yes, Steven feels much better now.
Steven *gets angrier* I'm a little tired... of you guys telling me how I feel! I know I saw something outside the stream!
Pearl And I know you didn't!
(Pearl and Steven begin to argue.)
Pearl/Steven You don't tell me what I already know!/Why is it so hard to just "listen to Steven"? You don't care what I have to say! You just want to do it your way!
(Amethyst and Garnet both look at each other.)
Amethyst Uh, this is new. I kind of like it.
Pearl *rolling her eyes* Steven, you just don't know what you're talking about.
Steven It sounds like... maybe... YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!
Pearl *frustrated* Ugh!
Garnet *gets in between Steven and Pearl* Okay, Steven, that's enough. Let it go.
[Int. the Beach House]
(Amethyst exits her room and sees Steven sitting in front of the warp pad, still in unrest.)
Amethyst Hey, dude.
(An exhausted Steven looks up at Amethyst briefly, then back to the warp pad.)
Amethyst *walks up to Steven* You still on about that thing in the stream? (Steven shrugs.) Uh, what'cha eating? *points at a bowl on Steven's lap*
Steven Macaroni and nothing. *eats a spoonful of macaroni*
Amethyst Ugh, whatever. We can hang out again when you stop being such a sad sack. *closes door*
Steven Ugh! Why am I doing this? Fine. I give up! *to the house* Steven was wrong and everyone else was right! Nothing's going to come through that warp pad!
(A spherical object suddenly crashes through the ceiling of the house and onto the floor. It slowly activates, revealing to be a robonoid, and walks towards the warp pad.)
Steven *starts laughing hysterically* You were the thing in the warp stream! *looking at the hole in the ceiling* You did come from space! *gasps* You're trying to get to the warp pad, aren't ya?
(The robonoid tries to get around Steven, who is blocking its path.)
Steven Amethyst, come back! Oof!
(The robonoid pounces at Steven, knocking him back, and lands on his chest.)
Steven I knew it, I did see something!
(The robonoid opens a hatch and reveals a small cannon.)
Steven Guys, I was right! Waah!
(The robonoid shoots green goo at him and Steven pins it to the floor.)
Steven Guys! Come on, check this out! Ow!
(The robonoid then attacks Steven with its legs. He grabs one of its legs and throws it at the warp pad, cracking both the robonoid and the warp pad.)
Steven Aah! Sorry!
(The damaged robonoid fixes the crack of the warp pad, by spraying green goo at it, and then begins to activate it.)
Steven Huh?... Oh no, you don't! *leaps at the robonoid* Garnet! Amethyst! Pearl!...
(Steven and the robonoid get warped away and travel through the warp stream.)
Steven Where are you going?!
(More robonoids appear inside the warp stream.)
Steven Huh? You-You're coming from all over? (The robonoids start attacking Steven too.) Ow! Hey! Stop it! Whoa! Huh?
(The robonoids pile on Steven and attempt to shove him out of the warp stream. His head is forced out, and he can see several other warp streams in the Warp Space, transporting more robonoids towards a single destination.)
Steven Unnhhh! I won't... let you... Unh!
(Steven tries to force his way back in the warp stream, but the robonoids manage to shove him out. Steven begins floating away in the Warp Space, still clutching a robonoid.)
Steven *gasps for breath and shivers* I was right. *chuckles weakly* And now I'm gonna die... a tired... frozen little... sad sack. (A warp stream then activates behind him.) Huh?
(A pair of hands reaches out of the warp stream and pulls Steven inside, revealing to be Garnet. Steven holds onto Garnet tightly as he weeps, shivers and gasps for air.)
Garnet Take deep breaths. *takes the robonoid from Steven* So, this is what you saw.
Steven *tearfully* I don't care about that!
Garnet I do. *adjusts her visor* I should've listened to you. *smiles* You're a Crystal Gem, too.
(Steven smiles in content at Garnet.)
Pearl Steven! *catches up in the warp stream* Are you okay?! Amethyst heard the Warp Pad activate, and Garnet said you were floating outside the stream and... *sees the robonoid in Garnet's hand* Uh... what is that?
Steven You don't know?
Amethyst Woah, that thing's far out.
Steven It's some kind of space robot. There were tons of them. And it looked like they were all going to the same place.
(The Crystal Gems follow through the warp stream and arrive at the Galaxy Warp. The robonoid in Garnet's hand escapes and walks up towards the warp pad to Homeworld, joining several other robonoids. The Crystal Gems run forwards and see all the robonoids spraying green goo on the Homeworld warp.)
Pearl What are they doing to the Homeworld warp?!
Amethyst There's a million of them! (The robonoids back off as the Homeworld warp appears good as new.) They fixed it?!
Steven What does that mean?
Pearl *jumps in* Ah- I... don't know!
(The Homeworld warp begins to activate and the Crystal Gems gasp in shock. Garnet quickly grabs Steven, Pearl and Amethyst and hides behind a tall rock. They watch at an unknown Gem arrives, looks around, and lightly stomps on the Homeworld warp.)
Peridot Hmm.
Pearl *whispering* Who is that?
Garnet *whispering* No idea.
Peridot *turns on a screen with her floating fingers* Log date, 3 1 2. (A robonoid crawls up on to her shoulder.) This is Peridot, performing Earth hub maintenance check.
Steven Peridot. Her name is Peridot.
(Pearl and Amethyst quickly cover his mouth.)
Peridot Warp repair a success. All 79 Flask Robonoids deployed and accounted for. Preparing to locate and manually reactivate Kindergarten- *pauses and looks down*
(The Flask Robonoid that was damaged by Steven tries to crawl up Peridot's leg, but falls off and rolls back and forth.)
Steven *peeking* Aww. The little ones are like her babies.
(Peridot, annoyed, steps on the damaged Flask Robonoid and presses against it, until it is crushed under her foot. Steven gasps loudly but quickly covers his mouth. Pearl and Amethyst raise their hands to pull Steven back in hiding, but he waves his hand at both of them and gets back down himself.)
Peridot Now to access the domestic warp.
(Peridot walks down the steps of the Homeworld warp.)
Peridot Huh?
(Peridot sees the Crying Breakfast Friends sticker on the Homeworld warp and picks it up.)
Peridot Huh. *looks around* This site may have been compromised.
(Peridot returns back on the Homeworld warp and warps away, leaving a glowing green stone behind. The stone starts beeping and then detonates, deactivating all the Flask Robonoids. The Crystal Gems then come out of hiding.)
Pearl They're coming back. I can't do this. *covers her face in fear* Not again.
Amethyst We're dead! We are so dead!
Steven Was that another Gem? Where did she come from? What was she trying to do? Huh?
Garnet *approaches the Homeworld warp* It doesn't matter. *summons her gauntlets*
Steven & Amethyst Whoa...
(Steven, Pearl and Amethyst watch as Garnet enlarges her gauntlets to a giant size and smashes the Homeworld warp.)
Garnet She's not coming back!

ve Transcripts
Pilot Pilot
Season 1 A: Gem GlowLaser Light CannonCheeseburger BackpackTogether BreakfastFryboCat FingersBubble BuddiesSerious StevenTiger MillionaireSteven's LionArcade ManiaGiant WomanSo Many BirthdaysLars and the Cool KidsOnion TradeSteven the Sword FighterLion 2: The MovieBeach PartyRose's RoomCoach StevenJoking VictimSteven and the StevensMonster BuddiesAn Indirect KissMirror Gem/Ocean Gem

B: House GuestSpace RaceSecret TeamIsland AdventureKeep Beach City WeirdFusion CuisineGarnet's UniverseWatermelon StevenLion 3: Straight to VideoWarp TourAlone TogetherThe TestFuture VisionOn the RunHorror ClubWinter ForecastMaximum CapacityMarble MadnessRose's ScabbardOpen BookShirt ClubStory for StevenThe MessagePolitical PowerThe Return/Jail Break

Season 2 Full DisclosureJoy RideSay UncleLove LettersReformedSworn to the SwordRising Tides, Crashing SkiesKeeping It TogetherWe Need to TalkChille TidCry for HelpKeystone MotelOnion FriendHistorical FrictionFriend ShipNightmare HospitalSadie's SongCatch and ReleaseWhen It RainsBack to the BarnToo FarThe AnswerSteven's BirthdayIt Could've Been GreatMessage ReceivedLog Date 7 15 2
Season 3 Super Watermelon Island/Gem DrillSame Old WorldBarn MatesHit the DiamondSteven FloatsDrop Beat DadMr. GregToo Short to RideThe New LarsBeach City DriftRestaurant WarsKiki's Pizza Delivery ServiceMonster ReunionAlone at SeaGreg the BabysitterGem HuntCrack the WhipSteven vs. AmethystBismuthBetaEarthlingsBack to the MoonBubbled
Season 4 The Kindergarten KidKnow Your FusionBuddy's BookMindful EducationFuture Boy ZoltronLast One Out of Beach CityOnion GangGem HarvestThree Gems and a BabySteven's DreamAdventures in Light DistortionGem HeistThe ZooThat Will Be AllThe New Crystal GemsStorm in the RoomRocknaldoTiger PhilanthropistRoom for RubyLion 4: Alternate EndingDoug OutThe Good LarsAre You My Dad?I Am My Mom
Season 5 Stuck TogetherThe TrialOff ColorsLars' HeadDewey WinsGemcationRaising the BarnBack to the KindergartenSadie KillerKevin PartyLars of the StarsJungle MoonYour Mother and MineThe Big ShowPool HoppingLetters to LarsCan't Go BackA Single Pale RoseNow We're Only Falling ApartWhat's Your Problem?The QuestionMade of HonorReunitedLegs From Here to HomeworldFamiliarTogether AloneEscapismChange Your Mind
Film Steven Universe: The Movie
Future Little HomeschoolGuidanceRose BudsVolleyballBluebirdA Very Special EpisodeSnow DayWhy So Blue?Little GraduationPrickly PairIn DreamsBismuth CasualTogether ForeverGrowing PainsMr. UniverseFragmentsHomeworld BoundEverything's FineI Am My MonsterThe Future
Shorts Lion Loves to Fit in a BoxThe Classroom Gems: What Are Gems?We Are the Crystal GemsThe Classroom Gems: How Are Gems Made?UnboxingThe Classroom Gems: FusionCooking with LionGem KaraokeSteven ReactsVideo ChatSteven's Song Time
Other We Deserve to ShineAppearance Related Teasing and BullyingCompeting and Comparing LooksCrossover Nexus