Steven Universe Wiki

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Steven Universe Wiki

Season 2[]


—"Message Received"

Why is there someone on the Diamond Line?

—"Message Received"

I'll take it from here.

—"Message Received"

Which Peridot?

—"Message Received"

This says you're behind schedule on your mission to... How is... the Earth?

—"Message Received"

Organic life... and where is the Jasper I assigned you? And why aren't you calling from the ship?

—"Message Received"

By whom?

—"Message Received"

I'll inform your manager of your incompetence. And what is the status of the Cluster?

—"Message Received"

Good. We'll finally get some use out of that miserable planet... Thank you for your report, Peridot. There'll be a ship heading to your location to take you to your next assignment.

—"Message Received"


—"Message Received"

I've heard enough! I don't care about potential and resources.

—"Message Received"

I want my Cluster, and I want that planet to die. Just make that happen.

—"Message Received"

Are you questioning my authority?!

—"Message Received"

You are out of a line.

—"Message Received"

I'm not interested in the puny thoughts of a Peridot!

—"Message Received"

You have disrespected this channel and my time with your presence and you would do well to -

—"Message Received"

Shut your mouth! You have failed at every stage of this mission. Your only chance to redeem yourself is to obey this simple order. You are to leave the Cluster to grow. It will tear apart the Earth, and I will take immense satisfaction in erasing that hideous rock off of our star maps. IS! THAT! CLEAR!?

—"Message Received"

What do you know about the Earth?

—"Message Received"

Season 4[]

Please tell me you're joking. You only just left, and you're already back?

—"That Will Be All"

I'm here to bring you back to reality, Blue.

—"That Will Be All"

It's been thousands of years, Blue, and you still can't bring yourself to destroy these Gems? She was shattered by a Rose Quartz! The entire cut of Gem deserves the same fate!

—"That Will Be All"

They should be wiped out of existence, not kept safe in bubbles!

—"That Will Be All"

I thought we agreed we need to put that planet and this whole debacle behind us.

—"That Will Be All"

Pearl, do something. Sing for her. Make her feel better.

—"That Will Be All"

♫ Why would you want to employ her
subjects that destroyed her?
Why keep up her silly zoo?
Oh, tell me! What's the use of feeling, Blue? ♫

—"That Will Be All"

♫ An army has a use, they can go and fight a war
A Sapphire has a use, she can tell you what it's for
An Agate terrifies, a Lapis terraforms
Where's their Diamond when they need her, Blue?
You've got to be a leader, Blue!
Yes, of course, we still love her
And we're always thinking of her
But now, there's nothing we can do
So tell me
What's the use of feeling? ♫

—"That Will be All"

♫ How can you stand to be here with it all?
Pearls: Here with it all
Drowning in all this regret?
Wouldn't you rather forget her? ♫

—"That Will Be All"

♫ Won't it be grand to get rid of it all? ♫

—"That Will Be All"

♫ Let's make a plan of attack!
Start looking forward and stop looking back! ♫

—"That Will Be All"

♫ Yes, of course, we still love her
And we're always thinking of her
Don't you know I miss her, too?
But tell me
What's the use of feeling?
What's the use of feeling?
What's the use of feeling?
Hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm hmm
Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmmmm... ♫

—"That Will Be All"

Get to the point, Agate.

—"That Will Be All"

Is that what you want? Sapphire, has the Cluster emerged yet?

—"That Will Be All"

Then there's still time. That will be all.

—"That Will Be All"

Season 5[]

Is that Rose Quartz? Look at this hideous form she's taken. Forget the trial, we should shatter her just for looking like that.

—"The Trial"

Fine, let's just get on with it, shall we?

—"The Trial"

"My Diamond" will suffice, or we'll never get through this.

—"The Trial"

Well, I'm convinced. Time to execute!

—"The Trial"

The Court remembers, and The Court does not care.

—"The Trial"

Ha! Sounds like a solid confession to me.

—"The Trial"

That's quite enough testimony from you. We shall take a short recess.

—"The Trial"

Is this necessary?

—"The Trial"

They were with her, of course, they saw the whole thing!

—"The Trial"

She must have slipped past them!

—"The Trial"

We don't need to listen to this nonsense!

—"The Trial"

Let's shatter Rose Quartz and be done with it!
Blue Diamond: Can't you restrain yourself?!
But this is pointless!

—"The Trial"

You think you can get away, Rose? You stood your ground on that little speck called Earth...But you're on our world now.

—"The Trial"

You were told to be prepared cycles ago. There will be no more excuses. Get it done. And don't expect me to look kindly on this transgression. Embark at once.

—"Jungle Moon"

Yes I know there's organic life on the surface, it's an invasion.

—"Jungle Moon"

You will stick to my orders and you will destroy them!

—"Jungle Moon"

No. No. I will not repeat myself.

—"Jungle Moon"

Hm That's simply unacceptable. Well, you'll have to remember, won't you?

—"Jungle Moon"

The dullness of this exchange tires me. Just land the dropships and do your pathetic job for once. Or I'll shatter you and your crew myself.

—"Jungle Moon"

Honey, please. Give me a moment.

—"Jungle Moon"

Oh, you're still here.

—"Jungle Moon"

I'm commanding the dropships to colonize this planet.

—"Jungle Moon"

Well, when you have your own colony, you can command whatever you want.

—"Jungle Moon"

I'm contacting the leader of the fleet.

—"Jungle Moon"

Don't touch that!

—"Jungle Moon"

Then why don't you act like it, Pink?!

—"Jungle Moon"

Peridot: Hey! Yellow Clod! Remember me?!




How miserable. I knew Pink couldn't handle her own colony. But, I gave in. And now, I'm to blame for her fate.


What are you jabbering about?
Blue Diamond: A presence! It feels like...
Please, Blue. You're being hysterical. More so than usual.


Blue Diamond: This feeling, I knew it!
It must be a trick! Show yourself, foe!
Steven: I'm not your foe. Please just listen to me.


Steven: Please, the fighting has to stop. We aren't enemies. We're family. Please listen to me. I need you to know who I am!
Blue Diamond: Impossible!
This aura...


Hmm. How could you do this to us Pink? Why would you let us think you were shattered? Why the strange disguise? Why are you doing a voice? Why didn't you say something at the trial? And Blue, can you please stop crying? I can't see.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

What are you talking about?

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

Hmm... I'm sure your memories are in there somewhere, Pink.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

What... am I looking at?

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

No one should have survived our attack.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

Heal her?

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

This is completely unprecedented.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

There, good as new.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

She may be too far gone.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

Oh, Pink. How many perfectly adequate Gems did you have us ruin?

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

How long do you expect us to hold her together?

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

We can only do so much, if it were the four of us...
Blue: Oh no! We can't let her see this.
Steven: Who?! Who do we need?!
What do you mean who? White!

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

In what?! You and your "friends" destroyed both our ships!

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

*sarcastically* Fantastic.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

Please, Blue. If we could continue...?

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

Hmf! Good impression? We'll be lucky if she ever speaks to us again after this.
Steven: But-
Blue: The thing is, White can be... difficult.
When we show up in this ship, it will become irrefutable that the last 6,000 years are now the biggest galactic embarrassment that's ever happened. And we're the ones to blame. If you don't want to be in a bubble for the next few millennia, I suggest you let me do the talking.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

Everyone, wait here. Blue and I will return to you... once White's temper has cooled.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

Come on, Blue.

—"Legs From Here to Homeworld"

A ball? We haven't a ball in 6,000 years.

—"Together Alone"

Your right, It's brilliant

—"Together Alone"

Make sure you go over all of our customs with Pink, since she has so much trouble recalling her past on homeworld

—"Together Alone"

Not a bad turnout, Pink

—"Together Alone"

Pink what are you doing?

—"Together Alone"

Pink, you've gone too far even for you.

—"Together Alone"

Stay in here and think about what you've done!

—"Together Alone"

What, are you doing?

—"Change Your Mind"

What are you doing, Blue?

—"Change Your Mind"

Take Pink back to the tower.

—"Change Your Mind"

What are you talking about! You can't keep bending the rules for her Blue! She has to set an example and we have to set an example. If we bend the rules for her, we have to bend them for everyone!

—"Change Your Mind"

Take them back to the tower, now.

—"Change Your Mind"

Then i'll do it myself.

—"Change Your Mind"


—"Change Your Mind"

When we thought Pink was shattered, when she abandoned us, I alone was there for you, and you would use your power against ME?!

—"Change Your Mind"

You'd hurt a fellow diamond?

—"Change Your Mind"

Yes I do, this is what White Diamond expects of all of us, from a think flake of mica, to the deepest, hardest stone. We all must make sacrifices, for the sake of our perfect empire!

—"Change Your Mind"

And that means, what?

—"Change Your Mind"

Stop. Stop it Blue. Stop using your power on me.

—"Change Your Mind"

They'll be out for a good while, they took a direct hit from me.

—"Change Your Mind"

Right, quickly, your legs are this way.

—"Change Your Mind"

Here we are, hurry, get inside.

—"Change Your Mind"

Blue, don't make her angrier than she already is.

—"Change Your Mind"

White that wasn't us!

—"Change Your Mind"

Then who's responsible for this?

—"Change Your Mind"

Steven, quickly, use one of our ships to get home.

—"Change Your Mind"

This way of living, it must've been like torture for you.

—"Change Your Mind"

Just go, hurry! she's getting up!

—"Change Your Mind"

She'll never want to hear it.

—"Change Your Mind"

Right, quickly, your legs are this way.

—"Change Your Mind"

Blue, don't make her angrier than she already is.

—"Change Your Mind"

White that wasn't us!

—"Change Your Mind"

It's worth a try.

—"Change Your Mind"

Lend me a hand, will you Blue.

—"Change Your Mind"

Steven, take a knee.

—"Change Your Mind"

That's it Steven, come on Blue!.

—"Change Your Mind"

We... W -- we... We need to talk! About us. I've conquered so many worlds for the sake of the empire. I do everything you ask, and I do it all perfectly. But your very high standards put us all under a lot of pressure. A Gem could crack under so much pressure. We Diamonds may be hard, but we're also brittle.

—"Change Your Mind"

*gasps* She's off color.

—"Change Your Mind"

Steven Universe: The Movie[]

I've disbanded my armies! I've liberated my colonies!

Steven Universe: The Movie

*laughs* Only 6,000 years!! Hahahaha! It's true! That's no-o-thing! *laughs again* And that goofy handstand... *wipes off a tear of joy, laughs more* ...I like this Gem.

Steven Universe: The Movie

Steven Universe Future[]

Oh Steven, you startled me! I was just reversing one of my awful experiments...

—"Homeworld Bound"

I can't always find every piece but watch this.

—"Homeworld Bound"

After all the damage I’ve done it’s only right to use my powers for a little reconstructive work on the Gems I’ve hurt.

—"Homeworld Bound"

That reminds me, I’ve got to get to work to reconstruct the Gems inside the Cluster.

—"Homeworld Bound"

Oh, and if any of you uncorrupted Quartz friends want their horns reduced then send them straight to me, I can alter any physical form.

—"Homeworld Bound"

You have the floor, Steven.

—"Homeworld Bound"

Well I can definitely help with that. hold still.

—"Homeworld Bound"

Oh, forgive the misunderstanding.

—"Homeworld Bound"

What has gotten into you? If anything’s out of proportion its your temper.

—"Homeworld Bound"

You can be big if you want to, you can be small if you want to, but if you’re going to be upset no matter what then this probably isn’t physical, it’s emotional. Go see Blue, that’s her department.

—"Homeworld Bound"

Steven! Was White able to help you?

—"Homeworld Bound"

Let us help you!

—"Homeworld Bound"

With my new power, I should be able to alter his physical form.

—"I Am My Monster"

Look out! *the cloud hits Yellow and Spinel, causing them to burst out laughing* Wow! Your new power didn't work, either!

—"I Am My Monster"

We're the source of Steven's suffering!

—"I Am My Monster"
ve Character quotes
Crystal Gems Half: Steven Universe

Unfused: Rose Quartz • PearlAmethystRuby • Sapphire • Peridot • Bismuth • Lapis Lazuli • Larimar
Fusions: Garnet • Alexandrite • Opal • Sardonyx • Sugilite
Hybrid Fusions: Stevonnie • Smoky Quartz • Rainbow Quartz 2.0 • Sunstone

Homeworld Gems Unfused: Aquamarine • Emerald • Diamonds (Blue Diamond • Yellow Diamond • White Diamond • Pink Diamond) • Lapis Lazulis • (Mean Lapis• Nice Lapis) • Pearls (Blue PearlYellow PearlPink Pearl) • Quartzes (Cherry Quartz • Holly Blue Agate • Jasper • Hippie Rose Quartz • Shy Rose Quartz • Superfan Rose Quartz) • Spinel • Rubies (ArmyDocEyeballLeggyNavy) • Zircons (Defending ZirconProsecuting Zircon)

Fusions: Bluebird AzuriteMalachite

Other Unaligned Gems: Fluorite • Padparadscha • Rhodonite • Rutile Twins

Other: Holo-Pearl

Humans Main: Greg Universe • Connie Maheswaran • Lars Barriga • Sadie Miller

Recurring: Andy DeMayo • Bill Dewey • Buck Dewey • Quentin Frowney • Mr. Fryman • Peedee Fryman • Ronaldo Fryman • Jamie • Kevin • Doug Maheswaran • Dr. Priyanka Maheswaran • Marty • Barbara Miller • Jenny Pizza • Kiki Pizza • Kofi Pizza • Nanefua Pizza • Shep • Harold Smiley • Sour Cream • Vidalia
